Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1141: let me be fair

The golden furnace has an owner, and Yudan Shenjun took out the golden furnace from a Qiankun ring and gave it to Tiangong Shenjun.

The Soul Broken Divine Sovereign gritted his teeth with hatred, but did not dare to move.

Once they do it, even if the Wen family and the Wang family don't make a move, the Yuheng Sword Sect will have to deal with the Tianji Palace and the Tianshu Sect at the same time.

If there is a fight, he and Duanhai Divine Sovereign will be beaten to death by the group.

Heavenly Bow God Sovereign successfully obtained the golden furnace, and without any hesitation, began refining on the spot.

He was also worried that Yuheng Jianzong's dog would jump over the wall.

After refining, the gold furnace is its own.

The Lord of Hundred Treasures didn't want to do it now, he said with a smile: "The matter of the golden furnace is settled, then, it's time to talk about the division of the southern sea area.

In addition to Yuhuang Island in the southern waters, there are more than 20 medium-sized islands with a radius of more than a thousand miles.

There are nearly 100 islands with a radius of more than 500 miles, and more than 500 islands with a radius of more than 100 miles.

There are countless small islands below a hundred miles.

How to divide, or to discuss carefully. "

Before he finished speaking, Wang Daoyuan immediately stated: "My Wang family has few people, and the Wen family has acquired a large area before, which needs to be digested well.

The southern sea area is really beyond reach.

My royal family will not want islands in the southern seas, as long as my royal family is allowed to do business here in the future. "

The Earth Shattering God said with a smile: "Wang Daoyou is joking, they are all members of the Seven Star Alliance, so doing business is naturally not a problem.

Not to mention the southern waters, it is Fangshi on my Tianshu Island, and the Wang family is also welcome to do business. "

The territorial division of the immortal world is mainly spiritual veins and minerals.

As long as it is not a hostile force, it will not prevent the other party from doing business on their own territory.

Wen Xuanhai also echoed: "My Wen family is the same, I don't want the southern sea area, I just come here to do business in the future.

However, the two of us have made concessions on the site, and we can allocate more resources to us next. "

Duan Hai Shenjun also smiled and said, "This is natural, and the Wen family and Wang family have also contributed a lot.

Wang Daoyou solved the blood puppet and helped to clean up a ten thousand year corpse puppet. Naturally, you should get more resources. "

The Wang family and the Wen family don't need territory, and other forces can also share more.

The southern sea area is rich and prosperous. The seven large islands and the two Dongming and Yinyuan islands have all been allocated.

To expand on these islands requires bloodshed for every inch of land.

The total area of ​​these islands in the southern waters is no less than Yinyuan Island.

This is a large piece of fat, and it is currently a borderless land. Whoever can take a bite will earn blood.

At this time, Divine Sovereign couldn't sit still: "In this battle, my Yuheng Sword Sect contributed the most, at least not lost to Tianshu Sect.

Now that the golden furnace has been given to the Tianshu Sect, the next division of the site is naturally my Yuheng Sword Sect taking the lead.

Yuhuang Island and Qizhen Island must belong to my Jade Heng Sword Sect, and one of Cyanwood Island and Turtle Shell Island must also belong to my Jade Heng Sword Sect. "

His request can be described as a lion's opening. The largest and most resource-rich island in the southern sea is Yuhuang Island.

Moreover, there is a huge secret area on the island.

The other two islands, Aoki Island, is a resource-heavy place, and although the products of Turtle Island are average, the area is not small.

And there is another secret realm. Although it is not as big as the Jade Phoenix Island secret realm, it should not be underestimated.

Not to mention Qizhen Island, which is the most prosperous trading island in the entire Seven Star Seas.

The four islands mentioned by Duanhun Shenjun are the most valuable in the southern waters.

The fattest fat meat, Yuheng Jianzong took it, how did the others divide it?

The Earth Shattering Divine Monarch sneered: "Old Ghost Broken Soul, you really dare to think about it.

What do you say, the entire southern sea is yours?

Qizhen Island is an important business center and a transit point between Tianshu Island in the south and the southern sea area.

If Qizhen Island belongs to your Jade Heng Sword Sect, you can block the trade routes in the future and kill all the caravans heading to the southern seas.

I am afraid that it will not be long before the southern sea area will become your Yuheng Jianzong family. "

Hundred Treasures Divine Monarch also said: "Qizhen Island must not be in the hands of a certain force, and can be neutral among various forces as before.

Our various major forces unite to jointly manage the affairs of Qizhen Island, and the Wang family and Wen family can also participate. "

At this time, even Yudan Shenjun and Jinyang Zhenjun, who had been pretending to be stupid, also expressed their approval.

The island distribution map in the southern sea is like a bow, and most of the islands are distributed on the bow body.

The location of Qizhen Island is exactly in the middle of the bowstring.

Whoever occupies Qizhen Island can threaten most of the islands in the southern waters in a very short period of time.

Now that the golden furnace is in the hands of the Heavenly Bow God, others are also against it, and Yuheng Jianzong can't handle it himself.

Broken Sea God Monarch came out to save the scene again: "Qizhen Island can be managed jointly by various forces as before.

But we will never back down on other islands, Yuhuang Island must belong to my Yuheng Sword Sect.

Turtle Island and Cyanwood Island, you must give me Yuheng Sword Sect. "

He and Duanhun Shenjun sang a white face, and the other sang a red face.

Divine Sovereign is responsible for putting forward the highest requirements, and he is responsible for smoothing the game.

The Earth Splitter God still didn't want to agree, after all, Tianshu Island was the closest to the southern sea.

Now that the golden furnace has been obtained, the next step must be to bring the entire southern sea area under his command.

If Yuheng Sword Sect takes the lead, with the strength of Yuheng Sword Sect, it will definitely be able to manage Jade Phoenix Island like an iron barrel.

"Jade Phoenix Island is the tenth largest island in the Seven Star Seas, plus a secret realm, its status is not inferior to Dongming Island, and it is absolutely impossible to hand it over to a certain force.

The Yuheng Sword Sect still wants to take over the Jade Phoenix Island and then take the Cyanwood Island or Turtle Shell Island. My Tianshu Sect will never agree to this. "

Baibao Shenjun did not help this time, Yuheng Jianzong and Tianshu Island are the two strongest.

Only when the two strong compete, can the weak survive well.

Now that the two powerhouses are arguing in the southern waters, the Dimensity Palace can settle down.

He also hopes that Yuheng Sword Sect can occupy more territory and let Tianshu Sect fight them well.

Of course, he can't jump out to support Yuheng Jianzong by himself.

When the weak and small forces are playing checks and balances, you can't jump too much, you can pull sideways, but you can't make a fool of yourself.

Otherwise, it is very likely to offend the two powerhouses at the same time and be attacked by both sides.

The God of Hundred Treasures also lived for more than 4,000 years, so he naturally knew this truth.

The Shendan Sect and Kaiyang Sect were even more afraid to speak out. They contributed little and could only pick up some leftovers.

Now they are allocating hard vegetables, and they are not eligible to participate.

When the two sides were at a stalemate, Wen Xuanhai smiled and said, "As an outsider, let me be fair."

Everyone looked at him in unison, and all the old foxes were present.

With his mouth, everyone knew what it meant.

When someone says that he wants to be fair, he must be taking sides.

Of course, this is also to maintain a strategic balance, and I don't want a single party in the Seven Star Alliance to dominate.

Wen Xuanhai continued: "The contribution of the Yuheng Sword Sect is similar to that of the Tianshu Sect.

Tianshu Sect has already obtained the golden furnace of the seventh-order magic weapon. If it cannot give some compensation in terms of site division, then Yuheng Sword Sect will lose a lot.

I would like to ask the Taoist friends of Earth Splitting, give Yuhuang Island and Turtle Shell Island to Tianshu Sect, and hand over the golden furnace to Yuheng Sword Sect, are you willing? "

Wang Daoyuan and Wen Xuanhai had passed Qi long before they entered the war. After taking care of the blood shark thieves, they should try their best to make the Seven Star Alliance fight.

Unfortunately, the emergence of the golden furnace has changed the situation.

Now the golden furnace is in the hands of Tianshuzong, and Shuzong took the initiative that day.

If Tianshu Sect did not want to fight, Yuheng Sword Sect would not dare to do so first.

Wen Xuanhai also adjusted the plan appropriately to make Tianshu Sect suffer in the southern seas.

Only when Tianshu Sect feels disadvantaged can they take the lead.

The Earth Splitter was a little embarrassed. He wanted Jade Phoenix Island and Turtle Shell Island, but he wanted the Golden Furnace even more.

No matter how big the site is, it will take time to convert it into strength.

Moreover, in this process, a lot of resources have to be invested in the site.

But the golden furnace is a ready-made strength, and no matter how much territory it occupies, it cannot refine a golden furnace level magic weapon.

With hard power in hand, the territory is naturally at your fingertips.

In contrast, it is still more cost-effective to have a golden furnace.

Seeing that he couldn't answer, Wen Xuanhai smiled and said, "It is difficult for Taoist friends to choose, which shows that the interests of Jade Phoenix Island and Turtle Shell Island do not exceed those of the Golden Furnace.

Since Tianshu Sect has obtained the golden furnace, isn't it natural that Yuheng Sword Sect, who deserves equal credit, won these two islands? "

The Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul cast a kind glance at Wen Xuanhai, the interests of these two islands are too great.

Especially the two secret realms on the island, although they are incomparable to the Seven Stars Secret Realm, but after tens of thousands of years of management by the Royal Spirit Sect, their value is definitely not low.

Tianji Palace, Shendan Sect and Kaiyang Sect are all silent.

They are not qualified to compete for these two big islands, and there is no need to get involved.

The Wen family took sides, and the Wang family and the Wen family have always been consistent.

Now, Tianshu Sect is already at a disadvantage, and if they continue to fight to the death, they will not take any advantage.

The Earth Shattering God Sovereign sighed: "In this case, my Tianshu Sect agreed to hand over Jade Phoenix Island and Turtle Shell Island to Yuheng Sword Sect."

Duan Hai Shenjun smiled and said: "In that case, I would like to thank you fellow Daoists.

My Yuheng Sword Sect and Tianshu Sect have contributed even more, and both have taken their own benefits. Next, it is time for Tianji Palace to make a request. "

Although Tianji Palace made a small contribution in this battle, it also contributed.

Especially when they escaped from Qizhen Island, without the Baibao Shenjun self-exploding magic weapon to intercept the Mo Jiao Shenjun, the Seven Star Alliance would lose three more battle powers in the later stage of the transformation of the gods.

Moreover, Tianji Palace still has two late stage gods, one middle stage god, and more than one early stage monk.

This strength is not much weaker than Yuheng Jianzong.

Otherwise, the two would not have fought for thousands of years without being able to decide the winner.

It's just that the location of Tianji Palace is a bit awkward, just sandwiched between Yuheng Sword Sect and Tianshu Sect.

There is a conflict with Yuheng Jianzong on Tianquan Island, and Tianshuzong is only separated by Tianxuan Island.

It's just that Tianji Palace has been very restrained on Tianxuan Island in order to avoid two-front battles.

Now that there is an opportunity to expand its power, it is natural not to let it go.

Especially being able to pull the battlefield to the southern seas is also of great benefit to them.

The Lord of Hundred Treasures said softly, "My Tianji Palace wants Cyanwood Island and Xuanlin Island."

These two islands are more than five thousand miles in diameter.

It's not too big in the southern seas, but it's not too small either.

In particular, there are many spiritual fields on Qingmu Island, and it is also a rich and oily treasure land.

On top of that, both islands are in the easternmost point of the southern seas.

It is very far from Yuhuang Island and Turtle Shell Island. Tianji Palace took these two islands and can hide in the corner without worrying about being affected by the war.

Tianshu Zong can get the golden furnace, and Tianji Palace has made great efforts.

Now that I reciprocate, I have to speak for Tianji Palace.

The Earth Shattering God said with a smile: "My Tianshu Sect has no opinion."

Yuheng Jianzong won the two best islands, and it is not easy to say anything.

Duan Hai Shenjun said: "I have no opinion from Yuheng Sword Sect."

Not to mention the Shendan Sect and Kaiyang Sect, they couldn't afford to offend the Tianji Palace, so naturally they didn't dare to have any opinions.

Next, Shendan Sect and Kaiyang Sect chose islands, and the two chose three medium-sized islands that were not very wealthy.

There are more than 20 Nascent Soul forces in the Seven Star Alliance.

When these forces attacked Qizhen Island, they also contributed more or less.

Now divide the spoils, it is not appropriate without their share.

These Nascent Soul forces are all attached to the five powers of the gods.

The matter of choosing an island will be done by the five major forces.

After a day of bargaining, the islands in the southern waters were divided up.

The Earth Splitting God Monarch was a little sad. There were more than 20 medium-sized islands in the southern waters, and Tianshu Sect only got two or three that did not have much oil and water.

On the contrary, Yuheng Jianzong and Tianji Palace occupy the land of wealth.

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