Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1140: Dividend meeting

Although I saw that the gossip jade plate can only deal with blood puppets, even the blood puppet **** monarch whose soul is about to be wiped out can easily repel the gossip jade plate.

But after all, this is the magic weapon left by the great master, it can subdue the blood puppet, and it is impossible to have no effect on others.

Now in the Seven Stars Sea Xiu Xianjie, there is only one golden furnace on the bright side that is a seventh-order low-grade magic weapon.

Even if the rank dropped to the peak of the sixth rank now, the control of a Mo Jiao monarch could easily suppress two monks of the same rank.

A powerful magic weapon, if it can work on ordinary monks, its power is definitely stronger than that of a golden furnace.

Yuheng Jianzong has now offended all the god-changing forces in the Seven Star Alliance, and will be at least jointly suppressed by Tianshu Zong and Tianji Palace.

If you can get the magic weapon in Wang Daoyuan's hand, it will naturally increase your chances of winning.

But the elimination of the blood puppet is entirely the credit of Wang Daoyuan.

In terms of the ownership of this instrument, Wang Daoyuan is naturally the most qualified to take it.

Wanting to compete for three instruments from him is not justified, and Tianshu Sect and Tianji Palace will not agree.

If it annoys Wang Daoyuan, the Yuheng Sword Sect will not only have to deal with Tianshu Sect and Tianji Palace in the future.

The Wen family and the Wang family are also very happy to step in and destroy the Yuheng Sword Sect, and get some territory.

When Duan Hai Shenjun came out to smooth the game, Wang Daoyuan did not intend to end the game himself to deal with Yuheng Sword Sect.

"I paid a huge price to completely solve the blood puppet.

This jade sword and two gossip jade plates are the ones I should take. If someone else pays my attention, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

The Hundred Treasures Divine Monarch of Tianji Palace smiled and said: "The blood puppet is a big problem for the entire Seven Star Seas, and it is also a great contribution to Wang Daoyou's ability to get rid of it.

These three instruments should naturally belong to Daoyou Wang, and I have no opinion from Tianji Palace. "

The Earth Splitting Divine Monarch of Tianshu Sect also said, "My Tianshu Sect has no opinion."

Divine Sovereign Heartbroken was unhappy and did not speak.

His senior brother Duanhai Shenjun accompanied him with a smile: "I, Yuheng Jianzong, have no opinion."

Although the Wang family and the Wen family joined the Seven Star Alliance, they were not core members.

The main affairs within the Seven Star Alliance are still these three families.

As for the Shendan Sect and Kaiyang Sect, they have no right to speak about the real major events.

All three cases agree, even if they pass unanimously.

Hundred Treasures God Monarch said: "Now that the remnants of the Royal Spirit Sect have been driven out of the Seven Star Seas, we have achieved an unprecedented victory.

There are a lot of land and resources that have been seized.

We have never reached an agreement before, and resources cannot be allocated.

Now that Daoyou Wang and Daoyou Zhou are back, they can talk together. "

Naturally, Wang Daoyuan had no opinion. The meeting on the distribution of the spoils had not yet come to a conclusion, and there was still a lot of room for things to happen.

The blood sharks were defeated and fled to the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, and the Seven Star Alliance had no immediate enemies, and they must fight next.

Among the spoils allocated, the Wang family and the Wen family will definitely not want any more territory.

In this way, you can also take yourself out.

When allocating other resources, stand on the commanding heights of morality, completely muddy the water, and make the three major forces hate each other.

After the loot-sharing conference, the Wangs and Wen's returned to the north to operate the newly acquired land.

Before joining the Seven Star Alliance, the two families had promised that the three sea areas in the east, north, and west of the Seven Star Sea, plus Yinyuan Island, would belong to the two families.

If you want to eat so many sites, it will take a long time for the layout, and there is no time to manage the seven big islands and the southern seas.

Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands and said, "Since fellow daoists can see it, let's talk about it as soon as possible.

My Wang family and Wen family have acquired a lot of land, and they have not yet managed very much.

I am worried that there will be troubles that I am not afraid of death, and I need to go back to guard as soon as possible. "

Everyone walked into the square market of Qizhen Island together, and Wang Daoyuan was a little emotional when he looked at the square market.

Back then, he came to Qizhen Island twice, but when he left, he was chased and killed like a lost dog.

There was still no change in Fang City. Although it had experienced a war that lasted for decades, the war was all fought outside, and the battleships of the Seven Star Alliance had never been able to enter.

Even this time, it was not a strong attack, but the blood shark thief stationed cultivator who knew that Jade Phoenix Island had been captured and voluntarily surrendered.

The buildings here are not damaged, but the number of monks is very small.

When I came to the center of Fangfang, the shops here were all stolen by the Seven Star Alliance and the Blood Shark.

Everyone entered the Kaiyang Restaurant, which was opened here, which was the industry of the Kaiyang Sect.

The inheritance of Kaiyang Sect is very general, and there has never been any amazing person.

But this sect is very good at doing business, and various industries are involved, accumulating a lot of wealth.

In terms of wealth such as spiritual stones, I am afraid that the three major forces such as Yuheng Sword Sect combined cannot compare to Kaiyang Sect.

It is a pity that Kaiyang Sect started too late and did not occupy much good territory.

There are very few high-level mineral veins and spiritual veins, and the development potential is greatly limited.

Everyone came to a small courtyard in the backyard of the restaurant, opened all the formations in the courtyard, and took their seats.

The Earth Splitting Divine Sovereign of Tianshu Sect said: "Our Seven Star Alliance suffered heavy losses in this battle with the remnants of Yuling Sect, but the gains were also very great.

Especially when Yulingzong was driven out of the Seven Star Seas, the Wanmo Islands was a barren land, and Zhenhaizong had no blood shark thieves to back him up, so it would be difficult to make a fuss.

The result of this battle is also very brilliant, and all the waters in the southern part of the Seven Star Seas were won.

He also obtained various resources and treasures accumulated by the blood shark thieves for many years, Yuhuang Island and Turtle Shell Island, as well as two large-scale secret realms. "

He paused and continued: "Of course, the golden furnace was also seized.

Our three families besieged the Mo Jiao Divine Monarch and finally killed him. This golden furnace was also captured by us and placed in the hands of Yudan Taoist friends.

How to allocate the land and resources of these islands, we will discuss it today.

I suggest to discuss the distribution of this golden furnace first. "

The three Tianshu sects are quite interesting. Whoever holds the golden furnace is not happy with the other two.

On the contrary, they are more at ease when they are placed in the hands of the Jade Pill God Monarch of the Shen Pill Sect.

After all, the strength of the Shendan Sect is weak, and the Jade Dan Shenjun has only the mid-term cultivation of the gods.

Even if he became greedy, he would have to be beheaded by the six major forces.

The value of the golden furnace is very great, and the Mo Jiao Shenjun was so intent on procrastinating the time that he hid himself in the furnace.

The six masters of the same rank besieged him for several hours before he was consumed alive.

Moreover, this thing can kill monks of the same level.

Whoever this thing falls into will be able to gain combat power far beyond that of the same level.

The monks of Yuheng Sword Sect, Tianji Palace, and Tianshu Sect all gasped a little thickly.

Especially Divine Sovereign, whose eyes are almost red.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "When the Mo Jiao Divine Monarch was beheaded, our husband and wife didn't participate, so we didn't get involved."

Wen Xuanhai also said: "Our brothers did not participate in the siege of Mo Jiao Divine Monarch, nor did they participate in this matter."

Divine Sovereign Broken Soul spoke first: "I personally killed the black jade dragon, the dragon of the Sovereign Mo Jiao.

When the blood puppet came out, it was also frightened by my gossip jade plate.

When we besieged the Mo Jiao Divine Sovereign, our brothers and sisters contributed as much as each other.

There is also the broken star **** of Zhenhaizong, whose strength is much stronger than that of Mojiao god.

And the means are unpredictable. If my senior brother hadn't blocked him, who would be his opponent?

Daoyou Wang killed the blood puppet, and the gossip jade plate compensated him.

But this compensation should come from the entire Seven Star Alliance, not my Yuheng Jianzong family.

I have made so much credit, I can't lose a gossip jade plate in vain, right? "

His remarks are indeed reasonable. The betrayed elder of Yulingzong turned to Yuheng Jianzong.

Therefore, Yuheng Jianzong has a lot of information.

He killed the Moyu Jiaolong, also relying on the magic weapon left by the elder.

The gossip jade plate was also left by the elder.

In general, the contribution made by Yuheng Sword Sect is indeed slightly higher than that of Tianji Palace and Tianshu Sect.

However, when it comes to the treasure of the golden furnace, no one will give in.

Heavenly Bow God Sovereign snorted coldly: "Our Tianshu Sect's contribution is not small, without my spiritual arrows, who of you are sure to suppress the golden furnace?

During the battle, Old Ghost Mo Jiao never dared to use the golden furnace to devour our attacks, just because he was afraid of my spiritual arrows.

If not, it would be difficult for you to sit here and bargain.

In addition to my ability to limit the swallowing ability of the golden furnace, there is also my uncle, the God of Earth Splitting, who once smashed the golden furnace cover with an axe.

Besides Wang Daoyou, who else has this ability?

Daoist Broken Soul killed a dragon, but my uncle also killed a sixth-rank high-grade puppet, and the value is not much different.

You Yuheng Jianzong suppressed the blood puppet, we suppressed the golden furnace, and our contribution is no less than yours. "

The Hundred Treasures God Monarch of Tianji Palace also said: "My contribution to Tianji Palace is not as big as your two, but it is not without contribution.

We were ambushed on Qizhen Island. If I hadn't blew up a few sixth-order magic weapons, I'm afraid you wouldn't even want to come back alive.

As for the gossip jade plate, I still want to settle the account with you.

He knew about the blood puppet, but he kept hiding it from us.

If it wasn't for Daoyou Wang's blood demon who just restrained the blood puppet, we would have no chance to win.

You hand over the gossip jade plate, which is atonement.

If not, we will join forces to avenge this.

Now the gossip jade plate is handed over to Daoyou Wang, and the blood puppet has also been solved. We don't need to pursue you. You are too embarrassed to mention this.

My Tianji Palace does not contribute much, and I don't plan to fight for this golden furnace, but I support Tianshu Sect. "

This strategy of Tianji Palace is also impossible.

Their own credit is too small, even if they ask for it, the other two will not agree to hand over the golden furnace to Tianji Palace.

Since they can't get it, they can only choose the lesser of the two evils.

Yuheng Jianzong and Tianji Palace are mortal enemies. The two fight for Tianquan Island, and they have fought for thousands of years.

If it wasn't for the blood shark thief suddenly doing something, the two sides should still be fighting.

If Yuheng Jianzong got the golden furnace, the first unlucky one would be Tianji Palace.

If Tianshu Sect got the golden furnace, the goal of Shuzong that day was to occupy the southern part of Qixinghai first.

At that time, the Tianshu Zong family was the only one.

Yuheng Sword Sect is also not weak. When the elders of Yuling Sect joined forces, they received a lot of inheritance from Yuling Sect.

Therefore, the strength of the Soul Broken God and the Sea God should be the strongest in the Seven Star Seas.

When the two powers compete, they are caught in the middle, and there are still opportunities for checks and balances.

Although Tianji Palace will become a second-rate force in the future, it is still much stronger than Yuheng Jianzong's family, who is determined to kill himself.

The two sides quarreled for more than an hour, and finally Tianshu Zong won the golden furnace with the help of Tianji Palace.

The Heavenly Bow God and the Earth-shattering God were full of joy, and the Earth-shattering God’s Shouyuan was about to end.

After he took the transformation, Tianshu Sect only had Tiangong Shenjun, a late-stage cultivator of God Transformation.

Although he is still very young, after the death of the Iron-armed Divine Sovereign, Tianshu Sect has no talented successor.

In the future, the strength of Tianshu Sect will seriously decline.

Now that there is a golden furnace, even if there are no outstanding disciples behind, the situation can be stabilized.

Speaking of which, I would also like to thank the Tianji Palace. Without the full help of the Tianji Palace, I am afraid it will be difficult to win the golden furnace.

On the other side Divine Lord Duanhun and Duanhai Divine Lord turned ashen.

I originally wanted to rely on the golden furnace and some inheritance of Yulingzong to dominate the Seven Star Seas.

But the golden furnace that was bound to be won could not be obtained, and Tianji Palace and Tianshu Zong hooked up again.

Don't talk about hegemony in the future, trying to keep the current position is a bit dangerous.

In fact, Wang Daoyuan also hopes that Yuheng Jianzong will win the golden furnace. After all, Yuheng Jianzong has the greatest ambition and the strongest strength.

After getting the golden furnace, he will definitely do his best to attack the Tianji Palace.

At that time, the entire Seven Star Sea was in chaos.

Only then will you be able to get started.

But he didn't besiege Mo Jiao Divine Sovereign, so it's not appropriate to speak now.

If you want to muddy the water, you can only make a stumbling block when you allocate the site next.

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