Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1159: energy storage puppet

In front of the teleportation array, the array pattern is well preserved and there is no defect.

There should be no problem with the complete transmission of the fierce blood pig before.

Wang Daoyuan took out dozens of high-grade spirit stones and placed them on the teleportation array.

Then, the **** pig was brought over again.

After starting the teleportation array, the **** pig disappeared from sight.

This pig was lying next to the sixth-order high-grade spring. After practicing for nearly a year, there was a sign of breaking through the third-order. This is a great breakthrough of the fierce blood pig family.

He has subdued the fierce blood pigs for many years. These guys have reproduced in the Lingzhu space for an unknown number of generations, but there has been no sign of breakthrough.

Unexpectedly, after cultivating in this spring for a year, there will be such obvious changes.

This spring is not simple, and it is likely to give birth to something extraordinary.

After all, no one has come to this spring for tens of thousands of years, a spring that used to be a seventh-order but is now a sixth-rank high-grade spring.

It is only natural to have a great treasure.

The treasure is right in front of you. If you don't take it away, it doesn't fit Wang Daoyuan's character.

He used the escape technique and entered the spring.

The water flow of this spring is not large, and it does not consume much power to escape into the depths of the spring.

But within a few dozen breaths, Wang Daoyuan came to the deepest part of the spring.

This is an irregular underground space, except for a water polo about three feet in diameter, there is nothing else.

This water ball is the source of the spring water. I have seen this thing in the spring of the Panshan Lake Dragon Palace in Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie before.

Below the water polo, is a place with very strong spatial fluctuations, and spiritual power is constantly pouring out.

This is where the core of the secret realm communicates with the outside world to obtain spiritual power supply.

If there are treasures here, they can only be in this water polo.

I tried it with the Vice Sect Master token, and there is no restriction in the water polo.

This place is a place where the secret realm and the outside world exchange spiritual power, and the spiritual power flows very quickly.

Even if there is a ban, it may have been destroyed long ago.

Putting his hand into the water polo, he quickly took out a small water polo.

This water polo is only three inches in diameter, and its entire body is crystal clear. It looks like a pure and flawless crystal.

But the start is soft, and the shape of the entire water polo is constantly changing with a little force of the hand.

Wang Daoyuan is not unfamiliar with this thing, it is the Lingquan Pearl.

When refining the natal magic weapon, the basalt shield, it used the Lingquan beads produced in the secret realm of Huangquan.

This thing is naturally an excellent choice for refining tools.

For example, integrating into the basalt shield is also of great benefit to enhancing the power of the basalt shield.

However, Lingquan beads have a strong growth potential.

The one who made the Xuanwu Shield at the beginning was just a Tier 3 Lingquan Orb.

The other four natal instruments need to incorporate the essence of some other materials to increase the growth limit when improving their rank.

However, the Xuanwu Shield has never been incorporated into other materials, and it is directly nourished with Guishui Mingyan, and its rank can continue to grow.

The Xuanwu Shield is now a sixth-grade mid-grade magic weapon, and it is not meaningful to get it into this sixth-grade high-grade Lingquan Bead.

In addition, Lingquan beads can also be integrated into water spirit veins or spirit springs, which can greatly improve the quality of Lingquan.

For example, the Jade Dragon Spring on Yuquan Peak and the small spring on Yufeng Mountain on Tianfu Island.

Spirit springs and water spirit veins of this size are not too large. If they are integrated into spirit spring beads, their rank can be improved in a very short period of time.

Wang Daoyuan didn't think about what to do with the Lingquan Orb for a while, so he put it in the Spirit Orb space and put it next to the immeasurable real water in the northern part of the space.

Lingshui and Lingquan beads are both bred from Lingquan or Shui Lingmai, which can be said to have the same root and the same origin.

Putting the two together may enhance each other's growth rate.

The area of ​​Lingtian in Lingzhu space is now only about 600 acres.

Since there was immeasurable real water and a large area of ​​water appeared in the Lingzhu space, the growth rate of Lingtian has also improved somewhat.

Of course, the increase in water area is faster.

Now there are more than 20,000 mu of water area, and the area of ​​water area raised every year has exceeded 1,000 mu.

Gold and silver corals, which had high hopes in the past, have now broken through to the sixth order.

If it weren't for the mines at home now, Wang Daoyuan would really have to slaughter a few sixth-order corals to refine sixth-order refining materials.

After processing the Lingquan Orb, he returned to the shore and came to the teleportation array.

At this time, he clearly sensed that the **** pig was still alive.

There is no danger in teleporting in both directions, and there is no problem with this teleportation array.

Only then did Wang Daoyuan feel relieved and walked to the teleportation array.

The spiritual power in these spiritual stones only consumes less than 30%.

The number of spirit stones consumed by the teleportation array has nothing to do with the transmitter's cultivation and quantity.

Teleporting a grain of sand and teleporting a real dragon consumes no difference in spiritual power.

He urged the formation, only to feel the darkness in front of him, and disappeared from the place.

After a while, the eyes returned to light.

He stepped on the teleportation array, and in front of him was a stone room with a square meter.

In the stone room, there are more than a dozen very clever formations.

This place is not unfamiliar to Wang Daoyuan, it is the deepest part of the Seven Stars Secret Realm Ziwei Palace.

The **** pig is now lying next to the teleportation array, as if it was suppressed by some restriction.

This guy used the high-level teleportation array twice, which is also the glory of the **** pig family.

Wang Daoyuan used the vice suzerain token to open the ban, put the fierce blood pig into the Lingzhu space, and put it back into the Qiankun gourd where he was before.

Soon, the door of this stone room was opened.

A faint figure floated over, and seeing Wang Daoyuan coming, he quickly asked, "Junior Brother Daoyuan is here, have you brought me a disciple?"

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Senior Brother Zhuxing, don't worry, I just went to the glacier secret realm to see the situation, and by the way, I will try the function of this teleportation array.

Now Wang Jiaxin has added a lot of sites, and the manpower is not enough.

I have already sent people back to Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie, and next time I should be able to bring hundreds of family members.

After more than three years, people can bring it over. "

After returning to Tianfu Island from the Seven Stars Secret Realm, Wang Daoyuan sent the Sword Puppet Dijia out.

He took the Lei Peng warship and returned to Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie.

This time I went back and brought back a lot of resources.

In addition to medicinal pills, there are also a large number of fifth- and sixth-order refining materials.

Moreover, there are also two phoenix tung saplings.

Wang Mingchen has the bloodline of Suzaku, and also awakened Nanming Lihuo.

If Feng Qitong is there, his cultivation speed can also be improved a lot.

Two phoenix tung saplings, one is for Wang Mingchen, and the other is for Zhou Guo.

After all, Zhou Guo was the most important ally of the Wang family in the Seven Star Seas.

In the past, Zhou Guo's strength was slightly weaker than the four top powers.

The main reason is that the inheritance is not very good, but the resources are not much different.

Later, at the mountain gate of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley, I got all the inheritance of Vermillion Bird Hall, and this shortcoming has been made up.

Over time, it will definitely not be a problem to surpass the other three major forces outside the Tianji Sect.

On the side of the Tianji Sect, there is the inheritance of the earth immortals, and the background is still good.

If you want to surpass Tianjizong, without special resources, it is not very likely.

And Fengqitong is a special resource that can make up for the lack of inheritance and resources.

The importance of this Feng Qitong is not even inferior to that of the inheritance of the brilliant exercises.

The Zhou family, the most loyal ally, naturally wants to give some benefits.

This is also for other forces to see, and the benefits are unimaginable.

Hearing that Wang Daoyuan didn't bring anyone here, the Star Chaser God was a little disappointed.

But when he heard that in three years, hundreds of people would come over, he was a little excited.

"Junior Brother Daoyuan, are these hundreds of Wang family disciples sent to the Seven Stars Secret Realm?"

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "I originally wanted to turn the Seven Stars Secret Realm into the Wang family's territory, how can I not develop such a good place with all my strength?

In the future, not only will cultivators be arranged, but also many ordinary people will be arranged.

In addition to the Seven Stars Heavenly Palace, there are many monsters.

Ordinary clansmen make their homes here, and please take care of Senior Brother Zhuxing. "

Now the Star Chasing Divine Sovereign has no opinion, his face is full of smiles: "Junior Brother, don't worry, although I only have a remnant soul, but with the Sect Master token in hand, it is not a problem to control a few puppets.

There are also several sixth-order puppets hidden in this Ziwei Palace.

The monsters in the secret realm have long been cleaned up by the monks who came in from outside, and the fifth-order puppet can completely solve them. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "So, I'm relieved.

Next time Feizhou comes over, it is estimated that it will bring two or three hundred monks and tens of thousands of ordinary people. "

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, Junior Brother, let alone tens of thousands of ordinary people, even 108,000 ordinary people, I can also protect them well.

Junior Brother, come with me, and take a look at the puppets left here. "

Wang Daoyuan did not refuse, and followed the Star Chasing Divine Sovereign to the outer hall.

The two came to the east wall, south of the refining room.

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign flicked his Sect Master token, and a tall portal immediately appeared on the wall that had no flaws.

The two walked into the portal, which immediately lit up.

There is also a stone room inside, with a hundred feet square.

In this stone room, there are many puppets.

Among them, there are five sixth-order puppets, and there are more than ten fifth-order peak puppets.

When Wang Daoyuan entered the Ziwei Palace for the first time, the puppets he encountered were all such fifth-order peak puppets.

Just a fifth-order peak puppet can block the siege of many late Nascent Soul monks.

Star Chasing Divine Sovereign smiled and said, "Junior Brother, are these puppets still satisfied?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded again and again: "If these puppets are released, I am afraid that those from the Seven Star Alliance who sent the cultivators of the gods will also be damaged here."

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign sighed: "It would be nice if it were that simple, but unfortunately these sixth-order puppets have been around for too long, and the imprint of their divine sense has been wiped out.

I am now in a state of remnant soul, and I can only barely protect myself.

There is nothing I can do about restoring the brand of consciousness.

The fifth-order puppet has no divine sense brand, and is completely supported by the soul of the monster, but it can be maintained forever.

In the seven-star secret realm, there are no sixth-order monsters.

These fifth-order peak puppets can completely wipe out all the monsters. "

Wang Daoyuan looked at these puppets and was very satisfied.

The refining methods of these puppets are much better than their own.

If the puppets made by oneself are released, I am afraid that two-to-one will not be the opponents of these puppets.

He carefully probed these puppets with his divine sense, and found that spiritual power was constantly flowing in these puppets.

In the end, all the spiritual power gathered at the heart of the puppet.

These spiritual powers came out from under the puppet's feet, and there seemed to be a formation below it, which supplemented the puppet's spiritual power, and the spiritual power was finally stored in the puppet's heart.

Wang Daoyuan probed with his divine sense, but did not find that there was a formation underground.

This energy storage method has the same effect as the Ju Lingzhu.

For the inheritance of the puppet of the Shenlianzong, he just let the clone transcribe it again, and he has not analyzed it carefully.

"Senior Brother Zhuxing, how do these puppets acquire spiritual power and store it?"

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign smiled and said: "It's just some small tricks, there is an array in this stone room that continuously provides spiritual power.

And at the heart of these puppets, there is a magic tool that can store spiritual power.

The puppet only needs to stay near this magic tool for a few days to replenish its spiritual power.

This magic weapon stores a lot of spiritual power. Even a fifth-order puppet that consumes a lot of spiritual power can fully fight for a day or two after it is full.

If it is a sixth-order puppet, it is not difficult to fight for ten days and a half months.

It is a pity that this kind of magic weapon to store spiritual power is very expensive.

After the refining is completed, there will be a catastrophe.

There are very few who can survive the catastrophe and successfully survive.

Therefore, such puppets were not refined too much back then.

Otherwise, it will not be taken over by the monster. "

After hearing this, Wang Daoyuan became interested.

An energy storage device can make the fifth-order puppet fight for a whole day.

My own fifth-order sword puppet used nine fifth-order spirit gathering beads, and it could only last for more than an hour.

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