Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1197: Blue fresh water

If the Earth Splitting Divine Sovereign is cold, there is no need to fight the Tianshu Sect.

Tianshuzong's biggest reliance is the golden furnace.

Back then, the golden furnace instantly killed a middle-stage cultivator, shocking everyone.

Later, Tiangong God, Earth Splitting God, and Wen Xuanhai, the three late-stage cultivators of God Transformation, joined forces to face the Mo Jiao God who was holding a golden furnace, but they only had the upper hand and could not keep him.

On Jade Phoenix Island, God Monarch Mo Jiao relied on the golden furnace to force the siege of six late-stage cultivators of God Transformation.

The Tianshu Sect tore up the covenant, and everyone was pretending to be deaf.

To put it bluntly, it is to fear the power of the golden furnace.

Now the God of Heavenly Bow is holding a golden furnace, and he can't win a Soul-breaking God.

Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul plus a Ten Thousand Years Corpse Puppet can completely suppress Heavenly Bow God Sovereign, and he has to expose his trump card to save his life.

In this battle, all the weaknesses of the Golden Furnace were exposed.

As long as you keep a distance of more than 200 miles from the Golden Furnace, the Golden Furnace can only defend.

Moreover, as long as you can find a person with an extremely strong body, you can also repel the golden furnace head-on.

Not many human monks can do this, but corpse refining can.

Especially the corpse refined from the corpses of monsters, although the means of response are a little worse, but the physical strength is extremely terrifying.

In the future, everyone will no longer take the golden stove in their eyes.

Tianshu Sect tore up the covenant and was unable to expand.

I am afraid that other forces in the Seven Star Alliance will join forces to completely destroy the Tianshu Sect.

The Tianshu Sect has quite a lot of wealth, and a Tianshu Island can be ranked in the top three in terms of area and resources in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

Coupled with Yuhuang Island and Turtle Shell Island, as well as the industries on other islands, this is a big piece of fat.

If you have committed public anger and do not have enough strength, you can only be slaughtered by others.

The Sea Divine Monarch sneered: "Old Earthshatter's strength is really good, if he were a few hundred years younger, he would really be able to fight with me and lose both.

It is a pity that he is too old, and there is not much life left.

Fight a few tricks with me, and the hidden injury will have a tendency to explode.

He dared not fight again, and resorted to some means to escape.

If you go back now, you may still have time to say goodbye to him.

Unfortunately, in the current situation, if you want to escape, it may not be so easy. "

Before he finished speaking, an old voice sounded: "Old Ghost Duanhai, you still can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth.

Before, I was just worried about the outbreak of a secret injury, and I didn't dare to use all my strength.

If I really do my best, I can replace you before I sit down. "

The Earth Splitter God Sovereign descended from the sky and landed beside the golden furnace.

"Tian Gong, what's going on?

With the golden furnace in hand, still can't take down a broken soul?

Even a ten thousand year corpse puppet can be subdued with a golden furnace. "

God Sovereign Tiangong sighed: "The magical powers of the old ghost of broken soul are too strange, as long as I show up, I will be attacked by him.

In desperation, he had to hide in the golden furnace to protect himself.

This ten thousand year corpse puppet hidden by Yuheng Jianzong is just the means to restrain the golden furnace.

The old ghost of broken soul and this ten thousand year corpse puppet have joined forces, and I have a problem with self-protection, so I can only let go. "

His natal arrow is extremely powerful, and very few people can catch it.

The means of the Soul Breaking God Sovereign, however, can overcome the Heavenly Bow God Sovereign.

He directly turned into gray smoke. No matter how strong the means of the God of the Sky Bow were, even if no one could be found, how could he hurt him?

You can only hide your body in the golden furnace to protect yourself.

Unexpectedly, another ten thousand year corpse puppet with power far exceeding the late stage cultivator of God Transformation came out.

After all, the golden furnace is an alchemy furnace. Its main function is not to fight the enemy, and its ability to actively collect people is not strong.

Dealing with the late-stage cultivators of God Transformation is a bit difficult, not to mention the golden furnace.

Even if it flew over to suppress the Wannian Corpse Puppet, it would be smashed by a hammer.

If you want to subdue him, unless someone can temporarily suppress him, and then enter the golden furnace.

As long as you enter the golden furnace, the monks below Mahayana will not be able to get out at all.

But the Soul Breaker God and the Wannian Corpse Puppet, one restrains the Heavenly Bow God, and the other restrains the Golden Furnace.

Under the joint efforts, the Heavenly Bow God Sovereign was suppressed to the death.

The Earth Shattering Divine Sovereign was furious when he heard the words: "Old Ghost Broken Soul, there is such a thing as a ten thousand year corpse puppet, why didn't you take it out when dealing with the blood shark thieves before?

Now to deal with my Tianshu Sect, I am willing to pay for it. "

Divine Soul Broken Soul sneered: "Isn't that the case with your Tianshu Sect? This corpse puppet and ghost repair are not bad.

Like a corpse puppet, its physical strength is extremely high, and it can use extremely complex means. Its combat power is not much worse than that of the ten thousand year corpse puppet.

If you were willing to take it out at the beginning, it would be easy to take down the blood shark thief, and there was no need to invite the Wang family and the Wen family to end. "

The Earth Shattering Divine Sovereign was stunned when he heard the words, it was everyone's business to deal with the blood shark thieves before.

If you win, everyone will share the spoils, and if you lose, everyone will suffer together, and no one is willing to contribute more.

Now that he is fighting the world for his own sake, he naturally shakes off how much he has.

The reason for his own loss comes first, and where Yuheng Jianzong is excessive, his own is even more excessive.

The commanding heights of morality cannot stand on their own, and they can only play hard.

"Soul-broken old ghost, let's not play tricks.

The two survive and die in this battle. "

Seeing that he was about to make a move, Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul once again turned into gray fog and disappeared without a trace.

The Earth Shattering Divine Sovereign's expression changed slightly, the method of the Soul Breaking Divine Sovereign was too powerful for the restraint of the body-refining cultivator.

The Kaishan Divine Monarch, who was fighting with the Wannian Corpse Puppet before, smiled and said, "Nephew Earthshatter, don't worry, although Divine Monarch Broken Soul's methods are strange, it is not impossible for us ghost cultivators to deal with.

You think of a way to hold back this ten thousand year corpse puppet, and I will clean up the broken soul boy.

Your physical condition is not good now, let the golden axe take the lead, and you will be on the side. "

The Earth Shattering Divine Sovereign cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, uncle, the disciple is still waiting to turn into a ghost cultivator in the future. I will accompany you. It will be fine."

After all, he carried the big axe and entangled the Wannian Corpse Puppet with the Golden Axe God.

Kaishan Shenjun put away the big axe, and his ten fingers fly like flying, not counting the complicated handprints.

A corpse puppet, whose fingers can be so flexible, is really incredible.

Soon, a gloomy wind blew around.

From time to time, gray smoke appeared around, and then loomed again.

Seeing that Kaishan Shenjun's methods can really affect the magical powers of his junior and junior brothers, Duanhai Shenjun will naturally not sit idly by.

Take a jade bottle from the sleeve of the robe, and the jade bottle is filled with sky blue water.

Broken Sea God Jun put his sword fingers together with his right hand, and took out a drop of sky blue water.

With a wave of his hand, sky blue water droplets flew into the air and instantly turned into a dark cloud.

This dark cloud gathers the water spirit energy from all directions and expands rapidly.

The whole body of Duan Hai Shenjun was enveloped by a mysterious power of the water system law, and the power of this law was continuously injected into the dark clouds.

The golden axe **** stunned for a moment: "Qingming real water? Qingming old ghost has thought about it all his life, but he has not been able to get it, but you have actually let your kid get it.

Tiangong, use your golden furnace to put away these dark clouds.

This Qingming True Water is the spiritual water condensed by the clear air of the sky and the essence of rain and dew.

As long as you take a drop of spiritual spring water derived from spiritual water and activate it with the magical power of controlling water, you can call the wind and call the rain, and even drive thunder and electricity. Its power is not inferior to that of the real dragon.

If we let it grow bigger, we may not be able to retreat today. "

It is not too unusual to call the wind and call the rain supernatural power. The water dragon bloodline dragon species with relatively pure blood can be displayed after training to the fifth rank.

It's just that the initial power of calling the wind and calling the rain is very general.

Just like the Molong and Wang Minglong raised by Wang Daoyuan, the magical powers they used to call the wind and call the rain did not have much lethal power in themselves.

But to practice deep, calling the wind and calling the rain magical power is also an extremely terrifying means of fighting the enemy.

Every drop of rain is a powerful weapon.

The already powerful wind and thunder, with the blessing of supernatural powers, will only become more terrifying.

Heavenly Bow God Sovereign did not dare to neglect, and controlled the golden furnace to fly up, facing the clouds of Qingming True Water.

He himself rose up against the wind, pouring massive amounts of spiritual power into the golden furnace.

With the supplement of spiritual power, the golden furnace trembled slightly.

The furnace cover flew high, and the furnace body began to extract the water spirit in the dark clouds.

There was greed in the eyes of the God of Heavenly Bow. He was also a water cultivator. Although his magical powers were not completely water-repelling magical powers, they were also related to water-repelling magical powers.

If you can get this Qingming True Water, you can also drive freely.

Moreover, all of his skills are on this blue sea glazed bow.

Refining the Qingming True Water into the Bihai Glass Bow, when the arrow is fired, it will be violent storms, lightning and thunder.

Although the power of the Golden Furnace is not strong, the Qingming True Water has turned into a dark cloud, and the power is too scattered.

There is really a lot of power that was siphoned away by the golden furnace.

God Sovereign Tiangong urged the golden furnace with all his strength, and God Sovereign Broken Sea also injected a large amount of the power of the water attribute law into the dark clouds.

The two sides have reached a state of equilibrium, the speed at which the golden furnace absorbs spiritual power is comparable to the speed at which the dark clouds gather spiritual power.

The whole dark cloud couldn't continue to expand, and the golden furnace couldn't make it shrink, and the two were deadlocked there.

At this time, the magic of Kaishan Shenjun has been fully exerted.

A cloudy wind blew, and the gray mist that the Soul Broken Divine Sovereign had transformed continued to emerge.

Then, under the wind blowing, it was continuously consumed.

Kaishan Shenjun also sacrificed an animal skin pocket, which looked unremarkable, and even had a few patches.

But it is not a common product. As soon as the pocket appears, it violently devours the gray fog.

The Soul Broken Divine Sovereign could no longer hide, and a large amount of gray fog condensed together and re-formed the appearance of the Divine Soul Broken Sovereign.

However, about 30% of the gray fog was swallowed by the animal skin pocket.

Divine Sovereign, who was condensed by the gray fog, looked a little pale.

His eyes were also dull and dull, as if he hadn't woken up.

Kaishan Shenjun sneered: "Soul Broken boy, your means of transforming into soul fog is indeed extraordinary.

The original inheritance of my Tianshu Sect really can't take you down.

When I heard that you have such magical powers, I wanted to make a magic weapon to restrain you.

It took more than a thousand years of hard work to finally refine this soul-repelling bag.

I take away 30% of the gray fog you turned into, and you will definitely lose 30% of your own spirit and true essence.

If you don't retreat and recover for ten or eight years, I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover. "

The Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul looked even worse, and the gray mist was the result of his body.

If a part is taken away, it is equivalent to losing a part of oneself.

Although the limbs are healthy, the loss of true essence and spirit is real.

Fortunately, the soul is hidden deep, once the soul is taken away, it is easy to become a fool.

He looked at the pocket of Kaishan Shenjun, and said coldly: "You old thief really didn't live in vain, you came up with such a sinister magic weapon."

Having said that, he looked up at his senior brother Duanhai Shenjun.

At this time, the situation of Duanhai Shenjun is not optimistic.

He tried his best to mobilize the spiritual spring water produced by that drop of Qingming True Water, and wanted to use it to display the magical power of calling for wind and rain.

But the dark clouds were suppressed by the golden furnace and could not grow to a sufficient scale.

Although it is now deadlocked, he is using the power of his own laws to motivate.

On the side of the Heavenly Bow God, the golden furnace was used to absorb it.

Although the golden furnace has many weaknesses, it was once a seventh-order magic weapon.

A middle-stage cultivator of God Transformation was refined to death and absorbed all of his spiritual power, but there was no response.

The Spiritual Power of the Sea God Monarch is exhausted, and it is impossible to fill the golden furnace.

Continue to consume, and he will surely die.

Divine Sovereign of Soul Broken was severely damaged, and his foundation was somewhat damaged, so God Sovereign of Sea Broken Sea was restrained.

If the battle situation cannot be reversed, Yuheng Sword Sect will be completely gone.

Sea God Lord Duanhai shouted: "Junior Brother Duanhun, it's time to make a decision."

Divine Lord Broken Soul sighed: "This is the end of the matter, and we can only take out all the family."

After that, he flicked the Qiankun Ring with his right hand, and five figures appeared out of thin air.

These five paths are all dressed in the standard Taoist robes of Yuheng Jianzong, holding a long sword.

However, they are not people, but puppets.

"The 10,000-year-old corpse puppet of Yulingzong is powerful, but the puppet technique is also unique in the Seven Stars Sea Cultivation Realm.

The elder who took refuge in my Yuheng Sword Sect at the time was proficient in puppet art.

My Yuheng Sword Sect has been studying puppet art for more than 7,000 years, and I have finally made some achievements.

I want to see if it is Tianshu Zong's innocuous thing, or my Yuheng Sword Zong's puppet is powerful. "

Before he finished speaking, the five puppets attacked the Earthshattering God and the Golden Axe God, who were entangled in the corpse puppets of ten thousand years.

Ten Thousand Years Corpse Puppet can restrain the Golden Furnace. Only when it gets rid of the entanglement can it restrain the Golden Furnace.

In this way, the Sea Divine Sovereign's call for wind and rain can be displayed.

As soon as the five puppets came out, the Earth Shattering God and the Heavenly Bow God were a little flustered.

But the Earth Splitting God King still refused to admit defeat: "The puppet of the Yuling Sect, that's what happened.

In terms of fighting strength, it is indeed not weak.

But compared to the monks of the same level, it is almost meaningless.

Especially the consumption of spiritual power is extremely terrifying.

Even if it is activated with the best spirit stone, it can last for about an hour at most.

As long as we can survive an hour, Yuheng Jianzong will surely die.

The two uncles, protect the Tiangong and see who can't hold it first. "

The three immediately got rid of the Wannian Corpse Puppet and came to the side of Tiangong God to help protect the golden furnace.

Divine Sovereign Broken Soul sneered: "When death is imminent, you still dare to brag. UU Reading

With a few of you, wanting to hold on for an hour is wishful thinking! "

The five sword puppets are exactly the same, and the long swords in their hands are exactly the same, but they exude completely different spiritual powers.

These five long swords belong to the five elements.

The five sword puppets surrounded Tiangong Shenjun and others, and the five long swords screamed in unison, and the breath was faintly connected.

Kaishan Shenjun's voice trembled a little: "Joint fencing formation?"

The formations in the Immortal Cultivation Realm are not the only ones that are laid out.

There is also a method that uses people as the eye. Several monks practice certain related exercises or spells, or hold related instruments.

When fighting the enemy together, the effect of the formation can be produced, and the power is multiplied.

However, this type of formation does not involve formation patterns, and is sometimes not classified as a formation or the like.

In order to distinguish it from other formations, this method is called "joint strike technique".

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