Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1145: Re-enter the 7-star secret realm

Zhou Luan's method is not bad. If there are ten or eight cultivators of the gods, and they are open to recruiting cultivators of Nascent Soul, no one will dare to disagree.

He now has ten clones, a sixth-order sword puppet, sitting on Tianfu Island.

The two demon clones are usually responsible for refining magic tools and arrays.

Among them, Demon Prison is also proficient in the technique of alchemy, and the general medicinal pills do not need Wang Daoyuan to do it himself.

Soul Demon clone, Soul Hidden, now has the cultivation base of the peak of Nascent Soul.

He usually refines spirit talismans, and by the way, helps Wang Daoyuan manage those yin-type spirit plants, as well as ghost silkworms.

When he was subdued, his soul was injured by Yunyi, and his cultivation speed was greatly affected.

There are also Liao Yang and Chen Zhaoyi, who were the clones they captured when they were defending against the demons in the Southern Wilderness.

At that time, they hadn't mastered the full version of the Clone Soul Cultivation Technique. Their souls were severely damaged, and their cultivation base was unable to advance an inch.

Now two hundred years have passed, and they are still at the peak of Jindan.

This cultivation level has no effect except for a start.

If there are suitable targets, replace both of them.

On the other side of Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie, there are four more clones.

They are Xuanbing Turtle, Hui Peng, Jia Qi, and Zheng Ping, who is sitting in the Zijinchuan branch.

The Zijinchuan branch was affected by the formation of the mountain gate of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts and the magical instruments buried in the ground, so the Jindan cultivator was not suitable for the past.

Cultivation of corpse only requires devouring Yin Qi and the energy derived from it, and there is no need to transcend calamity in the early stage, so it is appropriate to guard the other side.

Xuan Bing Turtle and Hui Peng usually patrol all parts of the Yan Kingdom to prevent the remnants of the demon clan from causing chaos. It is better to stay in Beiyuan temporarily.

Jia Qi can be transferred to Qixinghai, he was originally a disciple of a Nascent Soul Elder of Blood Shark Pirates.

And he is also a cultivator of the Five Spiritual Roots, and his talent is very good.

Now the cultivation base should have reached the peak of Nascent Soul, and after cultivating for a period of time, he can try to break through the realm of God Transformation.

The exercises he cultivates are exactly the same as the body, and there are many spells he cultivates.

Although the combat power of the same rank is not as far as the king's way, it is also a first-class level.

The next time Jian Puppet returns to Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie, he can be brought over.

Wang Daoyuan thought for a long time: "I will cultivate more clones in the future, but I already have ten clones.

If the number of clones is increased, these clones will have autonomous consciousness. "

Zhou Luan smiled and said: "But my number of clones is not full, I only have two clones now, one is the blood-eyed golden-winged tiger, the other is the Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf, and I can refine eight more clones.

There are many magic cultivators in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands.

Especially for cultivators who cultivate with living people, it is not a big deal to catch a few avatars.

It really doesn't work, you can enter Jue Tian Yuan again and catch a few demons out. "

This is also a solution. It is best not to disclose the matter of the Lingzhu space to more people.

The more people who know it, the more likely it will be leaked.

Although Twelfth Uncle knows that there is a portable secret realm, he does not know the time flow rate of the Lingzhu space, which is the most important.

Wang Daoyuan was stunned: "Your Highness Princess, do you think there is a blood-eyed golden-winged tiger clone?"

Zhou Luan nodded: "Yeah, these are the two monsters we captured alive in Kongming Mountain before I became the Shadow Master of Blood Shadow."

Wang Daoyuan slapped his thigh: "How could I forget this guy, the blood-eyed garuda is a real demigod.

Cultivate it to the sixth rank, then take its blood essence and pay for Yunyi's refining school to increase the bloodline concentration of Yunyi's white tiger mythical beast. "

The reason why demigods are called demigods is because their bloodline only needs to be cultivated normally to slowly grow to the height of divine beasts.

A half-divine beast like the blood-eyed golden-winged tiger, even if there is no natural treasure to increase the bloodline concentration, as long as there are relatively sufficient resources, it can slowly cultivate to the seventh rank.

Then go through the calamity of the divine beast and transform into a real divine beast.

And Yunyi is not far behind, he is only a second-order monster.

Over the years, he has relied on the Blood Vessel Pill to increase the blood concentration, and he has only broken through to the fifth-order peak step by step.

If there is no more blood of the white tiger mythical beast, there is basically no hope of breaking through the sixth rank.

The blood of the white tiger mythical beast is not easy to improve. For example, the dragon family can use some special spiritual veins to obtain natural dragon energy and increase the concentration of dragon blood.

The phoenix blood demon bird can also rely on Feng Qitong to improve its bloodline.

If the white tiger mythical beast wants to increase its bloodline, it seems that it can only rely on devouring other monsters with white tiger bloodline.

If there is a sixth-order blood-eyed golden-winged tiger to provide blood essence to help him improve his cultivation, it will not be a problem.

"The blood-eyed garuda is now the peak of the fifth-order, and it can break through the sixth-order at any time.

Otherwise, let's go back to Tianfu Island and let it survive the calamity? "

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "Don't be in a hurry at this moment, since you've come to Yinyuan Island, it's a pity not to enter the Seven Stars Secret Realm.

This is the location of the mountain gate of the Divine Refinement Sect. The family background of the Divine Refinement Sect is only slightly worse than the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

I have the token of the vice sect master of Shenlianzong in my hand, and I can enter the treasure house of Shenlianzong.

I don't feel sorry for not entering the treasure house. "

Zhou Luan's eyes lit up: "Then let's go to the Seven-Star Secret Realm. I have never seen such a big secret realm before."

She has also heard Wang Daoyuan talking about the Seven Stars Secret Realm many times. This is a secret realm with a diameter of 100,000 miles, and an area comparable to Yaoguang Island among the seven large islands.

There are sixth-order peak spiritual veins in the secret realm, and the environment alone is stronger than any big island.

She has always been very curious about this secret realm.

If you don't get to see it, you're really unwilling.

Wang Daoyuan sent a letter to Uncle Twelve, telling him that he was secretly investigating on Yinyuan Island.

Doppelganger Demon Prison and Blood Spring will stay in Baiquangu.

Afterwards, the two concealed their figures and came to Xihaifang City.

Wang Daoyuan's concealment method came from the Demon Race. After many improvements, it was not a problem to hide from a cultivator who was higher than himself.

Zhou Luan's concealment method is even more sophisticated, which was created by the blood shadow for tens of thousands of years.

Even if Wen Xuanhai came here, it would be difficult to find them.

When they reached the westernmost sea in Xihaifang City, the two dived to the bottom of the sea.

Wang Daoyuan took out the purple jade token and injected some spiritual power.

A small light curtain immediately appeared in front of the token, no more than a foot high and less than an inch wide.

The space emanating from it does not fluctuate much, and it is similar to opening the Qiankun Ring.

It is also covered by sea water, and it is difficult for others to find it.

If you can open a little light curtain, it means that the formation method is still functional, and it will be much more convenient to repair in the future.

He injected more spiritual power into the Ziyu token, and the light curtain expanded a lot, almost allowing one person to enter and exit.

Wang Daoyuan didn't want to cause too much movement, so he didn't try to expand the entrance again. He and Zhou Luan entered the light curtain one after another.

After the two entered the light curtain, the light curtain disappeared immediately.

Later, the two appeared outside the east gate of the Seven Star Temple.

"The entrance and exit of the Seven-Star Secret Realm is a bit interesting. I used the Seven-Star Token to come in, but it was thrown to the eastern edge of the Secret Realm.

Now come in with the Deputy Sect Master token, the effect is very different, and it actually came directly to the Seven Star Temple.

Seeing this, there should be a special formation at the entrance of the secret realm. "

Zhou Luan looked at the Seven-Star Heavenly Palace and sighed: "This Seven-Star Heavenly Palace is much more magnificent than our Yan Kingdom's Qingli City.

Just talking about the seven-star heavenly palace, it can accommodate millions of people. "

After that, he flew into the air again and looked at the surrounding environment.

"This Seven-Star Mystery Realm is indeed vast enough, with my cultivation level, I can't see it at a glance.

If the immigrant clansmen came over, it would have multiplied tens of millions of people, which was nothing in this secret realm. "

"Back then, the Divine Refinement Sect was also a force with several great powers, controlling the entire Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm.

Qixinghai is so big, and it can get a lot of resources. "

After all, he took out the token again and injected a trace of spiritual power.

The purple jade token emits a faint purple light, and this light covers the formation at the east gate of the Seven Star Temple.

The East Gate formation opened on its own, and the two walked in.

The formations in the Seven Stars Heavenly Palace have some self-repairing functions.

At this time, most of the palace formations have been restored.

In the Seven Star Heavenly Palace, I don't know how many times it has been cleaned.

Except for the Seven Stars Heavenly Palace, other places have no value, and the two went straight to the Ziwei Palace.

Standing in front of the tall Ziwei Palace, Wang Daoyuan sighed with emotion: "The last time I came here was when I was born.

At that time, I secretly picked up a lot of elixir in this Seven Star Heavenly Palace.

The forces that are qualified to enter the Seven Stars Heavenly Palace will besiege me in the Seven Stars Heavenly Palace.

In the end, I was forced here.

At that time, there was an inheritance left by Master Guiyuan Jianxian in this Ziwei Hall.

I blocked the opponent's attack by resonating with my sword intent.

Later, I was forced to cooperate by them.

With the help of Sword Intent Resonance, help them open the Ziwei Temple formation.

After entering the temple, they took the opportunity of fighting with each other to steal part of the inheritance of puppet art and artifact refining. "

Zhou Luan sighed: "You have paid too much for this family."

Wang Daoyuan didn't care: "It's all over, this time you don't need to be so embarrassed."

The purple jade token in his hand shone brightly, and the defensive formation that enveloped the Ziwei Temple quickly melted away.

The two walked in, and this time they used the token to open the formation in a dignified manner, but there were not so many moths in the hall.

For example, the smoke I encountered last time was completely absent this time, and I could easily see through the entire hall.

From the outside, this Ziwei Palace is only a few hundred meters in radius.

But this hall uses the law of space. Although it is not a space magic weapon, the interior space is much larger than it looks from the outside.

The outer hall alone has a radius of dozens of miles, and there are many puppets guarding the hall.

On the east side of the outer hall, there are two portals separated by more than 20 miles.

On the plaque on the portal, there are written "alchemy room" and "refining room".

The last time Wang Daoyuan came here, he entered the refining room.

Here, I took part of the artifact refining and puppet inheritance, and also took the Forging Immortal Cauldron.

The other inheritance and puppet inheritance, respectively, fell into the hands of the Wen family, the blood shark thief and the Seven Star Alliance.

As for the inheritance from the Wen family, he has already copied the copy.

As for the blood shark thief, there are many secrets dug out in the secret realm of Jade Phoenix Island, but unfortunately there is no clever inheritance.

It seems that the golden book taken away by the blood shark thieves should be sent to Zhenhaizong.

On the west side of the hall, there are also two portals, and the plaques read "Lingfu Hall" and "Array Hall".

On the northeast corner, there is a small stone gate.

That Shimen is the place where Guiyuan Sword Immortal inheritance was originally collected.

Wang Daoyuan took out the Forging Immortal Cauldron from the Lingzhu space, and the Immortal Forging immediately showed his figure.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he was so excited that he was speechless.

After a long time, he said: "I can't imagine that I can come back here again."

"Senior Forging Immortal, where are all the good things in the Ziwei Palace?"

There are certainly good inheritances in the alchemy room, the Lingfu hall, and the magic formation hall, but those are not things that are urgently needed.

The Divine Refinement Sect is famous for its refining tools, and the inheritance of the refining tools is already in hand, and other inheritances should not be as good as the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Find the treasure first, and then take it after the Dan Fu array is inherited.

Duan Xian replied: "After the master died in I have been in a daze.

But I vaguely remember that there were monks from the Divine Refinement Sect who took away the finished instruments and precious refining materials in the refining room.

The alchemy room, the talisman hall, and the formation hall should all be similar.

The good things of the Divine Refinement Sect are all in the innermost treasure trove of this Ziwei Temple.

Since the little guy Han Xing said, only some of the disciples left the Seven Star Sea, and some disciples stayed.

Then there must be disciples guarding this place, and there should be a lot of things left in the treasure house. "

Wang Daoyuan watched for a long time, but could not find a passage into the depths of Ziwei Temple.

Duixian continued: "This is the outer hall, there is a hidden door in the middle of the north wall, which can lead to the middle hall.

There is a place where the senior officials of the sect discuss matters, and it also houses a lot of secrets and information.

You should be interested in these things. "

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