Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1124: Attack Aoki Island

Seeing the hope of revenge, the Lord of Earth Splitting hurriedly said: "Then let's not wait here, we should prepare for ourselves, and let's hurry up."

Wang Daoyuan and Wen Xuanhai were naturally fine, and they had made all preparations before they came.

The other cultivators of the Seven-Star Alliance had also consumed some spiritual power before the three of them, including the Soul Broken Sovereign.

But to the cultivator of God, the point of spiritual power consumed is nothing.

Everyone had no opinion, so they planned to set off together.

Among the Seven Star Alliance, the two gods of Duanhun and Duanhai of Yuheng Jianzong are the strongest.

The God of Broken Sea usually does not show up, and the affairs in the Seven Star Alliance are generally governed by the God of Broken Soul after several parties have reached an agreement.

Soul Broken Lord commanded: "Brother Xuanyan and Daoyou Wang are proficient in formations, and Daoyou Wang and his wife have to deal with a corpse puppet of ten thousand years, so naturally they will go.

We have seven cultivators in the later stage of transformation, plus the couples of Wang Daoyou, which is eight.

But there must be a person staring at the golden furnace, and the two sides have equal combat power in the later stage of the transformation of the gods.

The blood shark thief also has a blood puppet god, which can be counted as the combat power of the three gods.

Brother Xuanyan is not weak, but he may not be able to deal with the blood puppet **** and two sixth-tier middle-grade corpse puppets.

We still need two cultivators in the middle stage of transforming gods. I wonder who is willing to go there? "

The Jinyang Zhenjun of Kaiyangzong took the initiative to stand up: "Although I am weak, my Kaiyangzong technique has some pure Yang energy, and it is not difficult to deal with the sixth-order middle-grade corpse puppet."

He only had the monk in the early stage of transforming the gods, and he did not have the title of **** monarch.

It wasn't that he wanted to stand up and Divine Sovereign's intention was to let Kaiyangzong and Shendanzong come forward, and it would be no good not to show up.

Enjoying the sanctuary of the Seven Star Alliance, naturally there is a price to pay.

The Jade Pill God Sovereign of the Shen Dan Sect also had to speak: "We are both members of the Seven Star Alliance, and the previous sects have lost the cultivators of the gods. Naturally, my Shen Dan Zong has to do my best."

The Lord of Broken Sea hypocritically persuaded: "The Yudan Daoist is not good at fighting, so stay here.

Refining more pill will also contribute to the Seven Star Alliance. "

Yudan Shenjun shook his head: "Although I am not good at fighting, it is not a problem to drag a Tier 6 middle-grade corpse puppet."

Wen Xuanyan also replied: "My cultivation level is not far from the late stage of God Transformation. It shouldn't be difficult to deal with the blood puppet god."

God Broken Soul nodded: "If this is the case, then we people.

Brother Xuanhai and Daoist Tiangong, you just stare at Old Ghost Mo Jiao.

As soon as he sacrificed the golden furnace, Taoist Tiangong gave the golden furnace an arrow, and Brother Xuanhai prepared to freeze it.

I am good at attacking souls, and I will hand the Mo Jade Flood Dragon to me, and I will try to kill it as soon as possible. "

The Divine Lord of Earth Splitting said coldly: "I am a body-refining cultivator, only good at close combat.

To deal with the golden furnace and the corpse puppets, they are not strong enough.

It's better to deal with the sixth-order high-grade puppet, and I will try to smash that thing as soon as possible. "

Broken Sea God Lord also said: "Zhenhaizong's Broken Star God Lord will hand it over to me, as long as he is not the peak of the **** transformation, I am sure not to fall into the wind.

If his strength is average, I will kill him as soon as possible. "

God Broken Soul said with a smile: "The Daoist Baibao, Daoist Jin Yan, and his wife and Daoist Wang are responsible for dealing with the Wannian corpse puppets.

This thing is difficult to kill in a short time, as long as it is dragged. "

The Golden Flame God Lord of Tianji Palace smiled and said: "Don't worry, Baibao and Wang Daoyou both have thunder attribute means, and I am fire attribute.

To deal with corpse refining, there is a bit of restraint, and suppressing corpse puppets is not a problem. "

Broken Soul God Lord then said: "Brother Xuanyan and Jin Yang and Yudan two fellow Taoists, just drag the blood puppet God Lord.

When I open up the situation with Fellow Daoist Sundering, we will help you solve the blood puppet god. "

There is no problem with this arrangement, the most difficult thing on the blood shark thief is the gold furnace of God Mo Jiao.

That thing has a strong restraint effect on the body-refining monks who are good at close combat.

But Wen Xuanhai and Tiangong Shenjun are both good at long-range attacks, and their spells are matched, and they can also suppress the golden furnace.

The avatar of God Mo Jiao has opponents, and if his golden furnace is suppressed again.

On his own, he was not enough to shoot the two arrows of Heavenly Bow God Lord.

Everyone had no objection to this arrangement, and the Lord of Broken Soul smiled and said: "This arrangement is to tacitly assume that the blood shark thief has all the power on the Qingmu Island.

This is the worst plan, and we still have a chance of winning.

If the blood shark thief doesn't dare to send everyone's hands over, we will fight more with less and win easily.

Since everyone has no opinion, let's set off. "

A group of twelve people took a fifth-tier high-grade flying warship and headed southeast.

In order to hide the strength, only the **** of broken soul, the **** of sky bow, and the **** of Baibao stayed in the bow of the ship.

There are agents of the Seven Star Alliance among Blood Shark Pirates, and naturally there are agents of Blood Shark Pirates on Tianshu Island.

When they leave with the front foot, the blood shark thief on the back foot can get the news.

The status of the secret agent will not be too high, and it is impossible to detect deep-seated secrets. At most, they will report the departure of the three souls to the blood shark thief.

Next, it is very likely that they will face the main force of the blood shark thief, and they need to face the golden furnace, and everyone is a little uneasy.

Wang Daoyuan was very relaxed. With his strength, he might not be able to deal with God Mo Jiao and his three clones alone.

But dealing with a gold furnace is really nothing.

The speed of a Tier 5 high-grade flying warship is only over 20,000 miles per hour.

Qingmu Island is far away from Qizhen Island and not too close to Tianshu Island, which is more than sixty thousand miles away.

It took nearly three days for the flying warship to arrive near Aoki Island.

This Qingmu Island really deserves its name. Thousands of miles away, you can see the lush greenery of the island, like a piece of emerald.

When you get closer, you can see tall old trees growing all over the island.

Especially the towering tree at the center of the island has a trunk diameter of several tens of feet and a crown covering several tens of miles.

At this moment, the monks on Aoki Island are on the verge of an enemy.

The defensive array has already been fully opened, and defensive masks of all sizes can be seen everywhere.

Wang Daoyuan is a sixth-order low-rank array mage, although he can't arrange a sixth-order middle-to-high-rank array, he can still tell a little bit.

The largest defensive formation on Qingmu Island is only the sixth-tier mid-range.

Most of the small formations inside are at this level, and a few are the sixth-rank top grade, which should be guarding something.

Of course, even the Tier 6 mid-level defense formation.

It is still very difficult to attack head-on.

Fortunately, Wen Xuanyan is a sixth-order high-grade array mage.

The Golden Flame God Sovereign of Tianji Palace is also a sixth-order high-grade array mage.

As the head of the Tianji Palace, Gu Baibao Shenjun has a very high level of refining, and naturally he has a lot of exploration.

It's just that his focus is on the refining equipment, the formation level is far inferior to the golden flame gods, only the sixth-level low-grade.

If the Blood Shark Pirates did not have a cultivator to fight, it would only take a day or two for the Seven Star Alliance to break through the defensive formation.

Of course, there is no need to rush to take Aoki Island.

The goal of fighting around the spot is still fighting aid.

Taking Aoki Island will cause great damage to the blood shark thief, but it is not enough to shake the foundation of the blood shark thief.

If you want to make the blood shark robber your muscles and bones, you still have to kill a few cultivators.

The Baibao iron box behind Baibao Shenjun opened a seam, and something like a collar appeared.

God Broken Soul is a little curious: "Why are you coming out with a dog collar?"

Baibao Shenjun glanced at him contemptuously: "You know a fart, this is called a lock circle, which can suppress the flow of spiritual power in the formation.

With this thing, I can more easily find the flaws in the formation.

In addition, this lock circle can also lock the loopholes in the formation.

No matter what tricks the person who controls the formation wants to play, they cannot hide the flaws in the formation.

If you want to control the formation attack, you will also be resolved by this locked formation circle.

This is a sixth-order high-grade magic weapon, obtained from an ancient monk's cave mansion.

After I have carefully repaired it, and it has been stored for thousands of years, I have this method.

The formations below the sixth-rank top grade can be suppressed by this lock formation circle. "

After all, sacrificed into the lock-up circle.

This lock circle flew to the top of Qingmu Island, radiating thousands of rays of light, shining on the defensive mask.

Even a monk who can't understand the formation can clearly feel that the flow of spiritual power on this defensive mask has been significantly slowed down.

Moreover, the spiritual power can't stray at all, and can only operate step by step.

In this case, even if the defensive formation is attacked, the difficulty of breaking the formation is much smaller.

Of course Baibao Shenjun would not attack, he took out a silver treasure mirror.

Knowing that he was an expert, the Lord of Soul Breaking stopped ridiculing him.

Baibao Shenjun said: "This is called the Silver Light Peeping Virtual Mirror. The silver light released from it can be used to check the reality of the formation.

Whether it is the position of the battle eye or the type of formation restriction, it is all at a glance. "

Subsequently, he urged Bao Jing.

I saw a dazzling silver light radiating from the treasure mirror.

The silver light shines on the formation, and the scene reflected in the mirror is completely different from what the naked eye sees.

In order to facilitate him to observe the reality of the formation, the flying warship flew around Aoki Island.

Subsequently, Baibao Shenjun took back the silver light.

Countless silver light spots appeared on the silver light peeking mirror, condensing the phantom of Aoki Island.

Condensing the phantom on the island is still secondary.

The most important thing is that the phantom reveals the direction of the spirit veins on the island and the division of the formation.

Hundred Treasure God Lord said with a smile: "This formation is really interesting. In terms of this heritage, our Seven Star Alliance and the Blood Shark Thief are really close.

Give me a day to find out the weakness of the formation. "

Naturally, everyone had no opinion, and it would not take much effort to urge the flying warships in turn.

The **** of Tiangong also sent a letter to Tianshu Island to confirm the safety of the lair.

There is nothing to do in the rear, and it is not a problem to play here for a few years.

One day later, Baibao Shenjun smiled and said: "This formation is really clever. I have found the flaws. Let's break the formation."

After all, there was a silver light on the silver mirror.

This time the silver light did not always maintain the state of the beam of light, but turned into a silver light spot, falling on the formation defensive mask.

"This light spot is the flaw in the formation, Tiangong, I leave it to you."

God Lord Tiangong smiled and said, "Small things, look at me."

After that, take out the Bihai Liuli Bow to condense the spiritual power arrows.

A spiritual arrow flew out and went straight to the silver light spot.

At this time, the lock circle above the formation is still emitting light.

Lock the formation to avoid any tricks played by those who control the formation.

The array mask vibrated violently, and the movement of spiritual power became violent.

It seems that I want to get rid of the shackles of the lock circle and quickly change the position of the weakness.

Baibao Shenjun also injected a lot of spiritual power into the lock formation circle to avoid changes in the formation.

The weakness of the defensive array is extremely fragile. Once locked, it can be broken without much effort.

An arrow from the Lord of Heavenly Bow was enough to threaten the cultivator in the later stage of transforming the gods, and it was easy to break the formation.

Just when the arrow was about to hit the silver light spot, a black figure fell from the sky and used his body to harden the arrow.

The black figure hardly carried all the power of the arrow, and slammed it heavily on the defensive mask.

The silver light spot has shifted, and the formation has not been breached.

At this time, a black dragon came out of the sea.

An old man stood on the dragon's head: "I set up my position on Qizhen Island, waiting for the fellow daoists of the Seven Star Alliance to come.

Unexpectedly, you failed my good intentions, UU reading instead of going to Qizhen Island, instead attacked Aoki Island. "

God Broken Soul smiled and said: "Coincidentally, I also set up my position on Tianshu Island, waiting for the blood shark thieves to come.

Unexpectedly, the Taoist fellow of the Blood Shark Thief didn't even move.

In desperation, I can only come to Qingmu Island to invite fellow daoists. "

God Mo Jiao sacrificed the golden furnace: "It's really a shame that I let you run away last time.

This time I want to see how you can resist my golden furnace. "

God Broken Soul didn't even plan to do anything, so he shouted, "Withdraw."

Although the formation of Aoki Island is not strong, it cannot be ignored.

If you start here, you will still be somewhat passive.

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. _wap.

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