Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1126: Blood puppet

The lid of the golden stove flew toward Wang Daoyuan, he didn't take it seriously.

According to Forging Immortal, this gold furnace was refined in Forging Immortal Ding.

The gold furnace has a few catties and a few taels, and the forging immortal cauldron knows better than anyone.

Wang Daoyuan can even hold a forging celestial cauldron, but is he afraid of a golden furnace?

This thing was originally a pill-refining thing, and it was far inferior to forging an immortal tripod to be domineering when it came to refining things.

As for the furnace lid that can fly out to suppress opponents, its function is mainly to prevent the leakage of the essence of the elixir during alchemy.

Moreover, the seventh-order pill has already involved heavenly power.

After becoming a pill, he will have a sense of spirituality and will escape by himself. This furnace cover is also a means to prevent the pill from escaping.

Knowing the principle of this function will naturally know how to deal with it.

There is no difficulty in breaking this furnace cover.

How much strength can it take to prevent the essence of the elixir from leaking and the elixir to escape?

Finding a magic weapon with suppressing ability can offset the power of the furnace lid.

At this time, Wang Daoyuan didn't want to break the furnace cover cleanly.

The more mysterious the gold furnace, the more convenient it is to use it to make a fuss in the future.

After the furnace cover flew over, Wang Daoyuan turned into a silver light and escaped from the coverage of the furnace cover.

Later, the figure appeared above the furnace cover.

He tensed his right leg and kicked it out with a whip.

With a loud "clang" sound, Wang Daoyuan kicked the stove lid.

The furnace cover is like a golden meteor, falling diagonally downward.

After a while, the sound of "boom" came.

The stove cover smashed into the sea, and the sea seemed to burst like a sky thunder, splashing hundreds of feet high waves.

Everyone at the scene was stunned, and the furnace cover that could suppress the mid-level generalized **** cultivator was kicked into the air.

Wang Daoyuan's practice combines the inheritance of real dragon forging body skills and blood spirit gods, and there is life spirit fire to provide vitality.

In terms of physical power alone, the gods of Tianji Palace and the gods of Tianji Palace are far inferior to him.

Even so, he felt a dull pain in his right leg.

Secretly made up his mind to refine a heavy magic weapon next time.

If there is a magical tool such as a hammer in hand, there is no need to kick the stove lid with your foot.

Seeing that Wang Daoyuan was safe and sound, Soul Broken Lord and others were finally relieved.

However, God Lord Mo Jiao was shocked. As the current owner of the golden furnace, he naturally knew the golden furnace very well.

Even oneself, it is difficult to get rid of the suppression of the furnace cover.

This Wang Daoyuan was able to kick the stove cover away with his physical strength.

This was the former seventh-order magical weapon, and it was controlled by his own veteran late stage cultivator.

At this time, he couldn't bother to think about other things.

Within the Tian Gong Shenjun had already reacted, and his spiritual power arrows shot out one after another.

On Wen Xuanhai's side, ice sword attacks continued to condense.

The golden furnace is not complete, unable to exert all the power.

He didn't dare to fight with the two of them, so he flew down and avoided.

At the same time, he also summoned the stove cover to let it fly back as soon as possible.

After kicking the furnace cover, Wang Daoyuan didn't make any more moves, but continued to stare at the Wannian corpse puppet opposite him.

Thirty-six long swords composed of blue and white thunder light, give the corpse puppets from time to time.

Zhou Luan was doing his best at this time, manipulating Chiluan's Nirvana Fire, turning it into a huge Chiluan phantom.

The Scarlet Luan phantom continuously spewed flames and burned the corpse puppet.

Of course, the power of the corpse puppet is not weak.

I saw a black mist surging above the long sword in his hand.

He swung the sword sharply, leaving a black air.

The flame red luan was split in half, and the black gas also separated the flame.

Zhou Luan controlled the two parts of the flames, turning them into two smaller flames, Chi Luan, and continued to fight with them.

The corpse puppet body has no spiritual power, and no blood.

Replaced by corpse energy, death energy, and weak spiritual power similar to the soul of a puppet.

Corpse energy and death energy are extremely harmful to most living creatures.

But if you don't belong to the five elements, there is no means to restrain the flame.

To cut off the flames, one can only rely on releasing the black mist formed by the mixture of corpse gas and dead gas.

But Akabane Crow is in the sky, constantly emitting golden light.

Once the black mist appears, it will be quickly consumed.

The existence of Akabane can be said to have created a special environment.

In this special environment, the corpse puppet's strength was severely weakened.

The corpse puppet, who was serving as a training partner for Zhou Luan, found that no matter what spell he used, it was impossible to win.

He struggled to be hit by the flames and thunder sword shadow, and rushed towards Zhou Luan.

Zhou Luan instantly turned into a ball of flame, and the black long sword of the corpse puppet fell, and the flame disappeared directly.

Later, her figure appeared on the back of a flame scarlet luan again.

Wang Daoyuan nodded secretly, Zhou Luan's alchemy refining tools were not learned in vain, and his control of spiritual power and supernatural powers was greatly improved.

Now controlling a sea of ​​fire, they all play the flavor of the flame field.

Of course, this is still incomparable with the real field.

Seeing Zhou Luan's disappearance, the corpse puppet stared at Wang Daoyuan, swiping the black long sword, and beheaded him.

Wang Daoyuan instantly turned into a long sword, while avoiding the attack of the corpse puppet, he circled it a few times.

Lightning and sparks continued to flash on the long sword, and there was a crackling sound.

Later, Wang Daoyuan appeared beside Zhou Luan.

The dark gray body of the corpse puppet was covered with charred stripes, which were all traces left by the Thunder Dragon Bone Sword.

The Wannian Corpse Puppet's body is extremely powerful, and even Wang Daoyuan can't easily break the defense, and can only consume it by this means.

At this time, God Lord Mo Jiao had retrieved the furnace lid.

He watched Wang Daoyuan carefully and found that he hadn't done his best at all.

Dealing with a ten-thousand-year-old corpse puppet seems to be playing around.

Wang Daoyuan really didn't mean to shoot with all his strength, but wanted to exercise Zhou Luan's fighting skills.

At this time, the blood shark thief was basically at a disadvantage.

The method of breaking the soul, the god, is very restrained from the black jade dragon.

However, Mo Yu Jiaolong is a demigod after all.

Even if it is lost, it will only fall in the wind, and it is safe to save your life.

Lord Broken Star and Lord Broken Sea fought, the two of them were of equal strength, and no one could have the upper hand.

On the side of the blood puppet god, there was a lively fight with Wen Xuanyan.

After all, Wen Xuanyan is a veteran cultivator in the middle stage of transforming a god, with a slightly higher cultivation base, and his shots are more veteran.

The blood puppet **** fell into a disadvantage and could only barely support it.

The other puppets and corpse puppets were completely suppressed.

Especially for the sixth-order high-grade puppet, the long sword in his hand has been interrupted by the **** of the earth cracking, and even one of his legs has been broken.

Continue to consume it, at most it can last about a quarter of an hour.

And Tian Gong Shenjun and Wen Xuanhai surrounded him.

The two stared at the golden furnace, and he didn't dare to be careless.

If the gold furnace is broken, there will be no chance of victory in this battle.

Relying on the deterrent power of the Golden Furnace, he could barely deal with the attacks of the two.

But if it continues to procrastinate, it will soon be defeated.

He yelled: "Blood puppet, don't hide yourself anymore.

If we don't do anything, we don't even want to run. "

The Blood Puppet God Monarch gritted his teeth and took out a dark red coffin from the Qiankun Ring.

As soon as the coffin appeared, Akabane wailed.

The voice was a little trembling, as if very scared.

Wang Daoyuan also mentioned that there were originally three ten-thousand-year-old corpse puppets. Although Chiyuwu was scared, his voice was not trembling.

Hearing Akabane's weird cry, Wen Xuanyan also got a little hairy, and quickly moved away from the blood puppet god.

Jinyang Zhenjun and Yudan Shenjun also stepped back quickly, for fear that something extraordinary would pop out of the coffin.

Wang Daoyuan looked indifferent, the voice transmission calmed Akabane Uchi a few words, and he waited to see the rare things.

In the dark red coffin, a blood-red mist gushed out.

With a "boom", the coffin board was kicked into the air, and the dazzling red light spread out.

A blood-red ball with a diameter of one foot flew out of the coffin.

This thing was extremely fast, and as soon as it came out, it rushed towards Wen Xuanyan.

Look at this breath, at least it is also the cultivation base of the late transformation of the gods.

Wen Xuanyan cast a few fire spells casually, and after the blood ball hardly received the spells, he was unscathed.

Wen Xuanyan didn't dare to fight again, and his whole person turned into a ball of fire and hurriedly fled for his life.

Wen Xuanhai wanted to rescue him, so God Monarch Mo Jiao urged the golden furnace to cover him.

He didn't care about his brother, so he had to avoid the golden furnace first.

He also shouted: "Friend Wang Dao, save my brother."

At this time, Wang Daoyuan also had to come up with something real, and recruit the avatar demon prison and blood spring from the spirit bead space.

He has broken through the middle stage of transforming gods, and it has been several years.

The cultivation base of the two clones has also been improved, and now they are both in the middle stage of transforming gods.

As soon as the Demon Prison appeared, he waved his hand and cut out a thunder light.

But this Lei Mang hit the blood red ball without causing any damage.

Wang Daoyuan's spiritual sense inspected it and found that the blood cell contained some corpse energy, but it looked like a living thing.

The blood mist emitted around the blood cells clearly showed traces of the power of qi and blood.

Wen Xuanyan didn't care about anything at this time, and fled towards Wang Daoyuan.

After escaping to the blood spring and the demon prison, he stopped.

The blood ball released by the blood puppet **** did not put the devil in his eyes at all.

It was about to take a shot at the demon prison, and the blood spring waved its hand and gave out a **** light.

The blood cell was hit, and a half-foot-long blood hole immediately appeared on his body.

The Gorefiend seemed to be its nemesis, it didn't dare to fight anymore, and turned around and ran away.

God Broken Soul yelled: "Friend Wang Dao, that blood cell should be a blood puppet.

It is said that the blood shark thief digged into the ancient battlefield in the extreme depths of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands.

The agents of the Seven Star Alliance have been investigating for a long time, but only got such a little news.

The monster is afraid of the blood demon, and quickly order the blood demon to deal with him. "

Now that the blood demon had been exposed, Wang Daoyuan had no need to hide himself and ordered the blood demon to hunt down the blood puppet.

The name of the blood puppet **** is probably related to this blood puppet.

Wang Daoyuan didn't see what it was, and there was no record of blood puppets in the ancient books at Ten Thousand Beast Valley.

Akabane's golden light had no effect on him.

This shows that it is not a corpse refining, it is not afraid of the breath of the Golden Crow divine beast, and it should not be a demon.

Xuequan didn't kill this blood puppet either, that is, it kept chasing after it.

As for the blood puppet god, Wang Daoyuan ordered the clone demon prison to deal with his two corpse puppets.

In the future, within the Seven Star Alliance, Shen Danzong and Kaiyangzong can all be drawn together.

It's best to keep the two cultivators of the gods to avoid the power and resources of the Seven Star Alliance being concentrated in the hands of the Yuheng Jianzong and other three cultivators.

Demon Prison, as a magic demon, casting thunder magic is not a problem.

Dealing with corpse puppets of the same rank is nothing at all.

Jinyang Zhenjun and Yudan Shenjun cast grateful glances, and then they both dealt with a corpse puppet.

After Wen Xuanyan thanked Wang Daoyuan, he fought again with the blood puppet god.

God Mo Jiao originally planned to turn around on the blood puppet, but Wang Daoyuan did not expect to throw out two demons.

A single blood demon scared the blood puppets too hard to shoot.

At this time, he himself was chased by God Sovereign Tiangong and Wen Xuanhai with nowhere to escape.

As a last resort, he released the gold stove cover again.

Wen Xuanhai quickly dodged and shouted: "You are hiding things about blood puppets from my Wen family and Wang family.

Now Fellow Wang Daoist has taken out the method of pressing the bottom of the box to block the blood puppet.

If the three of you don't show any real skills, I'll just leave it alone. "

At this time, just listening to the sound of "click", the **** of earth splitting unscrewed the head of the sixth-order high-grade puppet.

The blood shark thief has attrition, which has completely fallen into the At this time, Wen Xuanhai is about to be overtaken by the golden furnace cover.

He didn't have Wang Daoyuan's physical strength, and he was not sure about taking down the stove cover.

The Divine Lord of Earth Splitting flew to Wen Xuanhai's side, took out a large axe with a long handle, and after a moment of accumulating power, he smashed it out with an axe.

The golden stove lid was smashed by a long-handled axe and flew hundreds of meters away before being taken back by the God of Broken Soul.

At this time, God Lord Mo Jiao's expression changed drastically.

With the golden furnace, he is sure to deal with the **** of the bow and Wen Xuanhai.

Now the Lord of Earth Splitting was able to repel the furnace cover alone, with one enemy three, and it would be difficult to win with a golden furnace.

And Wang Daoyuan has been fishing, if he is really playing, his own side may collapse at any time.


Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. _wap.

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