Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1127: Mutation

On the other side, the Lord of Earth Splitting smashed the lid of the furnace with an axe, and he himself was severely shaken.

The big axe is okay, after all, it is a magic weapon that has been cultivated for thousands of years.

Although the material and foundation are much inferior to that of the gold furnace, it is of the same grade and will not collapse.

However, the force of the counter-shock during the slashing caused some pain in both arms of the Lord of Earth Splitting.

He forcibly suppressed the trembling of his arms, his face looked nothing but this, but he was surprised.

Just a stove cover is so powerful.

If the entire furnace body comes out, how terrifying is its power?

The Divine Lord of Earth Splitting blocked the furnace cover, and Wen Xuanhai finally felt a little happy in his heart.

To hide the existence of blood puppets from allies is a pitfall.

If it weren't for Wang Daoyuan's blood demon to restrain the blood puppet, his own brother would definitely be fatal.

The Seven Star Alliance knows the existence of blood puppets, and dare to come over, there must be a way to deal with it.

There is this method but not to use it, this is the person who wants to cheat the Wen family and the Wang family.

If it weren't for the Lord of Earth Splitting, he would really want to turn his head and leave.

God Lord Mo Jiao retracted the lid of the furnace and swept it with his spiritual sense, but he didn't find any hidden wounds, so he was relieved.

A single furnace cover flew out, and the battle power in the later stage of the transformation could be blocked.

It doesn't make any sense to continue throwing out the furnace lid.

He put the furnace cover on the furnace body, and the entire golden furnace smashed towards the Lord of Cracking Earth.

The earth-splitting **** has no longevity, and there are only one or two hundred years left to die.

If he is seriously injured now, it is very likely that he will sit up early.

It is the easiest to open up the situation now by storming the Divine Sovereign.

After the gold furnace was let go, it expanded rapidly and soon reached a hundred feet high.

No one dared to fight against such a huge gold furnace.

Wen Xuanhai and others used escape techniques to flee. After avoiding, God Lord Tiangong used arrows of spiritual power to attack God Lord Mo Jiao.

God Lord Mo Jiao didn't show much personal strength. When Wang Daoyuan saw him for the first time, he felt that his own strength should be much worse than God Lord Broken Soul.

The Blood Shark Thieves is the remnant force of the Yu Lingzong, and the inheritance pays more attention to the gods and the clones.

In terms of physical and spiritual power, they may not be so smart.

He didn't dare to take an arrow from the Heavenly Bow God Lord, there used to be corpses and clones blocking it.

Now the avatar Mo Yu Jiaolong is being crushed and beaten by the Lord of Broken Soul.

If one is not careful, the soul will be killed by the **** of broken soul.

The corpse puppets are firmly restrained, and it is impossible to get out.

He beheaded his opponent, but didn't want to pay the price of suffering heavy damage to himself.

Had to call back the gold furnace and stand in front of him.

The Golden Furnace is extremely hard, even if it is the natal arrow of the **** of the sky bow, it can hardly hurt it.


The arrow carried a large amount of sea water and hit the golden stove.

The furnace body that was as high as one hundred meters made a sound similar to the ringing of a bell, and the golden furnace was repelled several meters away.

At this moment, most of the spiritual power poured into the golden furnace by the **** Mo Jiao was consumed.

The earth-splitting **** leaped high, the earth-yellow big axe, faintly gleaming light.

The big axe fell suddenly, causing a gust of wind.

This gust of wind seemed to have a certain restraining effect, and the movements of God Mo Jiao became slow.

At this moment, God Sovereign Mo Jiao had not been able to regain control of the repelled Golden Furnace.

The big axe struck suddenly, and he didn't have time to mobilize the gold furnace that was a hundred meters high.

Had to sacrifice the demon seal of the town to take the heavy blow.


The **** Mo Jiao and Zhen Yaoyin were both smashed by this axe. He only felt that his chest was stuffy, and his internal organs were severely shaken.

Before he adjusted his figure, dozens of ice arrows fell from the sky.

The attacks of the three were perfectly connected, and God Lord Mo Jiao didn't have time to evade at all.

His whole body shone with white jade light, and then the ice arrow fell.

The Dao robe on his body was shattered by the ice bolt, revealing the gleaming soft close-fitting armor.

This soft armor is extremely defensive, and the icy arrows condensed from Wen Xuanhai failed to leave a mark on the soft armor.

Only the calf and wrist that could not be covered by the soft armor were pierced by several ice arrows.

Heavenly Bow God Lord, Earth Splitting God Lord and Wen Xuanhai, the three formed a perfectly connected attack chain, and finally wounded Mo Jiao God Lord.

Although it didn't hurt the key, it wasn't a serious injury, but it was pretty good.

God Lord Mo Jiao didn't dare to relax, with ice arrows still stuck in his calves and wrists, he immediately recruited the golden furnace.

The second arrow of the **** of Tiangong came one after another, and the **** Mo Jiao had learned his skills and hid behind the golden furnace.

This arrow is also composed of spiritual power, and it also carries a lot of sea water.

Although the penetration is insufficient, the impact is strong enough.

The Golden Stove was repelled more than ten feet again, and God Mo Jiao was knocked on his chest by the Golden Stove.

Previously, he used the Demon Seal to smash the earth with an axe, and he had already injured his internal organs.

Suddenly, it was wounds and wounds, and a mouthful of blood spurted out and fell on the golden furnace.

The Lord of Earth Splitting jumped high again, wanting to replicate the attack of the last round.

God Lord Mo Jiao always kept the Golden Stove in front of him, and the axe of the Earth Splitting Sovereign only repelled the Golden Stove by a few feet.

God Mo Jiao was hit by the Golden Stove again, and most of the power of this axe was consumed by the Golden Stove and the soft armor on his body.

He spit out a mouthful of blood again, and completely resolved the attack.

At this time, he had the time to dissolve the ice arrows stuck in his legs and hands.

Qi and blood surged, and the wound was initially healed.

The vitality of the cultivator is extremely strong, although it has not yet reached the point where the wound can recover instantly, but ordinary skin trauma does not take much time.

Wen Xuanhai didn't have the opportunity to attack, so he didn't make another shot.

The three cultivators of the later stage of the transformation have completely suppressed the Mo Jiao God Lord.

His only method now is to try to accept someone with a gold stove.

However, the Seven Star Alliance had been prepared long ago. Once he wanted to take in, the golden stove might be sealed by ice.

In desperation, he yelled: "Blood puppet, the life and death of Yu Lingzong is all up to you."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the Seven Star Alliance panicked a bit.

Seeing what this means, the blood puppet **** has not used his assassin.

The Blood Puppet God Monarch also had a tangled expression, as if he had to pay a huge price, but he couldn't make up his mind.

Wen Xuanyan seized the opportunity and gave him two more shots.

God Monarch Mo Jiao screamed, "Do you think it is possible for us to retreat today?"

Your talent is not even a third-rate, but you can have today's achievements. Don't forget why the sect cultivated you vigorously.

Your son has a good talent, and he will become the Sect Master of Yulingzong in the future. "

After hearing this, the expression on the blood puppet god's face was no longer tangled, and replaced by perseverance.

At this time, the blood puppet kicked by the blood spring quickly moved closer to the blood puppet god.

Soul Broken Lord was shocked: "Friend Wang Dao, let the blood demon stop the blood puppet.

Although I don't know what he wants to do, the blood puppet **** may pay a great price to increase the blood puppet's power. "

Wang Daoyuan wasn't afraid of blood puppets, as long as it didn't break through to the seventh rank, he would be sure to deal with him.

Without exposing more strength, Wang Daoyuan was still happy to clean up the blood puppets.

The blood spring body turned into a blood beam, and the speed became extremely terrifying.

The blood light passed by the blood puppet, and the whole blood puppet was split in half.

Afterwards, the two halves of the blood puppets moved closer to each other, and they recovered in the blink of an eye, but they lost some energy.

Everyone in the Seven Star Alliance is really a little frightened now. Although blood puppets are naturally afraid of blood demons, they seem to be very difficult to kill.

Regardless of everything, the blood puppet soared towards the blood puppet god.

Seeing that something was wrong, Wen Xuanhai hurriedly used escape techniques to escape.

At this time, Jinyang Zhenjun and Yudan Shenjun did not dare to fall in love with each other.

Let go of the bruised corpse puppet and fled to Wang Daoyuan's side.

The lightning flashes above the long sword in the avatar demon prison, slashing the sixth-order middle-grade corpse puppet with sword after sword.

At this time, the corpse puppet had no resistance, and could only rely on his own accumulation to carry it.

Its rank has already fallen to the sixth low-rank, and it seems that it will fall to the sixth rank.

A moth came out of the blood puppet, and Wang Daoyuan didn't dare to let him play slowly.

The Demon Prison received Wang Daoyuan's order and waved the long sword in his hand to split the head of the corpse puppet in half.

The corpse puppet is both a refining corpse and a puppet, and the corpse core and the soul of the puppet are on the head.

When this sword went down, both of them fell apart, and the entire corpse puppet was completely finished.

After solving the corpse puppet, the demon prison also returned to Wang Daoyuan, preparing to deal with the blood puppet's mutation.

Others wanted to organize the blood puppet's mutation, but they were stopped by their opponents.

Only the **** of heaven bow took the time to shoot a natal arrow and directly fetch the **** of blood.

The arrow was extremely fast, but the blood puppet got closer.

It takes one step with the arrow of its life, and comes to the side of the blood puppet god, blocking this arrow for the blood puppet god.

Heavenly Bow God Lord's natal arrow was nailed to the blood puppet, but he didn't suffer any harm.

Soon, the entire arrow turned from azure blue to blood red.

After a while, the whole arrow shattered and turned into countless pieces, which were absorbed by the blood puppets.

Now everyone was even more shocked, the blood puppet could not be injured at all by ordinary means.

The blood puppet did not delay any longer, and directly merged into the flesh of the blood puppet god.

At this time, the whole face of the blood puppet **** became distorted, as if he was suffering tremendously.

The acupuncture points and even pores all over his body are constantly spraying bleeding mist.

This feeling was as if the blood in his body was boiled.

Tian Gong Shenjun was not reconciled yet, and once again shot a natal arrow.

But the result was still the same, the arrow shot on the head of the blood puppet god, then turned blood red, and then collapsed.

Even the fragments were absorbed into the body by the blood puppet god, and no debris was wasted.

The blood puppet **** at this time was already the same as the blood puppet, and he couldn't hurt him at all.

God Mo Jiao raised his head to the sky and laughed: "My Yu Lingzong lost this battle, but your Seven Star Alliance didn't win either."

After that, we must summon Moyu Flood Dragon to carry him away.

Mo Yu Jiaolong had been beaten all over by Soul Broken Lord at this time. Although they were not fatal wounds, they would accumulate less and cause great damage to him.

Mo Yu Jiaolong didn't dare to love the battle again, turned around and flew towards God Mo Jiao.

This place is more than 6,000 miles away from Qingmu Island, and the Mo Jade Flood Dragon travels extremely fast in the water.

God Sovereign Mo Jiao still has the Golden Stove in his hands. He wants to escape, so it's really hard to keep him here.

Once he was allowed to escape back to Qingmu Island, he was backed by a large formation.

If you want to take him down here, it will be in trouble.

The Broken Soul God Sovereign offered a red copper circle and threw it towards the Mo Yu Jiaolong.

Mo Yu Jiaolong was shocked when he saw the circle.

Even the Akabane Crow flying high in the sky quickly flew to Wang Daoyuan's head, seeming to be very afraid of this circle.

Even Mo Jiao God Lord also threw out the town demon seal, trying to block this circle.

How could God Lord Tiangong let him succeed? A spirit power arrow flew over, smashing the town demon seal into the air.

The copper ring of Broken Soul God was quickly wrapped around Mo Yu Jiaolong's neck.

Mo Yu Jiaolong struggled fiercely, but the copper ring tightened tighter and tighter.

God Monarch Mo Jiao looked at him with a bitter expression on his face: "The demon lock ring that was lost back then was stolen by the traitor as expected."

After all, sacrifice a Pengbird kite.

He sat on the kite and spurred it with all his strength. The speed of this Pengniao kite was very terrifying.

With the gold stove in hand, UU reading www. Tian Gong Shenjun and others can't help him.

God Lord Mo Jiao did not run away directly, but went to meet Lord Broken Star God.

God Lord Broken Sea was already at the same strength as God Lord Broken Star, God Lord Mo Jiao flew, and he could only avoid it.

The Broken Star God Lord also got on the Pengbird kite, and the two of them took away two ten thousand-year-old corpse puppets.

Zhou Luan and Wang Daoyuan dealt with the ten thousand-year-old corpse puppet, they did not dare to approach, so they could only give up.

The God of Broken Soul was suppressing the Moyu Flood Dragon, and the God of Broken Sea and God of Sky Bow successively made their moves, but they were all blocked by the Golden Furnace.

God Lord Mo Jiao and God Lord Broken Star, with two ten thousand year old corpses, fled to the southwest, where was the direction of the blood shark thieves' lair.

Everyone didn't have the heart to chase after, they just wanted to solve the remaining corpse as soon as possible, and also to deal with this blood puppet who didn't know what the situation was.

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. _wap.

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