Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1134: Difficult blood puppet

There are phoenix tong forests here, which naturally attracts many demon birds of the phoenix clan blood.

On the dozen or so phoenix trees that Wang Daoyuan had collected, there were several nests of phoenix-blooded monster birds.

There are not only chicks but also adult demon birds in the nest.

They were all imprisoned by Wang Daoyuan with divine consciousness, and then they were taken into the Lingzhu space.

Neither the adult nor the chick could escape.

A total of five bird nests were harvested this time, including three nests of wood demon bird, phoenix feather bluebird, and two nests of fire demon bird, firewing quail.

Although they are known as Phoenix-blooded Demon Birds, their Phoenix-blood concentration is pitifully low.

Five nests of phoenix-blooded demon birds, stupefied that none of them can awaken the spirit fire.

The demon bird without the life spirit, fire, phoenix, blood, is just like a dragon seed without a fake dragon ball, it's not worth mentioning.

Probably because the blood is too thin, their cultivation base is also extremely low, and the highest is only the fourth-tier top grade.

In terms of pedigree, it is worse than the dragon fish of the Wang family.

Although Feng Qitong was too bad, it was still very helpful to the Phoenix-blooded demon bird.

In this environment, they have not been able to break through the fifth rank, and there is really no good point in the bloodline.

Of course, they shared the blood shark thieves.

Those who are talented and have a high bloodline concentration may have been captured and refined into clones long ago.

For the rest, the talents and bloodlines are poor, which is normal.

Now that he has entered the Lingzhu space, he has sufficient resources.

Wang Daoyuan intends to take the time to put Nanming Lihuo in. With the nourishment of the Phoenix Clan's Spirit Fire, these Feng Qitongs will also make great progress.

The current Fengqitong is in the same state as the blood-fired hibiscus plant in Baodingshan of the Shenbing Pavilion.

Either the true Phoenix Indus has degenerated, or it is a hybridization of Phoenix Indus with other similar species.

The rank is too low, and the largest Fengqitong plant has only the fifth rank.

With the Phoenix Spirit Fire, they should still have a chance to become a real Feng Qitong.

Feng Qitong is one of the ancient gods, and it can grow to the eighth level of existence.

After finishing Feng Qitong, Wang Daoyuan didn't plan to stay on this Jade Phoenix Island any more.

God Lord Mo Jiao, an old treacherous and cunning fellow, would desperately drag everyone from the Seven Star Alliance and send God Lord Broken Star away.

Most of the good things in the hands of the blood shark thief should have been sent to Zhenhaizong.

Even if you turn the Jade Phoenix Island upside down, you won't get any good things.

Wang Daoyuan flew to the place where everyone was fighting, and said, "I have refined those two gossip jade plates."

It didn't mean anything to stay here, so I went to clean up the blood puppet first.

After you take the Jade Phoenix Island, you should give me the benefits of the Wang family, and just hand it over to the Wen family. "

If Wang Daoyuan could not participate in this side of the matter, God Broken Soul and the others were naturally very happy.

Baibao Shenjun also took the time to say: "You can rest assured, Fellow Daoist Wang, we will never deduct half of the points for the benefits that should be given to the Wang family."

Wang Daoyuan once again handed over to Wen Xuanhai: "Friends of Wen Dao, please help me to count the supplies."

Wen Xuanhai waved his hand: "Our two families are relatives in-laws, so such a small matter is nothing.

However, that blood puppet is not easy to deal with.

It's not easy to take it down, you couple.

Or else, after they get rid of the old Mo Jiao ghost, you will do it again? "

The two parties formed an alliance to jointly deal with the future catastrophe. Naturally, the Wen family did not want the Wang family to have problems now.

"Don't worry, the magic weapon that Mighty can leave is in my hand, and it should be able to suppress the blood puppet.

Even if he can't be taken, there is no big deal.

With my ability, self-protection is still okay. "

Later, he said to God Broken Soul and the others: "After suppressing the blood puppet, I will take it to Juetianyuan and his party.

If I can get rid of it, I will bring two gossip jade plates and the jade sword on the blood puppet to show all the fellow Taoists.

If it can't be solved completely, I will also ban it and throw it into Juetian Abyss under the witness of fellow daoists.

Lest fellow daoists doubt, my Wang family will secretly drive this evil animal. "

After hearing this, everyone was relieved.

Especially the God Lord Broken Soul, he knows a lot.

Now the two gossip jade plates have fallen into Wang Daoyuan's hands, and no one can subdue the blood puppet except him.

He was really worried that Wang Daoyuan would secretly subdue the blood puppet and use it to deal with himself in the future.

After Wang Daoyuan finished speaking, he sacrificed Lei Peng Feizhou and took Zhou Luan to the southeast.

The two gossip jade plates and the jade sword in the blood puppet are a set of magical artifacts, and there are some internal connections between them.

After Wang Daoyuan recognized the master of these two gossip jade plates, he could vaguely sense where the blood puppet was.

Of course, the specific location and even the distance cannot be accurately sensed, only an approximate direction can be sensed.

Lei Peng Feizhou galloped to the southeast, and the two brothers of the Wen family watched Lei Peng Feizhou leave.

Also staring at Lei Pengfeizhou, there is also God Sovereign Mo Jiao.

He was really worried that Wang Daoyuan would go after the Broken Star God Lord.

It is not that Wang Daoyuan has never thought about it this way, but the two evils are the lesser of power.

The blood shark thief, the son of luck, will take hundreds of years to grow up, no matter how strong it is.

There are opportunities to clean him up.

Moreover, before Wang Daoyuan used the Qi Qi technique to look at the flying magic weapon of the Broken Star God Lord, there was no child of Qi Luck on it.

Jade Phoenix Island has also seen it here, and there is no place where the luck is against the sky.

And the blood puppet can't delay any longer, now this guy has just gotten out of trouble, and his strength hasn't recovered much, it's already so difficult to deal with.

If it is allowed to absorb the blood of some monsters or monks, its strength will be further improved, and it will completely break through the seal left by the power.

When the time comes, I will use all the means, I am afraid it will be difficult to take them down.

The most terrible thing is, if this guy forces the jade sword out of his body, and the sea is vast, where can he find it?

Feizhou hurried all the way to the southeast. Three days later, Wang Daoyuan could already clearly feel that he was not far from the blood puppet.

Feizhou flew forward for about 10,000 miles, and he saw from a distance a shark of over ten feet six grade six shark, madly fleeing for his life.

Behind it, there was a **** light chasing it.

Wang Daoyuan had dealt with blood puppets before and was very familiar with its breath.

This blood light was transformed by the blood puppet, and the blood puppet did not show any wisdom, but was a little afraid of the gossip jade plate.

It turned into blood light, and it looked like the blood escape of the blood demon clan.

Before being completely unblocked, he was very afraid of the blood spring.

According to the Lord of Broken Soul, before the appearance of the blood puppet, a Mahayana blood demon died in that ancient battlefield.

From these circumstances, one can boldly speculate that this blood puppet has a lot to do with the blood demons.

It's not that this thing was created by the blood demon, but that its birth has something to do with the blood demon.

The sixth-order low-grade shark in front was chased into the sky without a way to the ground.

Wang Daoyuan used his divine sense to transmit sound to it, let it come here, and he could save it.

This shark really had no choice but to follow Wang Daoyuan's advice.

Of course, its original intention may not be so good, 80% want Wang Daoyuan to replace the dead ghost, and take the opportunity to escape.

The shark was getting closer and closer, Zhou Luan was a little nervous, sacrificed its natal magic weapon, and held it tightly in his hand.

Wang Daoyuan patted her on the shoulder and smiled: "You should go to the Spirit Orb Space. I can clean up this guy. I can do it myself."

Zhou Luan shook his head: "There are still many enemies you have to deal with in the future. As your wife, I will naturally fight alongside you.

If I hide as soon as I encounter a strong enemy, what use is there for me?

Don't worry, I have been refining alchemy in the spirit orb space a few years ago, and I have fought with Wannian Corpse Puppets before, and my strength has improved a lot.

This blood puppet has a single method, and the previous True Lord Green Bamboo can escape from it, so I am naturally not afraid of it. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, and said nothing.

The sixth-order low-grade shark is coming towards the king's road far away, its speed is very fast, it is like flying on the sea.

The water splashes aroused by the body can easily kill the Nascent Soul Monk.

It's a pity that it was the monster blood puppet that was chasing it, and these methods were useless at all.

Soon, the shark passed under the flying boat that was far away from the king.

The blood puppet found Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan, their cultivation bases were higher than that of the shark, and they were more attractive to it.

Instead of chasing sharks, it took Wang Daoyuan as a target instead.

Wang Daoyuan put away Lei Pengfeizhou, the blood rushed towards him, he held Zhou Luan and used his escape technique to avoid the attack.

The blood light didn't stop, and rushed over again.

This time Wang Daoyuan was ready, and the blood rushed to the front, Wang Daoyuan threw out two gossip jade plates.

Massive spiritual power and divine consciousness were injected into it, and the gossip jade pan instantly turned into a black and white two huge grinding pan.

The blood puppet transformed into a human form again, and turned around to flee.

At this time, the jade slip in its head also radiated dazzling light, echoing the two grinding discs.

The blood puppet's movements became sluggish, and the two grinding discs were up and down, sandwiching the blood puppet.

Wang Daoyuan urged the two jade plates with all his strength, trying to clamp the blood puppet to death.

The jade sword in the blood puppet trembled violently, suppressing the blood puppet's power.

But this blood puppet is extremely powerful, stepping on the black jade plate and pressing the white jade plate with his back.

Two large grinding discs with a diameter of several tens of meters were just as hard as it was.

No matter how Wang Daoyuan urged, the two grinding discs could no longer be under pressure.

Zhou Luan's fingertips elicited a ray of Chiluan Nirvana fire, and then all the spirits and spirits merged into it, condensing a fireball.

This fireball is the size of a fist, and contains violent power and some laws of thunder.

There is no doubt that this is Tier 6 C Fire God Thunder.

Zhou Luan threw a fireball and smashed it at the blood puppet.

Since the blood puppet can directly swallow normal spiritual attacks, when the fire **** Thunder is several meters away from the blood puppet, it will be detonated.

With a "bang", the crimson flame enveloped a radius of thousands of meters, and the heat wave swept hundreds of miles in a radius.

Even on the sea, bubbles and white mist are constantly emerging.

The flame dissipated, and the blood puppet was unscathed, still as before, sandwiched between two huge grinding discs.

The two huge grinding discs were also unscathed.

Wang Daoyuan was a little surprised: "His Royal Highness, when did your strength become so strong?"

These words are not all compliments, the power of this Bing Fire God Thunder can completely hurt the cultivators of the late transformation of God.

If the cultivator in the middle stage of transforming a god, eats this all at once, 80% will be severely injured.

Zhou Luan looked proudly: "Of course, my cultivation these years is not in vain."

Next, Wang Daoyuan resorted to various methods to see what this guy was afraid of.

But this guy is smelly and hard, and the Five Elements Spirit Fire can't hurt it at all.

Wang Daoyuan had no choice but to let the Cloud Winged Tiger out, letting it shook the blood puppet with a roar.

But as soon as Yunyi came out, like a big white cat, his hair stood up.

He bowed his waist and let out a stern cry: "Master, help, it's going to eat me."

Wang Daoyuan slapped him on the back of his head: "With me here, what are you afraid of?

Shock it with your roar and see if it works. "

Yunyi was still trembling all over, UU read with all his strength and roared.

This tiger roar did not have the majesty of the soul-eater white tiger, but it was like a big white cat calling, and the blood puppet naturally did not respond.

But this can't be blamed on him, the lower-rank Akabane Crow was all frightened by the blood puppet.

Yunyi only has a Tier 5 top grade Yunyi, so it's normal to be afraid of this guy.

Offering the Yinglong Slashing Demon Sword, the blood puppet came for a while, but the sword contained the power of Yinglong, and various spirit races were extremely afraid.

In front of the blood puppet, it was useless.

Wang Daoyuan sacrificed another crimson flame. This flame was Nanming Lihuo. The Nanming Lihuo in Wang Daoyuan's hand was given by Wang Mingchen.

This flame is one of the three strange fires, claiming to burn nothing.

Previously, he had been raised in Yinglong's body, and with the help of Yinglong's power, he raised his rank.

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