Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1165: Zhenhaizong's new trends

Most of the third group of clansmen knew about refining.

A small number of people who don't know how to refine weapons are also proficient in making talismans or formations.

Naturally there are also alchemy, but the number is less.

After all, if you want to thoroughly learn the inheritance of the Divine Refinement Sect, the refiner needs to prepare more.

Star Chasing Divine Sovereign was a Mahayana cultivator back then, and he achieved extremely high achievements in refining.

Even if you just look at these people, you can probably see some clues.

He nodded: "Junior brother has a heart, and I have always underestimated the Wang family.

A family can actually recruit so many good seedlings.

Although these people's cultivation base is not high, but the refining level is good.

So many talented people are handed over to me, so you can rest assured? "

Although the Wang family has more than 10,000 cultivators, there are not many real crafting geniuses.

These good seedlings are almost emptying out the Wang Family's talented disciples.

It's just that in the Wang family's system, there is the imperial court of the State of Yan and the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, not all of which are supported by their own family.

As long as the people in the important positions are the Wang family, it doesn't matter if there are fewer people below.

The speed of reproduction and growth of the Wang family is not comparable to other forces.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "It's nothing, they learn more things, and then they can contribute to the family in the future."

He really doesn't worry about Star Chasing Divine Sovereign hurting these clansmen. After all, the interests of the Wang Family and the Shenlian Sect are now tied together.

If the Divine Refinement Sect wants to continue, it can only rely on the Wang family.

Allies with common interests can still be trusted.

Star Chasing Divine Sovereign smiled and said: "Since the junior brother is so assured of me, then I will naturally give all my money to the Wang family's children.

As long as you clansmen are willing to follow me to learn, I will teach them well.

When they grow up, whoever has the highest achievement, I will pass it on to the Sect Master of Shenlian Sect. "

The children of the Wang family can inherit the position of the sect master of the Shenlian Sect. In the future, the Wang family will take action to **** the properties occupied by the Seven Star Alliance, and they are all famous teachers.

"I'm relieved to have said this from Senior Brother.

When I have subdued all the forces in the Seven Stars Sea Cultivation Realm, the Divine Refinement Sect will be able to re-launch. "

"If that day does come, I will die, and I will have the face to see Master."

On the other hand, Wang Tongqi has already arranged all the affairs.

He came to Wang Daoyuan's side again and asked the Lord of the Stars: "Senior, can we people go outside the Qixing Temple?

There are not many materials for the refining equipment here. If you can go out, it will be much more convenient. "

The Star Chasing Divine Sovereign replied: "In those days, there were many spirit beasts raised outside the Seven Star Heavenly Palace.

Later, these spirit beasts lost control and turned into monsters.

The seventh-order monsters should be gone, and whether there are sixth-order monsters, I really can't say. "

Wang Daoyuan continued: "When I came in last time, I ran a lot outside.

After tens of thousands of years of raids by those forces in the Seven Star Seas outside, the fifth and sixth-order monsters should be gone.

However, there should be a lot of third- and fourth-order monsters.

The cultivation base of the clansmen here is still too low, so don't go out casually for the time being.

Anyway, the site of the Seven Stars Temple is big enough to support millions of people.

In the future, when the cultivation of the clan members is high, it is not too late to go out and slowly expand the living space.

Coincidentally, the monsters here can also be used as training objects for the clansmen. "

After that, he took out a few animal skin books: "This is some information about the Seven Stars Secret Realm, but they are all tens of thousands of years ago.

A lot has changed now, so it shouldn't be particularly accurate.

However, as a reference, it is not a problem. "

Wang Tongqi took the animal skin book and cupped his hands: "Don't worry Taigong, I will definitely manage the clan, and I won't let them run away for the time being."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "You are in Beiyuan, and you also have management experience, so it should not be a problem to manage these clansmen.

If you need any help, just look for the Star Chasing God.

There are also those sixth-order puppets, which have the imprint of my divine sense in them.

You can also take them with you when you go out to find any resources.

I have some other things to do, so I can't stay here for a long time, so I'm leaving. "

Later, he came to the east gate of the Seven Star Temple.

After taking out the Vice Sect Master token and urging it, a small light curtain appeared in front of him.

Wang Daoyuan passed through the light curtain and appeared in the shallow sea outside Xihaifang City on Yinyuan Island.

He hid his figure and slowly came to Baiquangu, the residence of the Wang family on Yinyuan Island.

At this time, Baiquangu had changed.

The entire valley is surrounded by several layers of sixth-order defense formations.

Even if more than ten cultivators attacked at the same time, it would be difficult to break through them in a short period of time.

Clone Demon Prison is proficient in formation, and has been sitting in Baiquan Valley for several years.

Wang Daoyuan had left him a lot of refining materials before. With his ability, it was a piece of cake to set up a formation to protect Baiquangu.

Sensing that he was coming, the Clone Demon Prison opened a path for him.

Wang Daoyuan walked into Baiquan Valley, and Wang Shouye immediately came out to greet him.

"Daoyuan, why are you here? Let's chat inside."

The two came to the auditorium, and Wang Daoyuan took out three puppets, all of which were top-ranked sixth-order ones.

A puppet in the lead, especially big.

One holds a large shield and the other holds a long sword.

The second is the sword puppet, which is similar in size to ordinary people.

The third puppet is also the size of an ordinary person, but with extremely long arms.

He carried a large gray bow on his back, and there were more than a dozen gray arrows on the quiver on his back.

This is the divine archer puppet refined by imitating the Heavenly Bow God. When refining this gray bow, Wang Daoyuan made some improvements to the bow by using the inheritance of Shenlianzong.

The refining material is Hunyuan Divine Iron, and the bowstring is the tendon of the sixth-order monster.

In terms of the power of the magic weapon alone, this Hunyuan Bow is much stronger than the Blue Sea Glazed Bow of the Heavenly Bow God.

Unfortunately, in Wang Daoyuan's hands, there is no spell with the Hunyuan Bow.

It can only be deduced from the refining method of the blue sea glass bow and the attack method of the **** of the sky.

Of course, many other spells are combined.

This Hunyuan Bow does not need physical arrows, but can also shoot five-element attributes and non-attribute spiritual arrows.

It's a pity that there is no suitable thunder attribute material in hand, otherwise the arrow of thunder attribute can be released.

Among the nine attributes, the lethality has to be the thunder attribute.

Looking at these puppets, Wang Shouye was stunned.

After a long delay, he asked, "This is all from our royal family?"

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Yes, this is all made by me.

I don't have time to take care of everywhere, Yinyuan Island is too important, and it must have the strength to shock everything. "

These puppets are not simple puppets. Every part of them has been cultivated for decades.

Taken out alone, it is an amazing sixth-order magic weapon.

Wang Shouye was a little excited: "This puppet should be able to deal with a late-stage cultivator of God Transformation, right?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "It's better not to do this, the three of them cooperate to kill the enemy.

If they were to fight the enemy separately, their strength would be weakened a lot.

No matter how strong the puppet is, it is almost meaningless compared to the opponent of the same rank.

After all, the intellect of the puppet is not good, and the adaptability is too poor.

It is very difficult to deal with one-on-one opponents of the same level that are more intelligent.

By the way, these three puppets all have the imprint of my divine sense.

Although I can't directly control them, their way of thinking and identification is the same as mine.

Without human control, they will protect their clansmen on their own. "

"This is great, your clone demon prison was here before, and I was always worried that he was not strong enough to stand up to the people from the Seven Star Alliance.

Now with these three puppets, I can sit back and relax. "

"By the way, at the Seven-Star Secret Realm, I have already transferred some of my clansmen, and Tongqi is currently managing it.

There are also Master and Jia Qi who also came to the Seven Stars Sea Cultivation World, and are now on Tianfu Island.

Master and Jia Qi, should be able to break through the realm of God Transformation soon, you have to hurry up. "

Wang Shouye smiled happily: "Now there are more helpers, you don't have to worry about me, Xuanlong has broken through the fifth rank not long ago.

Now my cultivation speed is about 50% faster than before.

With sufficient resources, after fifty or sixty years, you should be able to try to break through the realm of God Transformation.

It's just that Zhenjun Lei Yan and Jia Qi have both come here, is Beiyuan safe? "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, Mingchen's strength is now no less than that of Master.

Daojian has now broken the pill and formed the baby. He cultivated the Guiyuan Sword Intent, and his fighting skills were not inferior to those of the master's generation.

In addition, there should be no problem with Xuanbing Turtle and Grey Peng guarding them. "

Wang Shouye looked pleasantly surprised: "I didn't expect Mingchen to grow to this level so quickly, and Daojian is also good, and now he has the combat power of the four suzerains."

Wang Daoyuan was not at all surprised by Wang Daojian's strength.

The vision of the Zifu he awakened was a Guiyuan sword.

Even if it is not the five spiritual roots, it is very suitable for him to cultivate the Returning Yuan Sword Intent.

Therefore, after cultivating the Returning Yuan Sword Intent, the power he can exert is absolutely no worse than his own cultivation of the same level.

At this moment, a message token in Wang Daoyuan's Qiankun Ring moved.

Wang Daoyuan opened it and said with a smile: "There is important news from the Minglong Organization, Twelfth Uncle, I will go to the Minglong Organization.

On the Baiquangu side, there are three puppets guarding, and nothing will happen. I will take away the devil prison first. "

After leaving behind the three puppets, Wang Daoyuan left Baiquangu and went to Xihaifang City in hiding.

The temporary headquarters of the Minglong Organization has been moved here.

Now Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen are both sitting here.

Wang Daoyuan came to Xihaifang City and came to the door of a workshop.

On the plaque at the door of this refining workshop, there are five characters "Xingming Refining Workshop".

The underground of the Xingming Refining Workshop is the temporary headquarters of the Minglong Organization.

After exterminating the elders, this is the real headquarters.

Wang Daoyuan walked into the store, ignored the shopkeeper, and sent a letter directly to Ming Jiao.

Soon, the two of them came out to greet him.

The three quietly entered the underground of the refining room. This temporary headquarters has not been established for a long time, and the facilities are not perfect.

The entire underground headquarters is a stone room with a radius of less than a thousand feet.

Ming Jiao was a little embarrassed: "Senior, this temporary headquarters is still relatively simple, please don't blame the senior.

During this period of time, I have collected some important information and was about to report it to you, but I didn't expect you to be on Yinyuan Island. "

The three came to a stone room, and Ming Jiao started all the formations.

Wang Daoyuan asked: "You said that there is a big movement in Zhenhaizong, I don't know what it is?"

Ming Jiao replied: "Zhenhaizong has taken action on the White Bone Hall, which is also a great power of demon cultivator, and the inheritance is from the bone demon.

Zhenhaizong high-level, has issued an order to fight.

The few disciples I broke into Zhenhaizong have already received orders.

It's just that their cultivation base is low, and they can only provide spiritual power to flying warships, and there is not much information about them. "

Wang Daoyuan of the White Bone Palace has also heard of it, and it is considered to be the strongest among the magic cultivators in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands.

It is said that UU Reading There are three gods and demons in the White Bone Hall, and one of them is in the middle of the gods.

This strength, of course, is nothing in front of Zhenhaizong.

But who can guarantee that the White Bone Hall has no hidden strength?

Just relying on a cultivator like Jinjian Zhenjun in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, participating in the war would not have much effect.

In this battle, the Broken Star Divine Sovereign is likely to take action in person.

For me, this is my best chance.

As long as the Broken Star God appears, he will have the opportunity to solve him.

There should be no other late-stage cultivators in Zhenhaizong, otherwise, they would have been exposed before.

As long as the Broken Star Divine Sovereign is dealt with, there will be no powerful cultivators in Zhenhaizong.

The son of luck has no powerful guardian, and he wants to clean up him, but it is just a little effort.

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