Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1160: Pipeline for handling ghost repairs

Back then, Wang Daoyuan was in Beiyuan Tianji Pagoda, and he asked the powerful divine sense brand to help him improve the Spirit Gathering Orb.

At that time, the almighty reminded him not to continue to improve the Ju Lingzhu.

At that time, Wang Daoyuan suspected that this thing involved the issue of heaven.

Now it seems as expected, if the Ju Lingzhu is further improved, I am afraid that it will be robbed by lightning.

The characteristics of Ju Lingzhu itself are that the materials used are simple and the cost is very low.

The disadvantage is that the strength is not high, and if the flying boat is drifting rapidly, it may collapse the Ju Lingzhu.

Traveling between Qixinghai and Beiyuan, the two immortal worlds, one will lose a few Spirit Gathering Orbs.

If a magic weapon of this level is hit by a thunderstorm, there is absolutely no hope of surviving.

It's just that he never understood why a magic weapon would be robbed by lightning.

Even the seventh-order peak magic weapon like Wanling Pagoda was not attacked when it was refined.

It's just that when the tool spirit grows to a certain level, there will be a thunder calamity against the tool spirit.

There should be no thunder tribulation for the batch-refined magical artifact such as the Spirit Judging Bead.

"Senior Brother Zhuxing, why is this energy storage magic weapon being robbed by lightning?

Ordinary instruments, even the seventh-order ones, will not be robbed by lightning just after being refined. "

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign smiled and said: "This matter is still inconclusive, and there are all kinds of speculations.

If it is a single energy storage device, it will not cause thunder disaster.

It is mainly this kind of energy storage device that can absorb spiritual energy by itself, convert it into spiritual energy and store it.

This type of magic weapon, when certain conditions are met, will trigger a thunder tribulation when the refining is completed.

Divine Refinement Sect has tried many times in the past dynasties, and can basically determine the conditions for triggering the thunder tribulation.

Once the amount of spiritual energy stored in the energy storage device reaches the level of top-quality spiritual stones, and the speed of spiritual power recovery reaches ten times that of top-quality spiritual stones, it will definitely trigger a thunder calamity.

Moreover, after the thunder calamity is triggered, the monks who refine this magic weapon will also be implicated in the thunder calamity.

Therefore, when the Divine Refinement Sect was at its peak, it only dared to refine the sixth-order energy storage instruments, and it was made by the Mahayana monks himself.

In this way, even if the thunder calamity is triggered, it will not pose too much threat to the Mahayana monks. "

The reserves of top-grade spirit stones are a hundred times that of top-grade spirit stones.

The most important point is that the spiritual power in the top-quality spiritual stone will slowly recover.

A top-quality spiritual stone is exhausted, and it is placed in a situation where the spiritual power is extremely abundant, and the recovery speed of the top-quality spiritual stone is guaranteed to be maximized.

It takes more than two years to fully recover spiritual power.

If an energy-storing instrument has the same amount of spiritual energy as the top-quality spirit stone, and the recovery speed is ten times faster, it can store full spiritual energy in seventy to eighty days.

After listening to the words of the Star Chasing Divine Sovereign, Wang Daoyuan had a good idea.

No wonder that almighty Divine Sense brand made him stop trying to improve the Spirit Gathering Orb.

If it continues to improve, it is likely to lead to thunder tribulation.

Based on his cultivation at the time, if he caused a thunder calamity, he would have to be seriously injured to say the least.

"Senior Brother Zhuxing, what are the reliable guesses of Earth Immortal Great Master about this situation?"

Star Chasing Divine Sovereign replied: "The most reliable guess is that too many energy storage instruments will affect the balance of spiritual energy in the entire world of immortal cultivation.

If there are no restrictions, there will be more and more such energy storage devices.

It is possible that the spiritual energy of the entire immortal world has been put into the energy storage magic weapon.

Without enough spiritual energy to maintain the outside world, all spiritual things will quickly degenerate and eventually become ordinary things.

Finally, even the stability of the entire Qianyuan Realm may be seriously affected. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, this guess is quite reliable.

It's hard for others to say, but if there are no restrictions on this energy storage device, I will definitely refine a massive energy storage device.

It's really not impossible for oneself to cultivate to the realm of earth immortals and drain the spiritual energy of an immortal world.

Heavenly Dao made this restriction, probably also for self-protection.

"That being said, it's very reasonable to have that kind of restriction.

If there are no restrictions, I am afraid that the entire Qianyuan world will be controlled by several great forces of earth immortals.

The monks in the immortal world can only rely on them.

Otherwise, you can only be a mortal honestly.

By the way, Brother Zhuxing, is the refining method of this magic weapon among those ancient books? "

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign nodded: "It was placed in the inner hall before, and your clones should have also been transcribed.

With a little effort, you can always turn it over.

However, I still want to remind you for my brother, this magic weapon is not ordinary.

It’s enough to make some fifth-order ones, but don’t make sixth-order ones.

The fifth-order energy storage magic weapon, even if it attracts a thunder calamity, it will not hurt you.

If the sixth-order magic weapon attracts a thunder calamity, the cultivator of the transformation will also be seriously injured. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Brother, don't worry, I won't make fun of my path."

After all, he took out the four-ban black stone: "Senior Brother Zhuxing, does Shenlianzong have this kind of stone?"

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign glanced at it: "It turned out to be the fragments of the fairy world, but the ancestors of my Shenlianzong collected some.

But the value of this thing is completely based on face.

If you encounter a good ban, that's all. If the ban is relatively poor, such as a ban that increases its intensity, it is worthless.

Moreover, the material of this thing is too hard.

Even almighty cannot smelt it.

This black stone material is also very unusual. After absorbing a lot of immortal power, it can continue to grow.

It is a pity that the effect of a few prohibitions alone is not as good as an ordinary seventh-order magic weapon.

For such a little function, it is really not cost-effective to spend a lot of immortal power.

Therefore, the great powers in the sect don't care about these things.

Some black stones with relatively tasteless functions or serious defects were thrown into various halls other than the Ziwei Hall.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the rising forces of Qixinghai broke in, and the black stones outside should have been taken away.

When those apprentice brothers left the Seven Stars Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm, they also took a lot of black stones with them.

Now, there are still three pieces left in the Ziwei Palace, all of them are completely prohibited, and their functions are not bad.

If your brother wants to, come with me. "

If you can get three black stones at once, they are all types with good functions, which is not bad.

Wang Daoyuan followed Star Chasing Divine Sovereign to the place where the refining materials were stored.

The Star Chasing God walked to a shelf in the corner and used the suzerain token to close the above prohibition.

Three black stones of different sizes appeared on the shelf.

The smallest one is about the size of a slightly larger grape, and the largest one is the size of an adult fist.

Star Chasing Divine Sovereign introduced: "These three black stones, except for the smallest one, the other two have two restrictions."

He picked up the black stone the size of an adult fist: "This black stone was originally two.

It's just that the fractures of these two pieces just match up, so Master spent a lot of immortal energy to fuse the two pieces together.

After the fusion of these things, the power has indeed been greatly improved.

One of these two prohibitions is the prohibition against fire, and the function is no different from the prohibition against fire in our Qianyuan world.

The other is the prohibition of raising fire, which can speed up the growth rate of spirit fire. "

Then, he picked up another black stone the size of a tea bowl: "The restrictions on the two black stones are exactly the same, they both emit a black light, which is extremely attractive to the soul.

This thing is used to deal with ghost cultivators, and it still has some effect.

So, it has been left behind. "

Wang Daoyuan carefully observed this black stone, and its function was somewhat related to his own four-ban black stone.

In addition to producing pure yin and pure yang energy, the other two prohibitions are to absorb the spirit and purify the soul.

In conjunction with this ban on attracting souls, it can attract distant soul bodies, and the ban on attracting spirits will take them down, purifying the ban and purification of soul bodies.

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign pointed to the last black stone and said, "The restriction on this black stone is the most extraordinary, and it is also the most peculiar of these restrictions."

Shenlianzong has a history of more than 100,000 years, and his knowledge is much higher than his own.

Star Chasing Divine Sovereign finds it strange, and Wang Daoyuan is even more curious.

"Senior Brother Zhuxing, don't give up.

What does this ban do, you just say it. "

Seeing that Wang Daoyuan's interest was aroused, the Star Chaser Divine Sovereign was very satisfied: "Although this black stone is not good-looking, its function is good.

You have acquired part of the puppet inheritance, and you should also know that the soul of the puppet needs to be refined with the soul of the monster.

And the souls of different monsters are inherently different.

The soul of a dog, no matter how you deal with it, is the soul of a dog.

And the function of this black stone can turn the souls of all kinds of monsters into a simple mass of souls.

Whether it is the soul of a dog, the soul of a chicken, or the soul of a fish.

As long as it goes through this ban, the result is a pure spherical soul body, which has nothing to do with its original life form.

The processed soul body has no difference except for the strength and weakness, we call it the original soul body.

Junior and brother should know how valuable this is to refining puppets. "

Wang Daoyuan was stunned, this value is too great.

The souls of different lives have different characteristics, and they are also good at what they are not good at.

For example, after the soul of a fish is refined into the soul of a puppet, it will be very easy for it to learn water attribute spells, and it is good at this.

But if it is made to learn other spells, it will be very troublesome.

But the restriction on this black stone can turn the soul into a primitive soul body.

No matter what this soul body cultivates, it has the same effect.

There is nothing good at it, and nothing bad at it.

This is a piece of rough jade, which can be carved at will, with infinite possibilities.

Such a primitive soul body is an excellent material for refining the soul of a puppet.

Wang Daoyuan couldn't believe that a ban could have such a powerful function.

"The function of a single ban is limited, and it can't be so magical."

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign laughed dryly: "I really can't fool my junior brother, this black stone is also flawed, and it can only handle absolutely pure souls.

Before dealing with it, it is necessary to strip away all the messy energy such as the grievances of the soul, and there is no memory left.

If this is not possible, the soul body will not be able to enter the black stone at all.

At the beginning, in order to verify the function of this black stone, we spent a lot of time.

The younger brother also understands puppet art, and knows how difficult it is to strip away the messy energy in the soul. "

Wang Daoyuan was stunned for a moment: "To tell the truth, brother, this four-restriction black stone in my hand can take all the souls into it.

After refining, the soul body that comes out is absolutely pure, without a trace of impurities. "

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign smiled and said after a long pause, "These two restrictions are really a perfect match, no, they are a match made in heaven.

Four bans of black stone pure soul, my single ban black stone will turn pure soul body into a soul body without specificity.

Back then, the master of this complete instrument was not made by a puppet master in the immortal world, right? "

Wang Daoyuan picked up the black stone that could attract ghosts: "More than There is also a spiritual restraint on my four forbidden black stones.

Cooperate with the two bans on attracting souls on the black stone, plus these two bans on dealing with souls..."

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign took a deep breath: "Hurry up and put this thing away, why am I a little scared."

He is a soul body, and the combination of these restrictions is an assembly line for dealing with ghost cultivators or other soul bodies, so he can't help but be afraid.

Wang Daoyuan put away the black stone of the four bans, and then he continued: "It seems that this complete magic weapon is a sharp weapon to deal with ghost cultivators.

Once a ghost repair appears, this magic weapon is activated.

Adding up these existing restrictions, the same-level ghost repair is in your hands, and there is no resistance at all.

The soul that has been banned and processed becomes the original soul body.

If you can take down the ghost cultivator of God Transformation or even the Mahayana realm, process it into a primitive soul body, and then refine it into a puppet soul, this value is really terrifying. "

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