Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1196: Ghost repair

Seeing a hit hit, the Heavenly Bow Divine Sovereign was overjoyed.

Although he and Divine Sovereign are both late-stage cultivators of God Transformation, cultivators of the same rank also have different strengths.

In terms of lethality alone, the Heavenly Bow God Sovereign's natal arrow may have a place.

But Divine Sovereign's methods are strange, and it has more or less restraint on body-refining cultivators.

If he could get rid of it, Yuheng Jianzong would not be able to threaten him.

However, the happy look on his face only lasted for a moment.

Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul was pierced through his heart by the arrow of his life, but there was no movement.

Heavenly Bow God Sovereign's spiritual arrows are enough to open mountains and crack rocks.

The power of the arrow of life is far more than the arrow of spiritual power.

Even a body-refining cultivator would have to suffer serious injuries if he took this arrow forcibly, but the Divine Sovereign of Soul Breaking did not move.

Soon, Divine Sovereign's body mutated.

The whole person turned into a large cloud of gray smoke, and then the gray smoke gradually faded, and finally disappeared completely.

Now the God of Heavenly Bow knows that the previous arrow was empty.

This gray smoke can disperse and gather, and it is extremely difficult to deal with.

If there is no special means or magic weapon, there is no way to help him.

Now within a radius of hundreds of miles, there are dangers everywhere.

Once you leave the shelter of the golden furnace, a gray long sword may sprang out from anywhere, inflicting heavy damage on yourself.

I thought that with the golden furnace, I could be invincible among the monks of the same level.

Unexpectedly, a Soul Breaking God with the same level of cultivation would hold him back.

Although the golden furnace is strong, it has to be able to find where the opponent is.

To deal with such a strange opponent as Divine Sovereign, it is like a dog biting a hedgehog, and there is nowhere to go.

Before, he had said madly, saying that in the entire Seven Star Sea Xiu Xianjie, no one could beat him, and he would return in a blink of an eye.

The Tianshu Sect tore up the covenant and captured Yuhuang Island and Turtle Shell Island, which has already committed public anger.

Tianji Palace, Kaiyang Sect, Shendan Sect, and even the Wang Family and Wen Family all wanted to take action.

If this is defeated, naturally no one dares to say anything.

If you can't win even a Jade Heng Sword Sect, other forces will pounce on them like hungry wolves, tearing apart the Tianshu Sect.

Tianshu Sect can only move forward now, and cannot afford to retreat at all.

Thinking of this, Tiangong Shenjun was not hiding, but lifted the lid of the golden furnace and took the initiative to withdraw the defense.

However, he was not unprepared, and still stepped on the furnace body of the golden furnace.

Once you encounter an unstoppable attack, you can hide in the golden furnace at any time.

After the furnace lid was lifted, a gray mist instantly appeared behind him.

The gray fog condensed into the shape of a sword and slashed towards the Heavenly Bow God Sovereign.

Heavenly Bow God Sovereign was prepared for a long time, and after waiting for a while, he controlled the furnace cover to fly away, and the gray fog sword was slashing on the furnace cover.

After all, the golden furnace is a seventh-order magic weapon, and the means of the Soul Breaker God will naturally not hurt the furnace cover.

This gray fog long sword was hit by the furnace cover and instantly vanished.

It is completely different from the previous one that slowly faded and finally dissipated.

This gray fog should have completely disappeared.

One blow worked, and the Heavenly Bow Divine Sovereign was a little settled: "Daoist Brother Broken Soul, let's come out and have a good fight.

Performing supernatural powers not only consumes spiritual power, but also consumes spiritual consciousness.

And I drive the golden furnace, only need to consume spiritual power.

Continue to consume, and it is also the Taoist friend who can't hold it.

At that time, I am afraid that fellow Daoists will not even have the chance to fight to the death. "

Before he finished speaking, Divine Sovereign's voice resounded in all directions: "This will not bother fellow Daoist Tiangong, but if he can't hold it first, it's not necessarily me, fellow Daoist Earth Splitter may die in front of me."

Heavenly Bow God Sovereign's expression changed slightly, Earth Splitting God Sovereign was nearly 4,900 years old.

Even now, it is not impossible.

And the Sea God Monarch was in his early 4000s. Although he was not young, he was still in his prime.

Even if you are seriously injured, you can easily recover.

Even if the Earth Shattering Divine Sovereign has not reached the level of exhaustion, the dark wounds accumulated in his life have already reached the brink of eruption.

Not to mention fighting to the death, even if it consumes too much, it may sit in advance.

The strength of the two is similar. When fighting for life and death, it is not about who can fight, but who can carry it.

There is no doubt that the Earth Shattering Divine Sovereign, who has few remaining Shou Yuan, cannot possibly consume more than the Sea Breaking Divine Sovereign.

If the Earth Splitter were to die in battle, the Tianshu Sect would only be left with a master of the Heavenly Bow God.

No matter how strong the Golden Furnace is, it can only hold on to the existing foundation.

If you want to expand, you have to consider whether you will be copied.

Thinking of this, Heavenly Bow God Sovereign has no intention of fighting with Soul Breaking God Sovereign anymore.

The lid of the golden furnace flew over his head again.

Between the furnace cover and the furnace body, a golden beam of light appeared, covering his entire body.

Afterwards, the Golden Furnace carried the Heavenly Bow God Monarch and went due east.

He wants to find the Earth Splitter God Monarch. Only by keeping him will Tianshu Sect have the opportunity to expand.

At this time, Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul would naturally not sit and watch him escape.

A black figure appeared out of thin air in front of the Heavenly Bow God, holding a sledgehammer.

The sledgehammer in his hand slammed out and hit the golden furnace.


The long-lasting sound spread out, and the two monks who were fighting hundreds of miles away were shocked and vomited blood.

The Heavenly Bow God Sovereign was not feeling well either, the golden furnace was smashed out by a hammer dozens of miles away.

He was hidden in it, and naturally it was affected, only to feel the qi and blood in his body surging.

If it wasn't for a body-refining cultivator, this blow would have taken a serious injury.

He was in shock and doubt: "What a strong physical strength, stronger than my Tianshu Sect's body refining heritage.

If there is such a strong inheritance, there are probably many cultivators who have been cultivated by the Jade Heng Sword Sect over the past few thousand years. "

Divine Sovereign's voice came from all directions: "No one knows better than me, Yuheng Sword Sect, what kind of family the Yuling Sect had back then.

We knew about this golden furnace as early as 7,000 years ago.

I know exactly how to control this golden furnace.

The method of restraint of the golden furnace, I Yuheng Jianzong has also prepared for more than 7,000 years.

Just relying on a mere golden furnace, I want to destroy my Jade Heng Sword Sect, and it is delusional. "

Under this blow, the figure of the shadow was completely exposed.

This time, the Heavenly Bow God Sovereign was relieved.

The shadow in front of him is not a body-refining cultivator, but a ten thousand-year-old corpse puppet.

"It seems that the Yuheng Jianzong really picked up a lot of things from the Yulingzong back then, and even the Wannian Corpse Puppet could get it.

The method of sacrificing and refining the corpse puppet of ten thousand years, but the secret of the Royal Spirit Sect, can only be mastered by the real helmsman.

And the control of the Wannian Corpse Puppet is also in the hands of the helm.

The god-turning cultivator who took refuge in your Yuheng Sword Sect at the beginning was only a slightly higher-ranking elder.

It is impossible for him to have this kind of secret method, and it is impossible for him to steal the ten thousand year corpse puppet.

So, what is the origin of this ten thousand year corpse puppet? "

The Wannian Corpse Puppet is not just a random corpse puppet, it can be raised in a place with strong Yin Qi.

No matter how powerful corpse refining is, it is impossible to refine corpse aura and death energy without limit.

If you want to reach the level of the 10,000-year-old corpse puppet, you must use the secret method to let more corpse gas and death gas into the body of the corpse puppet.

Without a strong enough secret technique, no matter how many resources you have, you cannot smash a corpse into a thousand-year-old corpse.

Divine Sovereign's voice sounded again: "How the 10,000-year corpse puppet came to be has nothing to do with you.

You only need to know that this ten thousand year corpse puppet is specially designed to deal with the golden furnace. "

After all, the Wannian Corpse Puppet turned into a black light and flew towards the golden furnace.

The golden furnace is not good at speed, and this black light is extremely fast.

After a while, the golden furnace was overtaken by the Wannian Corpse Puppet.

The Wannian Corpse Puppet sledgehammer swung out again, smashing heavily on the golden furnace, and the entire furnace was smashed for hundreds of miles.

The Heavenly Bow Divine Sovereign hiding in the furnace was already hard to resist at this time.

He coughed a few times, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

God Sovereign Tiangong is the youngest late-stage cultivator in the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World, and he is less than 3,000 years old now.

This little injury, of course, is nothing.

But the Wannian Corpse Puppet is famous for its strong endurance, and if it smashes down with a hammer, ten lives are not enough to lose.

At this time, he was already unable to protect himself, let alone save the Earth Splitting God Monarch.

"Old man with a broken soul, it's too much to deceive people.

You Yuheng Sword Sect gained a lot of inheritance by relying on the traitors of Yuling Sect.

But my Tianshu Sect has not achieved nothing over the years. "

The Wannian Corpse Puppet, holding a sledgehammer, came to the golden furnace again.

At this time, a gap was exposed in the golden furnace.

A black light flew out from the furnace, facing the sledgehammer of the Wannian Corpse Puppet.

The sound of gold and iron clashing came, and the black light flew out and smashed on the golden furnace.

However, with this black light escape buffer, the golden furnace did not suffer much damage.

Divine Sovereign's voice came again: "Unexpectedly, Tianshu Sect also has the method of sacrificing and refining the corpse puppet for ten thousand years.

It's just that this corpse puppet has not been refined enough, and there is still a big gap between the real 10,000-year corpse puppet.

Moreover, the method of sacrifice and refining is not quite right, and it is extremely rare to be able to reach such a level. "

Tiangong Shenjun smiled and said: "It is incomparable with Yuheng Jianzong, our Tianshuzong does not have the elders of Yulingzong to join.

The method of sacrificing and refining obtained is only a fragment.

It is really difficult to make a real 10,000-year-old corpse puppet. "

Before he finished speaking, another black light flew out, rushing towards the Wannian Corpse Puppet.

The two corpse puppets attacked the Wannian corpse puppet. Even though the Wannian corpse puppet was extremely powerful, it was suppressed for a while.

The two corpse puppets released by the Heavenly Bow God were both holding big axes.

Broken Soul Divine Sovereign said in surprise: "Tianshu Zong is so cruel, he actually refined his own ancestors into corpse puppets.

These two should be the Golden Axe God and the Kaishan God who sat down more than 2,000 years ago. They were also the helms of the Tianshu Sect.

This golden axe **** is still your uncle, but I didn't expect it to be made into a corpse puppet by you. "

Tiangong Shenjun smiled sadly: "It's also a helpless move, my Tianshu sect is close to the southern sea.

Once the Seven Star Alliance and the blood shark thieves go to war, the first unlucky one is my Tianshu Sect.

In order to protect himself, he had to refine corpse puppets to enhance the sect's heritage.

It's just that my Tianshu sect has no ready-made ten thousand-year corpse puppets, nor a perfect method of sacrificing and refining, so I can only work on materials.

I, Tianshu Sect cultivator, are all proficient in the way of refining the body, and the flesh and blood are far beyond ordinary people.

It is also suitable for refining corpse puppets.

When the elders in the sect were about to sit down, they also voluntarily took this step. "

At this moment, the corpse puppet holding the mountain-opening axe waved the big axe to repel the ten thousand year corpse puppet.

Then, a large bell appeared in the empty hand.

The corpse puppet holding the golden axe took the opportunity to attack and dragged the Wannian corpse puppet.

The big bell fell from the sky, directly covering the Wannian Corpse Puppet.


The big bell made a harsh sound, and the whole big bell was shaking violently.

This is the Wannian Corpse Puppet constantly hitting the bell, trying to break it out.

The corpse puppet holding a mountain axe keeps forming seals in his hand.

Soon, a pattern condensed by the power of divine consciousness and death energy appeared out of thin air and landed on the big bell.

The sound caused by the Wannian Corpse Puppet suddenly decreased, and the big bell no longer trembled.

At this time, the Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul was a little uncertain: "The corpse puppet is intelligent, even if it is refined into a clone, it can cast various spells, but it is not a living thing after all.

It is impossible for the corpse to do such a complicated handprint.

This corpse puppet is not right, I am afraid that there is no ghost repair hidden in the body. "

The corpse puppet holding a mountain axe laughed: "Brother Broken Soul, you haven't seen each other for more than two thousand years, but you have made progress.

The cultivation base has broken through to the late stage of God Transformation, but his eyesight has not increased at all.

It took so long to find out that it was wrong. "

Divine Sovereign's figure appeared more than 300 miles away from the golden furnace: "Tianshu Sect really made a fortune in silence. Not only does he have the ability to cultivate ten thousand years of corpse puppets, but he can even create ghost cultivators. I really admire it."

Kaishan Shenjun said with a smile: "Little friend Broken Soul is joking, but he got some superficial inheritance from the ancient monks.

After the careful study of countless people, I finally achieved something.

The flesh turns into a corpse, and the soul turns into a ghost. "

In front of the big forces, this method is not a strange thing at all.

In the Valley of Myriad Beasts in Beiyuan, there are several fleshly bodies turned into corpses, and their souls turned into ghost cultivators.

On the side of Qixinghai Xiu Xianjie, the vice suzerain Han Xing Shenjun of the Divine Refinement Sect is also in this state.

The Yuheng Sword Sect did not know the clues of this technique, and only felt that it was unfathomable.

The Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul showed his stature and his face was extremely serious: "It's a good method, my Yuheng Sword Sect can't match it."

After all, a gray long sword suddenly appeared behind the Kaishan God.

The long sword slashed to the back of the head of the Kaishan God, and the Kaishan God hurriedly adjusted his body, avoiding the blow dangerously and dangerously.

If it failed to hit, the gray fog sword did not continue to entangle, but disappeared instantly.

"You little guy, two thousand years later, you still like sneak attacks so much."

There was a smile on the face of the Divine Sovereign: "As expected, this method also has No matter how strong the puppet is, it can't be compared with the real body and soul.

Since there is a soul, then my sword of the God of Soul Breaking will be useful. "

The name of Duanhun Shenjun comes from Duanhun Kendo.

A sword is cut out, and the soul is hard to survive.

Although ghost repairs are special, their essence is still a soul body.

Flesh and soul are interdependent. Ghost Xiu has no living body as a barrier. Once attacked by divine consciousness, it must be seriously damaged.

But this corpse puppet is extremely powerful, and it will not be able to take them down for a while.

When Soul Broken Divine Sovereign was entangled, a long smile came from a distance: "The old ghost who split the ground is really powerful enough, and the person buried in the grave to the neck is still so difficult to deal with."

The person who came was Duanhai Divine Monarch, who had been fighting with Earth Splitting Divine Monarch before, and now he returned alone, but he did not see Earth Splitting Divine Monarch.

The God of Heavenly Bow asked, "Where is my uncle?"

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