Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1163: The 3rd batch of tribesmen arrive

In the first case, Heavenly Tribulation is more concerned with the son of luck, then at most one can try to refine the sixth-order Heavenly Tribulation Pearl, which is not very useful.

In the second case, it would be interesting.

Lingzhu space is definitely not a complete world now, but its independence is far beyond the secret realm.

Although the space is not large, plus the water area, it is just over 20,000 mu.

But it can resist the Heavenly Dao of Qianyuan Realm and isolate the calamity from coming.

This function is not even available in a super-large secret realm like the Seven Star Secret Realm.

Wang Daoyuan's Yuanshen brought the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl back to the Lingzhu space, and the Refining God Gourd hurriedly came up to flatter him: "Master is really powerful, the Heavenly Tribulation caused by this Heavenly Tribulation Pearl is extremely powerful.

Even the cultivator of God Transformation, who is affected by the Heavenly Tribulation of the fifth-order Heavenly Tribulation Pearl, will suffer serious injuries.

And the master was unscathed, this strength is far better than the monks of the same level. "

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "This calamity is not right, the power of the thunder calamity suffered by the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl is quite normal.

But the strength of the thunder calamity I endured was far from the power recorded in the secret realm.

Perhaps because I am the son of luck, the robbery left me with a ray of life.

It may also be because the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl was refined in the Spirit Orb space, which is a special space and interfered with the means of Heavenly Tribulation.

Forging immortals and refining gods, the two of you should have seen the tribulation of the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl in the past. Tell me about the situation. "

Refining God immediately shook his head and said, "I haven't been involved much in this matter, but I have only seen the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl transcend the calamity once by chance."

Duxian showed his body and looked full of confidence: "Master, I have participated in the refining process of the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl many times.

I still have some experience with this.

Back then, the old master had also explored many times the heavenly tribulation of the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl, why the refiners would be implicated.

He has also tried to have three people forge the embryo of the utensil, inscribe the utensil pattern, and cultivate the magic utensil.

In the end, the person who forged the embryo was not affected by the catastrophe.

However, the people who inscribed the pattern of the utensils and cultivated the magical instruments were affected by the catastrophe.

Among them, the people who inscribed the ware pattern were affected more seriously.

However, these two people are considered to share the damage of the catastrophe.

The combined power of the Heavenly Tribulation that the two of them endured is equivalent to that of the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl. "

Wang Daoyuan pondered for a long time: "It is good news that the thunder tribulation of the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl can be shared.

It's just that when I refine this Jewel of Heavenly Tribulation, I did it all by myself, and no one else shared it with me.

When this catastrophe affected me, the power was too weak.

Not to mention the bloodline catastrophe when a half-divine beast breaks through the fifth-order, the catastrophe when any monster breaks through the fifth-order is much stronger than this. "

Du Xian shook his head: "I don't know about this, the robbery involves the way of heaven, even if it is an earth immortal, it can't be fully explained.

I am an artifact, and I know even less.

The biggest difference between your refining this Heavenly Tribulation Pearl and the old master's refining is in this Spirit Pearl space.

And this Lingzhu space also has the function of blocking the catastrophe. It should be that the Lingzhu space has weakened part of the catastrophe. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, which was also one of his guesses.

However, in order to exclude the influence of one's own identity, it is still necessary to let the clone blood spring try.

This guy is a demon, and Tiandao will never take care of him.

After tossing around in the Lingzhu space for several years, Xuequan once again refined a Heavenly Tribulation Bead.

Afterwards, he took the blood spring and the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl to leave the Lingzhu space together.

As expected, the catastrophe suffered by Xuequan was only slightly stronger than the body.

This should be because he, as a Demon Race, was taken care of by the Heavenly Tribulation.

Now Wang Daoyuan is relieved, the Lingzhu space now has the effect of resisting the will of heaven.

Moreover, the Lingzhu space is still growing rapidly, and there will always be a time when it can completely block the catastrophe in the future.

At that time, the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl can be refined at will.

After that, Wang Daoyuan also tested it, and the Item Refiner was affected, whether it had anything to do with the length of time the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl stayed in the Lingzhu space.

It is a pity that the Heavenly Tribulation Pearl has been placed in the Lingzhu space for more than ten years, and after taking it out, the Heavenly Tribulation suffered by the refiners has not changed.

Wang Daoyuan's idea of ​​taking advantage of the heavenly calamity completely failed.

Of course, he didn't bother about it either.

Being able to use the Spirit Orb space to reduce the impact on the refiners was already an unexpected gain.

At this time, the embryos of the Hundred Treasures Iron Box had been stored in the Lingzhu space for more than 30 years.

For a sixth-order magic weapon, it is enough.

Wang Daoyuan took out the Hundred Treasures Iron Box and began to condense the restrictions.

Twenty-seven restrictions took more than a year to complete before they were all refined.

It was not difficult for twenty-seven bans to be made many times before.

What's more, the raw materials of this treasure iron box have been cultivated for decades, and the embryos have been cultivated for more than 30 years.

Carrying twenty-seven prohibitions, no problem at all.

After the forbidden condensation is completed, it is calcined with a spirit fire, so that the forbidden and the embryo are integrated.

After more than a month of tossing, the Baibao iron box took shape.

The rest is to cultivate the instruments, so that the embryos and the prohibitions can adapt to each other.

This time can be long or short, but the cultivation time is longer, which is always good for the magic weapon.

Anyway, the Hundred Treasures Iron Box is not urgent, just use it here.

Later, Wang Daoyuan turned over the high-level puppet inheritance of Shenlianzong.

This Earth Flame Secret Realm is full of ore veins, and it would be a pity if we didn’t develop it.

Back then, when Shenlianzong developed the mines here, they used puppets.

Mining puppets do not need a very high rank, even if they mine sixth-order ore veins, generally fourth-rank high-grade puppets are enough.

From mining ore to transporting smelter materials, there are many processes required.

Every process requires a puppet to do it.

Mining ores from the ore vein requires a powerful mining golem.

To distinguish between ore and ordinary stone, you need a beneficiation puppet.

Crushing ore also requires a power-type puppet, as well as smelting and purifying materials, which must be completed by special puppets.

This kind of puppet of low rank, Wang Daoyuan does not want to contribute by himself.

That little guy, Wang Xuanlie, is quite talented in puppet arts.

In the past, there was no complete inheritance of puppet art, and he could make puppets that purify materials and forge embryos by groping on his own.

Now that there is a complete inheritance, it is not a problem.

Wang Daoyuan left the secret realm of fire and came to the small fire room where Wang Xuanlie of Tianfu Island was.

As soon as he came in, Wang Xuanlie hurriedly saluted: "The great-great-grandson sees the ancestors."

In this small refining room, five or six puppets are busy.

Purifying the materials, forging the embryos of the utensils, cultivating the instruments, and controlling the heat, except for the inscription of the patterns on the utensils, all the work was covered by the puppet.

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "Don't be too polite, your puppet skills have improved over the past few years.

I got some inheritance of puppet art before, which is much more brilliant than the puppet art you practiced before. "

Wang Xuanlie was obsessed with puppet art, and when he heard that there was a great inheritance of puppet art, he was immediately excited.

"Ancestor, do you really have a more advanced inheritance of puppet art?"

Wang Daoyuan took out a thick stack of animal skin books. Among these inheritances, the inheritance of puppet arts from the first-order to the fifth-order was recorded.

"I need a set of mining puppets. From mining ore to purifying materials, puppets must be in charge of every process.

Refining methods are found in these inheritances. "

Then, he took out a bunch of refining materials: "This is the required material, and the processed soul is also among them."

Wang Xuanlie took these things: "Relax your ancestors, I will refine these puppets as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, this thing is not urgent, don't delay your cultivation because of this.

By the way, the contents of these animal skins will disappear automatically after you read them once, so you have to write them down. "

Wang Xuanlie agreed, and then quickly flipped through the animal skin book.

Wang Daoyuan shook his head, this great-grandson is very good both in cultivation talent and puppet art talent.

It's just a little too obsessed with puppet art, just like the kind of tech house in the previous life.

When you see something that interests you, you don't care about anything.

Wang Daoyuan didn't care about him anymore, and returned to his cave, ready to refine some combat-type puppets.

Now that there are six Heavenly Tribulation Orbs in his hand, he can naturally refine six battle puppets.

Returning to his cave, Yuanshen entered the Lingzhu space.

With the help of the cloned Gorefiend, he began to refine the sixth-order high-grade battle puppet.

This time, he didn't plan to refine all the sword puppets.

According to Wang Daoyuan's idea, the six puppets were divided into two groups.

In each group, there is a defensive puppet, a sword repair puppet, and a distant attack puppet.

There are also ready-made instruments for attacking puppets from afar.

Earlier, from the God of Heavenly Bow, I got the refining method of the Bihai Glazed Glass Bow.

Now, it's time to refine some.

The Bihai Glass Bow is not completely suitable, but it can be used just fine.

A group of three puppets, in cooperation with each other, can easily win a late stage cultivator of God Transformation.

Of course, it is still a bit difficult to face magic tools such as the golden furnace.

However, in the future, using this thing to guard the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm is still completely fine.

These puppets, Wang Daoyuan also strives for perfection.

Every part of the puppet must be specially cultivated.

The work of the puppet soul is even greater. After leaving the imprint of consciousness in the soul ball, Wang Daoyuan also specially cultivated them.

The strength of the consciousness of these puppet souls is no longer weaker than that of ordinary monks in the early stage of transformation.

It's just that this puppet's soul is not a living thing, it cannot be nourished by the flesh, and it is still weak in terms of the power of divine consciousness.

Soon, nearly four years had passed in the outside world, and the six battle puppets were fully formed.

His primordial spirit returned to the flesh, and he was planning to test the strength of these puppets.

Suddenly I felt that the clones and Jia Qi were approaching, and it seemed that the third batch of clansmen were coming.

From their memories, they learned that Master Lei Yan, the real master, was also here.

Before sending the sword puppet ground armor to return to Beiyuan Xiuxian Realm to pick up people, it is time to come back now.

I just didn't expect that the master came here too.

Wang Daoyuan called Zhou Luan out of the Lingzhu space. Her cultivation was only one step away from the late stage of God Transformation, which was higher than Wang Daoyuan.

If it weren't for the fear that she would not be able to cover up in the future, she would have already cultivated to the late stage of Divine Transformation.

The two took the Lei Peng flying boat and greeted them westward.

Not long after flying out, a huge flying warship was seen flying from the west. This was the Lei Peng warship.

Lei Yanzhen stood at the bow of the boat, saw Wang Daoyuan approaching, and greeted: "Daoyuan, no wonder you are practicing so fast, the environment here is really good.

In the marginal area, it is much stronger than Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "These are nothing, Diyan Islands and Yinyuan Islands, there are many sixth-order mid-grade spiritual veins.

By the way, Master, why are you here?

I transferred Jia Qi over there, only Hui Peng and Xuan Bing Turtle are there, I'm afraid it's a little dangerous. "

Reverend Lei Yan waved his hand: "You look down on Ming Chen too much, my disciple is amazing, he often enters the Ten Thousand Spirit Pagoda and fights with the mark of the monster in the tower.

Now the strength is also very strong, I have played against him before.

I used the Zijin Linglong Pagoda, and he also used the Wanling Pagoda.

Played several times are all tied.

Below the transformation of God, I am afraid that no one can take him.

After he broke through Nascent Soul, he can also exert more strength of Wanling Pagoda.

Even those great demon kings back then were vulnerable in his hands. "

Hearing that his son's strength is so powerful, Zhou Luan was also full of joy: "Mingchen, this child is finally promising, how are Shizun Mingren and Mingxian now?"

Lei Yan said with a smile: "These two children have now formed elixir, and the clear blade is very good. After such a long period of experience, they can now be on their own.

She has been guarding Snow Dragon City for several years without any mistakes.

He also often enters the Wanling Pagoda and fights with monsters.

With the current strength, it is effortless to deal with the fourth-order peak monster beasts.

Even Mingxian is still a little childish, but after being punished a few times by Mingchen, he is much more honest. "

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