Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1153: Taikoo Thunder Tribulation

Wang Daoyuan himself is a veteran of killing monsters, and he is conscious of his clever methods.

But looking at the state of the flame giant tortoise, Wang Daoyuan was in awe.

The God Refining Gourd is just a magic weapon, but it can play the means of cleaning up monsters with perfection.

The six monsters were completely powerless to resist.

Especially against this flaming giant tortoise, he can completely lose his resistance without hurting him in the slightest.

This can only show that the Divine Refinement Sect has integrated the killing of monsters into its own inheritance.

This method is really too clever.

Now the flame giant tortoise has fallen into a state of coma, and even cast spells to stun the soul.

Put Zhou Luan into the Spirit Orb space, and said through voice transmission: "Your Highness Princess, while this flame giant tortoise is already half-dead, integrate into the soul as soon as possible."

About half an hour has passed, seven or eight days have passed in the Lingzhu space, and Zhou Luan has completed the cultivation of his soul.

Wang Daoyuan invited him out of the spirit bead space again. After Zhou Luan came out, he took out the divided soul from the sea of ​​​​knowledge and merged into the soul of this flame giant tortoise.

The flame giant tortoise was in a half-dead state and had no ability to fight back at all.

Zhou Luan's soul was soon integrated into his soul.

The flame giant tortoise was sleeping and became Zhou Luan's clone.

It will take some time for the clone to fully control the clone.

Wang Daoyuan put the flame giant tortoise into the spirit bead space, and with the help of the time flow rate, let the split soul control the clone as soon as possible.

After dealing with the giant flame tortoise, Lian Shen began to ask for credit: "Master, the giant flame tortoise has been dealt with according to your requirements.

The other five monsters, how do you plan to deal with them? "

Wang Daoyuan also praised him a few words: "You did a good job, your way of dealing with monsters is indeed a must, and it is worth cultivating well.

The other five monsters are still useful for the time being.

Zhou Luan lacks actual combat experience, and his fighting skills still need to be improved.

It is really hard to find an opponent whose strength is similar to hers.

These five monsters are very suitable, let them be sparring.

When Zhou Luan's actual combat ability is high enough, it will not be too late to deal with them. "

Wang Daoyuan did not kill these monsters for the time being, which disappointed the Refining God Gourd.

Only by killing one or two monsters can he get some benefits.

Seeing his disappointment, Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Don't frown so much, these monsters will definitely be killed.

Feeding so many sixth-order monsters requires too many resources.

And they can't be one with me, and keeping them is also a scourge.

I can't refine these demon pills into sixth-order pills either. After killing them, I'll give you three demon pills.

As for the bones and claws of the monsters, they must be kept for refining.

The blood essence and animal skin of the monsters need to be used to refine the talisman, which cannot be given to you casually. "

At this time, the face of the refining **** was full of joy, but he still reminded: "Thank you for the generous gift of the master, it is only the inner core of this sixth-order monster that can refine the sixth-order barrier breaking pill.

Master, when you break through the late stage of God Transformation, if you can take a few pills, the chance of breaking through can be greatly increased.

Such a precious thing, just give it to me so easily? "

Wang Daoyuan didn't take it seriously: "Of course I know about the barrier-breaking pill, but I am a cultivator of the Five Spiritual Roots, and there is no bottleneck in breaking through the small realm.

Therefore, this barrier-breaking pill has little effect on me.

Moreover, there are too few types of sixth-order elixir in my hand.

At present, it is not possible to collect the auxiliary medicine for the barrier breaking pill, and I will talk about it later. Anyway, it will not take much effort for you to hunt down the sixth-order monster.

The Seven-Star Sea Immortal Realm is so big, and there are quite a few sixth-order monsters.

It will not be too late to hunt down the monsters when the auxiliary medicine is gathered. "

Knowing that Wang Daoyuan was unable to gather the elixir for refining the barrier-breaking pill, Lian Shen once again showed his loyalty: "The Mysterious Hundred Herbs Realm over Qizhen Island is the most important elixir origin of the Shen Lianzong.

Back then, I followed that kid Han Xing many times to hunt down monsters and had a little friendship with him.

Next time we go there to see, maybe we can get a lot of elixir. "

"There will be a war on Qizhen Island, and it will still be difficult to get in.

Anyway, I don't need the Barrier Breaking Pill urgently now, I'll talk about it later. "

The Refining God no longer persuaded, Wang Daoyuan put the Refining God Gourd into the Lingzhu space for cultivation.

As soon as he entered the space, Lian Shen was shocked: "Master, your portable secret realm is not ordinary.

I have lived in the Seven Stars Secret Realm for tens of thousands of years, and I have no such feeling. "

Duan Xian also came out of the cauldron and glanced at Lian Shen: "Look at the way you have never seen the world, is it normal for the master of the dignified son of luck to have a secret realm with you?

It's not like we haven't seen the son of luck in the past. Who hasn't ordered a treasure?

This secret realm is indeed extraordinary. You have just arrived, and there are still many things you have not discovered. "

Lian Shen was also not to be outdone: "Isn't it because I followed the master more than a hundred years earlier? The master will definitely become a powerful and earth immortal in the future, and the days are still long.

Just like your broken iron pot, it has no other function than refining.

In the future, it is enough to have me against the enemy, and you can honestly stay here and refine your weapons. "

Duan Xian also retorted: "Don't come with me like this, I don't know how much you have?

With just your little ability, if you come across a slightly stronger magic weapon, you can't do anything about it.

At that time, don't you have to rely on me?

If you are no big or small with me, I will recreate you first. "

After Wang Daoyuan listened for a while, he stopped paying attention to them.

The world is too difficult, and even the magic weapons have begun to intrigue and demolish each other.

The monsters have been cleaned up, and there are no other risks in this secret realm.

Zhou Luan asked, "Would you like to go down and see what the fire here is like?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "Earth fire is nothing to see, when your split soul completely controls the flame giant tortoise, let's go to his lair.

This guy has lived in the Earth Flame Mystery Realm for tens of thousands of years, and he should have obtained a lot of good things.

By the way, as well as your blood-eyed golden-winged tiger and Howling Moon Sirius clone, it is time to let them pass the tribulation.

There is nothing strange about the blood-eyed garuda, a normal demigod.

That Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf is unusual, he is a pure-bred immemorial beast.

This thing needs a lot of aura from the ancient times to break through.

But you, Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf, lives in the Tianzhan Mountains. It is said that there should be no immemorial spiritual energy. I really don’t know how this thing has grown to the present. "

Zhou Luan let them out: "What about them, it happens that the blood-eyed golden-winged tiger can provide the bloodline of the white tiger mythical beast to help Yunyi advance.

Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf has the ancient bloodline, which is also of great help to Da Hei.

Although raising the two of them consumes a lot, at least it can play another role. "

As soon as the Blood-Eyed Garuda and Howling Moon Sirius came out, they flew into the distance.

The two of them have survived for more than 10,000 years in Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie, and escaped the 10,000-year spiritual decline through deep sleep.

Now that I'm not too young, it's hard to say whether I can break through.

The two monsters flew east and west respectively, keeping a long distance.

Afterwards, they began to frantically absorb spiritual power to prepare for the breakthrough.

Monster Beasts still have advantages in this respect. They don't need sixth-order Yin-Yang Qi, as long as they accumulate it, they can try to break through.

Wang Daoyuan took Yunyi out of the Lingzhu space and pointed at the blood-eyed golden-winged tiger: "It won't be long before you have to break through the sixth rank.

You both are the bloodline of the white tiger mythical beast, and the heavenly tribulation is very similar.

Go there and learn a little bit, it will help you to overcome the tribulation in the future. "

Yun Yi stepped back again and again: "Master, I don't want to cross the calamity."

Wang Daoyuan took out the god-refining gourd: "Then don't think about eating anything in the future, this is the god-refining gourd, which is specially designed to deal with monsters.

If you are disobedient, just wait to be cleaned up. "

Refining God's figure emerged: "Good guy, it's still the blood of the Soul Eater.

This is a rarity, and I have only heard those great masters talk about it back then, but I have never seen it before. "

Wiped his mouth: "Master, is this thing edible?"

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "If he is obedient, he can't eat it.

If he doesn't obey, then you are free. "

Lian Shen smiled wickedly: "Master, I think he is not very obedient now, so I will try it first."

The lid of the Refining God Gourd was opened, and a trace of suction was released towards Yun Yi.

Yun Yi was furious at the time, and ran behind Wang Daoyuan, holding his thighs and begging for mercy.

"This broken gourd is terrible. Master, I will listen to you and put this thing away."

Wang Daoyuan did not put away the gourd of refining gods, but threatened: "Then give you another chance, go to the blood-eyed golden-winged tiger and study hard.

If you don't understand anything, it will be used to feed the divine gourd. "

Yun Yi didn't dare to be lazy this time, two small wings spread out, carrying a plump body, and flew to the west where the blood-eyed garuda was.

Zhou Luan couldn't help laughing: "Before it was calcined in the Immortal Forging Cauldron, he still dared to be lazy.

Now, finally found the nemesis of this fat cat. "

The last time when the Red Feather Wudu Tribulation came out of the Spirit Orb space, it started soon.

However, it was because he devoured the blood essence of the eighth-order Golden Crow, and the spiritual power in his body was saturated.

The Blood-Eyed Garuda and Howling Moon Sirius don't have this kind of treatment. If they want to break through, they need to absorb spiritual energy.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan waited here for three days, and finally there was movement on the side of the blood-eyed golden-winged tiger.

The robbery cloud spread out quickly, and finally stopped until it was more than three thousand miles in diameter.

Then, a white tiger descended from the sky.

Apart from its stronger strength, the White Tiger of Heavenly Tribulation was no different from the White Tiger of Heavenly Tribulation that Yunyi had brought out before.

That is to say, there are some differences in the magical powers that are displayed.

Yun Yi stayed by the side, looking terrified.

After tossing for half an hour, the white tiger of calamity disappeared, and the blood-eyed golden-winged tiger only had a little vitality.

Soon, the robbery cloud turned into an auspicious cloud, and a drop of golden raindrops fell from the sky and landed on the blood-eyed garuda.

The vitality in his body is also recovering rapidly.

Of course, the power of heaven and earth has also begun to leak out.

Wang Daoyuan hurriedly put it into the Lingzhu space. These gifts of heaven and earth are left in the Lingzhu space, which is good for all spiritual things, and naturally cannot be wasted here.

The Blood-Eyed Golden-Winged Tiger was done, but Xiaoyue Sirius still didn't move.

Wang Daoyuan asked: "Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf is an ancient alien beast, and its breakthrough method should be very different from that of ordinary monsters.

It is a pity that in the ancient books of the Valley of Beasts, there are still too few records of the ancient alien beasts.

Her Royal Highness, this Howling Moon Sirius is your clone, have you found anything strange in his memory?

It is said that there should not be any immemorial beasts in Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie, except in the depths of the West Sea. "

Zhou Luan shook his head: "There is nothing unusual in his memory.

He was just an ordinary Silver Moon Wolf at first, but his physique gradually changed.

In the early days of the monsters, their intelligence was low, and many of their memories were unclear, and I couldn't be sure what happened. "

At this time, robbery clouds also began to appear on the top of Xiaoyue Tianlang's head.

It's just that this robbery cloud is very strange, not black, but gray with purple.

Wang Daoyuan had never seen such a robbery cloud before, nor had he heard of any kind of monster that had such a moth.

Soon, a robbery cloud formed, with a diameter of only about a hundred miles.

"What a strange Jieyun, strange color and strange size."

Before he finished speaking, the robbery cloud began to surge.

Soon, a gray and purple lightning fell from the sky, just on the head of Howling Moon Sirius.

This lightning is only the thickness of an adult pinky finger, and it doesn't look like much.

But the powerful energy contained in it made Wang Daoyuan feel frightened.

Refining God was stunned: "This is the ancient thunder tribulation, the way of heaven was different from now, and the thunder tribulation is also very different from now.

Since the end of the Primordial Age, the Primordial Alien Beasts have either turned into divine beasts or disappeared, and this kind of thunder tribulation is rarely seen again.

Even the patriarch of Shenlianzong could not see it with his own eyes.

I also heard it mentioned by my grandfather back then, but I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes now. "

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