Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1128: The origin of blood puppets

Wang Dao is too lazy to care about blood puppets, anyway he has the ability to protect himself.

Even if the blood puppets show great power and kill all the cultivators of the Seven Star Alliance, it has nothing to do with them.

After such a long time of consumption, the power of this ten-thousand-year-old corpse puppet has not declined in the slightest.

The black robe on his body had been burned long ago, leaving traces of charred black marks on his gray skin.

Wang Daoyuan's 36 sword shadows surrounded him round and round.

From time to time, a series of electric lights were released and hit the corpse puppet.

Wang Daoyuan has a new understanding of the difficulty of Wannian corpse puppets.

Even if he used his full strength to release a massive amount of red sun fire for calcination, I am afraid it would take a few days to burn.

If you want to clean it up, the best way is to put it in the forged celestial cauldron and slowly burn it with Chiyang real fire.

Hundred Treasure God Lord flew over: "The hard-working Wang Dao friends and couples, it is not easy to hold the sixth-order high-grade corpse puppet for so long with the cultivation base of the middle stage of the transformation of the gods.

The corpse puppet I am dealing with has been rescued by the old Mo Jiao ghost, so leave this corpse puppet to me. "

God Lord Jin Yan also hurried over: "Yes, now God Lord Mo Jiao is fleeing, everyone is free, and Fellow Wang Daoist should not take risks."

Wang Daoyuan knew exactly what these two old guys were thinking.

A terrible transformation is taking place on the blood puppet god, and when his transformation is completed, it may be terrifying.

Someone has to deal with that thing, and these two old foxes don't want to deal with the unknown.

Wang Daoyuan didn't want to show too much limelight either. He had previously helped suppress the blood puppet, dragged this ten-thousand-year corpse puppet, and let the clone demon prison help kill a Tier 6 middle-grade corpse puppet.

Enough has been done, so what is your life for taking advantage of the Seven Star Alliance?

Even Brother Duanhun and Master Duanhai were playing with the Mo Jade Flood Dragon, for fear that they would come to deal with the puppet by themselves.

Anyway, my own site is far away, so I can make trouble anyway.

People like the Seven Star Alliance had already made the mistake of concealing the blood puppets.

He is now fishing blatantly, who dares to gossip?

These two old things are willing to take the initiative to deal with the Wannian corpse puppet, and it is too late to be happy.

After the blood puppet **** has merged with the blood puppet, it will be more convenient to escape by himself if he can't take it anymore.

On the contrary, God Lord Tiangong was more anxious and shouted: "Friend Wang Dao, this blood puppet is not a mortal thing.

If it merges with the blood puppet god, it will produce unpredictable changes.

Now it is difficult for us to hurt it, and if there is another change, I am afraid we really can't take it off.

Leaving such a monster running across the Sea of ​​Seven Stars, I am afraid that the entire world of immortality will be uneasy. "

In fact, he couldn't help but not worry.

The **** of Tiangong is the person who speaks in the face of Tianshu Sect, and the gate of Tianshu Sect is on Tianshu Island.

This is the closest among the seven big islands.

If this blood puppet makes a giant moth come out, the first unlucky one is Tianshu Sect.

Wang Daoyuan smiled slightly: "Friend Tiangong Daoist has seen it before, and ordinary methods are completely ineffective.

Even if the blood demon shot, it only caused him to lose a little energy, and he couldn't even make a heavy injury.

I want to kill it completely, but I can't do anything. "

This is not all a lie. Although the clone blood spring has the meaning of restraining this thing, there is no memory of this thing in the memory of the blood spring.

Dealing with an existence that doesn't know what it is, who can be sure to get rid of it?

God Lord Tiangong no longer insists, after all, he has no way, how to ask others?

After God Mo Jiao escaped, Wen Xuanhai also came to Wang Daoyuan's side.

The two brothers are also in a posture to watch the excitement. The blood puppets are hidden from the Wen family and the Wang family, and they still want to make the two of them contribute.

wishful thinking!

Seeing Wang Daoyuan's nonchalant look, he also felt confident in his heart.

The core of his home is in the depths of the endless sea of ​​ice, even if this blood puppet becomes a big mess, it will not affect his home.

The big deal is that the elders in Wang Daoyuan's family will come out to clean up the mess.

Anyway, he has made up his mind to hold the thighs of the Wang Family. Whatever Wang Daoyuan wants, the Wen Family has been with him.

After the blood puppet enters the body, the blood puppet **** has always been half-dead.

Of course, Wang Daoyuan is more moral.

When I was fishing, I still behaved.

The avatar blood spring shot a wave of blood light over there, slowly consuming the blood puppet.

Up to this point, the blood demon's methods were still effective against blood puppets.

A ray of blood hits the blood puppet god, leaving a deep wound.

Only with the flesh of the blood puppet **** as a barrier, the blood light from the blood spring did not cause much damage.

After all, the blood spring is only a blood demon in the middle stage of transforming a god, and there is no powerful treasure in his hand.

It is still very difficult to break the defense of the cultivator of the same rank.

Of course, if he directly used the bloodthirsty heartbreaker, the bloodthirsty heartbreaker of the bleeding demon clan, he still hoped to destroy the blood puppet.

But there is another possibility, that is, the Bloodthirsty Broken Heart Blade is refined by the blood puppet, allowing it to gain stronger power.

Even, it may also master the power of some blood demons.

It is really unnecessary to take such a big loss and risk for the Seven Star Alliance.

Two brothers, Brother Duanhun and Duanhai Master of Yuheng Sword Sect, are still bullying Mo Yujiao.

Obviously a sword can solve the matter, one of them controls the demon lock ring, and the other slowly attacks with a long sword.

I don't know, I thought they were tattooing Mo Yu Jiaolong.

The two Tier 6 middle-grade corpse puppets carried by the blood puppet **** has already been killed by the clone demon prison.

The other has fled to the blood puppet god, helping the blood puppet **** to resist the attack.

Others dare not risk being attacked by the blood puppet to kill such a corpse puppet.

At this time, there was finally a new movement on the blood puppet side.

"Blood Puppet God Monarch" was no longer covered in blood mist at this time, and the whole body was calmed down.

It's just that the whole person looks very dull, and there is no expression of a living person.

He casually shot a blood arrow towards the blood spring.

Wang Daoyuan probed the past with his spiritual sense and found that there was something similar to the power of qi and blood in the blood arrow.

In addition, it also has a lot of demons.

I don't know if it is related to the Demon Race itself, or it has absorbed the power of the blood spring before.

It's hard to say what the blood light is like now, and Wang Daoyuan didn't let the blood spring insist on it.

After Xuequan shot a blood beam, he used blood escape and hid beside Wang Daoyuan.

The blood beam he shot was smashed by the blood puppet's blood arrow.

The blood arrow was only slightly weakened, and there were no other changes.

Wang Daoyuan felt more at ease, after this guy merged, he was no longer afraid of blood demons.

At least the power of his attack was still within an acceptable range.

Tian Gong Shenjun shot an arrow, shattering the blood, and everyone was relieved.

At least the attack of the blood puppet can be offset by the cultivator in the later stage of the transformation.

The Heavenly Bow God Lord repeatedly released arrows to counteract the attacks of the blood puppets.

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "Dear fellow daoists, my blood demon is already powerless to fight against the blood puppets.

There is nothing I can do about the rest. Let's take care of it. "

Yuheng Sword Sect is in trouble, and Tianji Palace is also in trouble.

Everyone pretends to be dead, to see who is anxious first.

His words made it clear that he would choose to quit, and now the gods of Baibao and Jinyan are a little anxious.

Tianji Island, where the Tianji Palace is located, is the third island from the south of the seven major islands.

If this blood puppet runs northward, Tianji Palace will die some time later than Tianshuzong.

He yelled: "Friend Broken Soul, if you have the means, use it quickly.

My Tianji Palace still has a lot of industries on Yaoguang Island. Although Yaoguang Island is a bit smaller, its spiritual veins are not much worse than Tianji Island.

The big deal is that I gave up my ancestral business in Tianji Palace and moved to Yaoguang Island. "

Once the blood puppet went north, the first unlucky one was Tianshu Sect.

If Tianji Palace were to stray away, there would no longer be any powerful forces on the big islands south of Yuheng Island.

It is not impossible that the blood puppet hit Yuheng Island.

The two brothers, Lord of Broken Soul and Lord of Broken Sea, did not dare to work again, and cleanly killed Mo Yu Jiaolong.

This thing is a clone of Mo Jiao, and it is useless to leave it.

The God of Broken Soul laughed and said, "Dear fellow daoists, don't want to say frustrating words. It's better for us to work together to kill this blood puppet.

Fellow Wang Dao, your blood demon is still somewhat restrained against blood puppets, so please do more. "

Wang Daoyuan sneered: "All the fellow Taoists have seen just now. After the blood puppet and the blood puppet **** fusion, they no longer fear the blood demon.

The gorefiend was also completely at a disadvantage in the fight just now.

I don't know anything about blood puppets, even if I want to help, I am powerless! "

These words were running against the Lord of Soul Breaker, knowing about the blood puppet, but did not disclose any news before.

Now that I'm in big trouble, I know I've come to help myself. Why did you go there early?

The old face of God Broken Soul could be considered as a practiced, Wang Daoyuan was stabbed in his words, but he didn't care.

"It's no wonder that fellow Wang Dao, I never thought that the blood shark thief would dare to bring this thing out.

I think you all know a thing or two about the demise of the Yulingzong back then.

An elder in the Yuling Sect has made friends with an elder of my Yuheng Sword Sect.

After the Yulingzong was destroyed by the combination of inside and outside, he took refuge in my Yuheng Jianzong and became the elder of the Supreme Supreme.

Therefore, Yuheng Jianzong knows a little bit more about the internal secrets of Yulingzong.

The matter of the blood puppet was also brought up by the supreme elder. "

The Lord of Earth Splitting smashed the blood arrows released by the blood puppet with an axe, and said angrily: "Old Ghost Broken Soul, don't talk nonsense, let's talk about how to deal with this thing first."

God Broken Soul shook his head: "I don't have full confidence in dealing with this thing, I just know its origin.

You fellow Taoists are very knowledgeable, and each family is a force of tens of thousands of years. If you know the origin of this thing, you might be able to think of a way to deal with it.

This blood puppet came from an ancient battlefield in the depths of the Ten Thousand Devil Islands, which had existed for hundreds of thousands of years.

More than 50,000 years ago, Jue Tianyuan appeared out of thin air.

At that time, there were still many Mahayana demons who escaped from Juetianyuan.

Later, some powerful monks came from the south of Juetianyuan and killed all the demons.

It just so happened that a blood demon with great power died in that ancient battlefield.

Soon after that, a blood puppet appeared.

This blood puppet slaughtered living creatures, would merge into all living creatures with blood, and seize the whole body's essence and blood as its own.

His strength is extremely formidable, even the mighty can hardly deal with it.

Later, all the mighty powers together took it down and sealed it in a secret place outside the ancient battlefield.

More than 30,000 years ago, a cultivator of the late transformation of the gods of the Yulingzong heard about the ancient battlefield and went there to look for opportunities.

The accidental hit and collision broke the seal left by the powerful monk and released the blood puppet.

At that time, the blood puppet was very weak and was found by the cultivator of the **** of transformation of the Yulingzong.

From then on, this blood puppet stayed in Yu Lingzong and hadn't been seen for more than 30,000 years.

Even the Yu Lingzong was destroyed, but I didn't see this thing coming out. UU Reading"

The Lord of Earth Splitting said angrily: "Is there a way to deal with it after talking so much nonsense?

If not, we will all be finished.

The digital powers can work together to deal with it. Although the rank is now dropped, it is not something that we cultivators of God can deal with. "

God Broken Soul didn't conceal it anymore, and took out a jade gossip plate: "The elder Yulingzong who had taken refuge in my Yuheng Sword Sect at the time left this thing.

It is said that this thing was found in the place where the blood puppet was sealed.

Yu Lingzong also used this thing to suppress the blood puppet.

There is a pair of this jade gossip disc, and the elder only got one back then.

The other one should still be in the hands of the blood shark thief. "

The material of this gossip plate is extraordinary, and Wang Daoyuan feels that this thing is much more sophisticated than the forged immortal cauldron, and it was at least a seventh-order high-grade magic weapon back then.

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