Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1164: Stay in a 7-star secret

For these two children, Wang Daoyuan still knows a lot.

Wang Mingbla has a sword body, and the vision of Zifu is a sword with a white tiger pattern.

The Purple Mansion anomaly has more or less influence on a person's character.

Wang Mingren's nature is strong and fierce.

If such a person cannot be properly guided, he will easily become a person who kills without blinking an eye.

But this kind of person has a very strong personality and is difficult to be defeated.

The more setbacks, the more mature the heart.

When he was young, his conditions were too superior, and he never encountered any setbacks, but it affected the growth of his xinxing.

Now go out on your own, becoming a talent is not a problem.

Wang Mingxian's purple mansion vision is a divine tree, and his personality is relatively gentle.

But she also inherited Zhou Luan's somewhat willful character, and she has never encountered any setbacks since she was a child.

The superior environment also contributed to the flaws of her character.

Unlike Wang Mingren, she has a strong ability to withstand pressure, and she can't put too much pressure on her.

It is impossible for Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan to stay by her side all day.

It is very difficult to overcome character flaws and become an independent talent.

Hearing that Wang Mingxian had suffered a lot, Zhou Luan became worried again: "How is Mingxian now? How did Mingchen punish her?"

Zhenjun Lei Yan said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, Mingchen is Mingxian's brother after all, can he still harm her?

Just let her take care of some precious spiritual plants in the Wanling Pagoda, and by the way, fight with the monster mark in the tower.

In the Wanling Pagoda, there are a total of 18 secret realms.

Every secret realm is more than a thousand miles in diameter.

Now that the rank is gradually increasing, the area of ​​these secret realms is still slowly increasing.

Such a large space cannot be wasted.

Now, Wanling Pagoda has become a training ground for the outstanding juniors of the Wang family.

Some places suitable for planting spiritual plants have also opened up spiritual fields. "

Knowing that his daughter was not in danger, Zhou Luan was relieved.

Zhenjun Lei Yan asked again, "Daoyuan, how is your brother now?

Listen to your puppet clone, he is now married.

As a master, I don't know what gifts to prepare. "

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "He is on the hot spring island in the Wen family's site and is in charge of the shop there.

The Wen family and the Wang family are now allies, and there is no danger if he is there.

Let's not talk about that, let's go to Tianfu Island first. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan nodded: "After flying in the air for two years, I'm really tired.

Just go to Tianfu Island for repairs, and talk about it later. "

Wang Daoyuan steered Lei Peng's flying boat and led the way ahead.

Soon, the two flying boats landed at the southern foot of Yufeng Mountain on Tianfu Island.

Zhenjun Lei Yan jumped off the flying warship, sensed the spiritual veins in this place, and sighed, "If I could have such a cultivation environment when I was young, I am at least in the middle stage of spiritual transformation now."

His words are not bragging. Before Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie restored the fifth-order spiritual veins, none of the half-step Nascent Soul cultivators had bad talents.

Coupled with the strong inheritance of each family, if they live in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, each of them can break through to the late stage of God Transformation, and even break through to the peak of God Transformation.

On the side of the Seven Star Sea Xiu Xianjie, it can only be said that the secret work of Shenlianzong was too strong.

In the whole world of cultivating immortals, there are not many brilliant inheritances that have been passed down.

There are so many spiritual veins and monks in the Seven Star Seas, and the monks at the peak of the transformation of the gods are stunned to be rare in ten thousand years.

Wang Daoyuan asked, "Master, is that Fengqitong tree seedling helpful to Mingchen?"

"Does that need to be said? This thing is simply a treasure for a monk with phoenix blood.

Especially like Ming Chen, the monk who awakened the Phoenix Clan's divine fire.

With the help of Fengqitong saplings, Mingchen's cultivation speed can be doubled.

The old guy Fengyi heard that you gave Zhou Guo a Fengqitong tree and brought his son and grandson to Yan country.

Several flying warships were sent to **** Feng Qitong.

I don't know, I thought that old thing invited home an ancestor. "

The Zhou family's approach made Wang Daoyuan very comfortable.

Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie has a very clever inheritance, and what Feng Qitong is, anyone with a little background knows a thing or two.

The relationship between Zhou Guo and Yan Guo has always been good, and the two can be said to be allies who share life and death.

Now that the Wang family walked out of the Beiyuan cultivating world, they gave the Zhou family a great gift, which other forces naturally envied.

In the future, there will be more and more forces that rely on the Wang family.

Beiyuan Xiu Xianjie is his basic plan. If he can conquer all forces without blood, it is naturally the best.

However, Shizun bickered with Fengyi Zhenren for more than a thousand years.

Now that Fengyi is successful, he may not know how to show it off in front of his master.

Wang Daoyuan also persuaded: "Master, don't worry, no matter how powerful Feng Qitong is, it can't make up for the lack of resources.

It will be difficult for the sixth-order spiritual veins to appear in Beiyuan for a while. Even if Fengyi Renren has Feng Qitong's help, the training speed will definitely not be as fast as you.

You are now at the late stage of Nascent Soul, and you are not far from the peak of Nascent Soul.

It just so happens that the defensive formations of the Diyan Archipelago have the power of the law manifested.

If you feel the power of these laws more, you should soon be able to rise to the peak of Nascent Soul.

There is no shortage of pure yin and pure yang energy in the hands of the disciples, and within twenty years, you will be able to break through the transformation of spirits. "

Reverend Lei Yan nodded in satisfaction, "You know that filial piety is your teacher, so I'll be cultivating well on this Tianfu Island for a while.

I heard that the situation in the Seven Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm is also very chaotic. I will wait for me to break through the realm of God Transformation, plus the help of the Zijin Linglong Pagoda.

It is not a problem to deal with the late stage cultivator of God Transformation. "

At this time, Wang Degong came out and saluted Lei Yan Zhenren, and began to arrange the new clansmen.

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "The clansmen who came here this time will not be arranged on Tianfu Island.

We have a better resettlement place, which is much more spacious than Tianfu Island, and the rank of spiritual veins is also higher. "

He had other arrangements, and Wang Degong went back to do his own business.

Wang Daoyuan took out a blue gourd and said to the new monks: "You monks, you are also staying in advanced instruments.

The place I'm taking you to is very secret and cannot be easily revealed. "

Afterwards, he bowed his hands to Zhenjun Lei Yan and said, "Master, I have already sent a letter to Daoyin, and after half a day, he and his younger brother and sister should be able to come over.

You wait here first, and I will arrange these tribesmen. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan waved his hand: "It's hard to find such a good environment, I want to improve my cultivation as soon as possible. If you have something to do, just go and do it, don't worry about me."

Wang Daoyuan nodded and put more than one hundred monks into the blue gourd.

This gourd was the clear water gourd obtained from the Qin country. Among the gourds obtained at the beginning, there were three gourd seeds.

After planting, all survive.

Now, these three gourd vines have all become sixth-order low-grade spiritual plants.

The clear water hyacinth can produce one crop in five hundred years, and now Wang Daoyuan has harvested several crops of gourd.

Moreover, a gourd vine was planted near Xuantian Biling Peach to try to mutate it.

This clear water hyacinth has already been refined by Wang Daoyuan into a sixth-order mid-grade Qiankun gourd, which can completely grow a sixth-order water tree attribute spiritual plant.

Now it is not a problem to use it to hold some clansmen.

Afterwards, Wang Daoyuan set up the Lei Peng warship and went due west.

There are more than a hundred Qiankun gourds of the third and fourth order on the boat, and in each gourd, there are more than one hundred ordinary people.

Soon, the flying boat came to the vicinity of the glacier secret realm.

Near this ice sheet, there is no reference.

Even the last time I came, I still couldn't find the exact location this time.

Fortunately, I kept an eye on it before, and at the entrance of the secret realm, there was a long sword that recognized the master.

Now it is completely possible to follow the induction to find the specific location of the entrance to the secret realm.

After entering the glacier secret realm, Wang Daoyuan did not stop at all, but went directly to the teleportation array.

These Qiankun gourds are all refined using the laws of space.

In the process of transmission, it will be impacted by the laws of space.

Although this kind of impact will not cause the death of ordinary humans, it is likely to cause problems with these cosmic gourds.

There are more than 10,000 ordinary people in the Qiankun gourd, and Wang Daoyuan does not dare to gamble.

All these gourds had to be put into the Spirit Orb space.

Then, start the teleportation array.

It was dark in front of him, and then the light was restored in an instant.

At this time, he was already in the depths of the Seven Stars Secret Realm.

The figure of the Star Chasing God appeared immediately: "Junior Brother Daoyuan, I have been waiting for four years, can someone bring it?"

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Senior Brother Lao has been waiting for a long time. This time, we have brought more clansmen. I wonder if you have prepared a place?"

The Star Chasing God said with a smile: "Is there anything to prepare, I will close all the formations around the Seven Star Temple.

The Qixing Tiangong, which is two hundred miles long, can accommodate millions of people.

Ordinary people reproduce too fast, and when they can't grow here in the future, let ordinary people live outside the Seven Star Temple. "

It is also said that the area of ​​the Seven Star Temple is too large.

According to the population density of the previous life, it would be easy to squeeze out tens of millions of people.

Now only 10,000 or 20,000 people are arranged, and there is no delay in farming in the Seven Star Temple.

"Then do as Senior Brother said, let's go outside the Ziwei Palace and let the people out."

The two came to the outside of the Ziwei Palace, and Wang Daoyuan took out more than a hundred gourds, as well as a clear water gourd.

Star Chasing Divine Sovereign was stunned: "Do you have a secret magic weapon on you?"

Wang Daoyuan didn't hide it. Although this kind of magic weapon is precious, it is not incomprehensible.

"A chance in my early years, if it wasn't for this, I wouldn't be able to grow so fast.

The last time I subdued the Refining God, this thing also played a big role. "

The Star Chasing Divine Monarch smiled and said, "It was the bead that you took down the Immortal Forging Cauldron back then, right? The movement of that bead was too great back then.

I slept soundly, but was woken up by this bead.

The last time you subdued the God Refining Gourd, I felt that movement again. "

"That's true, but now is not the time to talk about it."

After all, he released all the more than 100 cultivators in the clear water hyacinth.

This time, the cultivators of the cultivators are generally a lot worse off.

After all, the number of Zifu and Jindan cultivators in Beiyuan is also limited.

It is also necessary to manage such a large stall. If there are not enough people, it will not be able to sustain it.

More than half of the more than 100 people are Foundation Establishment cultivators, there are only a dozen cultivators in Zifu, and there are three cultivators in Jindan.

A middle-level Jindan clansman cupped his hands and said: "Seven Taigong, great-grandson Wang Tongqi, has the highest cultivation level among the clansmen in this trip.

He has been serving as a refining elder in the family before, and he has also served in the Shuwu Palace before.

How to arrange the clansmen, please ask the Taigong to instruct. "

Wang Daoyuan used his spiritual sense to investigate, this great-grandson is a monk of Erlinggen, and the main spiritual root is Huolinggen.

The specific spirit root talent cannot be seen, but the fire spirit root should be more than eight inches, which is also a good talent.

Once served as a refining elder, the refining level must not be low.

The Shuwu Palace is to manage the trivial matters of the mortals and the clan. If you work in the Shuwu Palace, you must have a good management ability.

Wang Daoyuan nodded and gave him all the other gourds.

"This is a huge secret This place is the center of the secret realm - the Seven Star Temple.

Put all the clansmen here first, except for this Ziwei Palace, other places can be used as the place where the clansmen live. "

Wang Tongqi said yes, and then ordered some cultivators to resettle ordinary people.

Wang Daoyuan continued: "This is my senior brother, who has become a half-artificial spirit for some reason.

He has spent tens of thousands of years in this Seven Star Heavenly Palace, and he knows everything here very well.

If you don't understand anything, you can ask him.

Tong Qi will be the head of the family here in the future. "

Wang Tongqi cupped his hands and said, "Follow the orders of the Grand Duke."

Then, began to arrange the positions of the various ethnic groups.

Wang Daoyuan asked the Star Chasing Divine Sovereign: "Senior brother, what do you think of these clansmen?"

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