Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1139: secret

Most of the monks licked blood on the edge of the knife.

In this kind of living conditions, luck is good or bad, the impact is very big.

In the face of danger, if you are lucky, you will be able to escape.

Bad luck can lead to serious injury or even death.

Wang Daoyuan has been practicing for hundreds of years, and he has faced many dangerous things.

Although you are more cautious in doing things, you will only consider taking risks after you have a certain degree of confidence.

Moreover, when taking risks, there will also be clones and soul chasing bees as dead ghosts.

But still can't ignore the role of luck, especially when it comes to treasure hunting.

His ability to find the Five Elements Spiritual Fire has a great relationship with luck.

If there is no luck bonus in Immortal World Fragments, then the chances of finding treasures are much smaller.

Also, the risk of something going wrong is greater.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Master, don't worry, you forgot that I am only from a foundation-building family, and I have worked hard all the way from the bottom.

The son of luck did not have luck against the sky since he was a child. When his cultivation base was low, his luck would not be much stronger than that of ordinary monks.

Being able to get to where we are today, of course, luck has helped a lot.

But his own fighting experience is definitely a lot.

Others who are not children of luck can go in and get treasures, why can't I?

Besides, didn't you go in there, Master?

Although your achievements are extremely high, your disciples will surely surpass you in the future. "

Guiyuan Jianxian laughed heartily: "Yes, this is just like my disciple.

It was the same when I was young, even though my background was low, my parents were mortals.

There is no one to give advice on the way of practice, but I have never obeyed anyone.

The children of luck who fought with me back then were all born much higher than me.

But what is the result? Whether it is the descendants of the mighty, or the direct descendants of the earth immortals, they are all trampled under my feet in the end.

I heard you say something about traveling around before, but I always felt that you were too cautious and lacked momentum.

A cultivator, fighting for his life with the heavens, how can he do without the slightest impetus?

If you can say these words, you are like a practitioner, looking forward to the day when you surpass me.

Back then, I killed five top demon gods with one sword. In the future, you will have to kill at least six demon gods with one move. "

"Master, don't worry, I'm just afraid that the demons are not enough for me to kill."

Guiyuan Jianxian smiled and said: "Since you have this confidence, then I will not stop you.

The location of the Immortal World Fragment is also easy to find. Go southeast along the north bank of Jue Tian Yuan. When you reach the end of Jue Tian Yuan, you will find the location of the Immortal World Fragment. "

"How is it so coincidental? Jue Tian Yuan just expanded to the vicinity of the Immortal World Fragment."

Guiyuan Jianxian snorted coldly: "Qiao? How can there be so many coincidences in the world, someone deliberately did it.

As soon as Jue Tian Yuan appeared, it continued to expand eastward.

With these formations alone, it is impossible to stop them.

If Jue Tian Yuan continues to spread, the north and south parts will be completely separated in the future, and the north of Jue Tian Yuan will become a new world.

The current Jue Tian Yuan is just a huge crack. Looking from outside the Qianyuan Realm, there is only a small space crack.

If the two sides are completely separated, Jue Tian Yuan will continue to expand.

At that time, the entire Qianyuan Realm is like a broken house with a wall down, it will be constantly attacked from outside, and eventually die.

Therefore, under the guidance of the Tao of Heaven, those people led the tearing wind direction of Jue Tian Yuan to the southeast.

Although the fairyland fragments are unstable, there are fairy veins in them.

The ability to resist cracks is far better than the local strength of Qianyuanjie. "

This is also the top secret of Qianyuan Realm, and most people have no way of knowing it.

"Master, what happened after that? Did the fragments of the fairy world block Jue Tian Yuan?"

"Their plan should have succeeded, and the momentum of Jue Tian Yuan's eastward spread was restrained by the fragments of the Immortal Realm.

About 30,000 years ago, Jue Tian Yuan spread to the edge of the immortal world fragment of Canglong Ruins.

For more than 30,000 years, I haven't added my projection node, and Jue Tianyuan should not be able to go further.

Looking at it like this, the plan of the year was successful, and the fragments of the fairy world blocked the eastward expansion of Jue Tian Yuan.

If it can't be blocked, there should be two worlds in the north and south of Jue Tian Yuan.

If that's the case, Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation Realm should be far inferior to Beiyuan.

After all, there is a dragon tail of Ancestral Dragon Mountain in Beiyuan, and the eighth-order spiritual veins have a foundation.

The Qixinghai Xiu Xianjie was a frontier land back then, how could it compare to Zulong Mountain? "

Wang Daoyuan and Guiyuan Jianxian chatted for a long time before leaving Jue Tian Yuan.

This time, I came to see Guiyuan Sword Immortal's projection, which was quite rewarding.

He obtained the sword of the Soul Sealing Sword, and with his cultivation, it would not take much effort to kill the peak cultivator of God Transformation.

Coupled with the two gossip jade plates matched with the Soul Sealing Sword, it is even possible to capture the peak of God Transformation alive.

This method is also a rare big killer.

There is also that black stone, which even has the effect of attracting the soul and purifying the soul.

Moreover, the complete body of this black stone is a treasure beyond the level of Earth Immortal.

Even if there are only sixth-order peaks left, it should not be a problem to purify the ghost repairs in the early stage of Mahayana by relying on the natural restraint of the soul.

In addition, I also know the situation of some fairyland fragments.

If you can get some fairy world spirits, your own strength can go to another level.

After Wang Daoyuan left Jue Tian Yuan, he went all the way north.

After leaving the Seven Stars Sea Area for such a long time, if there has been no movement, the forces of the Seven Star Alliance should be dishonest.

As for the son of luck who escaped to Zhenhaizong, there is no need to rush it now.

Without the foundation of the southern waters of the Seven Star Seas, no matter how strong his luck is, he won't be able to make much noise in a short period of time.

Although Wang Daoyuan is strong, he is not sure to destroy the entire Zhenhaizong by himself.

When the foundation of the Wang family expands to various places, it will not be too late to unite with other forces to deal with Zhenhaizong.

Lei Peng Feizhou headed north all the way to Jade Phoenix Island.

Although such a long time has passed, the tossing over there should be over long ago, but the matter of the blood puppet has to be explained to everyone.

Leaving the Demon Prison on guard outside, Wang Daoyuan's Primordial Spirit entered the Lingzhu space.

In the Lingzhu space, Zhou Luan was sitting cross-legged under the phoenix tung tree.

Because Feng Qitong is mainly wood and has some fire attributes, Wang Daoyuan also asked his clone to plant them in the southeast of the land of Lingzhu space.

It is not far from the Life Spirit Fire and Chiyang True Fire, and you can get enough wood fire spirit power.

Zhou Luan also released Chiluan Nirvana Fire, which led to a small amount of flames, which burned on these phoenix trees.

Strange to say, Chiluan Nirvana Fire is Zhou Luan's natal spiritual fire.

Although it is not particularly strong in spirit fire, it is also a dignified sixth-rank middle-grade spirit fire.

But after these phoenix tongs were burned by the flames, not only did they not show any signs of being burnt out, but instead they became more and more vigorous.

More than a dozen Fengqitong trees are gently swaying their branches and leaves, greedily absorbing the flame essence.

The branches are still green, like emeralds.

The fiery red lines on the leaves became more and more obvious, as if there were flames burning in them.

Zhou Luan didn't stay in the Lingzhu space for a long time, but these Feng Qitongs already had a tendency to advance.

Those broods of phoenix blood demon birds are more entangled, they have a natural affinity for Chiluan Nirvana Fire.

The flames of the Phoenix Clan's life are of great help to them to increase the concentration of Phoenix blood.

But their phoenix blood concentration is too low, and their cultivation realm is not high.

If you come into contact with Chiluan Nirvana Fire, you are likely to burn yourself to death.

You can only look at the flames from a distance, absorbing a small amount of spiritual power that escapes.

Zhou Luan's state is also very good, and the spiritual power in his body flows extremely fast.

Although it is not as good as the time of double cultivation, it is also much faster than normal cultivation.

Not long after, Zhou Luan woke up from the meditation.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan's Yuanshen come in, he asked, "Have the blood puppet been solved?"

"It was completely resolved, I didn't expect that the jade sword that sealed the blood puppet was a rare treasure.

This is a big profit. In the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, except for the Divine Refinement Sect, there is no such good magic weapon. "

After speaking, the Ying Longwen between Yuanshen's eyebrows came to life.

It flew to the tallest Fengqitong tree, and spit out a crimson flame on the top of the tree.

As soon as the flames landed on the top of the Fengqitong tree, the height of the flames instantly doubled.

The branches of the largest Fengqitong tree swayed gently, as if extremely excited.

This flame is the Nanming Lihuo, which is said to be nothing without burning.

It can fall on the top of Fengqitong tree, not only did not cause any damage, but the treetop of Fengqitong also grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Feng Qitong is worthy of being the companion spirit wood of the Phoenix clan. He can coexist peacefully with Nanming Lihuo, and can also benefit from it.

Of course, falling on Feng Qitong is also good for Nanming Lihuo.

The speed at which flames absorb spiritual power has also been significantly improved. In this environment, over time, the rank should be improved.

Wang Daoyuan's Yuanshen and Zhou Luan left the Lingzhu space and returned to Lei Peng Feizhou.

A month later, Feizhou returned to Yuhuang Island.

At this time, the scene on Yuhuang Island changed drastically.

The formations that had spread all over the place had completely disappeared.

The spirit trees on Qingtong Mountain were harvested in large quantities, and there were only a dozen or so Fengqitong trees left.

Those cultivators who participated in the siege of Yuhuang Island are no longer here.

There were only a few Nascent Soul monks stationed on the entire island, and Wang Daoyuan showed the momentum of a spiritual monk.

Soon an old Nascent Soul monk came out, and he bowed his hands to Wang Daoyuan: "Junior is a monk stationed here by Tianshu Sect, and I have seen Senior Wang."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "Don't be too polite, where have all the cultivators gone?"

"If you return to Senior Wang, those seniors have all gone to Qizhen Island, where they discussed what to do next.

However, the differences between the various forces are relatively large, and no agreement has been reached.

I want to wait for Senior Wang and Senior Zhou to pass by before discussing. "

Wang Daoyuan understood in an instant that this was the meeting of the division of the spoils.

After the tough battle was over, the remaining forces of the Royal Spirit Sect were completely driven out of the Seven Star Seas.

Although there is still Zhenhaizong, but there is the Wanmo Islands, which is not suitable for mortals to survive, and it is difficult to play any tricks.

When Qixinghai understands it, then slowly nibble on the Wanmo Islands, compress the living space of Zhenhaizong, and slowly clean it up.

This place has been cleaned up for a long time, and Wang Daoyuan does not plan to stay for a long time.

Take the flying boat and head straight for the Qizhen Island in the north.

This time, it took only half a day to arrive at Qizhen Island.

Due to the letter in advance, Wang Daoyuan just arrived at Qizhen Island, and everyone came to greet him.

Lei Peng's flying boat landed on Qizhen Island, and Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan got off the flying boat.

Everyone hurriedly stepped forward to say hello. After greeting each other, Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul asked, "Friend Wang Dao, how is the blood puppet dealt with?"

Wang Daoyuan took out two gossip jade plates and a sword: "It has been completely solved."

Divine Sovereign was still a little unwilling to give up, and continued to ask: "I don't know how to solve it?"

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "Senior Earth Immortal, who sits in Juetianyuan, had some friendship with my next-generation master in the early years, so I asked that Senior Earth Immortal to help and kill the blood puppet."

Everyone was extremely surprised, and if they could ask Earth Immortal for help, this network of contacts could scare everyone.

After settling, UU read www. Broken Soul Divine Monarch asked again: "Then this gossip jade plate and jade sword..."

This old boy is really greedy enough to want to take this thing away.

Wang Daoyuan snorted coldly: "What? I spent the favor left by my predecessor, and asked Senior Earth Immortal to spend a lot of effort to clean up the blood puppet.

If the old master's favor is left, even if there is no chance to break through the Mahayana realm, it should not be a problem to change some seventh-order instruments or exercises, right?

In order to destroy the blood puppet, I paid such a huge price, can't I keep this thing? "

When people think about it, this is also the truth.

It took a huge opportunity to get rid of the blood puppet completely, and the rest should belong to him.

Duan Hai Shenjun hurriedly came out to smooth things out: "Fellow Daoist Wang misunderstood, and fellow Daoist spent a huge price in exchange for Senior Earth Immortal's action.

This set of things belongs to Wang Daoyou, and it is also natural. "

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