Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1135: Sword Immortal shot

Wang Daoyuan injected a large amount of spiritual power into the Nanmingli fire at his fingertips, and the flames skyrocketed rapidly.

Nanming Lihuo condensed a flaming Suzaku, and once this Suzaku formed, it seemed to be alive.

Opening his mouth let out a cry, like the sound of a clear spring, and like a broken jade in Kunshan.

The Nanming Lihuo was originally the spiritual fire of the Suzaku divine bird. It was used to perform spells related to the Suzaku, and its power was indeed extraordinary.

The flame Suzaku coiled around the blood puppet, and was not directly absorbed by it like ordinary means.

The power of Nanming Lihuo is constantly attacking the blood puppet.

However, the effect was minimal, and there was no obvious loss of the blood-red slime on the blood puppet.

This consumption speed is not as good as the spell of the clone blood fountain.

The blood puppet is also very shrewd. After being wrapped in flames, it immediately shrinks in size and becomes only a foot tall.

The two gossip jade plates also shrunk rapidly, always sandwiching him.

As a result, fewer flames can be in contact with it at the same time, and it consumes less power.

It gave Wang Daoyuan the feeling that it was like using an ordinary flame to burn wood soaked in water.

It's not that the wood can't burn, but the flame is not strong enough to dry the wet wood instantly.

If you want to kill him effectively, unless Nanming Lihuo improves his rank.

Nanming Lihuo is currently only the fifth-order peak, and is only one step away from the sixth-order low-end.

This last step can never be crossed.

It may be that the level of Nanming Lihuo is too high, and it is extremely difficult to upgrade.

The three strange fires in the Qianyuan world are the true sun fire, the reincarnation flame of Jiuyou, and the fire from Nanming.

The three are not strong or weak, but have different abilities.

The true sun fire contains a lot of pure yang energy. Generally speaking, pure yin and pure yang energy will not cause any harm to living creatures.

But when the purity is extreme, it has undergone a qualitative change.

This pure Yang Qi has also become a killing weapon.

Wang Daoyuan's Chiyang True Fire, as well as the current Chiyuwu's natal spirit fire, both contain a small amount of the power of the Sun's True Fire.

It's just that the yang qi is not pure enough, not to the point of qualitative change.

The Jiuyou Samsara flame is the legendary flame of the underworld where ghosts reincarnate.

After the soul is burned by the flames of the nine secluded reincarnations, it is re-condensed and formed, and reincarnated everywhere.

It can be said that the entire underworld reincarnation is mainly maintained by this flame.

And Nanming Lihuo is the most violent existence in the fire, and it is characterized by being extremely domineering.

It can burn everything, but it takes a little more effort to burn other attribute spirits other than firewood.

Not by any characteristics, but by the burning ability that all flames have.

This is no different from ordinary flames, but Nan Mingli's ability to burn is extremely strong. There is nothing in the world that it can't burn at all.

In theory, Nanming Lihuo restrains everything.

It's just that the burning effect is hard to say. Just like this blood puppet, Nan Mingli Huo can burn off some of its power.

But due to the uniqueness of the blood puppet, the burning effect is better than nothing.

Based on this burning effect, it may take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to completely abolish the blood puppet.

In the Lingzhu space, this time is unacceptable.

Wang Daoyuan did not intend to rely on his own strength to solve this thing.

He originally wanted to ask Master Guiyuan Jianxian for help in Jue Tian Yuan.

Although Guiyuan Sword Immortal is far away from Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie, he blocks Jue Tianyuan's formation, but the mirror formation can form many sub-arrays.

Even the stone pillar where Guiyuan Sword Immortal is located has many projections.

After all, Jue Tian Yuan has spread from the extreme west to the Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation Realm, and I don’t know how far east.

Such a long distance must be guarded by Guiyuan Jianxian.

Even with the help of the formation, it is impossible to manage.

If there is a Demon Race Mahayana cultivator, appear in the Jue Tian Yuan on the side of the Seven Star Seas.

Waiting for the formation to spread the news to Guiyuan Jianxian, Guiyuan Jianxian made another move to kill the enemy.

No matter how powerful the formation is, it will take several months before Guiyuan Sword Immortal's attack hits the invading Demon Race.

If that's the case, this formation has no meaning.

Therefore, there is a node every other distance in Jue Tian Yuan.

On this node, there will be a projection of Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

The projection has the memory and power of the body and can decide whether to attack or not.

Wang Daoyuan planned to find such a node in Jue Tian Yuan and ask Guiyuan Sword Immortal for guidance.

Wang Daoyuan sacrificed the forging immortal cauldron, and put the blood puppet together with the two gossip jade plates into the immortal cauldron.

With the repressive power of Forging Immortal Cauldron and two gossip jade plates, it should be able to suppress the blood puppet for a long time.

He had also asked Duxian before, but Duxian had fallen into a semi-conscious state since the death of his master Duxian Shenzun.

It can be said that he knows nothing about the history of the formation of blood puppets.

As for the ancient battlefield, he had heard a bit about it.

It is said that the ancient battlefield is extremely old.

Long before the establishment of Shenlianzong, the ancient battlefield existed.

Legend has it that the monks who fought in that ancient battlefield were at least in the realm of Earth Immortals.

The eighth-order Golden Crow at the Sunset Cloud was killed in the ancient battlefield.

The blood puppet may have been born in that ancient battlefield, so his heels can be described as terrifying.

Wang Daoyuan also made up his mind. When his strength comes up in the future, he must go to that ancient battlefield to see the excitement.

Of course, the current strength is too weak, and in the past it was also a death sentence.

At present, I have not encountered any obstacles in my growth path, so I don't need to work hard in the past.

Putting the blood puppet into the forging cauldron, Wang Daoyuan sacrificed Lei Peng flying boat, and Zhou Luan rode the flying boat together, heading south.

Forging Immortal Cauldron was not included in the Spirit Orb space either, lest it would take too long and Immortal Immortal Cauldron would not be able to suppress the blood puppet.

Put the forged immortal cauldron in the cabin, and continuously inject spiritual power into it, so as not to lack the spiritual power of the two gossip jade plates.

The flying boat went all the way to the south and flew for nearly a month before reaching the southernmost point of the Seven Stars Sea Cultivation Realm, which is also the north shore of Jue Tian Yuan.

When Jue Tian Yuan spreads from west to east, it does not go due east, but spreads all the way to the southeast.

On the side of Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie, the edge of the ice field is less than a million miles away from Jue Tian Yuan.

But in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, from the edge of the endless ice sea to the north shore of Jue Tian Yuan, there are more than ten million miles.

From Yuhuang Island to the north shore of Jue Tian Yuan, there are also nearly ten million miles.

Because Wang Daoyuan has been inputting spiritual power into Forging Immortal Cauldron, he can't restrain his breath.

Duan Xian Ding and Wang Daoyuan didn't hide their auras at all, and none of the blind monsters and loose cultivators dared to make trouble along the way.

The shore of Juetianyuan here is similar to the east of the Tianzhan Mountains in Beiyuan Xiuxianjie.

Along Jue Tian Yuan, a mountain range dozens of miles wide was formed, blocking the sea water.

I don't know if it was the intention of the Earth Immortals who set up the formation, or the effort made by the world will of the Qianyuan Realm to restore Juetianyuan.

Wang Daoyuan put away the forging immortal cauldron and invited Zhou Luan into the Lingzhu space.

After all, this is just the projection of Guiyuan Sword Immortal, and it is still different from the real body.

The real body can't take action against Zhou Luan. If Zhou Luan does everything according to the rules, once Zhou Luan enters, he will become the target of Guiyuan Sword Immortal.

Afterwards, he fully motivated Guiyuan Sword Intent to pass through the Jue Tian Yuan formation.

I had used the Guiyuan Sword Intent to resonate before, and sensed the location of the Guiyuan Sword Immortal projection.

The place where he entered Jue Tian Yuan was very close to the projection.

After flying in Jue Tian Yuan for a while, he came to a stone pillar.

This stone pillar is exactly the same as the Guiyuan Sword Immortal Tomb, except that the tomb and sword on the top are projections.

Wang Daoyuan landed on the stone pillar, the long sword trembled slightly, and a familiar voice sounded: "Teacher, why did you come to me?"

Wang Daoyuan took out the Forging Immortal Cauldron: "The disciple encountered a big trouble, and I reluctantly suppressed it.

Only the subdued Gorefiend clone, and the fifth-order high-grade Nanming Lihuo, can consume a very small amount of energy in its body. "

The power of divine consciousness revealed in the long sword, and penetrated into the forging cauldron.

After a long time, he said: "Why is this thing, wasn't this thing sealed back then?"

Seeing that Guiyuan Jianxian knew the origin of this thing, Wang Daoyuan quickly asked: "Several monks in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm who don't know whether to live or die dug this thing out.

Master, what kind of thing is this thing, it can ignore all kinds of spiritual power attacks. "

"I can't even tell what this is, and it shouldn't even exist in the world.

About 300,000 years ago, a fragment of the immortal world fell on the side of Canglong Ruins.

After the fragments landed, they turned into a special secret realm.

The nearby human races and demon races went in to investigate one after another, trying to seize the opportunity.

It turned out that in this secret realm, there are still the real immortals of the fairy world and the demon gods of the demon race fighting.

The real immortals in the immortal world are also human races, while the demon race is the public enemy of the various forces under the immortal world.

Therefore, both the human race and the demon race who entered helped the real immortals to deal with the demon race.

When the demons were defeated, they escaped from the Fragment of the Immortal Realm.

The human fairy and demon went to hunt down these demon clan, and caught up with the demon clan near an island in the southeast of Qixinghai Xiuxianjie.

The two sides fought a decisive battle there, and in the end the demons were killed.

The human race, the true immortals, the demon race, and the demon race all died in battle on that ancient battlefield.

There are also many magic weapons, destroyed there.

This thing is cultivated in this environment, and it absorbs the four powers of human, immortal, demon, and demon, as well as the spirituality of various magic weapons.

At first this thing had no spirituality, just a simple energy body.

Tens of thousands of years ago, a Mahayana Gorefiend was killed on the ancient battlefield.

This thing obtained part of the soul and laws of the Gorefiend before it finally took shape.

This thing is too complicated, and even ordinary earth immortals can't kill it.

The great powers who suppressed this evil beast wanted me to kill him.

If I'm still alive, beheading it won't be a problem.

Now I'm just a sword spirit and can't exert enough power.

Your Nanming Lihuo has a little restraint on it.

It is a pity that the rank is too low. If it is cultivated to the seventh rank, it may be completely solved.

If there is a powerful Gorefiend, it may also be able to erase its wisdom. "

There is no way for Wang Dao to do this now, and he knows the strength of the master.

Even if there is only one sword left to nourish the soul, he still has the strength to kill the Earth Immortal.

Even he can't kill this thing, so who can do it?

Nanming Lihuo has risen to the seventh level, and he still doesn't know when he will wait.

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "This thing was dug up by a group of monks who did not know the heights of the sky and the earth, and fed it with the essence and blood of monks with special physique.

The seal left in the past has almost been broken.

I tried my best to urge the repressive magic weapon left by the great master, but I could only barely restrain it.

Even Master, you can't do anything about it, I really don't know what to do. "

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled and said, "Although I can't destroy it, I can strengthen the seal.

When those great masters sealed this thing, they came to ask me for advice.

Now this evil beast has only a sixth-order peak combat power, and it is not a problem for me to seal it myself.

However, this thing can't be thrown around.

After the seal, stay with me first, and I will help you suppress it for a After your Nanming Lihuo grows up, burn it again. "

Wang Daoyuan was overjoyed, took out the blood puppet from the Forging Immortal Cauldron, and placed it next to the Guiyuan Sword.

Looking at the blood puppet, Guiyuan Jianxian said angrily, "These junior monks in the Seven Star Seas really don't know how high the sky is.

If you are big enough, you dare to unlock all the seals of this evil beast.

If you don't have this soul sword nailed, with your strength, I'm afraid it will be difficult to even protect yourself. "

After all, mysterious runes flew out from the sword, and they were continuously integrated into the two jade plates.

As the runes increased, the blood puppet became smaller and smaller, and the two gossip jade plates also shrunk.

After half a day, the size of the two gossip jade plates returned to a level that could be grasped by one hand.

The shape of the blood puppet completely disappeared, but the Soul Sealing Sword changed from jade white to blood red.

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