After listening to Liu Jingtao's description, True Monarch Jiugui also nodded slightly: "Jingtao's words are right, this son of luck was originally born in the blood shark thieves.

The reason why the blood shark thieves attacked Qizhen Island was related to this person.

Initially, the children of luck were not taken seriously.

He opened up the Purple Mansion in the city of Qizhen Island, and the movement was too great.

In order to cover up, Mo Jiao Divine Monarch attacked Qizhen Island.

Unfortunately, Divine Sovereign Mo Jiao was too reckless and forced the Seven Star Alliance to a dead end.

In order to protect themselves, the Seven Star Alliance had to pay a huge price to drag the Wen family and the Wang family into the water.

In the end, the blood shark thieves were outnumbered and destroyed by the Seven Star Alliance.

The son of luck is extremely important, and is the key to the re-emergence of Yulingzong.

Therefore, he was secretly sent to Zhenhaizong.

The disciples who had been in contact with the Child of Luck before, both in their cultivation and in their cultivation of immortals, had made significant progress.

The more you get in touch with him, the more you can achieve in the future. "

After Wang Daoyuan heard the words of the two, he had a scruple in his heart.

It seems that the blood shark thief and Zhenhaizong don't know much about the son of luck.

They only know that the son of luck has great luck and great fortune, and will have extremely high achievements in the future.

It will also bring good luck to the forces you are in and those around you.

But they didn't know that the Child of Luck was also a talisman.

Because of the existence of the battle of luck, if there is not enough strength to support, it is difficult for the son of luck to grow up.

Once the battle of luck breaks out, the son of luck will be finished, and the forces behind him will not end well.

However, Zhenhaizong's side knows the best, and it is easier for him to succeed.

With a look of shock on his face, he asked after a long time, "Is there really such a strange person in the world?"

True Monarch Jiugui nodded slightly: "It's true, but the records of the sect's classics are not perfect, and it seems that this son of luck will encounter some huge crisis in the future.

If this crisis cannot be resolved, even the Son of Luck will fall.

Therefore, what the sect has to do now is to try his best to help this child of luck grow.

No matter how big the crisis is, as long as the strength is strong enough, there is always hope to overcome it.

You are a loose cultivator, and your knowledge and experience will be of great help to the growth of the child of luck. "

Wang Daoyuan saluted respectfully: "Thank you for your great love, the disciple will do his best to help the son of luck grow."

"Yutang, you have already handed over to the first elder, so go clean up the executive hall as soon as possible and replace it with our people.

Jingtao, you should already be very familiar with the affairs of the Item Refining Hall, and you don't need to hand over anything. You should take up your post as soon as possible.

As for Zhou Lin, the duties of the deputy hall master were nothing more than exercising powers on behalf of the hall master.

Now that Jingtao is here, you can say that there is nothing to do.

Come with the teacher, and I will personally take you to see the son of luck. "

Wang Daoyuan thanked him again and again, followed Jiugui Zhenjun to leave the cave and came to the Zhenhaizong discussion hall.

At the back of this hall, there is a secret room.

Below this secret room, there is also a long underground tunnel.

After walking through the tunnel, the two came to an underground stone room.

This stone room was very humid, and a layer of water droplets condensed on the stone walls.

Jiugui Zhenjun smiled and said: "You must have guessed that this stone room was opened at the bottom of Xuangui Lake.

This stone room was not built by my Zhenhai Sect, it existed long before Zhenhai Sect was established.

At that time, the ancestors of the sect had guessed that this stone room should have come from the hands of Shenlianzong.

If you want to enter the secret realm of Zhenhai, you can only pass through this stone room. "

The two walked to one wall of the stone room, and Jiugui Zhenjun took out a black token.

A black light was released from the token, and then the entire stone wall trembled violently.

After more than ten breaths, the stone wall sank into the ground, revealing the light curtain behind the stone wall.

Jiugui Zhenjun smiled: "Come with me."

After saying that, he entered the light curtain.

Wang Daoyuan followed closely and entered the light curtain.

Passing through the light curtain, the sight in front of him surprised him.

I saw that there were several layers of large formations shrouded behind the light curtain, most of which were sixth-order mid-grade, and one was sixth-grade high-grade formation.

Seeing Wang Daoyuan's shocked appearance, the True Monarch Jiugui smiled and said, "This Zhenhai Secret Realm is the foundation of our Zhenhai Sect, so it has been arranged more closely."

With True Monarch Nine Ghosts accompanying him, the formation here will naturally not hurt him in the slightest.

The two walked out of the shrouded range of the formation, and their eyes suddenly opened up.

This is a vast valley with a radius of more than three thousand miles.

There were many disciples in the valley who were cultivating, and when they saw the True Monarch Nine Ghosts coming in, they all stood up and saluted.

The two continued to move forward, and soon came to a tall palace-style building.

There are dozens of sword-wielding puppets guarding the palace, and there is a faint sound of bamboo and bamboo in the palace.

The two walked into the palace, and the puppet did not move.

Inside the hall, there were more than a dozen scantily clad women dancing.

In the corner of the hall, there are also a group of musicians playing music.

Above the main seat is a young monk wearing a golden silk robe and a white jade crown.

He looked at the dancer below with a fascinated look on his face.

Beside him, there are two more beautiful female nuns, waiting for him to drink and have fun.

The left and right sides below are full of Zhenhaizong cultivators.

Among them were several disciples, whom he had secretly spied on by performing the Wang Qi technique.

When I checked it at that time, I felt that the luck of these people was different from ordinary people, and they should be able to come into contact with the children of luck often.

At this time, they were sitting in the lower seats, showing respectful expressions from time to time to the young cultivator on the main seat.

Obviously, the young monk sitting on the main seat has a very high status.

The son of luck of the blood shark thief has been practicing in this secret realm of Zhenhai.

Could it be that this dude is the son of luck?

True Monarch Jiugui was beside him, and Wang Daoyuan didn't dare to use Wang Daoyuan's qi technique at will.

If this young cultivator is not the son of luck, but the way the Nine Ghosts True Monarch is testing himself.

When he made his move at this time, he was completely exposed.

Although he is not afraid of True Monarch Nine Ghosts, those formations at the entrance of the secret realm are not easy to deal with.

She can be trapped in this secret realm, Zhou Luan is still outside, her strength can't stop Wannian Corpse Puppet.

Wang Daoyuan decided to stay put for the time being, since he is already a companion to the son of luck, there will be opportunities to contact him in the future.

If you want to clean up the child of luck, you can do it at any time, there is no need to take risks at this time.

True Monarch Jiugui snorted coldly: "You can't cultivate well, but you are addicted to alcohol, is this what the monks did?"

The monks sitting on both sides quickly got up and saluted: "I have seen Master Chen."

On the contrary, the young cultivator who was sitting high on the throne didn't take it seriously. He squinted at Jiugui Zhenjun.

Then he asked very dissatisfiedly: "Who are you, you dare to disturb my Yaxing?

Back then, no one dared to scold me at Yulingzong, how dare you do this to me? "

Wang Daoyuan was stunned when he heard the words, and said to himself: This kid is a bit mad, but he is only in the middle stage of Jindan, and he dares to talk like this to the middle stage cultivator of God Transformation.

Although the child of luck has extremely high potential, the potential is always only potential until it is developed.

If you annoy a master and slap him to death, no matter how strong his talent is, it will have no effect.

True Monarch Nine Ghosts took out a token: "Sacred Star God Monarch retreats to recuperate, I am now the helm of Zhenhai Sect."

The young man in the main seat quickly put on a respectful look: "Junior Xu Chenhai, see Master Chen."

This guy is not completely a scumbag, and he knows that some people can't afford to offend him.

True Monarch Jiugui nodded slightly: "Nephew Xu doesn't need to be too polite, nephew Xu is the son of luck and is the hope for the revitalization of Yulingzong.

You should focus on cultivation, don't indulge in alcoholism and waste your bright future. "

An impatient look appeared on Xu Chenhai's face, but he quickly covered it up.

He cupped his hands and said, "What Uncle Shi said is that the disciple is just entertaining all the senior brothers while he is cultivating. It's not that he is addicted to wine.

Although he could see that he was perfunctory, the Nine Ghosts True Monarch was not easy to attack: "It is normal for people to relax after cultivating.

It's just that the road to practice is difficult and dangerous, and you must not go astray. "

"The disciple is to follow the teachings of the uncle, and I don't know what else the uncle has instructed?"

True Monarch Jiugui's face was a little displeased, but he didn't say anything, he just introduced: "This is my disciple Zhou Lin, he made great contributions during this expedition against the White Bone Hall.

Now, he is the deputy hall master of the Refining Hall.

My apprentice was born in a loose cultivator, and I know the outside world very well, and my talent for refining is also extremely high.

Your status is noble, and going out to experience in person is too risky.

Just let Zhou Lin accompany you to practice, and you can also increase your knowledge. "

Xu Chenhai glanced at Wang Daoyuan with a look of contempt on his face.

Afterwards, he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Uncle, I will definitely ask Senior Brother Zhou for advice."

Jiugui Zhenjun took out a token: "That's good, Zhou Lin, this is the token for entering and leaving Zhenhai's secret realm. You can come and accompany Chenhai to practice in the future."

Wang Daoyuan took the token and saluted, "Follow the teacher's orders."

True Monarch Jiugui said a few more words and left the hall.

Soon after, a Jindan cultivator ran to the hall and reported to Xu Chenhai: "My lord, the True Monarch of Nine Ghosts has left the secret realm."

Xu Chenhai showed a smile: "Then play music, then dance."

The singing and dancing continued in the field, and everyone did not care about Wang Daoyuan at all.

At this time, Wang Daoyuan also took the opportunity to perform a vision technique.

I saw that on Xu Chenhai's head, the purple-gold auspicious clouds of luck were boundless.

Although the auspicious cloud of luck has not yet changed shape, it has far surpassed the cultivator of the gods.

A little Jindan cultivator, who can have such luck, can only be the son of luck.

Now that the identity of the child of luck has been determined, it can be done at any time.

It's just that Zhou Luan's side may be a little dangerous.

Infiltrating Zhenhaizong himself, in addition to winning the son of luck, he must also find a way to get the soul tree.

I haven't seen the soul tree yet, so it's better to wait.

This time, I have to give up this opportunity. The next time I have the opportunity to come, I will put Zhou Luan in the Lingzhu space first.

Without worries, there is no need to have any scruples.

Even if you are trapped in this secret realm of Zhenhai, it is no big deal.

Just relying on the inheritance of Zhenhaizong's dot matrix method, he can trap himself for a while, but he can't trap himself for the rest of his life.

After finishing the song and dance, Xu Chenhai stared at Wang Daoyuan for a while, and then said: "To be so calm, it seems that Master Chen values ​​you, it is not unreasonable.

Uncle Chen said, your craftsmanship talent is excellent, show me a show. "

Before he finished speaking, a Jindan cultivator came over with a piece of refining material in his hand.

Wang Daoyuan did not refuse, he took over the refining materials, and used fire spirit power to condense the flames and smelt the materials.

Refining the material, forging and forming, and condensing the pattern, all in one go.

Everyone present was stunned, Xu Chenhai was still stubborn: "There are indeed some means, no wonder Master Chen valued it."

At this moment, a peak Yuanying monk wearing a gray robe smiled and said, "Deputy Hall Master Zhou is not only extraordinary in his own strength, but his Taoist companion Wang Yuan is also a fifth-order high-grade weapon refiner. UU Reading

Moreover, this Wang Yuan has an excellent appearance, which can be described as a national beauty. "

This gray-robed cultivator Wang Daoyuan also knew, it was the previous Great Elder.

Zhang Yutang served as the Great Elder, and his position was naturally lost.

He said this obviously with bad intentions.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Xu Chenhai immediately became interested: "How about the beauty in my arms?"

The two female cultivators in his arms, although their cultivation bases are not high, can also be said to be one in a thousand in terms of appearance.

It's just that Zhou Luan's appearance is not an exaggeration to say that it is one in a million. Naturally, the two are not comparable.

Although when they mixed into Zhenhaizong, both of them changed their face.

But Zhou Luan only slightly changed his appearance, and the foundation was still there.

The gray-robed cultivator shook his head: "Of course these two women are rare beauties, but compared with that Wang Yuan, they are no different than the sun and the moon."

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