Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1161: Soul Ball

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign's idea is very good. If a high-level ghost repairer is caught, it will be dealt with through these bans on Blackstone.

It can erase all the influences of the soul during its lifetime and become the original soul body.

But its strength will not change much, it is still the strength of high-level ghost repair.

After refining it into a puppet's soul, the power of the puppet's consciousness is naturally not weak.

Maybe, he can also learn the arts of cultivating immortals such as weapon refining and formation techniques.

Of course, ghost repairs are not common.

After all, Ghost Cultivator has to face the Heavenly Tribulation of Ghost Cultivation.

Most of the ghost repairs are hidden in some magical tools that can cover up the secrets, or in special secret realms.

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "Senior brother thinks too much, I am afraid that there are not many ghost cultivators in the entire Qianyuan world.

Even if it exists, it will not easily show up.

This thing is in my hands, that is, it is more convenient to clean up the souls of monsters and make puppets. "

The Star Chasing God also shook his head: "I think too much, how can there be so many ghost cultivators?

The strongest ghost cultivator in the entire Seven-Star Sea Immortal Realm should be Senior Brother Han Xing.

I'm just a remnant of the soul now, and it doesn't make any sense to ask for these black stones, so I gave them to my junior brother.

I hope you can make good use of it and don't use this black stone to do evil and harm the human race. "

Although this Star Chasing Divine Sovereign has become a remnant soul for tens of thousands of years, he still thinks of the human race.

"Brother, don't worry, I'm still less than five hundred years old, and I have cultivated to the middle stage of Spirit Transformation.

Before the thousand years, one should be able to cultivate to the Mahayana realm.

You have heard of a few monks who are proud of spring breeze and go to evil ways when they have nothing to do? "

Most of the evil cultivators fail to follow the right path, so they go the evil path as a last resort.

Or they were subjected to great persecution, forced to be helpless, and took the evil path.

Of course, there are various other reasons.

But I have never heard of a cultivator with a promising future, who has not been persecuted or suppressed, and whose cultivation base can quickly improve.

Will give up the bright future of the right way and go the way of evil cultivation.

After all, taking the evil path of cultivation is not without cost.

You can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from heaven.

In the future, when breaking through the great realm and needing to transcend the calamity, the heavenly tribulation of the evil cultivator will be particularly terrifying.

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign handed over the three black stones to Wang Daoyuan: "I'm too worried, if you go the evil way, I don't need to deal with you.

Uncle Guiyuan is notorious for not rubbing sand in his eyes, he can kill you. "

Wang Daoyuan took Heishi: "Thank you, brother."

The restrictions on these three black stones have a great effect on him.

The five elements of spirit fire in the primordial spirit have been integrated with the body.

As long as their own cultivation level increases, their rank will also increase.

It is mainly Nanming Lihuo in the Lingzhu space, which is one of the three great fires.

Precisely because of the extraordinary heels, it is very difficult to improve the rank in the environment of lack of resources.

Although, Feng Qitong can provide some help.

However, Feng Qitong's own degradation is also very serious, and he expects Feng Qitong to help Nanming Lihuo improve his rank.

This prohibition of cultivating spiritual fire should be of great help to Nanming Lihuo.

The Star Chasing God said with a smile: "Actually, I still have something I want to ask Junior Brother for help."

"Why do you have to be so polite, brother? Feel free to say anything."

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign was a little embarrassed: "I hope my junior brother can restore the imprint of the consciousness of those sixth-order puppets, but in my current situation, I can't leave the imprint of the consciousness at all.

Although the younger brother's cultivation base is only in the middle stage of Spirit Transformation, his spiritual consciousness cultivation is extremely high, leaving the imprint of his spiritual consciousness, which is just a piece of cake.

I can only ask my brother for this. "

Wang Daoyuan looked embarrassed: "This is nothing, it's just that I have practiced a secret technique to control the clone with the soul.

At present, the amount of the cloned soul is already one-tenth of the cloned body.

If there are more clones left, these clones may have autonomous consciousness.

These clones of me are all doing very important things. If there is self-consciousness, the trouble will be big. "

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign was stunned for a moment: "Refining a puppet does not necessarily require soul division.

Your method of using the split soul as the soul of the puppet should be the inheritance of those puppets from the refining room, right?

Those are only the most basic means, used to improve the level of disciple refining.

You have already obtained the true inheritance of puppet art.

All you need to do is find a relatively pure soul body and leave the imprint of consciousness on the soul body.

Use this divine sense brand to control the soul body.

Exactly, you have these black stones in your hand, you can toss out the original soul body.

I also want to see how powerful the fragments of this fairy magic weapon can be. "

Sure enough, the inheritance of the puppets left in the refining room by the Divine Refinement Sect is only a primary inheritance.

The gap with advanced inheritance is comparable to the gap between the content taught in the textbook and the content of the exam.

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "If that's the case, then there's no problem."

Just leaving the imprint of the consciousness is just a consumption of the power of the consciousness.

One's own cultivation method can restore the consciousness, a little of the power of the consciousness is nothing at all.

The two came to the place where the puppets were stored in the outer hall and took five sixth-order puppets out.

In the state of the star-chasing god, he can only barely maintain the fifth-order puppet.

These sixth-order puppets have been left unattended for many years.

The duration of the Divine Consciousness Brand is also limited.

Not all places have the condition of Tianji Tower.

It has been left unattended for more than 60,000 years, and the preservation environment is not very good.

Even the imprint of divine consciousness left by the earth immortals should be very few.

Wang Daoyuan took apart a puppet. In addition to what a normal puppet should have, he also took out a gray metal ball about three inches in diameter.

Wang Daoyuan picked up the metal ball and observed it carefully, and the Star Chasing God said with a smile: "This is the energy storage device of our Shenlian Sect, called the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl.

This is a low-grade sixth-grade stone, and the storage capacity of spiritual power is about ten times that of a top-grade spirit stone.

After the spiritual power is used up, it takes about a hundred days to recover.

If it is placed on the formation method to replenish spiritual power, it will only take four or five days to fully recover. "

The recovery speed that does not depend on the formation has also reached nearly ten times the minimum standard for triggering thunder tribulation.

There is no doubt that after this thing is refined, it has definitely suffered a thunder calamity.

There is no trace left on the surface, indicating that the materials and the craftsmen have put a lot of effort into it.

However, Wang Daoyuan didn't take this thing too seriously.

There is a refining method in hand, and there are enough refining materials, so go back and refine it yourself.

Even if it does not have such a strong effect, the fifth-order high-grade Heavenly Tribulation Pearl is completely sufficient.

If it really doesn't work, just put two or even three Heavenly Tribulation Pearls on the puppet.

Although this thing is troublesome to refine, there are still risks.

But fortunately, it is sturdy enough that there will be no problems.

He didn't care about the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl anymore, but checked the core of the puppet.

This is where the puppet soul is stored. If the puppet soul is still there, it can save a lot of effort.

His divine sense probed in and found that the core of the puppet was completely empty.

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign sighed: "More than 60,000 years have passed, and the souls of these puppets have not been preserved."

Wang Daoyuan let the clone in the Lingzhu space behead a fifth-order high-grade star-patterned sea cucumber and extract its soul.

The meat of the star-patterned sea cucumber was cooked by Zhou Luan in the Lingzhu space.

The demon pill of this star-patterned sea cucumber has been properly stored, and this thing also has some help for the broken pill.

Although the effect is far inferior to Huaying Fruit, it is still a strategic material.

In the future, it will be useful to buy people's hearts.

Taking out two black stones, one large and one small, Wang Daoyuan glanced at the Star Chaser God: "Senior brother, why don't you avoid it?

As soon as this psychic restraint is activated, I am worried that it will affect you. "

With a wave of the Star Chasing Divine Sovereign's hand, a fist-sized black bead appeared out of thin air.

Then, he got into the bead: "Don't worry, junior brother, this soul-raising bead has a protective effect on the soul.

I have also seen a lot of the banning of the soul, and it is impossible to take down the spiritual objects in the soul-cultivating bead. "

Wang Daoyuan is also helpless, this senior brother has been a soul body for more than 60,000 years.

At that time, he was a Mahayana monk, and he was not too young.

But this curiosity is too heavy.

"Since Senior Brother wants to watch the fun, let's watch it.

However, you should be careful.

The ban on this black stone is something from the Immortal Realm, and its power is not comparable to the general ban on spirits.

For your safety, brother, it's better to stay away. "

The Star Chasing God nodded, and then retreated for dozens of miles in an instant.

From the easternmost side of the outer hall, retreat to the westernmost side.

Even if this distance is affected, Wang Daoyuan will have enough time to solve Black Stone.

Seeing him so cowardly, Wang Daoyuan also urged the Four Bans to Black Stone.

The black light flickered, and the Star Chaser Divine Sovereign felt a strong suction.

However, his entire soul body was hidden in the Soul Raising Orb, and he could still protect himself.

Wang Daoyuan took out a gray transparent sea cucumber more than a foot long, which was the soul of the fifth-order high-grade seven-star sea cucumber.

It's just that there are strands of black energy on this soul, and the energy in it is extremely mixed.

And this sea cucumber is still struggling, trying to break free from Wang Daoyuan.

As soon as this soul appeared, it was absorbed by the Four Bans Blackstone.

After a while, a pure and transparent sea cucumber appeared.

Those black qi had completely disappeared at this time.

The sea cucumber also looked stupid, and there was no movement.

Wang Daoyuan stopped inputting spiritual power into the black stone of the four bans, and the God of the Stars flew over with the Soul Cultivation Orb.

He stared at the purified sea cucumber soul, his face full of surprise: "It is indeed a magic weapon in the fairy world, this function is simply divine.

By the way, Junior Brother, the almighty of my Divine Refinement Sect had explored that secret realm, and at most found two forbidden black stones.

The black markets that have appeared on Qianyuan Continent are also two-banned. Where did you get these four-ban blackstones? "

"Conquering a small force, got it from them.

I still can't figure out how to get this kind of treasure for a force that doesn't even have a **** transformation cultivator. "

After that, he activated the small piece of black stone that could be transformed into a primitive soul body through a purified soul body.

After the little black stone was activated, a black light soon appeared.

The pure sea cucumber soul body was once again included in the black stone.

After a while, a sphere with a diameter of more than one foot appeared.

The sphere is light gray throughout and is almost completely transparent.

There is only a pure power on the ball, similar to the power of consciousness, but a little different.

This thing is the original soul body.

Wang Daoyuan secretly said in his heart: The power of the Divine Refinement Sect really does not know how to name it.

Star Chasing Divine Sovereign looked at the ball and said with a smile: "The magic weapon of the fairy world is indeed brilliant, and in a moment of effort, a soul full of viciousness has been turned into a primitive soul body.

In order to refine the seventh-order puppet, after beheading the monster, the master had tossed for decades before he got a pure soul body.

Without this little black stone, I am afraid that the entire Divine Refinement Sect would be exhausted, and it would be impossible to restore a soul to its original soul body. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, and then took the soul ball into his sea of ​​consciousness.

If you want to turn the soul ball into the soul of a puppet, you have to leave a mark of consciousness.

With the brand of divine consciousness as the main, and the soul ball as the foundation, it is possible to become an excellent puppet soul.

"Senior brother, what do you hope this soul body is good at?"

"Junior brother just figured it Come here as you think is convenient."

"Then use it as a sword cultivator puppet. This is the thing that is usually refined the most."

Having said that, he began to condense the imprint of his sense of kendo on the soul ball.

An hour later, a small gray sword one inch long appeared in the original soul body.

This small sword is very faint, as if it is composed of gray clouds.

This is the initial form of Sword Intent, when Wang Daoyuan just realized Sword Intent, it was like this.

Now, Wang Daoyuan's sword intent is no different from a real long sword.

It is just that it is completely integrated into the soul, and once it is separated, it will cause damage.

In this small gray sword, there is not only sword intent, but also some insights and memories of Wang Daoyuan about sword intent.

With this little sword, Soul Ball's understanding of Sword Intent will become deeper and deeper in the future.

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