Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1122: Join 7 Star Alliance

After three days of trekking, the Breaking Wind Boat arrived at Yuliang Mountain in the central area of ​​Tianshu Island.

The gate of Tianshu Zongshan is on Yuliang Mountain, and the former enemy headquarters of the Seven Star Alliance is located at the foot of Yuliang Mountain.

Relying on the Tianshuzong's mountain guarding formation, it is extremely safe, and there is no need to worry about the blood shark sneak attack, which can save a lot of trouble.

The Breaking Wind Boat descended in front of the command department, and the Soul Breaker led everyone into it.

Soon, everyone came to a large hall.

At this time, there are five other monks in the late stage transformation, three monks in the middle stage transformation, and four monks in the early stage transformation.

As soon as Wang Daoyuan and others entered the house, an old man in the late stage of transformation laughed: "Wen Xuanhai, haven't seen you for many years, haven't you been sitting down yet?"

Wen Xuanhai was not angry either: "Brother Jin Yan, I thought that when we were traveling together, we suffered a lot of crimes. You have suffered more injuries than I did.

Nesting on Yuheng Island without showing up for more than a thousand years, I thought that your old injury relapsed and died, but I did not expect that your old scourge is still alive.

You are much older than me, you are not dead, of course I am still alive. "

Wen Xuanhai and the monks of the same age greeted each other cordially.

After the ridicule was over, Soul Broken Lord introduced each other to each other.

The Sea Broken Sovereign of Yuheng Sword Sect took out a jade box: "Since it has been decided to let the Wen family and the Wang family enter the Seven Star Alliance, then this covenant should also be invited out."

After all, the hands condensed a complicated handprint and opened the jade box.

There is a jade book in the jade box, which is made up of pieces of jade slabs.

The silk thread that adorns the jade plates is made of a sixth-order refining material.

The Lord of Broken Sea said to Wen Xuanhai and Wang Daoyuan: "This is the covenant of the Seven Star Alliance. Back then, I proposed the establishment of the Seven Star Alliance by Jade Heng Sword Sect, Tianji Palace, and Tianshu Sect.

Therefore, this covenant has been kept by us in turn.

Now that the Wen Family and the Wang Family have joined the Seven Star Alliance, they also have to sign the covenant on behalf of their respective forces. "

Wen Xuanhai accepted the covenant and scanned it with his spiritual sense.

At the end of the covenant, the eight small characters "Xuan Iceland Wen Xuan Hai" are engraved.

Later, he gave the jade book to Wang Daoyuan.

Wang Daoyuan took the jade book and scanned it with his spiritual knowledge.

The above content is very simple, that is to join the Seven Star Alliance.

When dealing with the blood shark thief, work together to advance and retreat together.

Anyway, this covenant was just a formality. The Seven Star Alliance and the Blood Shark Pirates had a truce for more than two thousand years, and the fighting within the Seven Star Alliance was also very fierce.

In addition to direct warfare, all other fighting methods were used.

Wang Daoyuan was also in the position of Wen Xuanhai's lettering, leaving his own name "Wang Daoyuan, Wang Family of Diyan Islands".

After finishing the engraving, return the jade book to Lord Broken Sea.

The Lord of Broken Sea accepted the jade book: "At the time of the enemy, all rituals should be simplified, and please don't blame the Wen Dao friends and Wang Dao friends.

After the blood shark thief is eliminated, the ritual will be added. "

Covenants are just formalities, and rituals are even more indifferent.

Now everyone has a common enemy, and if you want to live well, you can only cooperate sincerely.

After getting rid of the confidant troubles, no amount of rituals can stop each family from breaking the blood.

Both Wang Daoyuan and Wen Xuanhai said that the overall situation is the first priority, and other things will be discussed later.

The parties chatted for a few words, and the **** of Tianji Palace Hundred Treasures asked: "I heard that Fellow Wang Daoist has a momentary ten thousand li talisman in his hands. This thing is a life-saving treasure.

When dealing with the gold furnace, it is inevitable that there will be mistakes.

If you can have this thing next to you, you can have a chance of winning. "

The conditions put forward by the **** of broken souls were originally requested by the old guy here.

Now that the covenant has been signed, the Wen family and the Wang family have also arranged for someone to take over on Yinyuan Island.

It can be regarded as the last procedure to exchange the instant ten thousand li talisman.

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "The Momentary Ten Thousand Miles Talisman is extremely rare. I can only sell three of them now.

However, this thing cannot be exchanged for spirit stones.

My Wang family was established not long ago, and the family background is not comparable to the major powers, and some clever inheritance is needed.

In my opinion, Baibao Taoist friends' Baibao iron box is very good.

I don’t know, can I exchange a refining method with a blinking ten thousand li talisman? "

Hundred Treasure God Sovereign is a little embarrassed, this thing is his own natal magic weapon.

The Baibao Iron Box has no offensive and defensive capabilities, and it is very tasteless to the average monk.

But for monks with many magical artifacts, the value of cultivating magical artifacts is very high.

Wang Daoyuan has a lot of sixth-order magical weapons in his hands, and there are only twenty or thirty dragon scale shields that were refined by the way during his hand training.

Even if it is not a natal magic weapon, the rank is not fixed after refining it.

If it can be properly cultivated, the rank can still be improved.

Especially the magical artifacts with magical spirits will not be restricted by the number of bans.

As long as the accumulation is in place and the time is long enough, there is still a chance to break through to a higher rank.

Seeing him embarrassed, Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "I don't want the latest refining method of fellow Baibao Daoists, as long as the refining method reaches the sixth level.

Wang is not talented, he is also a Tier 6 middle-grade refiner, so he can make his own deduction. "

Hearing what he said, Baibao Shenjun felt a little relieved.

The refining methods of natal instruments are constantly improving.

In particular, the magic weapon of the refiner may have to undergo dozens or even hundreds of major changes in a single sound.

The early refining methods may not have much similarities with the later refining methods.

Give an early version, don’t be afraid of leaking the housekeeping methods.

Baibao Shenjun smiled and said: "Although this Baibao iron box is not wise, it is also my thousands of years of hard work, just like my direct children and grandchildren.

I'm not afraid that Daoyou Wang will laugh, if I really give this latest refining method to Daoyou, I would really be a little bit reluctant. "

After all, I took out a thinner animal skin book: "This is the refining method of the Baibao iron box that I promoted in the early days of my transformation.

Although more than two thousand years have passed, and more than 30 improvements have been made, these improvements are only improving efficiency.

The basic function of Baibao iron box has not changed much. "

Wang Daoyuan took out a momentary ten thousand li talisman and exchanged it for the animal skin book.

After checking the animal skin book, I felt that this Baibao Shenjun was really a genius for refining tools.

The foundation of the Hundred Treasure Iron Box should be the sword box.

The sword box is also used by some sword repairers who play sword formations. They usually have multiple long swords.

If it is accumulated one by one, there is no time to practice.

These monks generally refine a sword box or a gourd, which can hold multiple long swords at the same time.

This Hundred Treasure Iron Box is based on the sword box, combined with some refining techniques of the refining cauldron.

Not only is it useful when cultivating magical implements at ordinary times, but it also has a great effect when cultivating magical implements that have just been refined.

After the refining of the magical artifacts of Tier 4 and above is completed, they all need to be kept in the refining cauldron for a period of time.

And this Hundred Treasure Iron Box can completely replace the refining cauldron, containing the magic weapon that has just been forged.

Moreover, this Baibao iron box combines the characteristics of spatial artifacts, allowing multiple artifacts to be installed at the same time.

It takes three to four years to refine a Tier 6 spiritual weapon.

With this Baibao iron box, the refining artifact does not need to be stored in the refining cauldron, just put it directly into the Baibao iron box.

Refining a Tier 6 spiritual weapon can save three years.

Wang Daoyuan looked at Heavenly Bow God: "Wang has been in his career for many years and has never seen a monk who uses a bow and arrow.

I am also a cultivator, so using this bow and arrow is not a problem.

I don't know if I can exchange the method of refining the bow and arrow with fellow Tiangong Daoists with the Talisman.

Like Baibao Dao friends, they can also be exchanged with early refining methods. "

Bows and arrows are extremely rare among monks' magic weapons.

Even in the refining heritage of Shenbing Pavilion and Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, there are only various crossbow refining methods, and no bows and arrows relying solely on manpower exist.

After all, there is a flying sword, whoever has nothing to do with bows and arrows.

Not only does it need to consume spiritual power, but it also requires high physical strength.

The path of a body-refining cultivator is to pay equal attention to strength and physical strength, and the advantage lies in close hand-to-hand combat.

This day, the bow **** lay emphasis on power and light on the strength of the physical body, which is really a wonderful flower in the world of body refining.

Does Wang Daoyuan need this bow and arrow too much, but one more method is also good.

After all, the Wang family also has a big deal.

The **** of Tian Gong looked indifferent: "I am the only monk who uses bows and arrows in the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

If a fellow Taoist is interested, it would be nice to take this path.

If there is one more like-minded Taoist friend to learn from, maybe I can go a step further and become a monk at the peak of God Transformation. "

It is also a huge hurdle to reach the peak in the later stage of the transformation of the gods.

In the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm for nearly 50,000 years, there are only a handful of people who can pass this hurdle.

He also took out a thin animal skin book: "This is the Bihai Liuli bow refining method I used more than 500 years ago. If you don't understand it, just ask me."

Wang Daoyuan once again took out a blinking ten thousand li talisman and exchanged the refining methods of the Bihai Liuli Bow.

The remaining Yuheng Jianzong was a little embarrassed, and Wang Daoyuan did not restrain his sharp energy at this time.

Between sword repairs, through this sharp aura, you can basically see how the opponent's accomplishments in sword repairs are.

Wang Daoyuan was only in the middle stage of transforming a god, and his achievements in sword repairing were no less inferior to God Lord Broken Sea and God Lord Broken Soul.

This shows that his inheritance of sword repair is very clever, and the sword repair methods of Yuheng Sword Sect cannot be used at all.

Wang Daoyuan didn't make them embarrassed, and took out an instantaneous ten thousand li talisman: "I want to raise the level of the refining tool to the sixth-rank high-grade.

Unfortunately, there is no Tier 6 high-grade refining material in hand.

I wonder if it is possible to exchange some Tier 6 high-grade refining materials with a fellow Taoist of Yuheng Jianzong with a momentary ten thousand li talisman? "

When upgrading the refining technique, you need to use higher-level materials first, find out the patterns of higher-level refining, and the requirements for the strength of refining materials.

Therefore, when upgrading the refining technique, low-level refining materials cannot be used.

Wang Daoyuan does not have the materials for the sixth-order high-grade refining artifacts, and it is impossible to refine the sixth-tier high-grade magic artifacts in a short period of time.

This request eased the embarrassment of Yuheng Jianzong.

Soul Breaker said quickly: "This is easy to say. Although the materials for the sixth-order high-grade refining equipment are rare, I still have some in the Jade Heng Sword Sect.

I didn't have much on my body, and there was only one piece of refining material that was worth the value of the Talisman. "

After all, he took out a fist-sized piece of gray metal.

This material Wang Daoyuan is still very familiar, it is Hunyuan Shentie.

The embryonic sword left in the forging celestial cauldron was forged with Hunyuan Shen Iron.

The value of the sixth-rank high-grade Hunyuan Shen Iron is also very high.

Moreover, this thing is a non-attribute refiner material.

In terms of value, it is even higher than the red flame divine iron of the same rank.

Wang Daoyuan didn't expect Yuheng Jianzong to be so generous, so he was willing to take out this thing.

Being generous on the Hunyuan Shentie indicates that Yuheng Jianzong may have a lot of Hunyuan Shentie hidden in it.

Even Yuheng Jianzong mastered the place where Hunyuan Shen Iron was produced.

According to Duan Xian, there were a lot of Hun Yuan Shen Tie in Shen Lian Zong back then.

When the **** forging gods forged the eighth-order Guiyuan sword for the Guiyuan Jianxian, the material used was the eighth-order Hunyuan Shen iron.

The ability to cultivate this kind of heaven and earth treasure indicates that there should be an environment very suitable for the birth of the Hunyuan Shen Iron in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Baibao Shenjun also said: "This is a coincidence. Hunyuan Shentie forging the Baibao iron box is perfect."

After the exchange between the two, the three giants of Tianji Palace, Tianshu Sect, and Yuheng Sword Sect, each of the three giants of the Seven Star Alliance received an instantaneous ten thousand li talisman.

As for the Shen Danzong and Kaiyangzong on the side, they don't have enough strength, and when they get the blinking ten thousand li talisman, they will also become urging talisman.

Tianshu Sect’s earth-splitting **** said: “Now that the Wen family and the Wang family have entered the Seven Star Alliance, we should discuss how to deal with the blood shark thieves.”

In the previous battle of Qizhen Island, the disciple Iron Armed God, who is most valued by God Sunder, was forced to flee west.

Two days ago, the soul card of the Iron Armed God Sovereign left in the Tianshu Sect had been broken.

The Lord of Earth Splitting is distraught, and now he has no other thoughts, he just wants to get rid of the blood shark thief as soon as possible and avenge his lover.

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. _wap.

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