Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1132: Survival with Broken Arm

In addition to supporting the formation, the role of each formation base in the formation is also sharing the attack on the formation.

When the entire defensive mask is attacked, it will flow through the spiritual power on the defensive mask and be scattered throughout the formation.

In the end, these forces will pass through the formation and be transmitted into the earth.

If a certain area of ​​the formation is locked, and this area is attacked again, it will not be able to transfer the attack power to other places in time.

As long as the strength of the attack exceeds the upper limit of a certain formation, it can be damaged and the entire formation will collapse.

This method of locking part of the formation and then forcibly breaking through is the most commonly used method when breaking the formation.

Just doing this requires a lot of strength.

If you want to lock a certain area in the formation, you need an extremely powerful array breaking weapon.

To break through a locked area, you need a super attack ability.

These two conditions happen to be available on the Seven Star Alliance.

Forcibly breaking a part of the formation is still very difficult.

Some bases will be specially strengthened, and even refined with extremely high-strength materials.

It is very difficult to break through this formation abruptly.

There are even some masters in formations, with spirit veins and mountains and rivers as their eyes.

It is impossible for this formation to break without the power of shocking the world.

Wang Daoyuan and a group of mages gathered in front of the silver light peeping virtual mirror to observe the structure of the formation.

Zhenjun Qingzhu said: "Seniors, juniors are also masters of formation.

Moreover, he also assisted the old ghost Mo Jiao in maintaining the formation of Jade Phoenix Island.

Although I don't know the details of this formation, after all, I am also a sixth-order low-rank formation mage.

When maintaining the formation, I discovered that there was a defect in the formation in the southeast direction. "

Upon hearing this, everyone was excited.

If the defect can be found, that would be great.

Lock part of the formation, and then forcefully break the formation base.

Although this method is feasible, but the time and energy consumed is also very scary.

If the original flaws of the formation can be found, it will save a lot of time and energy.

God Lord Jin Yan asked quickly: "What's the situation with this defect? ​​Tell me everything you know."

Seeing that everyone was interested, Zhenjun Qingzhu was relieved.

This can be regarded as a huge contribution I have made. The greater the credit, the greater the hope of surviving afterwards.

"Mo Jiao's old ghost formation is not very talented. He is just a sixth-order low-rank formation mage, and his level is comparable to mine.

Therefore, he wants to focus on training me.

Let me become a sixth-tier high-ranking array mage, so as to strengthen the defensive array of blood shark thief's important strongholds.

In the future, when counterattacking the big island, it will be easier to break through the formations of various forces.

I can freely consult the classics about the formation of the blood shark thief.

After consulting the classics, I found that this formation was very clever, and it was arranged by a formation master tens of thousands of years ago.

Once resisted a huge wave of beasts, a crack appeared in the base of the formation during the battle.

But this flaw is not fatal, and the Yulingzong only used Jade Phoenix Island as a resource base.

The only opponent that needs to face is monsters.

The monster is not able to understand the formation method, and cannot use the flaws of the formation to break the formation.

However, it would take too much resources and energy to completely repair this defect.

Therefore, this defect was just patched casually, but it was not completely repaired.

After the demise of the Yulingzong, although the blood shark thief inherited part of the family, it is not the same as before.

Back then, I was reluctant to completely repair the formation, and now I am even more unable to do it. "

Hearing what he said was really serious, it should be true.

After all, Zhenjun Qingzhu's life is still in the hands of everyone, and he doesn't seem like a person who sacrificed himself for the sect.

Baibao Shenjun placed the silver light peeping mirror in front of him: "From this light and shadow model, point out the position of the defective formation base."

This light and shadow model reveals the entire island.

Zhenjun Qingzhu stared at the light and shadow model for a moment, then pointed to a position on the light and shadow: "This is it."

The place he was referring to was the easternmost part of Qingtong Mountain, where the spiritual veins were hidden.

Wen Xuanyan glanced at it: "There should be spiritual veins under this place, and it is indeed a good place to set up the formation.

Let's assume that there is a base here, and deduct the flow of spiritual power.

If the situation is the same as the formation, it proves that Mr. Qingzhu is right. "

This is equivalent to solving a difficult problem without knowing the result. It is very difficult to solve the problem.

If the result is known, it is much simpler to verify that the result is correct.

The crowd centered on the point pointed out by True Monarch Green Bamboo, and pushed back the flow of spiritual power in the entire formation.

It only took a quarter of an hour to complete the deduction.

Baibao Shenjun smiled and said: "Sure enough, there is indeed a formation here.

Regardless of whether there are defects, as long as you know the position of a base, lock the surrounding spiritual power.

As long as you work hard, you can always break the formation. "

Wen Xuanhai controlled the Breaking Wind Boat and came to the southeast of Yuhuang Island.

Baibao Shenjun controlled his lock circle, slowly drifting away from directly above Jade Phoenix Island.

He didn't stop until he moved to the top of the defective formation.

The light from the lock circle illuminates the entire island before.

Now the light shrank, and it was a few tens of miles around the defect base.

The range of irradiance is reduced, and the effect of suppressing the formation is more obvious.

"Dear fellow daoists, don't hide your clumsiness, take out all the magical weapons that have the power of suppression, and block this formation."

The other array wizards who had locked array magic weapons also moved their magic weapons to the vicinity of the defective array base.

At this moment, the Broken Star God Lord, who was sitting at the core of the formation, had a pale expression on his face.

"Is there any formation genius in the Seven Star Alliance? With just a lot of effort, they found the flaw in the formation."

God Lord Mo Jiao smiled bitterly: "What kind of genius hasn't seen Yu Lingzong's 50,000-year foundation?

Even the seventh-order array mage could not discover the defects of the array in such a short period of time.

Even if he couldn't find the base, it was 80% that Qingzhu had rebelled.

He is a rare formation genius in our Yulingzong, and I have the heart to train him.

Zeng took him to maintain the formation together, and gave him the authority to consult the formation classics.

He is a wise man, and he should have discovered some clues from the previous classics. "

The Broken Star God is indignant: "You value him so much, but he has rebelled.

This person is really unreliable. "

God Mo Jiao shook his head: "This is also my fault. After the battle with the Seven Star Alliance, there is a shortage of manpower here.

When the Seven Star Alliance swept the open sea, I was worried that they would take Qingmu Island, so I sent the Green Bamboo Sect to guard it.

He has guarded Aoki Island over the years, and there has been no mistake.

It's just that I forgot about the blood puppet god. After he merges with the blood puppet, most people can't hurt him at all.

Of course, it is still very likely that the people of the Seven Star Alliance will join forces to ban him.

The spirit of the blood puppet **** has not been completely wiped out, he will definitely flee to Qingmu Island.

After the blood puppet completely swallows his flesh and blood essence, it will definitely kill all living creatures in front of him.

In order to save his life, Qingzhu could only escape from Qingmu Island and seek refuge with the people of the Seven Star Alliance.

well! The only blame is that I was not thoughtful at the time. "

The Broken Star God asked: "Then what should we do? I don't know much about this side, do you have the means to block them?"

"What can I do? If the outermost formation is broken, as long as they are willing to spend the time, it will be difficult to defend the small formation inside.

Now most of our strength is on Qizhen Island, and we can't mobilize many people at all.

The two of us are already struggling to maintain the formation, and it is impossible to attack again.

Fortunately, Golden Sword and the others have already set off to the Ten Thousand Demon Islands. If we can't hold on here, Yulingzong will not break the incense.

The situation over there is more complicated, and the strength of Zhenhaizong is simply not enough to counterattack the Seven Star Sea.

I really know the virtues of those people in the Seven Star Alliance.

As long as the external risk is slightly lower, they will fight inwardly.

After eliminating the blood shark thief, they will not spend a huge price on an expedition to the Ten Thousand Devil Islands.

There is still a silver lining to survive with a broken arm. "

"Or, let's break through with some treasures?

With the gold furnace, the hope of life-saving is still great. "

God Mo Jiao shook his head again: "There is no hope. I didn't prepare before. Now I want to do it. It's too late.

When they break through the formation, you find a way to break through.

I brought the golden furnace to deal with them and dragged them.

The soul-raising tree must be preserved, as long as this thing is still there, we have a chance to make a comeback. "

The Broken Star God sighed: "I hope so, the son of luck has already gone to the Ten Thousand Demon Islands with the Golden Sword.

After a few hundred years, when the children of luck grow up, we still have a great chance of regaining the Sea of ​​Seven Stars.

It's just that the loss this time was too heavy. Even if Yu Lingzong recovers in the future, it will be difficult for the Son of Qi Luck to compete with the Son of Qi Luck in the south of Jue Tian Yuan. "

At this moment, there was a loud "bang" loud noise from outside, which is exactly how everyone in the Seven Star Alliance is attacking the formation.

Near the base of the flawed array, it has been suppressed by five or six magical artifacts.

God Lord Jin Yan shouted: "One, two, three, attack."

Before the words fell, everyone shot at the same time.

Colorful rays of light enveloped the surrounding waters.

The rumbling sound came again, and the entire array mask was trembling violently.

Especially the small piece that was locked, the light became very dim.

However, the lock-array method cannot completely block the flow of spiritual power, but only slows down the flow.

However, the attack of the crowd was completed in an instant, and the flow of spiritual power slowed down, and the power of the crowd could not be effectively divided.

If you can't disperse the attack power, you can only carry it by the flawed base.

After an hour has passed, it can be clearly noticed that the strength of this formation is rapidly decreasing.

Everyone shot at the same time again, and various spells hit the formation.

Click! The defensive mask that had been banned by many magical instruments shattered.

The formation is both prosperous and all lost.

If a place is breached, there will be problems with the entire formation.


Countless broken sounds sounded, and the outermost formation of Jade Phoenix Island slowly shattered.

At this moment, a small boat very similar to a windbreaker rose into the sky and headed south.

Everyone was planning to hunt down, when a hundred-foot-high golden furnace suddenly appeared and slammed straight towards the windbreaker.

Wen Xuanhai hurriedly manipulated the Breaking Wind Boat to evade, but fortunately, the gold furnace was too huge and its speed was also affected.

Before it fell, the Breaking Wind Boat calmly avoided.

Everyone dispersed, Wen Xuanhai put away the breaking wind boat, and sacrificed an ice blue long sword.

Tian Gong Shenjun shot an arrow and knocked the Golden Furnace back several feet.

The gold furnace shrank quickly and headed to the tribe on Jade Phoenix Island.

Wang Daoyuan sneered: "I really didn't expect Daoist Mo Jiao to die.

Since he was planning to die, why was he still hiding in the formation?

If it doesn't come out, we will go chase and kill the flying magic weapon that escaped.

The magic weapon hasn't fly far yet, so it should be able to catch up. "

A black shadow flew out of the formation and asked: "My Yu Lingzong and your royal family have no feud, why are they so persecuted?"

Wang Daoyuan asked back: "Do the billions of creatures in the Seven Star Sea have a life and death enmity with your Yu Lingzong? Why do you indulge the blood puppets? UU reading is a disaster for the Seven Star Sea?

God Mo Jiao was taken aback for a moment: "I remember Yuheng Jianzong should have a gossip jade plate that can suppress blood puppets.

With your strength and the gossip jade plate, if you are willing to spend some time, it will not be a problem to conquer the blood puppets.

That said, the blood puppet was completely unblocked? "

Wang Daoyuan snorted coldly: "You still know how harmful the thing is after it is unblocked. Your ancestors of Yu Lingzong have released such a thing, it is already a heinous crime.

You disciples and grandchildren of later generations who use blood puppets to do evil and allow them to thoroughly contact the seal are even more guilty of death.

Yulingzong is immortal, it is really no eye.

To destroy your Yulingzong is to walk the way for the sky. "

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. _wap.

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