Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1148: teleportation array

The state of the Star Chasing Divine Sovereign is very similar to that of Guiyuan Sword Immortal, both of which have transformed into an existence similar to an artifact spirit, but there is a big difference between the two.

Before Guiyuan Sword Immortal was transformed into an artifact spirit, the soul should be basically complete, completely replacing the unformed artifact spirit in the eighth-order Guiyuan Sword.

Before the Star Chasing Divine Sovereign was transformed into an artifact spirit, his soul was severely crippled.

Repair your own soul with the help of the spirits in the Soul Raising Orb.

It's a pity that his soul can't completely replace the tool spirit.

As a result, it became what it is now, like a remnant soul, and like an artifact.

If it continues like this, perhaps in time, he will be able to fully integrate with the Soul Raising Orb's Artifact Spirit and become a real Artifact Spirit.

But there are still risks. If it is strongly interfered by external forces before it is fully integrated, the remnant soul will be wiped out.

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "Unfortunately, the Soul Cultivation Tree in Shennong Pavilion was removed by the cultivators of Yulingzong and is no longer here.

Otherwise, I can help you make a soul-raising magic weapon for you, Senior Brother.

By the way, I have some soul stones and yellow spring willow trees in my hand. I wonder if I can help senior brother? "

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign shook his head: "It's useless, the soul-cultivation beads I now entrust the remnant souls are made of soul stones.

But this soul stone can only preserve my soul, not repair it.

As for Huangquan Willow, if I got this thing before I turned into a ghost cultivator, it might be able to save me from the calamity of the ghost cultivator.

By now, it's all too late.

Unless I find the Soul-cultivating Wood, and then use the Soul-cultivating Wood to refine a Soul-cultivating Magical Tool, my soul body can be restored to its integrity.

Even so, it may take a long time to recover.

That's all, it's been like this for tens of thousands of years, and it doesn't matter.

Even if there is no soul tree, it is possible to recover with a soul bead, but it will take tens of thousands of years. "

Duan Xian asked, "Where's the God Refining Gourd? If there is that thing, there is hope for you to recover quickly."

The Star Chasing Divine Monarch replied: "The two treasures of our Divine Refinement Sect, the Divine Alchemy Cauldron was brought to Zulong Mountain by the master, and it should have been destroyed in the hands of the Demon Race.

The brothers and sisters are going to Qianyuan Continent to set up a mountain gate again. They can't have hard power in their hands, so I will give them the God Refining Gourd. "

Du Xian was a little angry: "Why are you so real?

well! Among the disciples of the old master, you are the kindest, but you should not be kind in this matter.

Qianyuan Continent hides dragons and crouching tigers, and no matter how strong the refining gourd is, it can only exert the power of the power level.

Not to mention bringing one God-refining gourd, even if you bring ten, it may not be useful.

But if you leave the God Refining Gourd here, how can you rely on those monsters?

Well now, the foundation of the Divine Refinement Sect for hundreds of thousands of years on the Seven Star Sea is completely over.

Besides, your juniors and apprentices are likely to be finished. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "There is no need to be so pessimistic, that soul tree should fall into the hands of Zhenhaizong.

It won't be long before I go to clean up Zhenhaizong, and I might be able to get back the Soul Cultivation Wood. "

Star Chasing Divine Sovereign was a little puzzled: "Junior Brother Daoyuan, what are you doing here with Senior Uncle Duixian? Could it be that Senior Brother Hanxing asked you to help me?"

Duan Xian shook his head: "We didn't even know that you were still alive. After Han Xing knew about the situation in the Seven Stars Secret Realm, he thought you were no longer there, so he wanted to give this secret realm to Daoyuan.

In exchange, Daoyuan promised to let some of his clansmen become disciples of Shenlianzong and continue the incense of Shenlianzong.

So, Daoyuan and I came here, wanting to remove all the resources and inheritance here. "

Wang Daoyuan thought that the Star Chasing Divine Sovereign would be very angry, but he didn't expect him to be very happy.

"At that time, I had a single thought and let those junior brothers take away the God Refining Gourd, which led to the destruction of the foundation of the God Refinement Sect for hundreds of thousands of years.

If it is the clan of Junior Brother Daoyuan, he can join the Divine Refinement Sect and rebuild the foundation of the Divine Refinement Sect.

From now on, our two families will be a family, and it is no big deal to give this seven-star secret realm to the family of fellow Daoists. "

Seeing that he had no opinion, Wang Daoyuan was also a little curious: "Senior brother is so relieved about me?"

Star Chasing Divine Sovereign shook his head: "Am I capable of resisting? The jade sword in your hand is extremely extraordinary. In my current state, even if Master Du Xian helps me, it is not your opponent.

Since you are the disciple of Uncle Guiyuan, and you have been recognized by Brother Hanxing, even Uncle Duixian recognizes you as the master, so I naturally have no objection. "

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign also understood in his heart that in the Seven Star Secret Realm, there was only one remnant of his soul left.

On the side of Hanxing Divine Sovereign, he has also become a ghost cultivator.

It can be said that the entire Divine Refinement Sect has perished.

Now the forces of the Seven Stars Sea, every five hundred years, can enter the Seven Stars Secret Realm to search.

If things go on like this, sooner or later the apse of the Ziwei Palace will be opened.

At that time, I am afraid that I will also be slowly consumed by those monks.

It would be better to cooperate with this junior and senior brother, and have a forging immortal to match.

At least it can continue the incense of Shenlianzong, and maybe it can repair the remnant soul and become a ghost repairer, which is better than dying in the hands of those people.

Seeing his agreement, Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "In this case, after I have wiped out the forces of the Seven Star Seas, I will send the clansmen over.

Right now, the strength of my royal family is not strong enough. If the news that I can enter and leave the Seven Stars Secret Realm at will, I may be surrounded and beaten. "

Shenlianzong is also similar to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, and now it can basically declare its demise.

Even if Wang Daoyuan doesn't reveal the identity of the son of luck, they will naturally not dare to offend you as a disciple of Guiyuan Jianxian.

Now Wang Daoyuan intends to help Shenlianzong regain its glory, and they naturally have no objection.

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign shook his head: "You don't have to be so troublesome, the channels for communication inside and outside the Seven Star Secret Realm are not only the Yinyuan Island."

Wang Daoyuan was stunned: "How many entrances and exits can a secret realm have?"

Generally speaking, there are two channels connecting the secret realm to the big world.

One is the core of the secret realm, which is responsible for introducing energy from the outside world.

The other is the entrance and exit, connecting the secret realm with the big world.

Some great powers and earth immortals tried to open more entrances and exits in the secret realm, but after the new entrances and exits were opened, the original entrances and exits would disappear.

This should be some kind of rule influence of Heavenly Dao, and a secret realm can only have one entrance and exit.

The location of this entrance and exit can be shifted, but you cannot have more than one at the same time.

In this way, it can not only prevent the secret realm from being separated from the big world, but also prevent the secret realm from being completely integrated with the big world.

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign smiled and said: "Of course it is impossible, although the Seven Star Secret Realm is big enough, it is only a secret realm after all.

It's just that, as a mountain gate of a big power, how can it not leave some back ways?

In the core of the formation in the deepest part of the Ziwei Temple, there is a large teleportation formation that can teleport people outside. "

Deploying a teleportation array has strict requirements on the arrayer.

The cultivation base of the formation makers must at least reach the Mahayana realm.

A cultivator like Wang Daoyuan with his own space law can also set up a simple teleportation array at the peak of God Transformation.

Moreover, the formation attainments must also reach the seventh level.

The array material is also at least the seventh order.

In the early days of Mahayana monks, the teleportation arrays that can be arranged, the teleportation distance is very close, usually only hundreds of thousands of miles.

Of course, it is not surprising that the inheritance of the Divine Refinement Sect is strong enough to arrange such a formation.

Just set up a teleportation array in the secret realm and teleport to the big world outside, which involves cross-domain issues.

Regardless of the risk or difficulty, it is much higher than the general teleportation array.

"Set up a teleportation array between the secret realm and the big world. The teleportation distance should not be far. Where is the other end of the teleportation array?"

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign smiled and said, "My God Refinement Sect's formation can still be used, and the other end of the teleportation formation is more than two million miles northwest of Yinyuan Island.

There is a small secret realm in the extreme cold ice field.

The other end of the teleportation array is in that little secret realm.

This teleportation array is more difficult than what you think, Daoyuan Junior Brother. It is very difficult to arrange a teleportation array between the two secret realms.

This is also the last retreat of our Divine Refinement Sect. Once the Seven Stars Secret Realm is captured, the disciples can take this opportunity to escape. "

Speaking of this, he sighed: "Unfortunately, although we have guarded the Seven-Star Secret Realm, the disciples in the sect have also been exhausted.

Before this retreat could be used in time, the Divine Refinement Sect almost perished. "

Hearing this, Wang Daoyuan was a little excited.

The Diyan Archipelago is more than a million miles northwest of Yinyuan Island. According to the Star Chasing Divine Monarch, that secret realm should not be far from the Diyan Archipelago.

If the teleportation array is still intact, a family stronghold can be established there in the future.

In the future, the entrance of the Seven Stars Secret Realm on Yinyuan Island will never be opened again, and the materials will be transported entirely by the teleportation array.

Another teleportation array is in the endless ice sea, and the transfer of materials will not attract the attention of other forces.

"Senior Brother Zhuxing, can I transcribe a copy of the inheritance here?"

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign replied: "Of course there is no problem, the Divine Refinement Sect no longer has any living disciples.

People are gone, so what else is there to do? "

He also knew in his heart that since he wanted to rely on the Wang family to continue the incense of Shenlianzong, the inheritance would sooner or later be passed on to the children of the Wang family who worshipped the Shenlianzong.

Instead, it is better to be more generous, directly allow Wang Daoyuan to transcribe the copy, and still leave his feelings behind.

Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands and said: "Then I would like to thank Senior Brother Zhuxing. Although my Wang family has the inheritance of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, in terms of weapon refining, the Divine Refinement Sect is still stronger."

Like this kind of big power, the inheritance of the cultivation of immortals and Baiyi will not be too bad, but each has its own expertise.

The strongest in the Valley of Beasts is the beast, followed by spells and kendo, and once again with a magic talisman, the formation is very general.

The strongest in the Divine Refinement Sect is the refining tool, and the spirit talisman is comparable to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, and the formation is stronger.

Hearing Wang Daoyuan's praise of the art of refining tools of the Shen Lianzong, the God of Star Chasing came to the spirit.

"Junior brother has good eyesight, the overall inheritance of my Divine Refinement Sect is indeed inferior to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

But when it comes to refining tools, my God Refinement Sect is still slightly better.

There is also the puppet technique, and the Valley of the Beasts is even more incomparable.

Refining the God Cauldron and Refining the God Gourd, although not as good as the Ten Thousand Spirit Pagoda.

But these are all made by our own ancestors of the Divine Refinement Sect, unlike the God of All Beasts, who have to ask Earth Immortals for help. "

After all, he took out a purple jade token, injected spiritual power, and closed all the formations on the bookshelf.

"Junior Brother wants to transcribe inheritance, you can feel free."

Wang Daoyuan bowed his hands in thanks, and then released the clones Chen Zhaoyi and Liao Yang.

In each of their Qiankun Rings, there are a lot of blank animal skin books, ready to transcribe these inheritances.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Senior Brother Zhuxing, can you take me to see that teleportation formation?"

Star Chasing Divine Sovereign nodded: "Of course there is no problem, Junior Brother will come with me."

The two came to the deepest part of the library, and the Star Chasing God used the Sect Master token to open a portal on the back wall.

Wang Daoyuan and Duan Xian followed him into the portal, and behind him was a stone room that was a hundred feet square.

In this stone room, there are more than a dozen formation bases.

"This is the formation center of the Seven Stars Mystery Realm. Unfortunately, in my current state, I cannot exert much power and cannot control the formation.

If not, UU reading wouldn't let those monks in. "

He pointed to an altar with a diameter of more than three feet in the corner and said, "This is the teleportation array I said. It has not been used for many years. I don't know how the situation there."

Wang Daoyuan walked to the altar, waved his hand gently, and the dust on the altar was swept away.

This is not the first time he has seen the pattern of the teleportation array, but this teleportation array is indeed unusual.

Wang Daoyuan took out several hundred high-grade spirit stones and placed them all over the teleportation array.

Afterwards, a second-order high-grade **** pig was caught from the Lingzhu space.

After recognizing the master, activate the teleportation array.

With the appearance of a dazzling light, Wang Daoyuan felt violent spatial fluctuations around him.

Then, the **** pig disappeared.

After a long time, Wang Daoyuan could still feel that the **** pig was still alive.

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