Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1120: Skyrocketing prices

Others have no opinion, after all, negotiation is not easy to do.

Especially when there is a need for someone, it is called a low voice.

It's okay if it's done, but if it doesn't, people will complain.

The Lord of Broken Soul is willing to take the initiative to take on this drudgery, and everyone has no opinion.

Seeing that everyone didn't say anything, God Broken Soul nodded slightly: "Since everyone has no opinion, then I will go to Binghai for help.

Before talking about the results, you must not act rashly. "

Hundred Treasure God Lord handed his hand and said: "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Broken Soul, other people don't know the power of the golden furnace, but I know it all.

Before I asked for my helper, I didn't dare to go hard with the gold stove. "

Soul Broken Lord left without worry, and took his Royal Sea Boat, all the way to the north.

At the same time, the Seven Star Alliance also sent a letter to the Wang family and the Wen family in advance, asking them to come to Lone Star Island to discuss matters.

After tossing for three days, he came to the Lone Star Island in the northern waters of the Qixing Sea.

And Wang Daoyuan and Wen Xuanhai and Wen Xuanyan of the Wen family are already waiting on Lone Star Island.

The God of Broken Soul went straight to Wen's shop, Wang Daoyuan also went there, and the four of them discussed in an underground secret room of Wen's house.

After everyone was seated, Soul Broken Lord said: "This time, I am representing the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm to discuss cooperation with the Wen Family and the Wang Family."

The Wen family had spies in the blood shark thief, and now he knew the situation over there.

Wang Daoyuan also got the exact news, but the news didn't come from the Wen family, but through the channels of the Dark Dragon organization.

The temporary headquarters of the Dark Dragon organization, based on the Xingming Pavilion, has now begun to take shape.

Minglin, the representative of the Ming family's direct line, served as the second elder, and the representative of the collateral branch served as the major elder.

However, they are still on Cangshan Island and Ruyi Island, maintaining the operation of the branches there, so as not to be taken advantage of by the forces of the rebel elders.

The Minglong organization branch on the Tianshu Island is controlled by the Ming family and naturally loyal to Mingjiao.

The news has been detected over there, and the seven-star alliance's senior management is in a gloomy mist.

The head of the branch on Qizhen Island seemed to have been fooled by Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen, and he was also sending news to the temporary headquarters.

The status of the elders in charge of the Qizhen Island branch is not high.

In the past, he supported the Ming family, only because the former Master Minglong accepted the lower-level monks as disciples, which endangered the interests of all elders.

This elder turned from a supporter of the Ming family to an opponent.

And they were not accepted by the great elders and others, and belonged to elders with little real power.

Therefore, this line still has a little incense with Ming family.

Now the Mingjiao flickered, the elders of the Ming family, the Ten Thousand Demon Islands and the Yinjiao Island branch all declared their allegiance to the Mingjiao.

On the side of Qizhen Island branch, his mind became active.

The information being transmitted to the temporary headquarters now also has this meaning.

At present, Wang Daoyuan has grasped the specific situation of the war at that time.

Moreover, the information he possesses is more comprehensive than that of the Wen Family and the Seven Star Alliance.

The Seven Star Alliance not only damaged a few mid-level transformation cultivators, but those dozens of flying warships, under the encirclement and suppression of the blood shark thief warship and the transformation cultivators, failed to escape.

A small number of flying warships directly surrendered to Blood Shark Pirates.

After all, most of the monks on the warship were arrested for casual repairs. Whose cannon fodder is not cannon fodder?

Wen Xuanhai, as the person with the highest level of Wen Jia and Wang Jiaxiu, took the lead in saying: "It is naturally no problem to talk about cooperation. We have reached an agreement earlier that our two will provide magical instruments and medicine to the Seven Star Alliance.

Daoists of the Seven Star Alliance are also very particular.

Neither the spirit stone nor the material has any deductions.

If you want to buy more things now, as long as the price is right, there is no problem. "

After hearing these words, the Lord of Broken Soul scolded the old fox secretly.

Talking about cooperation and asking for help, although the purpose is the same, the price to be paid is not the same.

Cooperation is mutually beneficial and win-win, and the two sides are equal, and the price paid is much smaller.

But asking for help is different, asking for help is asking for help.

That is not to mark the price clearly, but to take the initiative to cede benefits until others are satisfied.

Wen Xuanhai meant that cooperation was limited to the trading of resources, and other things were not discussed.

The face of God Broken Soul changed a few times, and there was nothing to do.

Now the initiative is not in their own hands, and the Wen family and the Wang family are far enough away from the Seven Stars Sea area, and there is an ice sea blocking them.

Even if the blood shark robbers gain momentum, it is difficult to threaten the two.

After all, the expedition to the ice sea is much more difficult than their expedition to Qizhen Island.

As long as the two families are willing to be grandchildren, self-preservation is not a problem at all.

After thinking about it, I can only say bluntly: "Don't hide the three Taoists, I came here this time to ask for help from the two."

Wang Daoyuan pretended to be surprised: "Why did Fellow Daoist Broken Soul say this? Could anyone else threaten the failure of the Seven Star Alliance?

If the Seven Star Alliance weren't opponents, my Wang family had such a wealth of money, and it wouldn't even be able to splash even a bit of water. "

Wen Xuanyan also helped out: "Wang Daoyou is right. Although my literary family has a history of tens of thousands of years, the family background is incomparable with the Seven Star Alliance.

There are very few places suitable for mortals to live in this mysterious Iceland, and my literary family is no more than millions of ordinary people.

The opponents that the Seven Star Alliance can't beat, my Wen family's shots are useless. "

The face of Duanhun Shenjun was purple, and he secretly scolded Wang Daoyuan and Wen Xuanyan as bastards, he really didn't see rabbits or scatter eagles.

Obviously he knew the battle situation on Qizhen Island, and he still pretended to be unaware here.

Looking at this posture, I didn't point out the situation of Qizhen Island. They could sing and play for a day.

I had to sigh: "The three Taoists did not know. Just a few days ago, my Seven Star Alliance besieged Qizhen Island and was ambushed by the blood shark thief.

The blood shark thief took out all the things at the bottom of the Yulingzong pressure box, and gathered seven late stage battle powers.

Among them, there are three ten thousand-year-old corpse puppets, one sixth-order high-grade sword puppet, two late stage god-transforming monks, and one sixth-order high-grade black jade dragon.

Our Seven Star Alliance has a way to deal with these seven transformation powers in the late stage.

But God Sovereign Mo Jiao still has a golden furnace in his hand, which is really extraordinary.

Daoist Xuyang of Kaiyang Sect was restrained by the golden furnace, and it took only a moment to die.

Although the strength of the cultivators in the late stage of Hua Shen was stronger, there was no qualitative change.

The cultivators in the mid-transition stage cannot hold it, and there is a high probability that we can't hold it either.

In desperation, I could only turn to the Wen Family and the Wang Family for help. "

Wen Xuanhai shook his head again and again: "The Daoist Daoist Broken Soul can really be joking. The Seven Star Alliance has a great cause and can't control the golden furnace.

My literary family is a small family, how can I deal with that thing.

A cultivator in the middle stage of transforming a **** can only resist a moment of effort, and there are not enough magical cultivators to fill it. "

Wen Xuanyan looked resentful: "Daoist Fellow Daoist Broken Soul is reluctant to let the cultivators of the Seven Star Alliance, let the cultivators of the Wen family and Wang family fill their lives?"

Although Wen Xuanyan is a little impulsive, his acting skills are still okay.

He looked bitter and enmity, and those who didn't know really thought he had suffered a great loss.

God Broken Soul quickly explained: "Brother Xuanyan misunderstood, of course, you can't use the Huashen monk to fill the golden furnace.

It's just that this golden furnace is not without weaknesses. When we escaped from Qizhen Island, we found a means to restrict it.

The gold stove swallows things, and there are limits.

First of all, the distance is not too far, and the attack range is only one or two hundred miles.

Secondly, as long as the gold furnace is filled with things, it can no longer swallow people in a short time.

Before, the **** of heaven bow used spiritual arrows and carried a large amount of sea water to attack the old Mo Jiao ghost.

In order not to delay the pursuit, he used the golden furnace to catch the spiritual arrow.

As a result, after the golden furnace swallowed a large amount of seawater, it could no longer continue to swallow.

Daoist Tiangong fired a few arrows and repelled God Lord Mo Jiao, and only then did we have a chance to escape.

If the Wen Family and the Wang Family are willing to take action, after Daoist Tianyong fills the gold furnace with sea water, Brother Xuanhai will cast spells to freeze the gold furnace.

If we entangle the Mo Jiao God Sovereign, it should be possible for the Golden Furnace to fail to function for a long time. "

This Golden Furnace King Daoyuan knew a little bit, but he didn't actually know it, but the Forged Immortal Ding was very familiar with him.

This furnace is indeed from Shen Lianzong, and it is the alchemy furnace used by Shennong Pavilion of Shen Lianzong to refine alchemy.

Eighty percent was when someone opened the Shennong Pavilion and took this alchemy furnace away.

Back then, this golden furnace was only a seven-tier low-grade alchemy furnace, which was incomparable to the immortal forging cauldron.

Forging Immortal also patted his chest to ensure that if he took the shot himself, he was sure to directly suppress the gold furnace.

Wang Daoyuan smiled slightly: "Family Daoist's strategy is indeed feasible, but it is too idealistic.

I have also heard of Tian Gong Shenjun's methods.

If God Mo Jiao has realized this weakness, it will be difficult for us to control the golden furnace without receiving arrows from the golden furnace. "

God Broken Soul's face changed slightly, and then he smiled: "It's all right, our Seven Star Alliance also has some tricks.

If God Mo Jiao is really guarded, unless he doesn't make a move, he will definitely be able to hold the gold furnace.

Besides, don’t fellow daoists still have the Talisman of Instantaneous Thousand Miles?

If the golden furnace were really to be prestigious, the old ghost Mo Jiao would not target the monks of the Wen family and the Wang family. "

Wen Xuanhai nodded: "In this way, the Seven Star Alliance also has a perfect plan. If we just help out, what benefits can our two families get?"

After thinking about it for a long time, God Broken Soul said: "The northern sea area of ​​the Seven Star Sea was originally a place where the forces of all parties were balanced, and no one could completely occupy it.

If the Wen family and the Wang family are willing to participate in the war, the northern waters of the Seven Star Sea will be the territory of your two families from now on.

In addition, the western waters can also be handed over. "

Wang Daoyuan chuckled, "It's not that Wang speaks badly. The western waters are the poorest places in the Qixing waters.

Except for a Yinjiao Island and a few other smaller islands, there are not many places to see.

The northern waters are not much stronger.

With this little thing, let us go desperately, a bit unkind, right? "

God Broken Soul pretended to be embarrassed: "Then I will call the shots privately and let the eastern seas out.

Even if the western waters and the northern waters are added together, it is not as good as the eastern waters.

In addition, if the blood shark thieves can be eliminated, the Wen family and the Wang family can also be assigned to some areas in the southern waters. "

Wenxuanhai is a little excited, but there are several medium-sized islands in the eastern sea, and the environment is very good.

If they can occupy these islands, the literati can solve the problem of the lack of clansman.

As for the southern waters, it's purely painting pie, just listen to it.

Wang Daoyuan and the Wen Xuanhai brothers had passed their anger before, and now they are singing and making a peace, and it will not be so easy to agree.

Wen Xuanyan smiled and said, "The southern waters are too far away, and we don't have the energy to operate.

Why not, how about Fellow Daoist Soul Breaker handing over the Yaoguang Island at the northern end of the Seven Star Sea to our two families? "

Yaoguang Island is also one of the seven big islands, and is the most northern one.

Directly asking for one of the seven big islands, this is a wild asking price.

The face of God Broken Soul changed drastically, and he settled down and said: "This matter is absolutely impossible. The forces on the seven big islands are all members of my Seven Star Alliance.

If we defeated our opponents and caused these forces to lose their gates, we can't explain it. "

Wen Xuanhai smiled and said, "Since the big island is not good, how about the two islands of Dongming and Yinyuan?"

At this time, Soul Breaker did not immediately refuse. UU Reading Dongming and Yinyuan two islands are not the focus of the Seven Star Alliance, but the area is not small.

The two islands have a radius of more than 30,000 miles, and the combined area of ​​the two islands is more than 70% of Yaoguang Island.

Although it is not seven large islands, it cannot be counted as a medium-sized island.

It's just that the spirit veins on the two islands are a little worse, and the highest rank is only the sixth middle rank.

Therefore, the value of these two islands is far less than that of the seven big islands.

But such a big island was handed over to the Wen family and the Wang family, and no one could bear it.

But if he refuses directly, things can't go on.

Soul Breaker had to resort to procrastination: "Dongming and Yinyuan are very related to each other. I can't call the shots. I need to discuss with the other forces of the Seven Star Alliance."

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. _wap.

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