Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1152: 1 dozen 6

These six monsters are all fire-type monsters. This Earth Flame Secret Realm is a lava secret realm, and there can be no local monsters.

The monsters in the lava lake should all flow in from the lava outside.

The size of these guys is not small, the smallest is a crocodile, more than ten feet long.

The largest is a giant flame tortoise, with thick lava on its back, more than a hundred feet long.

This flame giant tortoise is the only sixth-order high-grade monster.

The flame spirit is in the lava, and its size can be changed at will.

At this time, in order to strengthen his courage, he has become a lava giant more than twenty feet tall.

On the contrary, the burly Gorefiend, who was nearly two feet tall, seemed weak at the moment.

Wang Daoyuan didn't intend to wait any longer, and hurriedly entered the secret realm.

Yan Ling is still a sixth-order low-grade cultivation base, and in the lava, it can be entangled with the flame giant tortoise.

However, it is impossible for a sixth-rank middle-rank Gorefiend to deal with five sixth-rank middle-rank monsters.

After Wang Daoyuan brought Zhou Luan into the secret realm, he immediately sacrificed the divine refining gourd.

This thing is specially designed to deal with monsters, and Wang Daoyuan also has Soul Sealing Sword and Forging Immortal Cauldron in his hands.

It shouldn't be a problem to take down six monsters with one's own power.

Of course, Wang Daoyuan still had the intention of practicing his hands.

With the huge secret realm of the sixth-order spiritual veins, the cultivator of the gods cannot destroy it.

No matter how much fun you play inside, it will not affect the outside of the secret.

It's a pity not to use such a good practice venue.

Ke Lian Shen Gourd has no such thoughts: "Master, you are so kind to me.

I've been hungry for tens of thousands of years, and I just came across so many delicious foods.

Just watch, these six desserts won't last long in front of me. "

Although Wang Daoyuan knew the basic functions of the God Refining Gourd, he didn't quite understand how strong it was.

Magic weapons of the same rank can exert different strengths.

Forging Immortal Cauldron was of the same rank as the God-Refining Gourd in that year, and it was still cultivated by the great power of Immortal Immortal Divine Venerable.

But his ability is not on the enemy, and when dealing with monsters, he can only release some repressive power.

The actual lethality is not as good as that of the golden furnace.

It takes a lot of effort for the golden furnace to win the late stage cultivator of God Transformation.

And the God Refining Gourd planned to eat six monsters by himself, including a sixth-rank high-grade flame giant tortoise.

However, if the refining gourd can take them down and release them one by one in the future, it seems to be good for Zhou Luan to practice.

"Not long after you recognized your master, I still don't know the strength of your demon refining ability.

Now that you have these six guys, show your strength. "

Wang Daoyuan's words made the demon refining gourd very excited.

If you want to get good treatment, you have to show your worth.

"Master, don't worry, I was born to deal with monsters, and it's not a problem to deal with a dozen or six."

The six monsters are very embarrassed now, and they also see that the refining monster gourd is not easy to mess with.

Do it, worry about not being able to beat it.

If you want to escape, Wang Daoyuan is backed by the entrance of the secret realm.

Although the secret realm is huge, the terrain is too simple.

There are bare patches everywhere. Back then, the methods of mining in the Divine Refinement Sect were relatively straightforward.

No mines were dug, and they were all dug directly into the mountains.

As a result, these monsters couldn't find a place to hide.

Several of the monsters were very timid and dared not face Wang Daoyuan.

Especially a stone armored dragon lizard, trembling violently all over.

The flame giant tortoise roared: "I have been in this secret realm since I was born, and I have never seen a human race.

There is no enmity or enmity with the human race, please let me live. "

Wang Daoyuan sneered: "Since I have never seen a human race, why do you recognize me as a human race at a glance?"

No one would believe this nonsense, even if there were no flaws in what he said, it was impossible to stay in the secret realm honestly.

With enough strength, people will fight for fame and fortune, while monsters will fight for more territory.

This is the nature of life, and this flame giant tortoise cannot overcome.

The flame giant tortoise was at a loss for words, and the refining gourd didn't have the heart to chat with them.

"Master, you are still too kind.

The human race and the demon race are inherently immortal. This group of evil animals stays underground. Can you rest assured, master?

Now you are kind to them, but if you are not here, will they be kind to your people?

It is natural for monsters to kill, and it is only natural for people to kill monsters. "

After all, the mouth of the gourd opened, and a powerful suction emerged.

This god-refining gourd is worthy of being the nemesis of the demon clan. Although Xuequan and Zhou Luan also felt the suction, they were not greatly affected.

On the contrary, those monsters were greatly affected.

The huge body like a mountain, under the suction of the god-refining gourd, is like a fluffy piece of paper.

The stone-armored dragon lizard has four long legs, and at first glance it looks like a monster that is known for its speed.

Although he was quite frightened, he instinctively fled as soon as the divine gourd showed his power.

But his strength is not enough, and his sixth-order mid-rank cultivation base is vulnerable in front of the God Refining Gourd.

As soon as he ran out less than a hundred feet, his entire body left the ground and flew uncontrollably towards the mouth of the gourd.

Although he struggled desperately, in front of the God Refining Gourd, he had no effect.

In a moment, it was included in the gourd.

Other monsters are not good at speed, even the stone armored dragon lizard has not escaped, they have no hope.

The five monsters no longer had any illusions and fled directly into the depths of the lava lake.

Refining the **** with a sinister smile: "This group of things is really dizzy, the bottom of this lava lake is the core of the secret realm.

If they were Mahayana monks, they might have a chance to escape.

But they are only sixth-order monsters, where can they escape? "

Wang Daoyuan reminded: "The core of this secret realm is a sixth-order high-grade or peak ground fire. If they destroy the ground fire, it will be troublesome here."

Lian Shen didn't take it seriously: "Master, you think too highly of these rubbish.

With their ability, they still want to destroy the fire? "

Before he finished speaking, four sixth-order mid-grade monsters flew out of the lava lake, and brought a large amount of lava with them.

They struggled violently, but unfortunately nothing worked.

Soon, all four monsters were put into the God Refining Gourd.

"Is that flaming giant tortoise difficult to deal with? Do you want me to take it down myself."

Lian Shen looked unconcerned: "Master, don't worry, this guy is bigger and his cultivation is higher than other monsters.

Moreover, he really grew up in this secret realm, and there is some connection between him and the fire.

I was afraid of damaging the ground fire, so I didn't dare to use all my strength.

Now he has been restrained by me, completely unable to move, relying on his own cultivation.

After a moment and a half, when his strength decreases, he will be taken in by me. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Well done, the five monsters that have been brought in, don't be busy refining first, I have some use in keeping them.

When they are useless, it will not be too late for you to refine them. "

He is now the owner of the God Refining Gourd. Although he did not take the initiative to control the gourd at this time, he could sense the situation in the gourd.

The five monster beasts that were taken in before were completely suppressed by the prohibition in the divine refining gourd.

Every monster is confined in an extremely small energy compartment, completely unable to move.

If the God Refining Gourd wanted to refine them, it would really be effortless.

"Don't worry, master, I have done a lot of this work tens of thousands of years ago.

Most of the things on these monsters can be used to make magic weapons.

After I took down the monster, I also waited for the master to take away the refining materials before refining the rest. "

"It's good that you know. When I finish dealing with these monsters, it's not too late for you to refine them."

Yan Ling was in a daze, and when he first came in, he was almost scared to death by these monsters.

I thought that I might be planted this time. Although the master is strong, it is impossible to take down so many monsters at the same time.

It's very possible to throw yourself here in order to save your life.

Unexpectedly, the owner can just take out a gourd and be able to subdue all these monsters.

Lian Shen looked at him in a daze, with a proud look on his face: "You little guy is the spirit of nature, right? It looks pretty good, following the master, the future is bright.

In the future, brother will cover you, and you will no longer have to worry about monsters. "

Wang Daoyuan glanced at him, this guy was too daring to form a gang in front of him.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan's displeased expression, Lian Shen quickly explained, "Master, I have no intention of forming a gang.

It's just that in the future, brother Yanling and Yanling will work under you, so let's get to know each other in advance. "

Wang Daoyuan sighed, this guy is really good at dancing.

The ability is strong enough, and the interpersonal relationship is also a good hand, but there are too many minds.

The effort of their chatting, the flame giant below finally couldn't hold it anymore.

The giant tortoise, more than a hundred feet long, slowly emerged from the lava lake.

He was still struggling violently, but unfortunately, his efforts were vulnerable in front of the divine gourd.

"Fellow Daoist, I am willing to surrender and spare my life."

Wang Daoyuan chuckled lightly: "Even if a monster like you agrees to recognize the master, I would not dare to use it."

In addition to the blow of the evil dragon, the demise of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts was also an important reason for forcibly subduing the monsters.

Such monsters that are forcibly suppressed by force will definitely harbor resentment.

Also, he can't do him any favors.

It was impossible for him to truly surrender.

Previously, rules had been set for the Wang family's children not to forcefully subdue wild monsters.

If you open this hole yourself, other clansmen will follow suit.

If things go on like this, the Wang family will definitely follow in the footsteps of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Before he finished speaking, the flame giant tortoise was included in the divine refining gourd.

After Lian Shen took down the giant flame tortoise, he said triumphantly, "Master, have you seen your subordinate's abilities?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Yes, I have always wanted to capture some sixth-order monsters alive, but I have never been successful.

With you here, if you want to capture the sixth-order monster alive in the future, you won't have to spend too much effort. "

Lian Shen still wanted to continue to boast, but Wang Daoyuan did not give him a chance.

Instead, he asked Zhou Luan directly: "Your Highness, Princess, whichever monster is pleasing to the eye, refine it into a clone.

The entrance to this secret realm is in the underground lava, and there will be monsters rushing over in the future.

If there are no powerful monsters in charge, the secret realm is always under the threat of monsters. "

Zhou Luan nodded: "Just the flame giant tortoise, the other monsters are not strong enough.

If you cultivate them slowly, it will consume too many resources.

It would be better to come directly to a God Transformation late stage combat power, not only to guard the Earth Flame Secret Realm, but also to help take care of the Earth Flame Islands. "

Wang Daoyuan asked: "This is no problem, just picking one is a bit small.

Or, pick another monster? "

"No, it's not cost-effective to raise a monster clone.

It consumes a lot of resources, and it is of no use other than fighting.

It's better to catch a few more human clones, in addition to being a thug, you can also concoct pills.

Anyway, you have a lot of enemies now, and it is not a big deal to catch a few Jindan cultivators from hostile forces. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, and what Zhou Luan said was indeed reasonable.

The value of human clones is indeed much stronger than monster clones.

After all, the human race cultivates faster and consumes less resources. UU reading www.

Moreover, the human race can also help with refining tools and alchemy.

And if the demon clan wants to refine weapons and alchemy, they must at least be pure-blooded beasts, and they must be seventh-order.

Growing to the seventh rank, the resources consumed are not a single star.

"Shen Lian, clean up the flame giant tortoise, and then take it out."

Hearing this, Lian Shen Gourd became interested: "Master, just wait and watch the play."

Inside the divine refining gourd, the energy seal that suppressed the flame giant tortoise shone with dazzling light.

The spiritual power in the flame giant tortoise was rapidly lost, but within a quarter of an hour, the spiritual power in the giant tortoise was almost exhausted.

The seal flashed, and the giant tortoise passed out.

Lian Shen released his body and said with a smile: "Master, this old turtle has almost exhausted its spiritual power, but both body and soul are unscathed. Are you satisfied?"

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