Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1130: Blood puppet out of control

Everyone's complexion was not very good, and the Lord of Broken Soul was also frightened.

Once the blood puppet becomes in force, the Jade Heng Sword Sect will definitely be targeted by the entire cultivating world.

And Yuheng Jianzong's strength is also equal to Tianshuzong and Tianji Palace.

With these two sects joining hands, Yuheng Jianzong is no match.

What's more, there are also Wen Family and Wang Family.

Maybe, Yuheng Jianzong is in danger of extinction.

His voice trembled a little: "What should we do?"

God Lord Tiangong snorted coldly: "Now I know I'm afraid? When I concealed the blood puppet's information and wanted to use the blood puppet's hand to kill other Seven Star Alliance cultivators, why didn't he know he was afraid?"

Wang Daoyuan also sternly reprimanded: "You people are really bold. You don't even know what a blood puppet is, so you dare to drive it.

If this thing can really be driven, those great powers would be willing to seal it back then?

What Mighty dare not do, you just feel that you can do it with a magic weapon left behind by Mighty.

Forget it if you die, and you have to catch up with the entire world of immortality.

This is the end of the matter. With our methods, it is difficult to take down the blood puppet. "

God Lord Jin Yan came out to make the rounds: "Jade Heng Jianzong is not doing this thing authentically, but we can't just sit back and watch the blood puppets behave.

Well, let's find a way to break the formation first.

Maybe it could break the formation before the blood puppet refining the flesh.

If so, we still have a chance. "

God Lord Tiangong also nodded: "Then as soon as possible, everyone who understands the formation method will help together, maybe it can break the formation ahead of time."

Baibao Shenjun once again offered the lock circle and the silver light spy virtual mirror, the lock circle suppressed the defensive formation of Aoki Island, and the silver light spied the virtual mirror to spy on the reality of the formation.

With the experience from last time, Baibao Shenjun moves very fast.

With just one cup of tea, the entire formation situation was branded into the virtual mirror of silver light.

There were many sixth-order array mages present, and both Jinyan God Lord and Wen Xuanyan of Tianji Palace were both sixth-order high-rank array mages.

The Heavenly Sect's Earth Splitting God and the Yuheng Sword Sect's Broken Sea God Sovereign also have sixth-tier mid-rank formation skills.

Wang Daoyuan and Baibao Shenjun are sixth-order lower-rank mages.

The monk's realm has reached a high and deep level, and the breakthrough of his cultivation level is very slow.

Even if you spend more time on cultivation, you will not gain much.

On the contrary, it is better to spend some energy on cultivating immortals.

Can enhance one's own control over divine consciousness and spiritual power, and sometimes have a special perception of one's own realm.

Therefore, most of the high-ranking monks are proficient in one or two cultivating arts.

Many people are powerful, and everyone works together, and the speed of solving the formation is much faster.

When Baibao Shenjun looked for the weakness of the formation, it took a full day.

With the joint efforts of everyone, it took only five or six hours to find the flaw in the formation.

Baibao Shenjun urged the silver light to look into the virtual mirror, and a silver light flew out and fell on the defensive array.

The silver light turns into a light spot, marking the weak point of the formation.

The Lord of Heaven Bow reacted extremely quickly, pulling away the Bihai Liuli Bow, and a spiritual power arrow focused on the silver spot.


The entire defensive array trembled violently, and then cracks appeared where the silver light spot was.

The crack spread rapidly, and it only took two breaths to cover the entire defensive mask.

Subsequently, the entire defensive mask completely shattered.

Of course, this is not over yet.

The Blood Shark Pirates attaches great importance to Qingmu Island. There are more than a dozen large and small formations on the entire island.

Breaking the outermost formation can certainly enter Qingmu Island, but it is still a long way from getting the blood puppet out.

Everyone has been staring at the situation inside the formation, naturally knowing where the blood puppet is.

In the middle of the island, there is a basin with a radius of about a hundred miles, and the whole basin is enveloped by formations.

Everyone could see clearly that the blood puppet entered this formation.

This formation is quite extraordinary, even more complicated than the one outside.

The previous formation has experience, and it takes half a day.

On the blood puppet side, it is possible at any time to refine the blood essence of the blood puppet god.

It is still uncertain how much time everyone has to break through.

However, for the time being, there is no other way, but to break the formation slowly and take it slowly step by step.

Baibao Shenjun repeated the old skills and released the lock circle to suppress the formation.

He used silver light to peek into the virtual mirror to explore the reality of the formation.

Afterwards, the array mages analyzed the flow of spiritual power in the array together to find out the flaws in the array.

Three hours later, before everyone had analyzed a Ziwu Maoyou, the formation became turbulent.


There were several "clicks" in a row, and then the big array collapsed directly.

A monk in the early stage of transforming gods flew out of the basin.

This person is not very old, and he is wearing the imperial Lingzong's standard robes. He should be the monk who arranged to guard the formation on the side of the blood shark thief.

He is very embarrassed now, with a lot of injuries on his body, his hair tied to pieces, and a hole in his robe.

Behind him is a blood-red human figure.

This human figure can no longer see the specific face, and the entire body is composed of blood-red objects that resemble mud.

Look at the approximate size, it should be the blood puppet god.

The hearts of everyone were chilled, the blood puppet **** monarch chasing and killing the blood shark thief cultivator should have been completely refined by the blood puppet.

This young monk escaped and saw everyone from the Seven Star Alliance right in front of him.

After calming down, he shouted: "Seniors, I am willing to return to the Seven Star Alliance, and please seniors to save me.

The blood puppet **** is crazy, and now he wants to eat me. "

With a wave of the Thunder Dragon Bone Sword in Wang Daoyuan's hand, a sword light flew over.

The sword light hit the blood puppet, the blood puppet's whole body was like mud, and there was a wave of ripples.

After that, there was no response.

Wang Daoyuan's divine consciousness could no longer sense the existence of Jian Mang.

Thunder attribute spells have a very powerful effect on most evil spirits, but this guy completely ignored the lightning attack.

Wang Daoyuan recruited the blood spring again, and as soon as the blood spring appeared, he used blood red spiritual power to condense a long sword.

The long sword is extremely fast, turning into a red light, passing through the blood puppet.

There were some fluctuations in the blood puppet again, and then there was no reaction anymore.

The blood demon said directly: "My blood sword power has lost one-third, and the blood puppet's power has also been weakened, but it is weakened too little, which can be said to be insignificant.

Now, I can say that it is almost useless. "

Wang Daoyuan looked at God Broken Soul: "Friend Broken Soul, when do you want to keep your gossip jade plate?"

The Lord of Broken Soul took out the Eight Diagrams Jade Plate and injected a lot of spiritual knowledge and spiritual power.

The gossip jade plate instantly rose to the size of a grinding plate and smashed at the blood puppet.

The blood puppet finally gave up the blood shark thief cultivator, and a weird blood-red long sword condensed in his hand.

This long sword is not an entity, but is made of blood-red mud like its body.

The blood puppet swung his sword towards the Eight Diagrams Jade Plate, after a silent collision.

The blood puppet was knocked away more than ten feet away, and the long sword in his hand disintegrated.

The gossip jade plate also failed to fall, and was repelled more than ten feet away.

God Broken Soul's face was pale, it was not that he had suffered multiple injuries, but that he found that he could not hold the blood puppet at all.

I wanted to take advantage of the blood puppet's hand to kill a few cultivators of the Seven Star Alliance.

Then he took the gossip jade plate, took the blood puppet, and put it in his own pocket.

Later, in the Yuheng Sword Sect, I found a monk who could use the blood to drive the blood puppet.

In this way, the blood puppets will be able to fight in all directions in the future.

At the beginning, the Yulingzong was able to rise, and the avatar-cultivating soul technique plus the sacred tree of soul-cultivating wood were of course the most important.

But the role played by the blood puppet should not be underestimated.

Once, the cultivator of Yulingzong used blood puppets to kill two cultivators at the peak of the **** transformation.

If Yuheng Jianzong could hold the blood puppet in his hands, he would surely become the new overlord of the Seven Star Sea.

The blood puppet, who had been planning for a long time, was out of control now.

With the gossip jade plate in his hand, it was not enough to suppress him.

Unwilling to reconciled, Soul Broken Lord once again urged the gossip jade plate and smashed it at the blood puppet.

This time, the blood puppet smashed the gossip jade plate with a punch, and the jade plate was repelled by more than ten feet again.

The blood puppet's fist was smashed, and blood-red mud splashed around.

Afterwards, a suction force came from the blood puppet, and the blood-red thin mud that had fallen apart returned to its body again.

God Broken Soul didn't stop, and once again urged the gossip jade plate with a large millpan, and smashed it at the blood puppet.

Wang Daoyuan controlled the blood spring and condensed a blood-red long sword.

The long sword turned into a blood shadow, passing through the head of the blood puppet.

Although it didn't cause any harm, it also made the blood puppet stunned for a moment.

The gossip jade plate smashed down, and the blood puppet did not make any resistance.

This time the gossip jade plate finally took a big advantage, and the whole blood puppet was smashed by the grinding plate.

At this time, the blood puppet was slapped flat on its head, revealing a small white jade sword that was only three inches long.

The material of this white jade sword is exactly the same as the Eight Diagrams jade plate.

At the moment of contact with the Bagua jade plate, the small white jade sword shined brilliantly.

After the blood puppet was shot and flew out, he dared not love the battle anymore and fled to the south.

At this time, the state of the gossip jade pan is not very good either.

Before, the whole jade plate exudes aura.

Now the aura is very dim, although it is not damaged, it is obviously too much consumed.

The Lord of Broken Soul still wants to urge the gossip jade plate to chase and kill, Wang Daoyuan hurriedly blocked: "Father of Broken Soul, you must never force the jade plate again.

This thing is our last hope to subdue the blood puppets. If it is damaged, we will be completely hopeless.

I see that there is a small white jade sword in the blood puppet, which seems to be able to restrict it.

Moreover, this small sword seems to be closely related to the Eight Diagrams Jade Plate, and should also be an important spiritual object for banning the blood puppet.

You said earlier that there are two pieces of the Eight Diagrams Jade Plate, and the other piece should belong to God Monarch Mo Jiao.

Let's take down God Monarch Mo Jiao first and take his piece of gossip jade plate.

This jade plate has a somewhat suppressive effect on blood puppets.

Two gossip jade plates are gathered together, and the blood puppet is still bound by the small white jade sword, we still have a chance to seal the blood puppet again. "

Baibao Shenjun also said quickly: "Wang Daoyou is right, this is our last chance.

You quickly regenerate this gossip jade plate to restore your spirituality as soon as possible.

Next, let's talk to God Monarch Mo Jiao, and try to seize that piece of gossip jade plate. "

God Broken Soul recovered his sanity and nodded: "That way, just do what the two Taoists said.

What about this blood shark thief cub and blood puppet? "

Wang Daoyuan glanced at him: "If I'm not mistaken, your gossip jade plate and the white jade sword in the blood puppet should have some kind of reaction, right?"

God Broken Soul nodded: "Indeed, my gossip jade plate can roughly perceive the position of the blood puppet."

"Then it's okay, first drive this wicked animal to the far sea.

When we get another gossip jade plate, it will not be too late to clean him up. "

After that, he took another look at the cultivator who had turned blood shark thief.

"As for the cultivator of the blood shark thief, just beheaded."

The Divine Lord of Earth Splitting grinned, showing Senhan's teeth: "Friend Wang Daoist said that he just killed this little blood shark thief, and pays homage to my iron-armed disciple."

The monk was so scared that he had a self-knowledge, and in front of a group of masters, there was absolutely no possibility of escape.

I had to beg for mercy again and again: "Seniors, forgive me for my life. Although the younger one is only a cultivator in the early stage of transforming a god, he is also one of the high-level cultivators in the blood shark thief.

Most of the internal information of Blood Shark Pirates, I know a little bit.

I know exactly where the blood shark thief's headquarters is.

There are hidden secrets, I also know.

It’s easier for you to take me to find the old man of Mo Jiao God Monarch. "

Everyone's eyes lit up, and this person is somewhat useful.

The blood shark thief inherited the royal family of Lingzong anyway, and the inheritance is very good.

If you can get a treasure trove of blood shark thieves, you may get a lot of good things.


Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. _wap.

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