Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1142: see also blackstone

Wang Daoyuan and Wen Xuanhai looked at each other and smiled when they saw the frowning look on the face of the God of Earth Splitting.

The plan to bury the nails among the three giants of the Seven Star Seas has been successfully completed.

Tianshu Sect got the golden furnace and became the most powerful force.

But in dividing the site, it suffered a big loss.

The best island was divided by Yuheng Sword Sect and Tianji Palace, and almost divided by Shendan Sect and Kaiyang Sect.

The territory obtained by the Tianshu Sect is comparable to the stronger Nascent Soul forces such as the Tianhuo Sect.

There is a strong strength, eager to get more territory, but can't get it.

Unless the top leaders of the Tianshu Sect are saints, they will definitely have the intention of grabbing the territory.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with the Wen family and the Wang family.

Wen Xuanhai just said a fair word for the purpose of maintaining fairness.

As for the future war, it is only because they are greedy.

At this time, the Heavenly Bow God Sovereign has also refined the golden furnace.

He has been staying in this private room, and he can hear the result of allocating the site clearly.

He stared at Wang Daoyuan and Wen Xuanhai, and seemed to express his dissatisfaction.

Wen Xuanhai has been in charge of the Wen family for more than a thousand years, and he has long practiced the thickness of his face, so he didn't pay any attention to him at all.

Wang Daoyuan and Tiangong Shenjun looked at each other and smiled naturally.

For the development of the family, and to win the battle of luck in the future, it is not a big deal to kill the Seven Star Alliance.

As for the psychological burden, it is completely absent.

The great powers of the Seven Star Seas of Immortal Cultivation Realm, except for the Wen family, have been suppressed, and other powers have nothing good.

It can even be said that any major force cannot be completely clean.

Seeing that Wang Daoyuan and Wen Xuanhai were not ashamed, Tiangong Shenjun himself was not confident.

It seems that both of them are fair and selfless good people, but they are too greedy.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Now that the site has been divided, it's time to divide the resources, right?"

Yuheng Sword Sect got the best site, and Duanhai Divine Sovereign is also in a good mood: "What Wang Daoyou said is very true, we have all collected the resources of the southern sea area.

Including magic tools, medicinal pills, spirit talismans, as well as mature spirit medicines, as well as a large number of refining materials.

As for the inheritance of the blood shark thief, the core inheritance was taken away by the Broken Star God.

Most of the legacy left behind is not very good.

Each family sent someone to burn a copy, and the Wang family's copy has been handed over to Fellow Daoist Wen. "

Jinyang Zhenjun took out more than a dozen fifth-order Qiankun rings and placed them on a table in the middle of the crowd.

A fifth-order universe ring has a very large space inside.

The resources of the blood shark thief can actually be piled up with more than a dozen Universe Rings.

The Hundred Treasures Divine Monarch smiled and said, "Of these Universe Rings, there are many Spirit Rings, which contain a lot of spiritual fields.

In the secret realm of blood shark thieves, there are many spiritual fields, and there are many fifth- and sixth-order spiritual plants planted in them.

Whenever there is a little age, we have even planed a piece of soil. "

Wang Daoyuan cursed secretly: This group of people is really ruthless, this is just scraping the ground.

The Lingtian soil cultivated for tens of thousands of years has now been fully explained.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, when these places were swept up, it was hard to say who the site belonged to.

If you don’t grab more points, and in the future these sites will be owned by others, won’t you lose a lot of money?

Wang Daoyuan is still very happy in his heart, Lingzhi has been dug over, and he can also get a lot of good things.

"My Wang family did not participate in the division of the site before, and now I am welcome to Lingzhi's side.

I want one-fifth of every kind of spiritual plant, isn't that too much?

Magic weapons or something, I don't care.

However, I also need to choose the refining materials first. "

Yuheng Jianzong and other three monks showed some relaxed expressions on their faces.

According to the previous virtues of Yuheng Sword Sect, it must be all good things first.

Now only one-fifth is really not much.

The Wen family, like the Wang family, only took one-fifth of the words.

There are still three-fifths left, and the other small forces will give away whatever they want.

The Yuheng Sword Sect and other three factions are not much less than the Wang family and the Wen family.

Wang Daoyuan doesn't care much about these things. As long as Lingzhi is not that rare spiritual thing, it's the same as taking more and taking less.

With the addition of the time flow rate of the Lingzhu space, as long as there is one plant, it can quickly multiply.

Wen Xuanhai also went on to say: "My Wen family is the same, each kind of spiritual plant needs one-fifth."

Now that I have Yinyuan Island, the environment there is good, and a variety of spiritual plants can be grown.

The Wen family will also focus on the operation of Yinyuan Island in the future. If there are precious spiritual plants, they will naturally take some.

The real person Jin Yang showed everyone the spirit rings, and Wang Daoyuan and Wen Xuanhai first selected the spirit plants.

There are many types of spiritual plants, but most of them are fifth-order spiritual plants.

There are only more than ten kinds of sixth-order spiritual plants, and they are not precious things.

Wang Daoyuan also took out two living spirit rings, and put the spiritual things he liked, even the roots and soil, into the living spirit rings.

After the selection was completed, he asked: "The history of the Royal Spirit Sect for the next 50,000 years should have existed when the Seven Star Secret Realm was first opened.

Ordinarily, there should be a lot of good things.

Why is there such a low-value spiritual plant in the secret realm?

Didn't you say there was a soul tree? Even if there is no soul tree, there should be a lot of purple jade dragon ginseng seedlings obtained last time. "

Divine Sovereign Broken Soul sighed: "How can it be so easy? The spiritual plants in the Seven Star Secret Realm have special cultivation methods.

These special methods are the core inheritance.

The heritage we found was incomplete.

Those precious spiritual plants were transplanted, and less than one percent survived.

Just like the purple jade dragon ginseng seedlings that we got in the secret realm of Qizhen Island last time, I have tried my best to cultivate them, but only a few plants survived, and they were all sick.

Moreover, among the remnants of the Royal Spirit Sect, there is also a Zhenhai Sect.

The soul-raising wood, such a precious spiritual item, should have been sent there long ago.

Zhenhaizong is millions of miles away, and we don't have the ability to go on an expedition now. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, some precious spiritual plants are very delicate and have extremely high requirements on the environment.

And these forces of the Seven Star Alliance do not have a clever inheritance of spiritual plants. It is normal to not raise these spiritual plants.

If he didn't have the space for spiritual beads, he probably wouldn't be able to support these precious spiritual plants.

I wanted to get the soul tree, but if the soul is damaged in the future, it can also be repaired with the soul tree.

Moreover, the Soul Cultivation Wood plus the Clone Soul Cultivation Technique can play a role no less than the Spirit Refinement Technique in Wang Daoyuan's hands.

With the help of the Soul Cultivation Wood, the progress of the Divine Refinement Art will be very fast.

Now it seems that we can only find a way to clean up Zhenhaizong as soon as possible and take this treasure into our hands.

"That's really a pity, this kind of good thing is left in Zhenhaizong's hands, plus the Clone Soul Cultivation Technique.

I am afraid that after eighteen hundred years, the Royal Spirit Sect will be able to make a comeback.

Although the Ten Thousand Demons Islands have some powers of transforming gods and demons, their inheritance is too crude.

In the future, it is not impossible for Zhenhai Sect to unify the Ten Thousand Demons Islands. "

When he said this, he also wanted to draw more forces and deal with Zhenhaizong together.

The Royal Spirit Sect suffered this great defeat, and it was difficult for them to recover for thousands of years.

Others may not care, but Wang Daoyuan, as the son of luck, can't care.

Everyone was silent for a while, and then Tiangong Shenjun said: "Although we have won a big victory this time, the Seven Star Alliance also suffered heavy losses.

The expedition to the Ten Thousand Demons Islands requires crossing the vast sea of ​​millions of miles.

In the meantime, there are many sea areas where monsters are entrenched.

It is not a wise move to attack that side directly.

In my opinion, it's still a slow drawing.

On the side of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, cultivate one of its forces.

Let this force slowly weaken Zhenhaizong's power, and eventually completely annex it.

At the peak of the Royal Spirit Sect, it did not directly occupy the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, but cultivated Zhenhai Sect to suppress the Ten Thousand Demons Islands. "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone agreed.

After all, this is just for fun, and there is no need to shoot now.

Wang Daoyuan was too lazy to discuss this matter with them, and he had to rely on himself if he wanted to deceive Haizong and solve the matter of the son of luck.

Wen Xuanhai smiled and said, "Then it's time to talk about the refining materials, right? My Wen family and Wang family gave up a lot of things, and the refining materials must satisfy both of us first."

Wang Daoyuan also went on to say: "My Wang family is incomparable to other forces, and there are no ore veins in my hands.

The refining materials used in ordinary times are all purchased from various companies. "

Seeing that he was selling so badly, the Hundred Treasures Divine Monarch of Tianji Palace quickly said: "Wang Daoyou has made great contributions, so naturally you need to share more refining materials. The Wang family and Wen family will choose the refining materials first."

Dimensity Palace is having a hard time, and Baibao Shenjun also wants to attract foreign aid.

Jinyang Zhenjun took out three Qiankun rings and handed them over to Wang Daoyuan.

He was a little surprised when he went in and took a look.

Immediately, I felt that the Royal Spirit Sect had not been in vain for so many years, and there really was a lot of refining materials.

Especially the Hunyuan Divine Iron, there are as many as six pieces the size of the washbasin.

A fist-sized piece of Primordial Divine Iron was thirty or forty pieces.

Moreover, these Primordial Divine Irons are all sixth-rank high-grade irons, and if they are added together, they will probably weigh more than 6,000 kilograms.

Wang Daoyuan was not polite, he took four pieces of Hunyuan Shentie for the large piece, and more than twenty pieces for the small piece.

Together, these things weighed about 4,000 pounds.

With so much Primordial Divine Iron, there is no shortage of materials for hand training for the time being.

The rest, he did not leave it to Yuheng Jianzong and other forces, but mainly to the Wen family.

There are also many other refining materials, such as Fallen Star Divine Iron, Xuan Lei Stone, etc.

He has loaded tens of thousands of kilograms in total for the sixth-order, middle- and top-grade refining materials.

Others such as the sixth-order low-grade materials and the fifth-order peak materials, Wang Daoyuan did not let go.

It was not until the three Qiankun Rings were fully filled that they stopped.

Wang Daoyuan took more than half of the refining materials from the blood shark thieves.

Of course, the others didn't take it seriously either.

Each family is a big power with tens of thousands of years of family background. Although the sixth-order refining materials are precious, each family also has a lot of collections.

They don't have the time acceleration function of the Lingzhu space, and it takes a lot of energy to refine a sixth-order magic weapon.

There are so many materials stored at home that they can't be used up at all.

In the end, Wang Daoyuan turned over to a black stone.

The rock was not big, only the size of a baby's fist.

But its material is extraordinary, exactly the same as Wang Daoyuan's black stone.

Undoubtedly, this is also a fragment of that complete spiritual tool.

Unfortunately, there are no restrictions on it, and there should be no special features.

However, collecting fragments should be able to help restore the artifact spirit in the black stone.

It is better to hold this black stone in your own hands.

He shoved the black stone into the Qiankun ring, and then stopped selecting the refining materials.

Seeing that Wang Daoyuan attached great importance to this black stone, the Earth Shattering God asked, "Could it be that friend Wang Daoyuan knows this thing?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head as if nothing had happened: "I don't know, I just think this material is quite extraordinary. I have never seen it before, so I want to take it back and try it."

The Earth Shattering Divine Monarch smiled and said: "So that's the case, I thought you knew Wang Daoyou.

To be honest, I have a similar material in the hands of Tianshu Sect.

In that black stone, there is another restriction. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It's a pity that the ban is too severe to be effective at all.

Speaking of which, this was found in the treasury when the ancestors in the sect wiped out the Yuling Sect.

If Wang Daoyou needs it, you can exchange it with the Instant Miles Talisman. "

Wang Daoyuan cursed the old fox secretly and fished himself with the black stone.

If you are willing to change it, it means that the value of this thing is very high.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Fellow Earth Splitter is joking, I haven't figured out the use of this thing, how can it be exchanged for the talisman?

The prohibition mentioned by fellow Daoists may have some research value.

In my opinion, the material for the refining should be the peak of the sixth-order, and it is almost the same with the sixth-order middle and low-grade spiritual tools. "

Looking at him like this, the doubts in the Earth Shattering Divine Monarch's heart are slightly reduced, at least this thing is not precious enough for Wang Daoyuan to exchange it at all costs.

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