Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1193: Battle of Tianquan Island

Zhenhaizong is relatively united, but it is also divided into three factions.

The faction that Nine Ghosts True Monarch belonged to existed when Zhenhai Sect was established.

The line of Zhenjun Xiaofeng fled to the Ten Thousand Demons Islands when the Yuling Sect was destroyed more than 7,000 years ago.

As for the line of Jinjian Zhenjun, it was only after the blood shark thieves were exterminated that they escaped.

The three of them are the supreme leaders of the three major factions.

Now that the three of them are willing to surrender, there will be no more opposition from the inside of Zhenhaizong.

As for what's going on in the dark, you don't have to worry about it too much.

Being able to subdue Zhenhaizong, Wang Daoyuan is also in a very good mood.

At least, don't worry about what's going on in the Ten Thousand Demon Islands.

Since the demise of Yuling Sect and Zhenhai Sect pretending to be a grandson, the entire Ten Thousand Demon Archipelago has become a paradise for demon cultivators.

After thousands of years of development, these magic cultivators have really become climates.

Now, in the entire Ten Thousand Demons Islands, there are seven or eight demonic cultivators, with god-turning cultivators.

Before Zhenhaizong had been hiding his strength, they didn't feel the pressure.

These magic cultivators are all scattered, and they are constantly fighting each other.

Later, the blood shark thieves and the Seven Star Alliance went to war, and Zhenhaizong exposed his own strength in order to collect resources as soon as possible.

The forces of the demon cultivators felt a huge threat, and they formed a group of ten thousand demons.

Because the White Bone Hall is located in the southeast, it is far away from the other forces of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

In addition, backed by the ancient battlefield, he was more confident in his own strength, so he did not join the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

As a result, the house was demolished by Zhenhaizong.

Although Zhenhaizong solved his worries, he also exposed too much strength, which made those magic cultivators more vigilant.

Now, all the demon cultivators who can reach the stage have joined the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

Of course, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is now only a nominal alliance.

The level of internal unity is not even as good as that of the Seven Star Alliance.

Everyone just agreed that when a member is attacked by Zhenhaizong, they will take action together to resist Zhenhaizong.

If Zhenhaizong didn't take action, they would continue to work on their own business.

At present, the Ten Thousand Demons Sect has not yet swept the entire Ten Thousand Demon Archipelago, but the momentum of the alliance has come out.

As long as there is a magic cultivator who is amazing and brilliant, it is possible to twist the forces of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect into a single rope.

At that time, a behemoth comparable to the Seven Star Alliance will appear on the Ten Thousand Demons Islands.

The Seven Star Alliance has no foundation on the Ten Thousand Demons Islands.

Not to mention the Wang family and the Wen family, the newly acquired site has been busy enough for a long time.

In the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, the only one who can restrain the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is Zhenhai Sect.

Now that Zhenhaizong has been subdued, Wang Daoyuan also has the means to restrict the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

Wang Daoyuan lifted the three of them up and said with a smile, "Since the three are aware of current affairs, I will not treat Zhenhaizong badly in the future.

Now that the Wang family is short-handed, they cannot manage the Ten Thousand Demon Islands for the time being.

I will not interfere with the internal affairs of Zhenhaizong.

When I need Zhenhaizong to do something, I will notify the three directly. "

The three of them said yes, and then Jiugui Zhenjun asked, "Dare to ask the superior, what should Zhenhaizong do next?"

Wang Daoyuan replied: "The rise of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect is mainly because Zhenhaizong has exposed its powerful strength.

Now that the Ten Thousand Demons Sect has not united, Zhenhaizong can't be too high-profile, lest they hug tighter.

How to grasp this proportion, should I not teach it? "

True Monarch Jiugui cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, I already have a plan.

In the previous attack on the White Bone Hall, although they won a big victory, they did not gain much.

The resources in the Hall of Bones were all taken away by the disciples of the Hall of Bones who escaped.

My Zhenhaizong spent ten years of work and lost a lot of resources, even the Broken Star God Sovereign was damaged.

It will take at least twenty or thirty years to regain its previous strength.

The subordinates plan to spend thirty years recuperating.

After the strength of the sect is restored, the news of the celestial death of the Broken Star God will be spread. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "This is the best, now Zhenhaizong should try to keep a low profile.

Of course, there are good opportunities to improve strength, and we must seize them.

The Minglong Organization has been subdued by me. In the future, I will do business with Zhenhaizong through the channels of the Minglong Organization.

If I need magic tools, medicine pills and the like, I can satisfy them.

What you have to do now is to deal with the remnants of the White Bone Hall.

I also have the means to quickly cultivate the spiritual cultivator.

However, I don't want anyone else to have it.

You should wipe out those monks in the White Bone Hall as soon as possible, lest they train a large number of cultivators.

Even if they can't be found, let them have no time to rest and recuperate.

Now that the White Bone Hall is a lost dog, with Zhenhaizong's strength, it shouldn't be a problem to suppress them, right? "

True Monarch Jiugui replied, "Don't worry, when we retreated from the White Bone Cliff, we already made arrangements.

On the White Bone Cliff, there is a mid-stage avatar of me who is in charge of the **** transformation.

In addition, there is a ten thousand-year-old corpse, and two ordinary sixth-order high-grade corpses, which have been searching on the edge of the ancient battlefield.

My Zhenhaizong reported that there were monks lurking in the White Bone Hall, and there were seven cultivators in the White Bone Hall.

In the previous battle, three of the strongest have been killed.

There is only one middle stage of God Transformation, and three early stages of God Transformation that have just been promoted.

Even if the bone puppet is added, it is not the opponent of Wannian Corpse Puppet at all. "

"There is no problem with this arrangement."

Wang Daoyuan took out a jade pendant and a token: "I am far away in the seven-star sea area, if there is trouble here in Zhenhaizong, I may not be able to get the news quickly.

If there is something urgent, crush this jade pendant, and I will come to rescue immediately.

This token is a messenger token. Back then, the blood shark thieves had been operating in the seven-star overseas sea for thousands of years, so they must have their own messenger channels.

I will leave the corresponding token on Yinyuan Island. If you have any news to report, you can send me a message at any time. "

Jiugui Zhenjun took the token and jade pendant, and assured him again and again: "Don't worry, your subordinates will definitely help you guard the Ten Thousand Demon Islands."

After obtaining satisfactory results, Wang Daoyuan did not continue to stay.

After leaving Zhenhaizong, go all the way north.

It took more than half a month to return to Yinyuan Island smoothly.

He didn't return to Baiquangu, he said hello to Uncle Twelve, and came to the temporary headquarters of the Minglong Organization.

The various branches of the Minglong Organization have already been completely controlled by Ming Jiao, and the headquarters is still the bare commander.

Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen received Wang Daoyuan's orders and no longer took on the assassination mission.

Now there are only two things to do, one is to spy on intelligence.

The other is through the black market in various places, selling magical instruments and medicinal herbs for the Wang family, and purchasing various materials.

This is also an attempt to build the prototype of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce. When the Wang family becomes the Lord of the Seven Star Seas, the Minglong Organization can be directly brought under his command.

Knowing that Wang Daoyuan was coming, Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen waited early in the shop on the bright side of the headquarters.

Wang Daoyuan walked into the store, and the two immediately stepped forward to greet him.

After being polite, Wang Daoyuan followed the two to the underground headquarters.

The last time I came to the temporary headquarters of the Minglong Organization, it was still very small.

In the past few years, the scale of the underground headquarters has been greatly improved.

Divine Consciousness swept it and found that the area of ​​this underground headquarters was more than twenty miles in radius.

There are also many monks in the headquarters, and there are more than ten Yuanying monks.

There are hundreds of monks below Nascent Soul.

The three came to a hall, and after opening the formation, Wang Daoyuan asked, "How is the battle between Yuheng Sword Sect and Tianshu Sect now? I want the details of the battle between the two sides."

Ming Jiao replied: "In the past few years, there has been little movement between the two sides.

That is to say, Yuheng Jianzong wanted to set up a defense system on Yuhuang Island and Turtle Island, but Tianshu Zong interfered.

About a year ago, the Tianshu Sect suddenly changed its strategy and dispatched a cultivator who was proficient in formation to attack Yuhuang Island.

On Jade Phoenix Island and Turtle Shell Island, the defense system has not been established, and there are only simple defense formations.

Yuheng Jianzong was worried that Tianshuzong would suddenly tear his face, so he did not let too many monks over, only a few monks in the late Nascent Soul to guard.

With their strength, it was the sixth-order array mage who resisted the Tianshu Sect, and the two islands were quickly lost.

Yuheng Sword Sect wanted to take back Jade Phoenix Island and Turtle Shell Island by force, but they were all intercepted by Tianshu Sect, and the loss was not small.

After a few rounds of competition between the two sides, Yuheng Jianzong did not dare to send more troops to the southern sea area, but instead adopted the means of changing homes.

In less than half a year, the industries of Kaiyang Island, Yaoguang Island, and Tianshu Sect on Yinyuan Island were all wiped out.

Tianshuzong also tried to rescue, but the two sides exchanged offense and defense.

At present, the two sides are competing on Tianquan Island. "

Wang Daoyuan knew a lot about the situation of Tianquan Island before.

As the largest island in the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, the island has a lot of resources.

Back then, the gate of the Royal Spirit Sect was on this island.

The major forces do not want to give up this piece of fat. The original five powers of the Seven Star Alliance have a lot of industries on Tianquan Island.

Even the old headquarters of the Minglong Organization is on Tianquan Island.

Tianquan Island is just sandwiched between Yuheng Island and Tianji Island. The two have been fighting intermittently in order to compete for Tianquan Island.

It's just that the strength shown by Yuheng Jianzong has always been comparable to that of Tianji Palace, and Tianshuzong is also secretly playing a balance strategy.

The two sides have been tossing for more than two thousand years, and there is no winner or loser.

However, the two have consumed too much strength on Tianquan Island, giving Tianshu Sect a chance to develop with confidence.

Therefore, the strength of Tianshu Sect has always been able to suppress Yuheng Sword Sect and Tianji Palace.

"Tianquan Island is the core of the entire Seven-Star Sea Cultivation World. Although it is closer to Yuheng Sword Sect, Tianshu Sect will not give up easily.

The two sides will definitely spend a lot of time here. How is the battle now? "

Xuanchen replied: "Senior, as expected, the main battlefield where the two are fighting now is on this Tianquan Island.

Yuheng Sword Sect has been operating on the island for more than 2,000 years, accounting for more than 30% of the island's industry.

Tianji Palace also accounted for almost 30%, and the remaining 40% of the industry was occupied by various forces.

Among them, Tianshu Sect occupies the most, with nearly 20%.

However, the Dimensity Palace is now determined to be a tortoise.

All the less important properties on Tianquan Island were sold.

There are only a few important industries left, and they are also shrinking their troops and defending them with all their strength.

Yuheng Sword Sect and Tianshu Sect have been drawn together many times, and Tianji Palace pretended to be stupid.

Three months ago, Yuheng Sword Sect and Tianshu Sect had already started a war.

At this time, the two sides were competing for a medium-sized spiritual stone ore vein sold by Tianji Palace, and the battle was very fierce.

Tianshu Sect is stronger on the bright side, but Yuheng Sword Sect has a geographical advantage.

For more than three months, the two sides have been evenly divided, and neither of them can take advantage of it.

If it keeps dragging on, it will definitely be detrimental to Tianshu Sect.

Yuheng Sword Sect intends to exhaust the war potential of Tianshu Sect on Tianquan Island.

Tianshu Sect did not want to continue to consume, but wanted to seek an opportunity for a decisive battle. "

Ming Jiao continued: "The headquarters of our Minglong Organization is on Tianquan Island.

So In every industry on Tianquan Island, there are our spies.

After the betrayal of the elders at the headquarters, most of the spies were unable to contact them.

However, there are still some spies loyal to the Ming family.

The secret agent of the Ming family, who was in ambush in the Tianshuzong industry before, reported some news to us.

The Earth Splitting God and the Heavenly Bow God of Tianshu Sect have appeared many times in the industry of Tianquan Island. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded slightly, Heavenly Bow God and Earth Shattering God are the only two late-stage battle powers of Tianshu Sect.

Both of them are on Tianquan Island, that is, they are ready for a showdown.

As long as the cultivators of Yuheng Sword Sect appeared, a war between cultivators would break out.

Yuheng Sword Sect is by no means a fuel-efficient lamp, just like in the previous battle of Cyanwood Island, quietly, he took out the magic weapon to deal with the blood puppet.

Back then, Yuheng Jianzong picked up the most wealth from Yulingzong's family, and there was definitely a backhand that he didn't use.

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