Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1133: 8 hexagram jade plate in hand

Wang Daoyuan scolded Yu Lingzong angrily, and the Lord of Soul Breaking was very uncomfortable listening to it.

Although he knew that blood puppets were dangerous, Yuheng Sword Sect was very greedy and wanted to use blood puppets for his own use.

In the face of sufficient benefits, many people will ignore the danger.

The inheritance on the Seven Star Sea is too shallow, and there are too few secrets known. This is the fearlessness of the ignorant.

They don't know to be afraid, but Wang Daoyuan knows.

He has obtained the complete inheritance of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, as well as Guiyuan Jianxian and Ten Thousand Spirits ancestors who can reach the top level.

The understanding of the world of cultivation is much more than that of the monks on the Seven Star Sea.

He has seen the demons, the ancient alien beasts, the spirit races, and the legendary soul demon.

It is precisely because of their knowledge and knowledge that when they see strange creatures like blood puppets, they feel terrified.

The five elements and three singular methods of pure yang attribute could not hurt him at all.

How can this kind of monster that can't even get rid of the power to make people feel scared?

God Lord Mo Jiao was scolded and didn't know what to say.

His goal was not to distinguish between right and wrong, but to give the Broken Star God more time to escape.

Seeing True Monarch Qingzhu hiding behind everyone in the Seven Star Alliance, he yelled: "Qingzhu, you evil obstacle.

I treat you very well, and I want you to be the next lord of Yulingzong.

Unexpectedly, you betrayed the teacher.

He also colluded with outsiders and attacked his own gate. "

Zhenjun Qingzhu was a little ashamed, although he was forced to take refuge in the Seven Star Alliance.

But in order to save his own life, he took the initiative to tell the secret of the bleeding shark thieves, which can be regarded as deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor.

Baibao Shenjun sneered: "Old Ghost Broken Soul, don't play these tricks either.

The Broken Star God Sovereign escaped from here to Zhenhai Sect, even if he kept on going all the way, it would take ten and a half months.

No matter how much you can toss, it won't be too long.

It can be seen that you are pinning the future of Yulingzong on Zhenhaizong.

We plan to clean up the blood puppets first, and then think of a solution to Zhenhaizong.

If you are interested, give me the gossip plate that suppresses the blood puppet.

If we are ignorant, we can't conquer the blood puppets, we can only use Zhenhaizong to vent our anger. "

God Lord Mo Jiao took out a gossip jade plate: "I have what you want, but it is impossible for me to give it to you directly.

Those of you who want this gossip jade plate can grab it by your ability.

As long as you can kill me, not only the gossip jade plate is yours, but the golden furnace is also yours. "

This God Mo Jiao really knows the Seven Star Alliance too well.

If the Broken Star God Sovereign was to take away the Golden Furnace, the Seven Star Alliance would also attack Zhenhai Sect whatever the Seven Star Alliance said.

But now the Golden Furnace is in front of everyone, and which force gets it, can suppress other forces and become the strongest force in the Seven-Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

As a result, even if he died, the Seven Star Alliance would be fought over because of the gold furnace, and couldn't spare the time to trouble Zhenhaizong.

Wang Daoyuan didn't take the golden furnace seriously, his mind was all on the gossip jade pan.

The gossip jade plate in the hands of God Sovereign Mo Jiao is exactly the same shape as that in the hands of God Sovereign Broken Soul.

It's just that this gossip jade plate is black, while the gossip jade plate of God Broken Soul is white.

Wang Daoyuan glanced at God Lord Broken Soul, and asked, "Friend Broken Soul, is this gossip board true?"

The God of Broken Soul nodded: "It's true, my gossip plate has a reaction to this gossip plate."

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly: "I just want to solve the blood puppets as soon as possible, so as not to be overwhelmed by the creatures of the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

As for the things left by the blood shark thief, I only took some unique spirit plants and spirit beasts, and copied copies in terms of inheritance.

I don’t want islands, industries, or gold furnaces.

Fellow daoists, don't dare anymore.

If the blood puppet has time to grow, we won't be able to subdue him.

When the time comes, the entire Seven-Star Sea Cultivation Realm will not be enough for it to kill, and no matter how much benefit is grabbed, what use is it? "

Wang Daoyuan made a guarantee that he would not participate in the battle for the site and the golden furnace, and the gods of Broken Soul and the others were all happy.

At the beginning of the diplomatic battle on Qingmu Island, Wang Daoyuan kicked the lid of the golden furnace, which still scared everyone.

After all, the Lord of Earth Splitting struck an axe with all his strength, and the effect was not as obvious as his kick.

In the eyes of everyone, his physical strength was already above the Divine Sovereign of Earth Splitting.

Because of the end of his life, the strength of the **** of cracking will be affected. It is far inferior to the peak period, but it is also a real battle strength in the late stage of the transformation.

The power of Wang Daoyuan's kick can surpass the full blow of the Lord of Earth Splitting, and the strength is also a proper late stage of God Transformation.

It's just that he didn't see how clever means he used, the sword repair spells did not fit well with the physical body, and could not reflect his true strength.

If he does not participate in the battle for the gold furnace, the chances of others are much greater.

Wen Xuanhai also said quickly: "My Wen family and Wang family advance and retreat together, and the requirements are the same."

The two had made a plan before, and after eliminating the Blood Shark Pirates, let the Seven Star Alliance fight each other.

Although the gold stove is good, whoever gets it will be the target of public criticism.

Others want to get the gold stove, but they are a little worried.

Only two brothers, Duanhai and Duanhunshi of Yuheng Sword Sect, are determined to take down the Golden Furnace.

The concealment of the blood puppet has made Yuheng Jianzong a target of public criticism.

It is completely impossible to control the blood puppet now.

If you can't take down the Golden Stove, then Yuheng Jianzong will not even have the ability to protect yourself.

After the Wen family and the Wang family announced their withdrawal from the contention, the soul-breaking gods immediately stood up: "It is incumbent on my Yuheng Jianzong to kill the blood shark and steal the remnants."

Yuheng Jianzong stepped forward, and Tianji Palace, the old adversary, would naturally not lag behind.

God Lord Tiangong shouted: "My Tianji Palace was also involved in the extermination of Yulingzong at that time. The so-called elimination of evil is exhausted. Now that the Yulingzong is completely wiped out, it is incumbent on my Tianji Palace."

Tianji Palace and Yuheng Jianzong have been fighting for control of Tianquan Island for many years.

The two families fought back and forth, and they also accumulated a lot of hatred.

If Yuheng Jianzong were given the golden furnace, Tianji Palace would be defeated.

Yuheng Jianzong monopolized the two big islands, Yuheng and Tianquan, and its strength expanded rapidly.

It is very difficult for Tianji Palace to resist.

As the original strongest power of the Seven Star Alliance, Tianshu Sect was naturally unwilling to fall behind.

Tian Gong Shenjun also said: "My Tianshu Sect was also one of the initiators, and now I naturally want to take action to fulfill the last wishes of our ancestors."

The six cultivators of the three major forces want to take action together, and the face of God Mo Jiao is ashamed.

Previously, there was a golden furnace in his hand, and he was suppressed when he was fighting against the three late stage gods at the same time.

Now that six people shot at the same time, he has no chance of surviving.

He threw the black gossip jade plate to Wang Daoyuan: "You can't care about the golden furnace, but you only care about this gossip jade plate.

Among these people, only you really want to destroy the blood puppet.

I don't want blood puppets to slaughter creatures, this gossip jade plate will be handed over to you.

I hope you can help restore the sins made by my Yulingzong. "

Naturally, Wang Daoyuan didn't want blood puppets to wreak havoc. This Seven-Star Sea Cultivation Realm was regarded by him as his own rear area, which was an important foundation for his future battles in the Quartet.

If it was destroyed by the blood puppet bastard, it would be impossible to rebuild it within a few thousand years.

I am afraid that when the Battle of Qi Luck breaks out, the Qixing Sea will not be of great use.

Wang Daoyuan took the black gossip jade plate, and the **** Mo Jiao had already lifted his acknowledgment.

A gossip jade plate can't suppress the blood puppet at all.

The soul-breaking **** is not correct, and another gossip jade plate is left in his hands, and he may still be in big trouble.

"Friend Broken Soul, give me your jade plate too.

Keep it in your hands, I really feel a little worried. "

God Broken Soul sneered and said: "I don't worry about putting it in your hands."

Wang Daoyuan also didn't bother to argue with him: "Either give me the jade plate, or my Wang family and the Wen family will fight for the gold furnace together.

Leaving such a useless thing, but attracting a powerful enemy, is not worth your own weighing. "

Tianji Palace and Tianshu Sect also did not want the Wen Family and Wang Family to participate, they all stared at the Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul and put pressure on him.

The soul-breaking **** has no choice but to throw the gossip jade plate to Wang Daoyuan: "I hope you will keep your promise and don't make the golden heart."

Wang Daoyuan took the white gossip jade plate: "Naturally, I always believe that my own natal magic weapon is the strongest.

No matter how good other things are, they are nothing more than tools. "

After that, he stopped paying attention to them, found a big rock, and sat down cross-legged to refine two gossip jade plates.

God Broken Soul and other six people shot together, preparing to take down God Lord Mo Jiao.

The six people gathered from all directions, and the previous method that God Mo Jiao used to resist the attack with the golden furnace was completely ineffective.

Even if a good opportunity can be found, an opponent will be put into the gold furnace.

When the Golden Furnace accepts people, he will also be besieged by five other people.

In desperation, he opened the lid of the gold stove and jumped in by himself.

The furnace lid closed the golden furnace, and the increased furnace began to scurry around, trying to kill others.

God Lord Mo Jiao hides inside, and it is difficult for people outside to hurt him.

The Soul Breaker slashed several sword lights in succession, and his attack hit the golden furnace without any effect.

He sighed: "Daoist Tiangong, Daoist Sundering, wanting to break this golden furnace, you can only rely on you to use your physical strength to smash God Mo Jiao to death."

God Sundering Earth sneered: "After shaking him to death, does this golden furnace belong to our Tianshu Sect?"

Now the soul-breaking **** is not talking anymore, Yuheng Jianzong has to get the gold furnace, how can he hand it over?

The six are pregnant with ghosts, and they can only fight slowly with God Mo Jiao.

Wang Daoyuan is still refining those two Bagua jade plates, these two jade plates are of quite high grade, with fifty-four prohibitions, and are already the top seventh-order spiritual weapons.

It's just because the rank is lowered that half of the prohibitions are in a dormant state, and it is difficult to play a role.

These restrictions are very high and deep, and Wang Daoyuan can only recognize the restrictions that have the effect of suppressing and suppressing the demons.

He can't recognize most of the other prohibitions.

However, this thing is very simple to refine.

In just one hour, the two former seventh-order peak magic weapons were all refined.

On the other side, the Golden Furnace is still entangled with the six late stage cultivators.

The Golden Furnace is already the turtle in the urn, as long as the Mojiao God Lord is consumed to death.

At this time, whoever expends too much energy will be at a disadvantage in the subsequent competition.

Wang Dao is far from looking down on the Golden Furnace, and he doesn't bother to care about their troubles.

He and Zhou Luan flew straight to the top of Qingtong Mountain, where hundreds of phoenix trees grew.

The appearance of these phoenix trees is similar to that of ordinary green-skinned phoenix trees.

The bark and leaves are all emerald green, exuding pure wood attribute spiritual power.

In addition, among the leaves and tree trunks, there was a faint flame phantom flashing through, revealing a small amount of fire attribute spiritual power.

Zhou Luan took a deep breath: "The environment here is really good, and I feel comfortable all over when I come in.

There is a feeling of being away from home for many years and returning home. "

She has a very strong bloodline of Chiluan. In this Fengqitong forest, it is like returning to her own You can feel which of these Fengqitong is the best, let's go straight away. "

Zhou Luan released the Chiluan Nirvana Fire, which was very different from usual, and seemed to be cheering, wanting to fly to these phoenix trees.

And the branches of those Fengqitongs also swayed gently, trying to get close to the Chiluan Nirvana Fire.

Zhou Luan controlled the Chiluan Nirvana Fire and wandered around the Fengxi Tung Forest.

Whenever the flames of Chiluan divine bird approached, nearby Feng Qitong swayed its branches and approached the spiritual fire.

Wang Daoyuan picked Fengqitong, the most dynamic plant in the past ten years, into the Lingzhu space.

One of them is very old, and it is the oldest tree in this phoenix tree forest.

The Wang family gave up fighting for the gold furnace and transplanted a few Fengqitong plants. Naturally, the others had no objection.

There is a lot left, enough for everyone to share.

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