Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1123: Avoid reality

The original five powers of the Seven-Star Alliance, with the exception of the Shen Danzong, lost a middle-level God-transforming cultivator on Qizhen Island last time.

Moreover, these four are not very old.

The younger cultivators in the middle stage of the **** transformation have the opportunity to break through the later stage of the **** transformation.

In the later stage of the transformation to the peak of the transformation, the ability to control the law needs to be reached to an extremely high level, laying the foundation for breaking through the Mahayana enlightenment in the future.

The law is the projection of the Tao, and to understand the Tao by the law, you need to use the virtual to make the reality.

It is extremely difficult to take this step.

There are no seventh-order spiritual objects in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, and the core inheritance on the side of Shenlianzong is in the Ziwei Hall, and they did not get it.

Therefore, the monks here want to break through the peak of God Transformation, and it is more to try their luck.

Without the peak cultivator of God Transformation, the final stage of Transformation God is already the top combat power.

Such monks are all future leaders who are vigorously cultivated by the sect, and any loss of one is a heavy loss.

If there is no replacement, the entire sect may fall into decline in the future.

The disciple of the Divine Sovereign, Iron Armed God Sovereign, is the next helm of the Tianshu Sect.

God Broken Soul asked: "I have been discussing cooperation with the Wen family and the Wang family these days, what's happening on Qizhen Island?"

Baibao Shenjun replied: "On Tianshu Island, I have been dealing with various affairs recently.

According to reports from secret agents on Qizhen Island, after our defeat, the blood shark thief began to deliver large quantities of supplies to Qizhen Island.

Moreover, the defensive formation has also been strengthened a lot. "

After hearing this, everyone's expressions were a little unpleasant.

When things happened suddenly on Qizhen Island back then, neither side had much preparation.

After the Blood Shark Pirates took the first place in Qizhen Island, the Seven Star Alliance reacted very quickly.

Tianshuzong quickly dispatched personnel to encircle Qizhen Island.

There is not much preparation work on Qizhen Island, and there are not too many resources.

Therefore, the Seven Star Alliance has always adopted a strategy of siege and consumption.

Now the blood shark thieves vacated the space and transported a lot of supplies.

The most terrible thing is that it also strengthened the defensive array.

As the most important business island in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation World, Qizhen Island has a complete defense system, and various defense formations are arranged one layer after another.

Before, the Seven Star Alliance dared to attack Qizhen Island because the Seven Star Alliance also participated in the deployment of these formations.

The weaknesses of the formation are all clear, and the possibility of breaking the formation is relatively high.

But now the blood shark thief is strengthening the defensive formation. With this skill, the original formation will definitely be changed.

This advantage of the Seven Star Alliance's understanding of the defensive formation is completely gone.

In terms of the high-level combat power of both sides, the Seven Star Alliance has a small advantage here.

But there is a gold furnace on the blood shark thieves, which is not easy to deal with.

For Yuan Ying and below, the Seven Star Alliance still dominates.

The God of Broken Soul sighed: "In this way, it is very difficult for us to win Qizhen Island."

Tian Gong Shenjun also said: "Qizhen Island already has a large-scale sixth-order middle-rank spirit vein, and the island has a complete defense system.

As long as some major changes are made over there, we can only attack.

Now the high-level combat power does not have much advantage, it is difficult to take a strong attack, and it may also damage a lot of manpower.

After the previous defeat, our Seven Star Alliance can no longer afford a big defeat. "

In the last defeat, four cultivators were lost, and many warships and cultivators were lost at the same time.

Most of these warships became the trophies of the blood shark thieves, and the monks became the blood shark thieves, and in turn dealt with the Seven Star Alliance.

If this happens again, the combat power of both sides may be reversed.

Baibao Shenjun asked: "If other Taoists have good ideas, they can also talk about it."

The Lord of Earth Splitting is most anxious: "Our Seven Star Alliance is not a cultivator who is not proficient in the formation. Fellow Wen Xuanyan is a master of the formation.

I heard that Fellow Wang Dao is also proficient in the formation. With the two of them, it shouldn't be a problem to find out the flaws in the formation. "

He was eager for revenge, and a little lost his mind.

Before Wang Daoyuan could refute, Wen Xuanyan said: "If you can guarantee to suppress the Qizhen Island formation for three or five days, I can try to break the first layer formation.

But you know how many layers of Qizhen Island formations there are.

Even if I can break them all, can you withstand the blood shark thieves for so long? "

With that said, others will understand that this method is simply unrealistic.

Originally, the high-level combat power of the two sides is similar, and it is not reliable to think about suppressing the opponent within the coverage of the opponent's formation.

Other monks also put forward a lot of opinions, and everyone's ideas are to continue to make a fuss about Qizhen Island.

Qizhen Island was originally a strong fortress, but the blood shark thief was reinforced.

There is no suitable place to stay in the surrounding waters. If you want to hit Qizhen Island, you can only cross more than 300,000 miles of sea from Tianquan Island.

In the process of rushing home, a lot of spiritual power was consumed.

The blood shark thief has already taken up all the geographical advantages.

But now there is not much advantage in strength, and there is no reason not to fail.

Seeing that he hasn't spoken, Lord Broken Soul asked: "Qizhen Island is easy to defend and hard to attack. I wonder if Fellow Wang Dao has a good plan?"

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "The great strategy is not to hit Qizhen Island."

He wanted the Seven Star Alliance and the Blood Shark Thief to desperately consume their strength, but he didn't want the Seven Star Alliance to be defeated.

After all, it was Wang Daoyuan's first goal to destroy the blood shark thieves and kill their son of luck.

The dominance of the Seven Star Sea can be slowed down.

When the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce grows up, it will not be too late to establish its hegemony.

After all, there are inherent contradictions within the Seven Star Alliance, and the Wen Family and the Wang Family cannot pose too much threat on the surface.

Once the blood shark thief perishes, the Seven Star Alliance will fall apart.

The Lord of Earth Splitting snorted coldly: "Wang Xiaoyou didn't entertain me and wait? It was not your royal family who died on Qizhen Island in a joint battle."

Soul Broken Lord worried that the two would quarrel and hurt his peace.

He hurriedly came out to make a round: "Wang Daoyou should not be aimless, I don't know the reason for this?"

The earth-splitting **** has little life, and he has lost his lover. It is natural for people to be temperamental, and Wang Daoyuan didn't plan to care about him.

"The blood shark thief on Qizhen Island is like an iron barrel. We are the offensive side. The expedition is more expensive.

The high-level combat power of the Blood Shark Pirates is only slightly inferior to ours, and there is such a big killer as the Golden Stove.

Even if we meet above the vast ocean, we are not sure to win.

Fellow daoists, think about it, if there is a war on Qizhen Island, do we have the slightest chance of winning? "

After hearing this, everyone was silent.

If you really head-to-head on Qizhen Island, there is really no chance of winning.

Tian Gong Shenjun said helplessly: "Wang Daoyou is justified. Even in the open sea, the blood shark thief cannot take advantage of the location, and we don't have a perfect chance of winning.

If it is near Qizhen Island, the opponent's cultivator in the early stage of transforming gods can use the formation method to display the combat power of the middle and late stages of transforming gods.

In this case, we really have no chance of winning if we go to play Qizhen Island. "

The Lord of Earth Splitting also knows that things cannot be done: "Are we just dragging on like this? There are three of us who have little lifespan in the later stage of the transformation of the gods.

If we continue to consume it, it will be more difficult to fight when we sit down. "

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "Of course you can't just let it go. If the blood shark thief is given a chance to breathe, they will take the opportunity to sweep the surrounding area.

The blood shark thief's backhand in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands has also been exposed. In the future, the Ten Thousand Demon Islands will be operated and the development potential will not be smaller than that of our Seven Star Alliance.

If it really drags on, it will be the legacy of raising tigers. "

"If you can't drag it, you can't hit it, what should you do?"

Wang Daoyuan smiled in his heart, the environment on the Seven Star Sea side was much simpler than that on the Beiyuan Immortal Realm side.

Without the complex terrain on the Beiyuan side, the battles between the various forces are basically hard work.

There are very few tactical applications. Generally, it means hiding a few high-end combat power and suddenly attacking opponents.

When the kingdoms of Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie were competing for hegemony, it was a bit like the Spring and Autumn and Warring States in the previous life, and all kinds of strategies and tactics were able to play tricks.

What's more, Wang Daoyuan also knows some classic battle cases in his previous life.

Wang Daoyuan said directly: "Qizhen Island is like a fist struck by the blood shark thief. Most of the blood shark thief's power is concentrated here.

But when the fist stretched out, the weakness was exposed.

Let's avoid the actual attack and attack the weakness of the blood shark thief.

For example, Qingmu Island at the eastern end of the southern waters has a lot of spiritual fields and is an important elixir producing place for the blood shark thieves. It is more than eighty thousand miles away from Qizhen Island.

As we storm the Qingmu Island here, fellow daoists think, how will the blood shark thief react? "

This tactic is to attack the enemy and save it, and then encircle the enemy to fight for aid.

Qingmu Island is very important to Blood Shark Pirates. Although the island is not very big, it is only six or seven thousand miles in diameter, and it is not very big among medium-sized islands.

However, there is a sixth-order middle-grade wood spirit vein on the island. The whole island is very flat, and the spiritual field opened up is second to none among the medium-sized islands.

The blood shark thief also attached great importance to Qingmu Island, arranged a large number of sixth-order formations, and an early stage cultivator guarding it.

When the Seven Star Alliance swept the open sea, they also tried to attack.

But at that time, the forces of the Seven Star Alliance were all pressed on Qizhen Island, and they could not send enough power to break the defense of Qingmu Island.

A cultivator in the middle of the transformation asked: "What if the blood shark thief also attacked Tianshu Island?"

The Lord of Earth Splitting also reacted at this time: "If this is the case, we will have won without a fight."

Others also echoed one after another, and there were sixth-tier high-grade and even pinnacle spiritual veins on the seven big islands.

The defensive formations of the major forces are also Tier 6 top grade, and multiple formations form a defensive system.

As long as there are cultivators in the early stage of the transformation, they can easily contain several cultivators in the later stage of the transformation.

If the blood shark thief dared to come, the geographical advantage would be on the side of the Seven Star Alliance.

Everyone also opened their minds, Wen Xuanhai smiled and said: "This is a very clever trick. As long as we cultivators in the middle and late stages of the transformation do not show up at the same time, the blood shark thief is worried that we will attack Qizhen Island.

Even if he wanted to rescue Aoki Island, he didn't dare to send all the cultivators over.

If we don't send the Huashen monk, we will level Aoki Island, and then attack Guijia Island and Xuanlin Island to the west.

If we send out cultivators, we will fight with more and keep them all behind. "

The Lord of Earth Splitting became excited: "When attacking Qingmu Island, I must participate.

I must kill a few beasts stolen by the blood sharks and give me revenge for the iron-armed disciples. "

The Lord of Broken Soul asked: "Friend Wang Dao, how many people should we send to attack Qingmu Island?"

Wang Daoyuan did not answer directly, but instead asked, "Can I contact Tianshu Island freely from Qingmu Island?"

God Lord Tiangong replied: "This is no problem. Within tens of thousands of miles northeast of Qingmu Island, we have occupied several small islands.

There is also the communication formation we have arranged on the seabed, and there is absolutely no problem with the transmission. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "All the fighting power in the later stage of the transformation, UU reads www.uukā here on Tianshu Island. It is good to leave the early stage of transformation and the two middle stages of the transformation, and everyone else will go to Qingmu Island. .

In case the blood shark thief dares to take risks and fight for the loss of Qizhen Island, we will be caught off guard on Qingmu Island.

If there are fewer people we go, we may be taken advantage of by the blood shark thief.

Now that you have decided to hit Aoki Island, you should be ready to wipe out the blood sharks and steal the cultivator of the God of Transformation on Aoki Island. "

Baibao Shenjun repeatedly praised: "This strategy is really good. The Blood Shark Pirate Ship and the monks are not enough, so I dare not go to Tianshu Island and fight with us.

And our Seven Star Alliance's industries are basically on the big island.

Where we are weak, the blood shark thief has no ability to take it down.

All the combat power in the later stage of the transformation is brought out, and the blood shark thief dare not do anything to us.

Going to fight Qingmu Island, the blood shark thief will either suffer a dumb loss, or he will have to compromise the Huashen monk. "

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