Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1144: Receive Yinyuan Island

Lei Peng Feizhou landed on the southeastern coast of Yinyuan Island. This is Yinyuanfang City and the most prosperous place in the entire Yinyuan Island.

On the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, the edge of the island is the most dangerous.

The monsters will go crazy at some point, and the coastal areas will suffer the first wave of blows.

But this Yinyuan Island Fang City is an exception. To the southeast of Yinyuan Island, there are dozens of large and small reefs and small islands.

Below these reefs and small islands, it is located in the underwater part of Yinyuan Island's spiritual veins, and can use the spiritual power of the spiritual veins to form an array.

Therefore, there are a large number of formations on these reefs and small islands.

The outer formation and the formation on Yinyuan Island formed a complete defense system.

Even if attacked by monsters, the surrounding formations will carry it first.

There is no way for monsters to break the formation. If they rely on brute force to fight hard, it will be difficult to break through without tossing for ten days and a half.

Such a long time is enough for monks from other forces of the Seven Star Alliance to come to the rescue.

The west and north sides of Yinyuanfang City are surrounded by low mountains, and it is even more impregnable to deploy defensive formations based on this.

Wang Daoyuan, Zhou Luan and the Wen family brothers stepped out of the flying boat, and three monks of the late Nascent Soul came to greet them immediately.

The first one with a gray beard bowed to the two of them and said, "Junior Yin Yuan Sect Sect Master Qi Lin, see the four seniors."

Wang Daoyuan was a little surprised. The forces on the Seven Star Sea Island, which can be named after the island where they are located, are at least powerful forces with a history of tens of thousands of years.

Just like Tianshu Sect of Tianshu Island, Tianji Palace of Tianji Island, and Yuheng Sword Sect of Yuheng Island, they are all the most powerful forces at present.

Even the worst Kaiyang Sect, that is the power of the gods.

And the Yinyuan sect on the Yinyuan Island really had a bit of a crotch.

The sect master only has the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul, and the aura he exudes is relatively weak.

Even among the cultivators in the late Nascent Soul, they belonged to the lower-middle level.

A sect that is tens of thousands of years old is actually so weak.

The two late Nascent Soul monks behind him also bowed and saluted, introducing their identities.

Wearing a blue Taoist robe, the young monk is Lin Jianfeng, the Sect Master of Qingjian Peak.

Another middle-aged cultivator in a black robe was Yi Lingfeng, the sect master of the Profound Scale Sect.

Wang Daoyuan didn't know much about the situation on Yinyuan Island, and it was the first time he heard the names of these three forces.

He has always wanted the idea of ​​hitting the Seven-Star Secret Realm, but there is really no need to care about these Nascent Soul forces.

Wen Xuanhai and Wen Xuanyan said nothing, which meant that Wang Daoyuan would speak.

In this situation now, whoever speaks first means whoever speaks will be the leader in the future.

The two of them deliberately wanted to, but Wang Daoyuan was no longer polite: "The three suzerains don't need to be too polite.

Now my Wang family and Wen family have come to occupy this place, and they are only here to settle their clansmen and develop their industries.

As long as the three of you defend your territory and don't attack each other, we won't interfere. "

Wen Xuanhai also smiled and said, "My Wen family's attitude is the same. As long as the three families don't cause trouble, we will never **** their properties."

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief. The big forces on a piece of land have changed, and the small forces are likely to be cleaned up.

The better ones lost most of their properties and barely kept their inheritance.

If you meet someone who is ruthless, you will even cut off your own inheritance.

Now that the industry can be preserved, I am naturally excited.

However, the three families are not ignorant people.

In the future, I have to live under the Wang family and the Wen family.

Qi Lin cupped his hands and said: "Our three families have prepared a banquet for the reception of the wind, and we also invite the four seniors to appreciate the light."

Wen Xuanhai smiled and said: "No need, we have just wiped out the rebellion of the blood shark thieves, and we have to go back to the family to deal with some affairs.

Come here and just take a look.

You can just do your own business, don't worry about us. "

The three of them didn't dare to disturb their Yaxing, and they left after a few words of greeting.

Although these three sects have a long history, they have never been home on Yinyuan Island.

The land occupied is mostly barren land with few resources.

The real place is still in the hands of several major forces such as Yuheng Jianzong.

Wang Daoyuan subdued the Qixinghai Xiuxian Realm in order to make Qixinghai the second Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm.

Instead of repressing by force, forcibly subduing all forces.

If it all depends on playing hard, in the future, if you leave Qixinghai with your front foot, someone will deal with the Wang family on your back foot.

If the three sects including Yin Yuanzong knew the current affairs, they would not have to worry about them.

After the three left, Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "This market is indeed extraordinary, if not because of the previous war, it would have been a prosperous place.

I first went to the west to see how the clansmen took over the various industries, so I said goodbye. "

Yinyuan Island has become the site of the Wang family and the Wen family, and this square market will naturally be the two masters in the future.

Opening a shop in Fangshi also pays taxes, which is also a lot of income.

Wen Xuanhai smiled and said: "It's okay, our brothers also went to see how the clansmen were arranged."

The two parties divided the Yinyuan Island site, the Wen family's property was in the east half, and the Wang family's property was in the west half.

There are many plains in the east of Yinyuan Island, which is suitable for housing ordinary people.

The Wen family needs to increase the number of clansmen as soon as possible, and naturally prefer the plains.

There are more mountains in the west and much less plains.

There are many mountains, and there are naturally many veins.

There are not many people in the Wang family now, and there is not much demand for the plains.

What is most lacking is the material for refining, and it is in need of places with many mountains.

The two sites are distinct, but the major events on Yinyuan Island still have to be discussed with each other.

Wang Daoyuan drove Lei Peng's flying boat again and came to the west coast near Yinyuan Island.

There is an east-west valley here, six to seven hundred miles long from east to west, and fifty to one hundred miles wide from north to south.

There is a small river in the valley, which flows from east to west, and finally enters the sea in the west of Yinyuan Island.

On the mountains on the north and south sides of the valley, there are many spiritual springs gushing out, and this valley is also named Baiquan Valley.

Baiquan Valley is close to the Great Spirit Vein of Yinyuan Island, so the spiritual energy is naturally extremely strong.

In the past, Baiquan Valley was occupied by Yuheng Jianzong.

There are many spiritual fields in the mountains, and even the sixth-order spiritual fields have hundreds of acres.

The most important thing in the spiritual field is the spiritual field soil that is several feet thick. Countless spiritual energy is infiltrated in the spiritual field soil, so that the spiritual medicine can grow well.

It takes decades to cultivate ordinary soil into second-order spiritual field soil.

To cultivate into a sixth-order spiritual field, without thousands of years of continuous investment, it is impossible to even think about it.

Where there is a spiritual spring, it is much more convenient.

If there is no spiritual spring, it can only be smashed by spiritual stones.

There are many spiritual springs here, which is naturally a good place to cultivate spiritual fields.

Therefore, the Wang family's base on Yinyuan Island was placed here.

Hundred Springs Valley is only two or three thousand miles to the west, which is Xihaifang City.

This Xihaifang City is where the entrance to the Seven Stars Secret Realm is located.

The two landed on a flat mountain in the middle of Baiquan Valley, where a lot of caves have now been opened.

In a tall cave mansion, three people walked out to greet him.

The first person is the Twelve Uncle Wang Shouye, Yinyuan Island is an important industry, and naturally someone needs to be in charge.

There are not many people in the Wang family who can do it. For the time being, the only cultivators in Yuanying are Wang Shouye and Wang Daoyin.

In terms of ability, Wang Shouye is naturally much stronger.

The other two are also acquaintances, namely Xuan Chen and Ming Jiao.

Wang Shouye smiled and said, "Daoyuan, these two fellow Taoists have come to ask for advice, and I don't know what to do.

Now that you're back, I'll leave it to you.

This station is in ruins, and I still have a lot to deal with, so I won't pay you any compensation. "

After all, he left here to deal with family affairs.

Xuan Chen and Ming Jiao Chao Wang Daoyuan cupped their hands and said, "I have seen senior."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "Don't be too polite, come in and talk."

After all, he walked into the tall cave.

This cave house can be said to be the auditorium of the Wang family here.

After everyone entered the auditorium, the realm of Wang Daoyuan supernatural powers unfolded, covering the entire auditorium.

Even a late-stage cultivator of God Transformation cannot master the laws of space better than Wang Daoyuan, and he would never even want to inquire about the situation in the realm.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "What's the matter with you coming to me?"

Ming Jiao bowed his hands: "Senior, now the blood shark pirates have been destroyed, the southern sea area of ​​the Seven Star Seas is a little chaotic.

The junior wanted to take the opportunity to conquer those branches, but was just a little worried.

It's just that the war is over, and the vigilance on Tianquan Island should also be relaxed.

Headquarters elders may also escape and contact various branches.

Based on the strength of the two of us alone, I am afraid that we are unable to subdue the guarded divisions. "

Wang Daoyuan understood the meaning of the two of them. This was because he wanted to find himself for protection.

At the end of the war, it was easier for the headquarters of the Minglong Organization to send personnel.

The branch in the southern waters of the Seven Star Seas should have already made contact with the Minglong Organization.

Now I want to subdue those branches, just by sneaking in directly, there is no hope at all.

Maybe some branches are ready to ambush and kill the two of them.

Although Ming Jiao's ability is somewhat mediocre, it is an important part of conquering the entire Minglong organization.

If he dies, the Underworld Dragon Organization will also get out of control.

Wang Daoyuan took out a dragon scale shield: "This is the sixth-order magic weapon given to Xuanchen last time. If there is a chance, you can directly kill the branch commander as before, and replace it with a disciple of the Ming family.

If you can't do it, don't force it.

The big deal is to destroy the branch in the southern sea area, and it will be rebuilt in the future.

The entire southern sea is about to break out, and even if those divisions are conquered, they may be destroyed in the war. "

Xuan Chen took the shield: "Thank you for the generous gift from the senior, the junior will definitely be careful.

Dare to ask, does the senior have any other instructions? "

Wang Daoyuan thought for a while and said, "First of all, let me remind you that you must guard against the elders of the Minglong headquarters, and give us a picture of the gourd.

If they also sneak into the branch, there will be a beheading operation.

I am afraid that everything you have done before will be in vain. "

Ming Jiao replied: "Senior, don't worry, I have instructed the commanders of each branch before.

No one is allowed into the branch except those I send.

Before I send people, I will definitely send them a letter. "

In this way, it can prevent those rebel elders from playing beheading.

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "This is safe, and let the branches of the Ten Thousand Demon Islands keep an eye on the movements of Zhenhaizong.

Every move of the Zhenhaizong cultivator must be reported to me. "

The matter of tidying up Zhenhaizong and winning the Son of Luck can only be done by oneself

To clean up Zhenhaizong, you must have a sufficient understanding of it.

Start collecting some information now, so you don't get caught in the act.

The Minglong Organization is a veteran of intelligence, and naturally knows the situation of Zhenhaizong.

Ming Jiao hurriedly said: "Senior, don't worry, I will definitely send more people to inquire about the situation of Zhenhaizong.

If Zhenhaizong has any actions, I will report to you in time. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "That's good, you go to conquer the branch in the southern sea as soon as possible."

Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen said in unison, "Junior retire."

The two said goodbye and left, Wang Daoyuan sighed: "The growth rate of the clan is still too slow, it is too difficult to control the Seven Star Sea only by the family cultivator. UU Reading

If there are dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators now, I would dare to directly swallow the Minglong Organization and change the brand of Wanchuanfang City. "

Zhou Luan persuaded: "The lack of Yuan Ying clan is indeed a problem, you are only over 400 years old now.

It has only been more than a hundred years since the establishment of the State of Yan.

Since the establishment of the Wang family, it has only been about a thousand years.

Now that we can be on an equal footing with those tens of thousands of years of great power, it is already very difficult.

If there are not enough Yuan Ying cultivators, then there are a few more cultivators of God Transformation.

You have Lingzhu space, and when dealing with Zhenhaizong in the future, grab a few Jindan clones with good talent.

With the help of the time flow rate of the Spirit Orb space, several Spirit Transformation cultivators can be cultivated very quickly.

There are enough god-turning cultivators in charge, and then in the name of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, it is not a problem to recruit Nascent Soul Loose Cultivators. "

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