Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1147: Sect Master of Shenlianzong

Wang Daoyuan returned to the hut with only eleven seats and walked to the main seat.

Divine Consciousness swept, and found no clues.

Move the low table away and take out the purple jade token.

Under the purple light from the token, a floor tile on the ground quickly dented.

In the pit, there is a dent of a token.

Duan Xian said again: "Put the Vice Sect Master token in, and you can open the door of the apse."

Wang Daoyuan put the purple jade token into the pit, which coincided with the dent of the token.

Then, on the back wall of the main seat, a portal slowly appeared.

Duan Xian sighed: "I have only been in this apse two or three times, and the old master brought me in."

Wang Daoyuan took back the token, and this time he did not put the Forging Immortal Cauldron into the Lingzhu space, and took it directly to the apse.

The lighting method of the apse is exactly the same as that of the nave. They are all made of pseudo-dragon **** for lighting.

After entering the gate of the apse, there are many weapon racks on both sides.

On the weapon racks, there are formations to cover up.

When you get closer, you can see the situation behind the formation.

Unfortunately, these weapon racks are already empty.

It is only natural to think about it, after all, a large number of disciples of the Divine Refinement Sect left Qixinghai and went to Qianyuan Continent to rebuild the sect.

These people can't always leave empty-handed, and must take away a lot of magic tools.

Later, the Seven Stars Secret Realm was repeatedly attacked by monsters.

The rest of the instruments are also mostly used to defend against the enemy.

Wang Daoyuan looked at the empty weapon shelf: "Unfortunately, the magic tools here should be almost consumed.

The magic weapon that can be placed here must be at least seventh-order back then.

If there are one or two pieces left, they are all valuable treasures. "

In this treasure house, there are many formations, and the divine sense cannot detect anything at all.

Moreover, consciousness may trigger some formations.

If you want to find treasures, you can only find them slowly with the naked eye.

Duan Xian smiled and said: "There should be some good things here, but they are isolated from the atmosphere by the formation, and it takes a lot of effort to find them.

Of course, if you are not afraid of danger and move everything away, the good things will naturally not escape. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Let's look for inheritance first, Shenlianzong also has a number of powerful forces, and there should be a lot of things like inheritance of exercises."

The inheritance of exercises is the most important thing in a power. The Wang family has already obtained the inheritance of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts and Blood Shadow, but this thing is not too much.

Even if there are more, you can put it aside for the time being.

With the current manpower of the Wang family, plus the blood shadow system.

It takes hundreds of years to fully understand the inheritance that has been obtained before.

If you create so many inheritances yourself, how long will it take?

These are the real treasures, the hard work of generations.

As for the seventh-order magic weapon, after breaking through to the Mahayana realm, you can refine it yourself.

After all, he already had the Demon Sealing Sword and Forging Immortal Cauldron in his hands, so he didn't need any other treasures for the time being.

And the seventh-order magic tools of the year must be spiritual.

The things that can be put here should not be much worse than the Forging Immortal Cauldron.

Even if it is now unowned, it will take a lot of effort to conquer it.

Just like the Forging Immortal Cauldron back then, without the help of Lingzhu, even with his current strength, it would be difficult to subdue him.

Using the Spirit Orb here might trigger some special formation.

The Vice Sovereign Token can solve most of the formations, but not all formations.

Du Xian nodded: "You are still sober, the inheritance is still deep in the apse.

You have the Vice Sovereign Token, so it should be no problem to get in.

However, I want to remind you in advance that the formation in this apse is not something that can be moved casually.

These places where the magic tools are placed are not dangerous. When they reach the places where the inheritance is placed, there are dangers everywhere.

Many formations are only known by the suzerain and the deputy suzerain. Although you have a token, you are not the deputy suzerain after all.

Or prepare in advance, so as not to be instantly killed by the formation.

The place where the inheritance is stored goes deeper, and it is the center of the Seven Star Secret Realm formation.

You are also an array mage, and when you get there, you can control the array of the entire secret realm at will.

At that time, there is no need to worry about any hidden formations. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded and followed Duxian forward.

The entire apse is a huge treasure trove, with various areas arranged in a line.

The outermost is the magic weapon. After passing through a gate, it is the place where the refining materials are stored.

It is a pity that there are not many materials left for these refining tools, and they should have been used almost in the past.

The remaining refining materials are of poor quality.

Before killing the blood shark thieves, I obtained a large number of refining materials, and I already knew that there were many mineral veins in my own Diyan Archipelago.

The ordinary refining materials in front of him were not attractive to him either.

Continuing on, there are various elixir and elixir, but unfortunately these elixir and elixir are useless.

As long as the elixir is picked, no matter how it is preserved, the spiritual power will slowly drain away.

It is very difficult for ordinary elixir to be preserved for hundreds of years.

If it is refined into medicinal pills and stored properly, it may be preserved for thousands of years.

As for the medicinal pills that can be preserved for tens of thousands of years, it is only a legendary existence, and Earth Immortals may be able to refine them.

The place where elixir and medicinal pills are stored is the most worthless.

Wang Daoyuan did not stop here, and then walked deep into the apse.

The back should be the place where the magic talisman is placed, but this place is basically empty.

Duan Xian said with a smile: "On the Seven Star Sea, there are many monsters in the sea.

Therefore, the talisman inheritance of Shenlianzong is also dominated by beast soul talismans.

The level of this aspect is no worse than that of the Valley of Beasts.

And because the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts is good at refining tools, the tool talismans are also somewhat level.

It is a pity that when a large number of disciples of the sect left, they could not effectively suppress the monsters.

Some seventh-order monsters have repeatedly besieged the seven-star secret realm, and the means of defending the enemy, such as spirits, have almost been exhausted. "

Wang Daoyuan did not stop here and continued to walk backwards.

After passing through a gate, I finally saw a room that was not particularly empty.

The things stored here should be related to the formation. There are a lot of formation flags, formation plates, and blank formation bases.

These things are not in a hurry, just keep going inside.

"The front is where the inheritance is stored, and there are secret hands here.

It's just that the old master didn't tell me that, you have to be careful. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Your Highness Princess, why don't you enter the Lingzhu space.

There are unforeseen dangers inside, and one more person will not help much, only more dangers of touching the hidden formation. "

Zhou Luan knew he couldn't help, so he didn't force it: "Then be careful."

Wang Daoyuan put her in the Lingzhu space, and then opened the door on the back wall of the stone house.

After entering, the scene in front of you is similar to the archive room in the nave, with bookshelves everywhere.

Through the array method, you can see that many books are placed on these bookshelves.

It's just that most of the books here are made of gold or silver metal, with text engraved on them.

This kind of golden book, even if hundreds of thousands of years pass, will not be damaged.

In the past tens of thousands of years, the forces of the Seven Star Seas were able to obtain a lot of inheritance from places other than the Ziwei Temple.

Presumably those inheritances are not very important things. The real core inheritance is still collected here.

Unfortunately, every bookshelf is guarded by a formation.

Wang Daoyuan asked: "Can these bookshelves be opened with tokens?"

Du Xian nodded: "Of course, the token of the deputy sect master, naturally has the right to check these secrets."

Wang Daoyuan no longer hesitated, taking out the token to open a formation on the bookshelf.

At this moment, a long sword appeared out of thin air and slashed towards him.

Wang Daoyuan was shocked, he just came in, and he was attacked without doing anything.

He is extremely experienced in fighting skills, and can react quickly even if he encounters an attack.

As soon as the long sword appeared, Wang Daoyuan immediately dodged.

Afterwards, he controlled the Forging Immortal Cauldron to resist the attack for himself.

The black long sword that appeared out of thin air slashed on the Forging Immortal Cauldron and bounced off, and the Forging Immortal Cauldron was also repelled for a long distance.

Wang Daoyuan looked at the reaction of the black long sword and knew that the long sword was not simple.

If it is an unowned magical weapon, even if there is a tool spirit, it is difficult to exert such a powerful power.

Therefore, this long sword must have a master.

In this way, there must be other people or other wise things hidden in this Ziwei Temple.

Wang Daoyuan took out the Soul Sealing Sword, and a small white jade sword over three inches long appeared out of thin air.

He injected spiritual power into the sword, and the small white jade sword quickly turned into a three-foot-three-inch long sword.

This is a magic weapon made by the joint efforts of several great powers. Although the long sword in front of him is extraordinary, it should be far inferior to the Soul Sealing Sword.

Wang Daoyuan did not sit still, but Guiyuan's sword intent erupted, turning his whole body into a long sword.

A silver light flashed, and a sound of gold and iron clashing sounded.

The black long sword was repelled, and the Soul Sealing Sword was unscathed.

"The long sword has a master, and there must be someone controlling it here. Are you coming out by yourself, or will I find you out?"

Duan Xian shouted: "Zhu Xing, are you here?"

Zhuxing Divine Sovereign is the disciple of Forging Immortal Divine Sovereign, Hanxing Divine Sovereign's junior brother, and the last Sect Master of Divine Refinement Sect.

A gloomy voice came: "Uncle Forging Immortal, why did you bring an outsider in?"

"Zhu Xing, are you still alive?

He is not an outsider either. He is a disciple of Guiyuan Sword Immortal. Although you are not a sword cultivator, you have also seen Guiyuan Sword Intent.

Previously in the Mysterious Realm of Herbs, he fought with that kid Han Xing, who also instructed him to practice.

His Vice Sect Master token was given to him by Han Xing himself. "

"Senior Brother Hanxing is still alive?"

Duan Xian shook his head: "The Hundred Herbs Secret Realm guarded by Han Xing was also attacked by monsters, and he was seriously injured when he fought with monsters.

The calamity of three declines came at this time, and he couldn't bear it, and he also sat down.

He transformed his soul into a ghost cultivator, his flesh into a corpse, and still guards the secret realm of Baicao. "

A gust of wind blew, and then a faint middle-aged man appeared.

He sighed deeply: "I didn't expect Senior Brother Han Xing to be able to escape the disaster, since he is the disciple of Senior Uncle Gui Yuan, he is also my Junior Brother.

I have been offended before, and I also asked my younger brother Haihan. "

Looking at him like this, he should have completely turned into a ghost cultivator.

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "Senior Brother Zhuxing, don't be polite, I'm not hurt.

It's just that since the senior brother has become a ghost cultivator, why not repair the formation of the Seven Stars Secret Realm, but let this secret realm open every five hundred years? "

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign laughed miserably: "I am not as lucky as Senior Brother Han Xing to become a real ghost cultivator.

My current state is nothing but a remnant.

I can't even stay awake all the time, and I don't have the ability to restore the formation at all. "

Duan Xian was stunned: "What's your current situation? If it is a remnant soul, I'm afraid it won't last for a long time."

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign sighed: "It's not a complete remnant of the soul, there were three seventh-order monsters that broke into this place, and I used the formation method to kill them all.

But my body was also destroyed in the war, and my soul was severely injured.

Originally wanted to switch to ghost Unfortunately, I was hit hard by the ghost repair.

The remnant soul is hidden in a seventh-order soul-cultivation bead, and it is lucky to merge with the spirit of the soul-cultivation bead that is not fully formed.

It's a pity that the tool spirit is too weak to make up for my soul injury.

Until now, my soul is incomplete.

There is only the accumulation of soul-cultivating beads, and there is no danger of dissipating. "

Wang Daoyuan asked: "In the Shennong Pavilion on the side of the Seven Stars Temple, there was a soul tree. Why don't you use the soul tree to restore your soul?"

"I think it's a pity that the soul-cultivating wood that has not been refined into a magic weapon is only useful for the souls of living creatures.

My body has been destroyed, and if I want to restore my remnant soul, I must use soul-raising wood to refine it into a magic weapon.

My soul body is too weak, even now, I can only control the natal magic weapon in front of me.

I really can't do anything about refining magic tools. "

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