Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1121: condition

What Wang Daoyuan really wanted was Yinyuan Island, the entrance to the Seven-Star Secret Realm, right on the coast of Yinyuan Island.

When I entered the Seven-Star Secret Realm last time, I just broke through the Nascent Soul Realm.

Has been chased and killed, not long after entering the Ziwei Hall, the time is up.

They only grabbed some refining inheritance and forging immortal tripods.

Shen Lianzong, as a powerful force that has a solid foundation and has dominated the Qixing Sea for more than 100,000 years, its various inheritances should be relatively complete.

These inheritances are all taken out, even if it is not as good as the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, it is much stronger than the Shenbing Pavilion.

In the Baicao Secret Realm on the Qizhen Island before, I got the token of the Deputy Sect Master of Divine Refining Sect from the Hand of God Sovereign Cold Star, and he could enter the Seven Star Secret Realm at any time.

There is a foundation in Yinyuan Island, and it is more convenient for the migrants to go there in the future, or to transport materials from the secret realm.

If only Hidden Yuandao is required, it is obviously telling the other forces that he is playing the Seven-Star Secret Realm.

"Also, please contact Daoist Soul Breaker as soon as possible to settle the matter as soon as possible, so we can decide whether to help the Seven Star Alliance or prepare to hold on to the ice sea."

These words are also reminding the Lord of Soul Breaking that there is more than one choice between the Wang Family and the Wen Family.

Even if the blood shark steals to win, destroy the Seven Star Alliance.

The Wang family and the Wen family can also hide in the ice sea and keep their own foundations.

The Lord of Broken Soul is also helpless, and it feels uncomfortable to ask for help.

He folded his hands and said: "There is a quasi-credit about how many people can the Wen family and the Wang family provide, so I can explain it to the Seven Star Alliance.

With enough strength from here, I can persuade the other Daoists of the Seven Star Alliance to agree with the opinions of the three Daoists. "

Wen Xuanhai replied: "My literary family can do things, it's me and my second brother.

I had just broken through the late stage of transformation, and my second brother's cultivation base was a bit weaker, and I had not broken through the late stage of transformation. "

Wang Daoyuan also stated his family background: "I can produce two mid-level transformation cultivators, and a sixth-rank low-grade Golden Crow alien."

He didn't intend to conceal the existence of Akabane Crow. The best way for Akabane Crow to cultivate is to bask in the sun.

Especially after refining the eighth-order Golden Crow bloodline, the effect of basking in the sun is stronger than staying in the spirit pearl space.

As long as someone wants to investigate the Wang family, Akabane's affairs can't be concealed.

God Broken Soul had a look of surprise on his face. When he was exploring the secret realm on Qizhen Island a few years ago, Zhou Luan was only in the early stage of transforming into a god.

Moreover, there are still some gaps from the middle stage of the transformation of the gods.

It only took a long time to successfully break through the middle stage of the transformation of God.

Of course, he didn't know that Wang Daoyuan had the Spirit Orb space in his hands, and Zhou Luan would go in for some practice if he was free.

Needless to say in terms of resources, various spirit wines are sufficient, and there are also some Tier 6 spirit medicines.

The dual cultivation technique that the two cultivated is also the inheritance of the Mahayana monks.

The Golden Crow alien species even surprised the Divine Lord of Broken Soul. Among the bloodlines of the **** beasts, the bloodlines of the dragon clan are more common. After all, the dragon clan is more interested in some aspects.

Secondly, you can occasionally see the blood of Feng, Baihu, and Xuanwu.

The bloodlines of other sacred beasts, such as Qilin, Bi Fang, Chongming Bird, Hachi, etc., are rare in thousands of years.

The rarity of the Golden Crow bloodline is similar to that of the Qilin bloodline.

Moreover, the golden crow is born with pure yang energy, which is extremely effective in restraining corpses.

Even the lower-ranking Golden Crow Alien Species of Tier 6 only needs to release pure Yang Qi far away from the battlefield to greatly weaken the power of the corpse puppet.

Soul Broken Lord hurriedly asked: "How strong is the Golden Crow bloodline of Fellow Wang Dao?"

The strength of the bloodline of a **** beast depends not only on the cultivation base, but also on the bloodline concentration.

"Under the shining of the sun, you can always use the sun's magical powers."

The God of Broken Soul was overjoyed: "The sixth-rank Golden Crow bloodline, using the supernatural power of the scorching sun, should not be a problem for thousands of miles.

The corpse puppets that the blood shark robbed were most afraid of pure Yang Qi.

With the blood of the Golden Crow, the strength of the Wannian Corpse Puppet should be much weakened.

It's just the strength of fellow Daoists. If I can deal with a ten-thousand-year-old corpse puppet, I can talk easily when discussing with other forces in the Seven Star Alliance. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "I am also a five-spiritual cultivator, and I can activate the magic weapon of thunder attribute, plus my Taoist companion, and the bloodline of the Golden Crow, it is still possible to deal with a ten-thousand-year-old corpse puppet."

"It's good to have Friends of Daoist Wang, I'm going to send a letter to Tianshu Island to discuss this matter."

After all, leave the Wenjia shop and go to the shop opened by the Seven Star Alliance.

Lone Star Island serves as the balance of power for all parties. In the past, the Seven Star Alliance and Blood Shark Pirates had shops here.

It's just that the blood shark thief contracted the defense before and evacuated the monks.

The Seven Star Alliance wanted to do business with the Wang family and the Wen family, so they kept the shop.

After the Soul Broken Lord left, Wen Xuanhai asked, "Friend Wang Dao, do you think the Seven Star Alliance will agree to hand over the two islands of Dongming and Yinyuan to us?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "Of course it is impossible.

We are asking prices all the time, and the Seven Star Alliance doesn't want to lose the throne of the first overlord of the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, so we must help.

Therefore, we must be able to reap the benefits.

Unexpectedly, there is such a treasure as the blood shark thief and the golden furnace. It is unrealistic that we want to stay out of the matter.

Since you can't avoid it, there are more advantages.

When the forces of the Seven Star Alliance compete for the southern waters after the war, let's seize the time to develop.

However, our teeth must be clenched.

The two islands of Dongming and Yinyuan must win one of them, otherwise there will not be a large enough territory in the Qixing Sea. "

Wen Xuanhai agrees very much: "Then try to win Hidden Yuan Island, not to mention the Seven-Star Secret Realm, Yin Yuan Island is also stronger than Dongming Island.

There are more spiritual veins on the island, and more places suitable for mortals to live in.

Moreover, our two families are in the northwest of Qixinghai, much closer to Yinyuan Island. "

"Just as the Taoist friend said, we must at least take the Yinyuan Island.

However, we still have to say in advance that our two families will also strive to join the Seven Star Alliance.

This battle is determined to fight for the elimination of the blood shark thief, after the blood shark thief, the Seven Star Alliance has no opponents.

If our two families do not join the Seven Star Alliance, they may be regarded as a new enemy by the Seven Star Alliance.

If our two families join, and then win over Kaiyang Sect and good Shen Danzong, it will become a big mountain in the Seven Star Alliance.

It can influence the decision-making of the Seven Star Alliance, lest they turn their guns to deal with us.

If you want to dismantle the Seven Star Alliance, it is more convenient to start from the inside. "

Wen Xuanhai nodded slightly, expressing his agreement with Wang Daoyuan's strategy.

Half a day later, Soul Broken God once again came to the secret room of Wen's shop.

This time, there was some joy on his face.

Wen Xuanhai asked, "The Daoist Daoist Broken Soul has a happy face, but the other forces of the Seven Star Alliance agree?"

The God of Broken Soul shook his head: "The Wen Family and Wang Family's requirements are still too high, we can't fully accept it, we can only accept part of it."

Wen Xuanhai arched his hands: "I would like to hear the details."

The Lord of Broken Soul replied: "Two islands can be given to one, and the original forces on the island are also members of my Seven Star Alliance, and they are not allowed to be driven away.

The Wen Family and the Wang Family can be the dominant forces on the island, and other forces must obey your dispatch.

In addition, the Wen family and the Wang family have to agree to two conditions.

First, both the Wen family and the Wang family must join the Seven Star Alliance.

The forces on Dongming Island or Yinyuan Island are all members of the Seven Star Alliance, and forces outside of the Seven Star Alliance cannot be allowed to manage them.

Second, Fellow Wang Daoist should still have the Momentum Talisman in his hand, can he sell some?

When dealing with that golden furnace, it is inevitable that there will be a miss, and there will be a momentary ten thousand li talisman, which should be able to save your life at the critical moment.

From now on, everyone will be a member of the Seven Star Alliance, so you can't watch your own cultivator of the **** of change break down, right? "

The Seven Star Alliance only agreed to give out an island, and also wanted to provoke the relationship between the Wen family and the Wang family.

Only one island, with a radius of more than 30,000 miles, is a good place for the Wen family and the Wang family to build a foundation.

Both of them are eager to have enough land in Qixinghai. Now that the two are arranged in one place, there will inevitably be some conflicts between each other.

Only when the literary family and the king’s family fight inwardly can other forces feel at ease.

As for joining the Seven Star Alliance, I just want one less enemy.

After fighting the blood shark thief, everyone is still waiting to share the benefits, but they don't want to have another fight with the Wen family and the Wang family.

Wen Xuanhai glanced at Wang Daoyuan, this Seven Star Alliance's proposal coincided with his strategy, and this one was naturally no problem.

He nodded: "We want to hide Yuandao, and the west, north, and east of the Seven Star Sea are all owned by my Wen Family and Wang Family.

There is nothing wrong with joining the Seven Star Alliance, and my literary family has no objection.

I can't do this thing about ten thousand li talisman in a flash, it still depends on the meaning of Wang Daoyou. "

Previously, I took out the Wanli Talisman, although I had concealed those things in the secret realm of Qizhen Island, but it also left sequelae.

The existence of the blinking ten thousand li talisman somewhat broke the balance between the cultivators of the gods.

With this thing in hand, it is equivalent to one more life.

Even if he was besieged by more than a dozen monks of the same rank, he could escape calmly.

Moreover, the instant Wanli Talisman also has an extremely important function-through the formation.

The momentary ten thousand miles amulet involves the law of space and can directly pass through most sixth-order defensive formations.

With such a function, this is a strategic weapon.

When Wang Daoyuan held the Momentary Talisman in his hands, all other forces were not at ease with him.

No one wants a master to appear in his own lair anytime, anywhere.

If there is no countermeasure, it can only be destroyed.

Wang Daoyuan knew that, no matter what, this thing had to be sold.

There are more powers with the Talisman of Momentum, and everyone has the means to check and balance each other, so that they can live together in peace.

In any case, this fleeting ten thousand li talisman must be sold.

There is no shortage of this thing in his own hands, the skin and blood of the sixth-order dragon kind are still too much.

Although the great powers of the Seven Star Alliance are not very good, their tens of thousands of years of foundations are not given in vain, and there are many good things in their hands.

Just like the Wen family's breaking wind prohibition, it is better than similar prohibitions in the inheritance of Shenbing Pavilion and Ten Thousand Beasts.

Other forces should also have such good things, and it's not bad to take them out.

"It's okay to sell the Instant Ten Thousand Miles Talisman, but I don't have many in my hand. I can only have one each from the Yuheng Sword Sect, the Tianji Palace, and the Tianshu Sect.

However, the Momentum Talisman is also a treasure, and you can't exchange it for spirit stones.

It was sold to the Wen family before, and the things that the Wen family used to exchange were the refining method of Breaking Wind Boat.

I don't know, what can the fellow Daoists of the Seven Star Alliance bring out in exchange? "

Wang Daoyuan's decision made God Broken Soul very happy.

As long as you have such a good thing as the Wanli Talisman, the less other forces that have this thing, the better.

There are only three of the Seven Star Alliance with the Instant Ten Thousand Miles Talisman, which is the best result.

"I don't want to be alone in the exchange of things, as long as the daoists are sure that they are willing to exchange it.

Although the foundations of our three schools are not as deep as those of the scholars, we can still produce some of the craftsmanship inheritance that is not inferior to that of Breaking Wind Boat.

As for the signing of the agreement, it was confirmed that the eastern, northern, and western waters of the Seven Star Sea and Yinyuan Island were returned to the Wang family and the Wen family.

It is necessary to go to Tianshu Island, where the original five powers of the Seven Star Alliance will sign an agreement together.

I don’t know, when can all fellow Taoists from UU reading leave for Tianshu Island? "

Wen Xuanhai smiled and said: "You can go there at any time, but my Wen family has gone through two civil strifes. Now there is a shortage of Yuan Ying monks, we can't dispatch Yuan Ying monks, only our two brothers can do it."

Wang Daoyuan also replied: "There are only two Nascent Soul monks in my Wang family, and Jin Dan brothers can't even move a flying warship.

The only ones who can play are my couple and the Golden Crow alien.

I'm all ready too, and I can go there anytime. "

"We have no shortage of Brother Yuanying and Jindan, and it is enough to have five fellow daoists participating in the war.

There is an emergency ahead, shall we go right now? "

Everyone had no objection, and Zhou Luan had already arrived at the Wang's shop on Lone Star Island at this time.

Five people and one golden crow took the Wen family's windbreaking boat to leave the Seven Star Sea and head south to Tianshu Island.

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