Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1129: Big trouble

Wang Daoyuan had long expected that a certain force in the Seven Star Alliance must have the means to suppress the blood puppets.

Otherwise, they dare not take the initiative to attack.

There is this method, but it has not been used, this is to cheat people.

As for who to pit, it's hard to say.

There has always been a struggle for power among the various forces of the Seven Star Alliance.

Otherwise, after the Yu Lingzong was destroyed, the blood shark thief would not be able to regain its momentum.

The two newly joined forces of the Wang Family and the Wen Family are naturally also in the ranks of being pitted.

However, God Broken Soul didn't expect Wang Daoyuan to pick up two demons.

The blood demon in it happened to have some restraint on the blood puppet.

The plan of the Yin Death Wang Clan or the Wen Clan was bankrupt, and even the Tianshu Sect and the Tianji Palace were not pleasing to the eyes of Yuheng Jianzong.

At this time, God Broken Soul didn't want to try to cheat people anymore.

If this blood puppet cannot be subdued, the Jade Heng Sword Sect will be jointly targeted by other forces in the Seven Star Alliance.

And the blood puppet that had been integrated into the blood puppet god, after seeing the gossip jade plate in the hands of the soul-broken god, suddenly frightened to the sky.

He didn't attack everyone any more, but turned around and fled towards Qingmu Island in the southeast. The sixth-order middle-grade corpse puppet was closely behind it.

Soul Broken Lord naturally didn't want him to escape, so he urged the gossip jade plate with all his strength.

The entire jade plate grew up quickly, and after a while, it was like a huge grinding plate, covering the blood puppet.

The blood puppet was shocked, and shot a few blood arrows in a row, but they couldn't shake the gossip jade pan.

Seeing that the jade plate was getting closer, he unexpectedly offered a long sword and swung the sword towards the eight trigram jade plate.

The sword was cut down, and the jade plate was beaten back hundreds of feet.

The blood puppet took the opportunity to sacrifice a shuttle-shaped flying magic weapon and headed to Qingmu Island.

It may be that the flesh of the blood puppet and the blood puppet **** have not yet fully merged, and there is a problem with the spiritual power supply of this guy.

The flying magic weapon is very slow, only about 30,000 miles an hour, which is faster than the average Tier 5 high-grade flying warship.

Everyone is not in a hurry to chase him down, no matter how strong he is, the most is to escape to Qingmu Island.

The big deal is to kill all the manpower on Qingmu Island and save everyone the effort to break the formation.

This time, the soul-breaking **** is anxious: "This blood puppet has just occupied the blood puppet god's corpse, and it has not yet fully integrated.

Not only can the blood puppet's methods be used, but also some blood puppet gods' methods can be used.

The only function of this gossip jade plate is to block blood puppets.

For other methods, there is no defensive effect at all.

When it swallows all the flesh and blood essence of the blood puppet god, its strength will increase by leaps and bounds.

At that time, this gossip jade plate may not be able to suppress it.

Now if he doesn't join hands to take him down, there will be a **** storm in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm. "

Both Wang Daoyuan and Wen Xuanhai looked at him quietly, as if they were saying, what does it have to do with me?

When facing the enemy, he always plays this kind of trick.

After the blood puppet occupies the body, the strength will be greatly improved.

This is an extremely important piece of information, and I still refused to say it before.

Leave every sentence behind, and don't let go of it.

Now I'm a little bit playful, and I beg others for help.

God Lord Tiangong was furious: "Old Ghost Broken Soul, you really want to indulge this blood puppet and destroy my Tianshu Sect, right?

It's all this time, and I'm still hiding information here.

If I don't tell all the information about blood puppets, my Tianshu Sect will also abandon Tianshu Island.

Anyway, my Tianshu Sect still has a lot of properties on Kaiyang Island and Tianshu Island. No matter how powerful the blood puppets are, we also have time to move.

If it doesn't work, we will go to the endless ice sea to seek refuge with the Wen family and the Wang family.

In the ice sea, you can find a small island with spiritual veins, and you can settle down.

On the Seven Star Sea, I will leave it to you Yuheng Jianzong and the blood puppets to play slowly.

When you Yuheng Jianzong can't hold it and escape from Yuheng Island.

Don't blame us for attacking you together in spite of our alliance. "

God Lord Tiangong has always been more concerned about the overall situation, and now that he has said such words, he has obviously been completely irritated.

In desperation, the Lord of Broken Soul took out more secrets: "The powerful banning of blood puppets back then not only sealed it in a secret place, but also imposed a ban on it.

Most of the time, this blood puppet can only stay in a deep sleep state.

Only with the blood of a monk with a special physique can he slowly recover.

The Spirit Emperor Sect monk who found the blood puppet back then was someone with this special physique.

When the blood puppet came into contact with his blood, there was a sign of recovery.

However, only relying on absorbing the blood of some special physiques can only let it exert some strength, and it is not enough to completely break the ban.

Yu Lingzong has obtained this thing for more than 30,000 years, and there are five people before and after, who have special physiques that can revive blood puppets.

Among them, two people were invaded by blood puppets and drained their blood.

Every time this blood puppet sucked up a special physique of blood, part of the seal would be lifted.

If it is allowed to drain the blood of the blood puppet god, its power will rise to a new level.

I only have this gossip jade plate in my hand, I'm afraid I won't be able to suppress him then. "

Everyone was a little panicked now, the stuff that a group of powerful people could not clean up that year.

Even if the cultivation base regressed and couldn't break through the seventh order, that wasn't something they were able to get rid of by the transforming **** cultivators.

If it weren't for the current enemy, Wang Daoyuan would want to attack Yuheng Jianzong, and would dare to conceal any terrible news.

Wang Daoyuan asked coldly: "How long does it take for this thing to enter the body to completely swallow the blood?"

God Broken Soul shook his head: "That's hard to say, it took three days when he swallowed the first person.

It only took less than two days to devour the second person.

Moreover, the first person to be swallowed was the early stage of transforming gods, and the second person was the middle stage of transforming gods. "

Wang Daoyuan had points in his heart, the more people this guy swallowed, the more the seal was lifted, and the faster it swallowed.

The second person who swallowed had a higher cultivation base, but it took a little longer than half of the first person who swallowed it.

The blood puppet **** is also in the middle stage of transforming a god, and it may only take less than a day for the blood puppet to swallow it completely.

Baibao Shenjun asked again: "You dare to conceal any news. If this becomes a big trouble, the entire Seven-Star Sea Cultivation Realm may be swallowed.

At that time, will you Yuheng Jianzong have a way to solve this problem?

If there is any news about the blood puppets, tell them all at once.

If the news is concealed again, the blood puppet will be completely broken.

Before the blood puppet annihilated my Tianji Palace, I also tried to destroy your Yuheng Sword Sect. "

God Broken Soul said helplessly: "I only know so much.

You didn't know the Yulingzong elder who took refuge in my Yuheng Sword Sect back then.

He is not a much-used person in Yulingzong.

There is not much he can know.

Besides, what can a few cultivators of the gods research with the methods deployed by many powerful people?

Even the name of this blood puppet was made by that group of people blindly.

As for what this blood puppet is, no one can say clearly. "

After hearing these words, Wang Daoyuan called the good guy directly.

This Yulingzong person is so courageous, he didn't even figure out what the blood puppet was, so he dared to use human blood to stimulate it.

God Broken Soul has been concealing the blood puppet, until now the matter has been difficult to deal with, he is willing to tell the truth, and 80% also wants to conquer the blood puppet for his own use.

The forces on the Seven Star Sea hadn't seen anything in the world, and they really dared to do anything.

An ancient battlefield that could be hundreds of thousands of years ago can still be preserved to the present, there must be a big evil thing.

Even the Mahayana monks could not control the things cultivated in that kind of place.

Furthermore, knowing that this blood puppet was sealed by a group of powerful monks, he dared to put it in his own home.

Wang Daoyuan had to say, "The origin of this thing is unknown. After suppressing it, you must not stay in the Seven Star Sea. I suggest throwing it into Jue Tian Yuan.

If anyone wants to subdue this thing, my Wang family will do their best to destroy him. "

Wen Xuanhai responded immediately when he said this.

"Wang Daoyou is right. This kind of scourge that may destroy the entire world of cultivation must never be left behind.

If anyone has a ghost in this matter, my literary family will never die with him. "

The gods of Tiangong and Baibao also spoke, expressing their agreement with Wang Daoyuan.

Although the Lord of Broken Soul was a little bit reluctant, he didn't dare to say anything.

Wang Daoyuan said: "Since everyone has no opinion, let's take down this ten-thousand-year-old corpse puppet as soon as possible, and then hunt down the blood puppet.

Anyone who has the means to ban them should use them as soon as possible. Now is not the time to hide the clumsy. "

Baibao Shenjun took out a fiery red jade gourd from the Baibao iron box: "This thing was obtained when I traveled in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands many years ago, and it can ban a Tier 6 high-grade monster.

Although the Wannian Corpse Puppet is powerful, it should not be able to break this thing.

Fellow daoists took action to suppress the Wannian corpse puppet, and I took it in. "

With a wave of Tian Gong Shenjun, a huge wave of thousands of feet high was thrown on the sea, pressing towards the corpse puppet.

The corpse puppet wanted to escape, and the earth-splitting gods used the escape technique to block its way, and smashed it down with an axe.

The corpse puppet was repelled a short distance and was surrounded by huge waves.

Wen Xuanhai instantly condensed more than a dozen ice swords, surrounding the Wannian corpse puppet.

More than a dozen ice swords shattered at the same time, and a lot of cold air poured into the Wannian Corpse Puppet.

Soon, the corpse puppet was frozen into a big icy tuft.

Baibao Shenjun urged the jade gourd to take the corpse puppet in.

He handed the jade gourd to Wang Daoyuan: "Friend Wang Daoyuan, please burn this gourd with the flames of the Golden Crow."

Wang Daoyuan took the gourd and let Akabane Crow spray a golden flame, wrapping the whole gourd.

The power of the flame, which carries a large amount of pure Yang Qi, penetrates into the gourd.

The ice tuo soon melted, and the ten thousand-year-old corpse puppet inside began to roar.

However, the corpse energy and death energy in its body were quickly consumed.

This gourd is indeed extraordinary, and it has a means to increase the power of the flame.

The corpse puppet attacked everywhere inside, but failed to break the gourd.

Wen Xuanhai sacrificed a purple-gold windbreaker, and everyone on the flying boat began to hunt down the blood puppets.

This windbreaker is a sixth-order high-grade magic weapon, and its speed is also extremely fast.

Wen Xuanhai didn't take much effort when urging, so he increased the speed to more than 50,000 miles in an hour.

It only took more than a hundred breaths of time to catch up with the blood puppet.

The **** of broken soul sacrificed a gray long sword and swung the sword to cut out several sword lights.

Now the blood puppet was a little frightened, and quickly put away the shuttle-shaped magic weapon, the whole person turned into a **** light, and fled to Qingmu Island.

The blood puppet at this time is much faster, and of course the consumption is not small.

Moreover, his flying speed is also very strange, it will be faster and slower for a while, as if he can't fully control his own power.

Seeing that the Soul God Lord had the means to restrain the blood puppet, everyone looked at him hostilely.

God Broken Soul quickly explained: "I am not a means of restraining blood puppets, my sword intent is dedicated to killing souls.

This blood puppet has not yet merged with the blood puppet god, and the soul of the blood puppet **** is still there.

If his soul is killed by me, the blood puppet's manipulation of the flesh will be greatly affected, UU reading www. It is difficult for to cast the spell of the blood puppet god.

When the time comes, I will use the Eight Diagrams Jade Plate to deal with it, and I can easily subdue it. "

Everyone reluctantly believed his explanation and continued to hunt down the blood puppets.

This guy also fleeed desperately. As soon as the two sides chased and fled, they soon came to the vicinity of Qingmu Island.

When the monk guarding the island saw the blood puppet **** flying over, he opened the formation and greeted him in.

The previous period of fighting against God Lord Mo Jiao was enough for the cultivators on the island to adjust their formation.

The blood puppets entered Qingmu Island, and everyone wanted to break the formation, and it took about a day to solve the formation.

A day later, the blood puppet may have refined all the blood of the blood puppet god.

After refining the blood of the blood puppet god, the seal in the blood puppet's body may be lifted.

Without the seal of restraint, the trouble would be great.

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