Hearing this, Xu Chenhai revealed a longing look in his eyes.

Then, it seemed a little embarrassing.

Jiugui Zhenjun personally sent Wang Daoyuan, indicating that he valued him very much.

Although the child of luck has great potential, it is currently only a mascot.

In terms of status, even an elder with real power is inferior, and it is nothing in front of Jiugui Zhenjun.

A Jindan cultivator, without the support of the high-level, wants to move a deputy hall master, it is impossible. .

Whether to do it or just give up, Xu Chenhai was uncertain.

Wang Daoyuan was full of killing intent, staring at the former Great Elder.

He snorted coldly: "You idle elder, tell me the private affairs of the deputy hall master in person, do you think the sect's rules are decorations?"

The rules are set by the high-level, and they must protect the interests of the high-level.

Disobedience and violation of this sect rule are found in most forces.

Although this guy used to be the Great Elder, he has been replaced by Zhang Yutang.

The Sect Master has not assigned him a position for the time being, and now he only bears the name of an elder.

In terms of power and status, it is not even as good as the management of the temples.

Wang Daoyuan, as the deputy hall master, is also a real elder with real power.

According to the sect rules, idle elders should salute when they see real power elders.

The former Great Elder was full of anger and was about to get up and start.

Wang Daoyuan said disdainfully, "Do you think I can only refine weapons?"

The former Great Elder was stunned for a moment. When Wang Daoyuan first entered the school, he entered the information himself, so he naturally knew that Wang Daoyuan was a loose cultivator.

There is definitely a powerful means for a loose cultivator to grow to this point.

The Great Elder is very clear about his own strength, and he is not considered a genius among his peers.

If it wasn't for Zhenjun Xiaofeng's nepotism, he wouldn't be able to be a great elder at all.

Against a loose cultivator who has experienced hundreds of battles, he is really not sure of winning.

But being so humiliated now, if you don't respond, I'm afraid it will be difficult to straighten your back in Zhenhaizong in the future.

He was full of spiritual energy, ready to attack at any time.

Wang Daoyuan put out more than ten pieces of fifth-order high-grade magic tools, as long as this guy dares to do it, all the magic tools will be shot together.

Even if you don't use the power beyond the middle stage of Nascent Soul, you can easily kill it.

When the former Great Elder saw such a situation, he was already three-pointed in fear.

The other party is the deputy hall master, and he is just an idle elder now.

If you take the initiative, if you win, you will commit the following crimes, and you must be severely punished.

If you lose, it will be even more difficult. If the opponent kills you, no one can make decisions for you.

When it was difficult to ride a tiger, Xu Chenhai spoke out: "Zhao Ming, don't be rude to Deputy Hall Master Zhou."

Although Xu Chenhai does not have any authority, he has a special status.

His treatment has always been comparable to that of the palace masters.

As the hall master, reprimanding Zhao Ming, an idle elder, is naturally not a problem.

Zhao Ming was in a dilemma before, but now that Xu Chenhai gave him a step, he also borrowed the donkey to go down the slope.

He cupped his hands towards Xu Chenhai: "As per your order."

Zhao Ming didn't dare to do it again, and Wang Daoyuan also put away those magic tools.

Xu Chenhai smiled and said, "What Uncle Chen said is true, the strength of the deputy hall master Zhou is indeed extraordinary.

Putting this means of controlling more than ten magical instruments at the same time, I am afraid that it is difficult for the cultivators of Yuan Ying peak to do it.

With so many magical weapons attacking at the same time, the power is enough to kill the top cultivator of Yuan Ying.

I wonder if this method can be taught to me? "

Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands and said, "Master ordered me to come here to help Elder Xu cultivate.

There are still many small tricks I have learned. As long as Elder Xu is interested, I will teach them all. "

Xu Chenhai nodded: "Okay, I'll ask Vice Hall Master Zhou for advice another day.

Today, Vice Hall Master Zhou came here for the first time, so let's enjoy the singing and dancing first. "

Now is not the time to clean up Xu Chenhai, and Wang Daoyuan doesn't want to stay here for a long time.

"I am afraid that I will fail the kindness of Elder Xu. I have just become the deputy hall master, and I still don't understand the affairs of the refining hall.

Master also brought me here today to recognize the way. Later, I have to go to the Refining Hall to hand over some affairs, so I will not accompany me.

farewell. "

Xu Chenhai is only a middle-stage Jindan cultivator now. Although his status is high, his strength is very average.

Wang Daoyuan wanted to leave, and he did not dare to stay.

He had to accompany him with a smile and said, "The affairs of the Refining Hall are very important. Deputy Hall Master Zhou, please do it yourself."

Wang Daoyuan left the hall and walked towards the entrance of the secret realm.

Before arriving at the entrance blocked by the heavy formation, he was immediately locked by the power of the formation.

If these formations are activated at the same time, it is really difficult for him to escape.

He quickly took out the token given by True Monarch Nine Ghosts, and after injecting spiritual power, the power of these formations immediately converged.

Walking into the shrouded range of the formation, his divine sense swept it, trying to see the reality of these formations.

Unfortunately, these formations have been covered up.

It is difficult to see clues by ordinary means, and Wang Daoyuan did not continue to stay here.

Go through the entrance to the secret realm and return to the Refinery Hall.

In the hall of Zhenhai Secret Realm, Xu Chenhai retreated left and right, leaving Zhao Ming alone.

"Elder Zhao, you said that Zhou Lin's Taoist companion has an outstanding appearance, I don't know what he looks like?"

Zhao Mingjian smiled and said: "Don't say that you are full of blood, at this age, seeing him is also unstable.

When the two of them first started, it was me who handled it.

At that time, when I saw that Wang Yuan was born with national beauty, I secretly recorded her image with photo beads. "

Xu Chenhai's eyes gleamed with thief: "Is this really the case? Take it out and show it to me."

Seeing him like this, Zhao Ming was delighted.

This is because he lost his position as a great elder and felt unhappy in his heart.

I want to fan the flames on Xu Chenhai's side, so that Xu Chenhai and Jiugui Zhenjun have a rift.

When Xu Chenhai grows up, the life of Jiugui Zhenjun will not be easy.

Now Xu Chenhai, a pervert, has a **** for Wang Yuan. In any case, the contradiction between the two sides is buried.

He took out the photo beads and was about to say something.

Xu Chenhai grabbed it, injected spiritual power, and Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan quickly appeared in the photo beads.

Seeing Zhou Luan's influence, Xu Chenhai actually drooled.

After a long time, Xu Chenhai's eyes showed a fierce light: "No matter what, I want to get Wang Yuan."

Zhao Ming was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he still pretended to persuade him: "Elder Xu is careful, that Zhou Lin is a disciple of Jiugui Zhenjun.

Although Elder Xu is the son of luck, he has a bright future.

But now, after all, it is only a Jindan cultivation base, and he can't fight the Nine Ghosts True Monarch.

It's better to be patient for now, and wait until you reach the realm of God Transformation, and then ask for Wang Yuan. "

Xu Chenhai was furious and kicked the table in front of him.

"My son of luck, isn't the value to the sect not as good as that of a Zhou Lin?

If you can't even get the woman you want, what's the point of cultivating? "

Zhao Ming quickly persuaded: "Elder Xu, please don't do this, you should still focus on cultivation."

Xu Chenhai glared at him: "I don't care what means you use, if you can't help me get Wang Yuan, you will know the consequences for yourself.

I can't move the disciples of True Monarch Jiugui, can't I move you? "

At this time, Zhao Ming no longer had the joy of succeeding in his trick, but rather was a little scared.

Zhenjun Xiaofeng lost power, and even if he was not abandoned, he would not be reused.

If Xu Chenhai was determined to get rid of him, Zhenjun Xiaofeng would not be able to protect him at all.

He tried desperately to think about countermeasures, and after a long time, his eyes glowed again.

"I thought of a plan, but it might make Elder Xu suffer some hardships."

Xu Chenhai's face was full of joy: "As long as you can get Wang Yuan, a little bit of hardship is nothing.

What means do you have, say it quickly. "

"Although Zhou Lin is highly regarded by True Monarch Nine Ghosts, his importance cannot be compared to yours at all.

If you are tough on the bright side, Jiugui Zhenjun will definitely stop you in order to maintain the rules of the gate.

But if you secretly cook the raw rice, what will happen to the Nine Ghosts Zhenjun? "

Xu Chenhai pondered for a moment: "He will punish me."

"That's right, you are the son of luck, no matter how wrong you make, you will only be punished once.

Even if Wang Yuan was forced to do it, there would not be too many consequences.

I'm afraid that Zhou Lin would not give up. "

Xu Chenhai snorted coldly: "It's good that he doesn't want to give up, but I also want to clean him up.

If I succeed, Zhou Lin would dare to trouble me.

I will find an opportunity to kill him.

When that time comes, no one will dare to stop him if he wins Wang Yuan again.

There will only be some punishment for Wang Yuan. If Zhou Lin is killed, the True Monarch of Nine Ghosts will not dare to do anything to me.

I have made up my mind to do so.

However, I cannot easily leave this Zhenhai Secret Realm.

Moreover, the outside is under the eyes of Jiugui Zhenjun.

It is impossible to do Wang Yuan silently.

Wang Yuan must be deceived into this secret realm. You have to think of a way to act. "

On the other side, after Wang Daoyuan left the secret realm, he returned to the secret room behind the council hall.

At this time, Jiugui Zhenjun was meditating in the secret room.

Seeing him coming out of it, True Monarch Jiugui asked, "Why didn't you stay inside for a while?"

Wang Daoyuan sighed: "Elder Xu's mind is all about singing and dancing, what's the use of me staying there?

It is better to go to the Refining Hall first and help Senior Brother Liu handle affairs. "

"What do you think of Xu Chenhai?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head: "It's a straw bag, such a person, no matter how high the talent, how strong the luck, I am afraid that there will be no achievements.

If he was a loose cultivator, he wouldn't be able to live now. "

Jiugui Zhenjun laughed dumbly: "I have also read his files.

At first, it was just a servant of the blood shark thief in a shop on Qizhen Island, not even an outer disciple.

When he was over a hundred years old, he reluctantly opened up the Purple Mansion.

Such talent can only be considered third-rate.

But he was very lucky, the vision of Zifu was the ancestor of the unicorn.

To have such a vision of the Purple Mansion, it must be the son of luck.

The hope of the Emperor Mo Jiao to revive Yulingzong was pinned on him, and he was obedient to him.

From a small servant, to become a baby bump of a god-turning cultivator, the gap is too great.

If there is such an opportunity, I am afraid it is you, and it is difficult to keep your original heart.

What's more, this Xu Chenhai's state of mind was not very good.

It is inevitable to indulge in wine and color once it is so high.

Since he is the son of luck, he must have extremely high achievements in the future.

No matter how bad it is, he can always help those around him grow.

And what he needs is just a little more cultivation resources than the average person.

In general, the sect still earns. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, and it seemed that True Monarch Jiugui didn't have much hope for Xu Chenhai either.

He's just taking advantage of his ability to improve the luck of others around him. To put it bluntly, this guy is just a mascot that can bring good luck to others.

If he doesn't have this function, Jiugui Zhenjun will also abandon him.

Wang Daoyuan cupped his hands and said: "Master, don't worry, I will teach him well in the future."

True Monarch Jiugui smiled and said, "It's fine if you think about it this way, go and do your own business."

After Wang Daoyuan bowed and saluted, he left.

After a period of time, he did not take the initiative to go to Zhenhai Secret Realm again.

It's just that in the Refining Hall, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com helps Liu Jingtao handle official business.

It seems that he is just a very self-motivated deputy hall master.

After two months like this, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan were cultivating in the cave.

Suddenly received a letter from Jiugui Zhenjun, the guy Xu Chenhai invited him to the Zhenhai Secret Realm, saying that he wanted to learn his secret technique of controlling multiple instruments at the same time.

This request is reasonable and reasonable, after all, he said before that he wanted to learn this method.

However, Wang Daoyuan didn't want to drag it on any longer.

Not long ago, he received a letter from the Minglong Organization.

Yuheng Sword Sect and Tianshu Sect have already started a small-scale head-to-head confrontation.

Once the war begins, the outcome is unpredictable.

In case of turmoil in the entire Seven Star Seas, the family will also be affected.

The situation has changed, and Xu Chenhai's hanging head should fall to the ground.

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