Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1166: Go to the Manmo Islands

Zhenhaizong supported the blood shark thieves before. Although there was not much loss of personnel, he took over the remaining monks of the blood shark thief.

But in terms of resources, the loss should not be small.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible to make up for the loss.

Under normal circumstances, it should be cultivated for several decades.

One is to restore his own strength, and the other is to wait for the son of luck to grow up.

Although the White Bone Hall has a shallow foundation, it only rose after the Imperial Spirit Sect was cleaned up.

But with a few powers that transform into gods and demons, there is still a fighting force.

Zhenhai Zong labored on an expedition, and it was difficult to win in a short period of time.

Wang Daoyuan also wondered why Zhenhaizong would take action at this time.

"Zhenhaizong's action is unreasonable. Could it be that there is something wrong with the White Bone Hall? Is there any news about the White Bone Hall?"

Ming Jiao shook his head: "The White Bone Hall is in the southeast of the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, where the environment is extremely harsh, and even ordinary demon cultivators are reluctant to go there.

Although the Minglong Organization is not visible, it is also the inheritance of the righteous path, and it is difficult to even survive in that kind of place.

Therefore, when the branch was set up, it was not considered there.

Moreover, the scattered cultivators in the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World are basically active in the northern part of the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, and most of them are in the central and western parts.

There are very few scattered cultivators over there, and we don't know much about the White Bone Hall. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly: "To the southeast of the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, it is not far from the ancient battlefield.

Could it be that something happened in the ancient battlefield that made Zhenhaizong see an opportunity? "

Ming Jiao couldn't be sure, and quickly explained: "The environment on the ancient battlefield is even worse.

Without spiritual cultivation, it is very dangerous to approach there.

The information over there, the Minglong Organization knows almost nothing. "

Wang Daoyuan did not mean to blame, the background of the ancient battlefield is too big.

Even myself, I don't want to get in trouble in the past.

What's more, the Minglong Organization has not yet transformed the monks.

He pondered for a long time: "Could it be that there is a big move in the Seven Star Alliance? It made Zhenhaizong feel that the opportunity is rare, and he wanted to take the opportunity to expand."

Xuan Chen replied: "I have been staring at the seven-star sea area, and there is nothing unusual about the seven large islands.

The southern waters have been in constant friction over the years, and the Jade Heng Sword Sect has gained a lot of advantages, monopolizing Jade Phoenix Island and Turtle Shell Island, and naturally invested a lot of effort in these two islands.

I want to build a complete defense system on these two islands.

Tianshu Sect holds a golden furnace, and the strength on the bright side is far above Yuheng Sword Sect.

And Tianshuzong regards the southern sea area as his own backyard, and naturally he will not sit and watch Yuheng Jianzong gain a firm foothold on the two islands.

Now, on Jade Phoenix Island and Turtle Shell Island, monks of unknown origin are often harassed.

The Yuheng Sword Sect was far away, and he did not dare to easily send the cultivators to take charge.

Even the monks who were sent to transport resources were intercepted many times.

A few years have passed, and the two islands still have only a simple defense formation, which cannot be called a defense system at all. "

Wang Daoyuan thought in his heart: Although Yuheng Sword Sect and Tianshu Sect are fighting, they are only using secret moves, and they have no intention of starting a full-scale war.

As long as there is no official war, there is still room for manoeuvre.

If Zhenhaizong suddenly made a big news, all the forces in the Seven Star Alliance would feel an obvious threat.

It is still possible to temporarily put aside prejudice and deal with Zhenhaizong together.

Therefore, Zhenhaizong's big action should have nothing to do with the action of the Seven Star Alliance.

In this way, it is really possible that something major happened in the White Bone Hall, or there was some mutation in the ancient battlefield.

I didn't want to care about the ancient battlefield before. After all, the realm of those who fought in the ancient battlefield was too high.

With his current cultivation, he is almost like an ant in front of others.

Besides, the ancient battlefield existed for hundreds of thousands of years.

Apart from the blood puppet, there was nothing wrong with it.

For the time being, it's no big deal.

When I go to Canglong Ruins and break through the Mahayana realm, I will explore the ancient battlefield again, and I will feel more confident.

If there is something wrong now, it is really dangerous.

After thinking about it for a long time, there is no good solution.

He took out a message token: "Continue to keep an eye on Zhenhaizong's movements, and send me a message at any time as soon as there are large numbers of troops there.

In addition, the matters in the southern waters of the Seven Star Seas must also be watched.

You don't need to investigate so carefully, as long as the major forces have any big moves, I will know as soon as possible. "

Ming Jiao replied: "Senior, don't worry, all assassination activities organized by Ming Long have stopped completely, freeing up a lot of manpower.

Most of these people have some ability to inquire about news. Now they are very well-manned, and it is not a problem to inquire about news from many places at the same time. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded lightly: "Since you have this ability, then pay more attention.

I still have a lot of things to do, so I won't stay here for long. "

After leaving Xihaifang City, he said hello to Uncle Twelve, and Wang Daoyuan also set off a boat and headed northwest.

Two days later, they came to Tianfu Island.

On the Baiquan Valley of Yinyuan Island, there are several defense formations that rely on each other to form a complete defense system.

Coupled with three puppets, even if a force like Tianshu Sect strikes, it will not be cheap.

Comparatively speaking, the formation on Tianfu Island seems a little weak.

There is only a sixth-order low-grade formation to support, although this formation comes from the inheritance of Yin-Yang Array, which is more brilliant than the inheritance of Shenlianzong's formation.

But after all, it is only a sixth-order low-grade, and there is only one layer, which is not enough to resist the attack of the big forces.

On Zhenhaizong's side, fighter planes may appear at any time.

I can't stay here all the time, I still have to go to the Ten Thousand Demon Islands as soon as possible to stare.

Once the Broken Star Divine Sovereign appears, do your best to kill him.

If the rear is unstable, don't worry about going out.

When Wang Daoyuan landed on Tianfu Island, he sensed Wang Daoyin's breath.

He came to the auditorium, and Lei Yan was chatting with Wang Daoyin.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan coming in, Wang Daoyin hurriedly saluted.

Zhenjun Lei Yan said with a smile, "Daoyuan, you arranged a good marriage for Daoyin."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "Daoyin is also my brother, so I should take care of him."

Wang Daoyin said quickly: "Brother, you don't know yet, there is a happy event to tell you now.

It just so happened that the master also came to the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, which can be said to be a double happiness. "

Before Wang Daoyuan could react, Wang Daoyin continued, "Cheng Xian is already pregnant, and I'm going to be a father."

Wang Daoyuan was also very happy: "The three of us brothers, you haven't spread your branches yet.

Now that you are going to be a father too, your parents and the others are well-informed, so they should be very happy too.

You and your younger brother and sister are both Yuan Ying cultivators, and this child is 80% of the heavenly root.

If it is a Lei Linggen with a spiritual root of more than nine inches, it is really a top talent. "

It is extremely difficult for a spiritual root with three odd attributes to become a heavenly spiritual root.

A single Three Strange Spiritual Roots can reach nine inches, which is not inferior to the Heavenly Spiritual Roots that are more than nine inches and seven points.

Wang Daoyin smiled and said: "I don't dare to hope. The talents of Chengxian and I are not very good. It would be good to have an ordinary Tianling root."

Zhenjun Lei Yan glanced at him: "I also expect you to give birth to a descendant with the Purple Thunder Battle Physique, our physique is rare.

It just so happened that you married three at once, and the heavy responsibility of spreading the branches fell on you. "

Wang Daoyuan also smiled and said: "This purple thunder battle body comes from Zilei God Venerable, after so many years, Zi Lei God Venerable may become an Earth Immortal.

This is an extremely powerful bloodline inheritance. The monks who awaken the purple thunder battle body will be easier than ordinary monks when they break through the Mahayana realm in the future.

If there is a descendant of the **** of purple thunder with good talent, that is the seed of great power. "

True Monarch Lei Yan smiled happily: "In this way, my physique is quite an advantage.

Then I have to practice hard and strive for a cultivation base that surpasses the Purple Thunder God Venerable. "

Wang Daoyuan took out a few pill bottles: "Master, there are some Peiying pills here, you can use them."

Zhenjun Lei Yan waved his hand: "No need, my current spiritual power and the level of Nascent Soul's growth have already reached the limit of the late Nascent Soul.

If you want to go further, you can only improve your understanding of the law.

This thing, I should not need it, I will give it to Daoyin.

He is only at the early stage of Nascent Soul cultivation, and the speed of cultivation is too slow.

Your formation on Tianfu Island is quite extraordinary, and you can feel the power of the law from it.

As long as I comprehend these laws, it is enough. "

Wang Daoyuan also handed these medicinal pills to Wang Daoyin, and said with a smile, "This defensive formation comes from the inheritance of Yin-Yang formation.

It's just that it's still too weak to resist the attacks of many late-stage cultivators.

I also want to strengthen the formation here, so I won't chat with you, Master. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan waved his hand: "Go ahead and do your own thing, my cultivation is too low right now, so I can't help you much.

However, if there is anything I need to do, just speak up. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, left the auditorium, and returned to his cave.

He also called the clone Jia Qi, as well as Wang Minglong and Molong together.

The situation on the Qixinghai side is turbulent, and it will not be long before earth-shaking changes will occur.

The time when the Wang Family expands on a large scale and dominates the entire Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm is almost here.

Now there is an urgent need for powerful people to sit in the town. All three of them have great potential and should be cultivated as soon as possible.

Wang Daoyuan's own primordial spirit also entered the Lingzhu space, and together with the avatar prison, refining the formation.

A year later, the formation around Tianfu Island has undergone tremendous changes.

The outer defense formation alone has three layers.

Yufeng Mountain and Huolong Mountain each have a set of formations.

In the family ancestral temple, there is also a formation specially designed to replenish the puppet's spiritual power.

With the foundation of the sixth-order high-grade refiner, it is also very fast to improve the level of the formation.

Now his formation level has also been upgraded to the sixth-order high-grade.

It is a pity that the spiritual veins of Tianfu Island are only of the sixth rank, and Wang Daoyuan does not have a few top-quality spiritual stones in his hands, and the formation can only be arranged with the sixth rank.

However, these formations are extremely clever, and with the means of breaking the formation of those from the Seven Star Alliance, it is impossible to break it.

After arranging the formation, Wang Daoyuan wanted to refine some more Heavenly Tribulation Pearls and puppets.

But suddenly received a letter from Ming Jiao, and there was a big movement in Zhenhaizong.

The entire Zhenhaizong dispatched more than thirty fifth-order flying warships to attack the White Bone Hall.

Now Wang Daoyuan can't sit still, and the two sides may start a war at any time.

The strength of the White Bone Hall is not weak, and if the Broken Star God does not move, it is impossible to win the White Bone Hall.

This may be the best time to take down the Broken Star Divine Sovereign. If you miss this opportunity, if you want to deal with the son of luck in the future, you can only rely on Zhenhaizong.

Wang Daoyuan went straight to the family executive hall. At this time, Wang Degong and Wang Delin were dealing with affairs.

Seeing him come in, he quickly got up and saluted.

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "Don't be too polite, I have to go out for a while, and it may take several years of work to come back. UU Reading

On Yinyuan Island, I have already left behind, so you don't have to worry. "

After all, I took out three puppets, and originally refined six puppets and divided them into two groups.

One group is placed on Yinyuan Island, and the other group is just these.

"These are all sixth-rank high-grade puppets, usually placed in the family ancestral hall.

In their puppet souls, there is the imprint of my divine consciousness.

If Tianfu Island is attacked, they will take the initiative.

With them there, Tianfu Island would not have any problems. "

After explaining some things to them, Wang Daoyuan quietly left Tianfu Island.

After making a big circle, we went south.

On this trip to the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, I should be able to meet another Son of Luck.

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