Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1192: surrender

Affiliated forces are also divided into three, six, nine, etc. Zhenhaizong was an affiliated force of Yulingzong back then.

However, the status of the disciples of Zhenhai Sect was no lower than that of the disciples of the same level of Yuling Sect.

And some affiliated forces are completely for the main force as a surrogate ghost.

Just like the Wang family that had not yet risen, in the eyes of the Nether Sect, it is a tool to reduce the casualties of its own disciples.

What the Wang family got was only nominal protection.

Let other forces have a little bit of concern when they fight the Wang family's idea.

When the foreign elders bullied the Wang family and other old families, no one stood up and said justice for the Wang family.

These two are affiliated forces, but their status and treatment are vastly different.

If it is the former, it is naturally a good thing.

The strength of Wang Daoyuan, Jiugui Zhenjun also saw it.

The two ten thousand year corpse puppets were suppressed by him.

This strength can completely dominate the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

Especially those two instruments, which are far better than the golden furnace.

How terrifying is the heritage behind a person who possesses such a magic weapon?

Zhenhaizong has found a big backer, at least there is no need to worry about being destroyed by other strengths in the future.

But if it's the latter, it doesn't make much difference whether Zhenhaizong perishes or not.

Wang Daoyuan naturally knew his concerns, but in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, he really didn't need any substitute.

In the Seven Star Alliance, Yuheng Sword Sect and Tianshu Sect have already started fighting.

As long as they decide the winner, the Wang family and the Wen family can pick the fruit easily.

The remaining Dimensity Palace, Shendan Sect, and Kaiyang Sect had the same strength and could not be resisted at all.

"My royal family doesn't need a scapegoat, what they need are capable people.

If Zhenhaizong has the ability to guard one side for me, I will support Zhenhaizong to become the largest force in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands.

If Zhenhaizong only has the ability to be a scapegoat, then what qualifications do you have to negotiate with me? "

Jiugui Zhenjun pondered for a long time: "Wang Daoyou is powerful, and the inheritance is not comparable to the inheritance of Yulingzong.

But the inheritance in the hands of my Zhenhai Sect can be ranked in the entire Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation Realm.

As long as the Wang family can give enough support to block the Ten Thousand Demons Sect and subdue the entire Ten Thousand Demon Archipelago, it will not be a problem. "

Wang Daoyuan also smiled and replied: "I still know a thing or two about Zhenhaizong's ability back then.

Otherwise, I wouldn't waste my time here with you.

With the background of the Wang family and the power in my hands, if I take out anything, there are people vying to be cannon fodder.

If Zhenhaizong doesn't have the ability, I won't open my mouth to persuade you.

There is a Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce under the Wang family's name, which is also the method used by the Wang family to recruit loose cultivators.

In the future, the scale of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce will become larger and larger, eventually covering the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

If Zhenhaizong is willing to be an affiliate of my royal family, then the helm of Zhenhaizong will also be the vice president of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce. "

True Monarch Jiugui fell into contemplation, and this condition is not bad.

Although I don't know how many vice presidents there will be, there is only one president.

Either Wang Daoyuan himself, or someone Wang Daoyuan trusts very much.

Ordinarily, the position of the vice president is only under the president.

The status of each vice-chairman is also determined by the strength of their own powers.

The heritage of Zhenhaizong is naturally not as good as the Wang family.

But compared with Wen Jia, it can still be slightly better.

After joining the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, the right to speak will definitely not be small in the future.

Being able to have a certain right to speak among the main forces, naturally he would not be cannon fodder.

"I personally have no opinion, but this matter needs to be asked about the meaning of the broken star god."

Wang Daoyuan chuckled lightly: "You don't have to play tricks, Daoyou Chen, I saw the situation of the broken star **** with my own eyes.

He had run out of fuel and was seriously injured.

Even if there is a sixth-order healing pill, it is difficult to live to the present.

Even if he is still alive, is he still capable of shooting? "

The small tricks were seen through, and Jiugui Zhenjun didn't take it seriously: "Young Daoyou Wang also knows that I just took over the position of the helm.

The prestige within the sect has not yet been established.

If it is now announced that Zhenhaizong will join the Wang family, I am afraid that there will be chaos within the sect first.

It is best to reach a consensus with Zhenjun Xiaofeng and Zhenjun Jinjian. The three of us represent the three major factions in the sect.

We all agreed, and the others couldn't make a big mess. "

Wang Daoyuan pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "I want Zhenhai Sect to defend against the Ten Thousand Demons Sect and suppress the demon cultivators in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands, naturally I hope that Zhenhai Sect can take refuge completely.

I can grant your request to involve both of them. "

After all, he released Jiugui Zhenjun from the God Refining Gourd, and took out the identity token found from him.

Afterwards, he took the appearance of Zhou Lin again and took the True Monarch Nine Ghosts to the entrance of Zhenhai Secret Realm.

"I still want to remind Daoyou Chen a few words, even if all the formations of Zhenhaizong are activated, I have a way to keep myself and let Zhenhaizong's mountain gate be completely abolished.

You don't have to think about using sly tricks, Zhen Haizong's sly tricks don't have much effect on me. "

True Monarch Jiugui smiled and said, "I naturally know that, you got that cauldron from the Seven-Star Secret Realm Ziwei Palace, right?

At the beginning, the orb you used to capture this cauldron, my Zhenhaizong really had no way to deal with it. "

"You are smart enough to guess my identity.

I was the one who entered the Ziwei Palace back then and took away the Refining Cauldron.

I am not afraid to tell you that the inheritance of the Divine Refinement Sect has all fallen into my hands.

Including the situation of the Zhenhai Secret Realm, I also know it clearly.

Back then, when the Divine Refinement Sect was on Zhenhai Island, he left behind a lot of means.

Your Zhenhaizong may not be able to find all the means. If I launch a few means, I don't know if Zhenhaizong can handle it. "

Jiugui Zhenjun's expression changed slightly, but he didn't say anything.

He just took the token and started sending messages to Zhenjun Xiaofeng and Zhenjun Jinjian.

In the letter, they were told to come and discuss the matter about the son of luck.

Later, the two entered the secret realm of Zhenhai again.

The growth of the son of luck is related to the future of Zhenhaizong in the future.

There is no trivial matter about the Champions League with the son of luck.

After half an hour, Jinjian Zhenjun and Xiaofeng Zhenjun entered the secret realm one after another and came to the hall near the entrance.

Jiugui Zhenjun and Yi Rongcheng Zhou Lin's Wang Daoyuan are already waiting here.

After Zhenjun Xiaofeng entered the main hall, he asked, "Senior Brother Jiugui, what did that kid Xu Chenhai do to make you take it so seriously, and why did he specially invite us here?"

Jiugui Zhenjun smiled bitterly: "He led someone to ambush my disciple before, wanting to kill him and then rob his Taoist companion."

Jinjian Zhenjun was so angry that his face was blue, but considering his status, he didn't say anything.

Zhenjun Xiaofeng said without hesitation: "This **** is really not a thing, if he is left behind, I am afraid it will become a disaster.

Just don't know, if you kill the son of luck, can you get his luck.

If so, let's find someone who everyone is satisfied with.

Let him slaughter Xu Chenhai, and let's re-train a son of luck. "

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "As far as I know, only by killing each other's sons of luck can they inherit luck.

When other people take action, it is unlikely that they will inherit luck.

However, I have already started to deal with Xu Chenhai. "

Zhenjun Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, and then angrily scolded Wang Daoyuan: "Junior is rude, the three of us are talking about major events in the sect.

Brother Jiugui, your disciple is too unruly.

If you don't teach it, will you get it in the future? "

Wang Daoyuan sneered: "There are not many people who can discipline me, and you certainly don't count."

After all, show your true colors.

Seeing the change in his appearance, Zhenjun Xiaofeng asked, "Who are you, what are your plans to sneak into my Zhenhai Sect?"

On the other side, Jinjian Zhenjun was already full of fear.

With a trembling voice, he said, "Wang Daoyuan, he is Wang Daoyuan!"

He ran over from the blood shark thief. Wang Daoyuan went to attack Yuhuang Island. He should have seen it.

This time, even Zhenjun Xiaofeng was stunned.

Although he had never met Wang Daoyuan, he knew that he kicked the golden stove cover with one foot, and neither the Broken Star God nor Mo Jiao God dared to confront him head-on.

Wang Daoyuan grinned, revealing Sen Han's white teeth: "That's right, it's me."

Before the words fell, the field of supernatural powers unfolded, and the power of space law suppressed the two.

The two just reacted and wanted to break free from the suppression of the realm.

Two strong men suddenly appeared behind them and completely subdued them.

These two strong men are the Demon Prison of Clone and the Blood Spring of Clone.

The two demons in the middle stage of the transformation of gods are still not weak.

A sneak attack on the two suppressed cultivators in the early stage of God Transformation was naturally easy to win.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Now you should be able to have a good conversation."

Xiaofeng Shenjun asked with a gloomy face, "Young Daoyou Wang, although the Wang family has joined the Seven Star Alliance, there have been conflicts between the two parties on Cyanwood Island and Jade Phoenix Island before.

But there is no deadly feud between the two families. Why do fellow Daoists deal with my Zhenhaizong like this? "

Wang Daoyuan didn't answer, but looked at Jiugui Zhenjun.

Jiugui Zhenjun sighed: "I have been subdued by Daoyou Wang, and the two ten thousand-year-old corpse puppets have been subdued by him.

Xu Chenhai was cleaned up by him, and the Soul Cultivation Wood and Moon Lantern Pot also fell into his hands.

With his strength, no one in the sect can stop him.

Now, he has given us a choice.

In the future, Zhenhaizong, as an affiliated force of the Wang family, continued to guard the Wanmo Islands and resist the Wanmo Sect.

The Wang family will help us when necessary. "

"There is no need for you to worry about the Seven Star Seas.

I will try to clean up Tianshu Sect, Tianji Palace, and Yuheng Sword Sect.

As long as Zhenhaizong can resist the Ten Thousand Demons Sect, in the alliance of forces headed by the Wang family, the right to speak is second only to the Wang family and the Wen family.

Even, on the side of the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, Zhenhaizong's right to speak is higher than that of the Wen family. "Wang Daoyuan added.

Zhenjun Xiaofeng was a little dissatisfied: "What if we don't agree? We all have clones outside, and we can seal the Zhenhai Secret Realm at any time.

At that time, Daoyou Wang will be trapped in this mysterious realm of Zhenhai.

My Zhenhaizong also has a backer, and even if I don't cooperate with the Wang family, I can continue to survive. "

True Monarch Jiugui sighed: "Our methods can't control Daoyou Wang.

This Zhenhai Secret Realm was left by Shenlianzong, and Daoyou Wang mastered the inheritance of Shenlianzong.

Moreover, he has other life-saving cards. "

Wang Daoyuan asked with a smile: "I believe that Zhenhaizong still has a backhand, but once the backhand is used, Zhenhaizong can only be a tortoise with a shrinking head, and dare not show his head at all.

And to take refuge in my Wang family, Zhenhaizong will be the third largest force in the Seven Star Sea Xiu Xianjie.

Also, your lives are now in my hands.

If you turn your face, I can kill you right now.

Before your avatars block the secret realm, wipe out all the Zhenhai Island. "

Zhenjun Jinjian remained silent, and Zhenjun Xiaofeng was no longer as arrogant as before.

After a long silence, he said, "Senior Brother Jiugui will decide this matter."

Jinjian Zhenjun and Jiugui Zhenjun both breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhenhaizong has been reduced to this point, and there are only two hopes to revive its glory.

One is the Clone Soul Cultivation Technique and Soul Cultivation Wood. Back then, Yuling Sect relied on this to grow from a small force to the overlord of the Seven Star Seas Cultivation Realm.

But now that the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is powerful, Zhenhai Sect doesn't have enough time to grow.

Another hope is the son of luck, when he grows up, all problems will be solved.

Now, both hopes have been dashed, and Wang Daoyuan has also won all the top management of Zhenhaizong, and Zhenhaizong has no other way to survive.

Jiugui Zhenjun stepped down from the throne and bowed to Wang Daoyuan: "Zhenhaizong is willing to surrender to the Wang family. From now on, only the Wang family's orders will be obeyed."

Jinjian Zhenjun and Xiaofeng Zhenjun also saluted together and paid homage to Wang Daoyuan.

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