Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1136: fairy world treasure

The blood-red Soul Sealing Sword was sandwiched between two gossip jade plates.

Even at this time, the blood puppet was still dishonest, and the Soul Sealing Sword was constantly shaking, trying to escape from the two gossip jade plates.

Guiyuan Sword Immortal snorted coldly: "Bastard, dare to be arrogant in my hands."

After all, a ray of light flew out from the projection of the Guiyuan Sword and penetrated into the Soul Sealing Sword.

The Soul Sealing Sword immediately stopped shaking, and even the blood color subsided a lot.

Guiyuan Jianxian breathed a sigh of relief: "I finally solved this troublesome guy, I will put this thing away first."

Wang Daoyuan said quickly: "Master, I'm afraid it will take some time for this to be given to you.

The thing that sealed this blood puppet was obtained from someone else.

I told them in advance that if I could solve it, I would bring back the two jade plates and the Soul Sealing Sword.

If it can't be solved, just throw this thing into Jue Tian Yuan in front of them. "

Guiyuan Jianxian said with a smile: "There are no Mahayana monks in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

With your strength, you should be the strongest.

Whoever dares to refuse, just hit the suit. "

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "The disciple wants to do this, isn't it necessary to cultivate power?

Beiyuan is withering, and it is very necessary to win the Seven Star Seas.

After all, I can't rely on me alone to participate in the battle of luck in the future. "

"Hey! It's really not easy for you to be born north of this Jue Tian Yuan.

If you were to the south of Jue Tian Yuan, if you could rise so quickly, you would already have a large group of followers.

Especially those small and medium-sized forces that are out of power will show their favor to you.

As a teacher, I will help you with this. When the time comes, you will throw this evil animal along with the compass, and I will catch it here. "

Now Wang Daoyuan is relieved, and with the cooperation of the master, he is not afraid of those people making trouble.

Then, he thought of the treasure he had obtained from the Minglong Organization before.

The stone was already dilapidated, and it could absorb spiritual power, producing pure yin and pure yang energy.

Even the Forging Immortal Cauldron has never seen such a thing, so it can be seen that it is extremely extraordinary.

But Guiyuan Sword Immortal was the leader when he fought against the Demon Race, and both the Demon Race and the Human Race must obey his orders.

With such an identity, he naturally knows many more secrets than the average person.

Especially forging the immortal cauldron, who has only been with one powerful master, knows even less news.

Wang Daoyuan took out the black stone and asked, "Master, this is what I conquered a small force in the Seven Star Seas, and they gave it to me.

This thing is already very broken, but it can still absorb spiritual power and transform it into pure yin and pure yang.

Even the immortals don't know the origin of this thing, I want to ask the teacher to respect, what is this thing. "

Guiyuan Sword Projection saw the black stone and was a little surprised: "Let me take a closer look."

"This thing can absorb the embryonic form of immortal power, and it must also absorb immortal power. Be careful."

After all, put the black stone next to the projection of the Guiyuan Sword.

A power of divine consciousness oozes out of the Guiyuan Sword, wrapping the black stone.

After a long time, he said: "Sure enough, it is that batch of things.

Unexpectedly, after a lapse of tens of thousands of years, this thing can still be seen. "

Hearing his words, Wang Daoyuan was a little excited.

Even the dignified Sword Immortal thinks that something that is not simple must be of high value.

"Master, what exactly is this black stone?"

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled and said: "This is not a black stone, but a rare treasure.

The complete treasure, I have never seen it.

Even when he was in command of the human race and the demon race in the Qianyuan Realm, he only saw a few pieces.

Those fragments are also severely damaged, some have one or two restrictions, and some have no restrictions at all.

You can have four prohibitions in this piece, which is not easy.

As long as there are restrictions, it is a rare treasure. "

Hearing this, Wang Daoyuan was very excited.

Even Guiyuan Sword Immortal said it was a rare treasure.

Unexpectedly, the Minglong Organization, a small force that does not even have a **** of transformation, can actually buy treasures of this level.

"Master, what is the use of this thing?"

"I don't know what use he is, this thing is a complete individual, no one has ever seen it.

The function of each fragment is determined by the prohibition remaining above.

As you said before, this thing can absorb spiritual power and produce pure yin and pure yang energy.

It's not that powerful, but it's not bad either.

There are also two incomplete bans on this shard, which you can patch in full.

Maybe there will be some amazing features. "

Wang Daoyuan asked: "Master, last time I entered the prototype of immortal power into it, and the fragment was swallowed violently.

After that, I found that the broken prohibition on it was restored a lot.

The disciple has obtained the complete inheritance of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. Although he is only a sixth-order artifact refiner, he still has some understanding of those profound artifact refining inheritances.

But I have never heard of a self-repairing ban, and the above ban is completely different from the ban I am familiar with.

I have also consulted Duan Xian Ding, but I haven't even seen him. "

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled and said: "Don't say you don't know what's going on, even I don't know.

According to those monks who possessed such fragments, this thing should be a thing of the fairy world.

Moreover, there is some connection with the blood puppet you mentioned.

When the fragments of the fairy world fell, a special secret realm was formed on the side of Canglong Ruins.

This kind of fragment is brought out from the fragment of the fairyland when someone explores the secret realm.

At that time, there were still several true immortals in that fairyland fragment.

The human race helped them defeat the demon race, and they also left a few words.

This special tool pattern should be formed by the refining art of the fairy world, absorbing part of the magic weapon refining technology. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little puzzled: "I also know some of the inheritance of the Demon Race, which is no worse than the inheritance of the Human Race.

If the two major cultivation systems learn from each other, it is not surprising that such a special achievement occurs.

What's more, the inheritance of the artifact refining in the Immortal Realm should be more sophisticated than that in the Qianyuan Realm.

I only know Earth Immortal, what is a True Immortal? "

"True immortals are existences that are one level higher than earth immortals.

On the side of Qianyuan Realm, immortals of this level could not be cultivated before.

Only in the Immortal Realm will there be True Immortals.

It's hard to say now, the Qianyuan world has undergone great changes, it is said that there is a higher level of cultivation than the earth immortal, and 80% of them can break through the real immortal realm.

This fragment is not a simple prohibition, and even the material is extremely special.

If placed in an environment rich in immortal energy, each fragment will absorb immortal energy and grow on its own.

Even the unrestricted pieces grow slowly.

There was once a mighty one who was given a shard without restraint.

At first it was only the size of a finger, but later it grew to the size of a fist.

He wanted to refine this fragment into a magic weapon, but he didn't have the ability to melt it.

This should be some kind of mysterious material in the fairy world, and the Qianyuan world has never appeared. "

Wang Daoyuan was very surprised, this material was really unexpected.

If there is enough immortal energy to nourish, you will not be afraid of running out of high-level refining materials in the future.

There are many kinds of spirit fires in hand, and when the rank is high, I don't worry about not being able to clean up this material.

It's a pity that I only have the middle stage of God Transformation now.

If you want to give birth to immortal power, you must at least have a Mahayana cultivation base.

Moreover, for the Mahayana monks, Xianli is a life-saving thing, and no one is willing to spend a lot of Xianli to cultivate a piece of refining material.

For a short time, I can only think about it.

He thought for a long time, and then asked: "Master, since this thing is extraordinary, why don't those true immortals who fell from the fairyland take these things away?

Even if the fairyland fragments are turned into secret realms, it is not easy to take them away.

You can take away some treasure fragments, which should be an easy task. "

"You're embarrassing me, these are all things that happened more than 300,000 years ago.

The teacher is less than 80,000 years old, how do you know what happened at that time?

I just heard from some veteran experts that most of the true immortals who fell along with the fragments of the fairy world were also damaged in the battle to destroy the demons.

The few remaining were also seriously injured.

The few true immortals couldn't even care about recuperating, so they immediately returned to the Immortal Realm with the help of the ascension channel.

I don't know the details either. "

Wang Daoyuan was silent for a moment, and then he didn't think about it.

A god-turning cultivator, what do you do with those real immortals?

If you want to know these secrets, you should be able to know when you cultivate to the realm of great power.

"Your cultivation base is still too low, even if you have a prototype of immortal power, it is still far from the real immortal power.

If you want to cultivate this material, it is still too far.

The four forbidden fragments are the largest I have ever seen, and they may be the important parts of that treasure.

It just so happens that I have nothing to do, so I will help you cultivate this thing. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little worried: "Master, can your projection hold up?"

"Don't worry, it's just to restore the ban, it won't cost much immortal power.

When you reach the realm of spiritual transformation, you can use spiritual power to slowly transform a small amount of spiritual consciousness and the power of qi and blood.

I am the foundation of Earth Immortal, and the transformation speed is much faster.

There are a lot of high-level spiritual power supplements here, and I have a lot of immortal power stored.

It will gradually dissipate if it is kept unused for a long time, and it is not bad to use it to nourish the broken treasure. "

After saying that, a gray mist appeared on the sword.

This thing is no stranger to Wang Daoyuan, and it is the power of divine consciousness that has turned into an entity.

Since he had the means of transforming spiritual consciousness with spiritual power, his spiritual consciousness cultivation base has progressed extremely rapidly, and now it is no less than most of the late-stage cultivators.

However, the quality of his divine consciousness is still invisible.

The power of divine consciousness can be transformed into reality. This is what top powers can do.

Afterwards, Guiyuan Sword Immortal drew a lot of spiritual power from the stone pillar.

A ray of spiritual power was injected into the Soul Sealing Sword, and some blood-red energy was extracted from it.

"When this blood puppet was formed, it was influenced by the blood demon, and its power was similar to that of qi and blood.

It should not be a problem to condense relatively rough immortal power.

Pump it up a little more so it won't be dishonest. "

The spiritual power, the gray mist, and the blood-red power of the blood puppet fused together and turned into jade-white energy.

This is immortal power, Wang Daoyuan just smelled a hint of immortal power, and he felt comfortable all over.

Yuanshen was so comfortable that his whole body was trembling, and he wanted to fly out of the sea of ​​​​knowledge to absorb these immortal powers.

Guiyuan Sword Immortal said with a smile: "This immortal power is only beginning to take shape, and it also uses the power of blood puppets, so it is not pure.

You must not absorb it, this thing will do more harm than good to you. "

Wang Daoyuan naturally knew that his cultivation was too low to be able to refine foreign immortal power.

If it is stored in one's own body, and in the future, when breaking through the Mahayana realm and integrating one's own immortal power, there may be big troubles.

Run the exercise, and send a trace of immortal power into the spirit orb space.

Guiyuan Jianxian controlled the immortal power to enter the black stone. This time the black stone was very honest and did not move at all.

Wang Daoyuan was a little resentful: "This broken stone is really bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, last time I used the embryonic form of immortal power to nurture it, and it almost sucked my spiritual power dry.

If it wasn't for the shock of Yinglong's vision, I'm afraid my life would be in danger. "

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled and said: "That is also your good fortune. You have the vision of Yinglong, and your spiritual power and consciousness have a trace of Yinglong's power. UU Reading

Human monks can't sense it, but the Eldar are very sensitive to it.

This black stone is so interested in your rudimentary form of immortal power, 80% is that there are remnants of artifact spirits in it.

As the originator of the Spirit Clan, Ying Long can shed a little power, which is of great benefit to these remnant spirits.

This fragment can have residual artifact spirits, so this thing is definitely an important part of the treasure. "

A large amount of immortal power was injected into the black stone, and the two damaged restrictions were recovering at an extremely fast speed.

After half a day, the two broken restrictions became complete.

The projection of the Guiyuan Sword shook slightly, a breeze blew, and the black stone returned to Wang Daoyuan's hand.

"Teacher, try what the functions of these two prohibitions are.

After all, it is a treasure in the fairy world. This is still an important part. I also want to see how this thing functions. "

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