Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1203: condition

Remember [New] for a second,! Wang Daoyuan had previously determined from the Star Chasing Divine Sovereign that the power of the Five Elements Sword Region was not enough to hurt himself.

Calling the Wind and Calling Rain is powerful, but it is not without a way to deal with it.

As for the Wannian Corpse Puppet, it was easy to win both ends at Zhenhaizong.

Yuheng Jianzong's little ability really can't hurt himself.

It has been decided before that the Wang family and the Wen family will not help each other.

The attitude shown by the Wen family is already biased towards Yuheng Jianzong.

Now, it's time for Wang Daoyuan to perform.

"Fellow Daoist Daoist is right, if you let Yuheng Sword Sect be allowed, Tianji Palace and Tianshu Sect will definitely be defeated.

Yuheng Jianzong is not a good bird. When they fought the blood shark thief on Cyanwood Island before, they concealed the blood puppet.

If it weren't for the blood demons under my command, who had some restraint on the blood puppets, I'm afraid the four of us would not have survived now.

If left alone, Yuheng Jianzong will destroy Tianshu Zong and Tianji Palace, and the four large islands of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, and the southern sea area will all fall into the hands of Yuheng Jianzong.

Kaiyang Sect and Shendan Sect are too weak, so they should go directly to Yuheng Sword Sect.

By that time, the seven large islands plus the southern sea area and Dongming Island would all be under the command of the Jade Heng Sword Sect.

Just relying on my Wang family and Wen family, naturally they are not the opponents of Yuheng Sword Sect. "

Seeing that Wang Daoyuan was willing to help and speak, Jin Yan Shenjun showed a happy expression: "What Wang Daoyou said is very true, the ambition of the wolf son of Yuheng Sword Sect.

At that time, the elders of the Yulingzong took refuge, and now there is the Qingzhu Zhenjun, the blood shark thief.

They should have a lot of inheritance of the Royal Spirit Sect.

The ten thousand year corpse puppet and the sword puppet that can form a five-element sword formation are proofs.

The Yuheng Sword Sect severely damaged the Tianshu Sect, and even the golden furnace was severely damaged, and the general trend has been completed.

If we can't suppress it as soon as possible, we will all be killed.

At that time, Yuheng Sword Sect will become the second Divine Refinement Sect.

The entire Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation Realm is the private property of Yuheng Sword Sect. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded in agreement, and Wen Xuanyan began to sing blackface.

"While what the two fellow Daoists said is reasonable, they can't just say it in vain.

Yuheng Jianzong promised to hand over all the territory south of Yuheng Jianzong to my Wen family and Wang family.

Moreover, before the war, Tianquan Island can be given to both of us. "

Lie Feng Shenjun was stunned, this Jade Heng Sword Sect really dared to promise.

But on second thought, it makes sense.

With the strength of the Yuheng Sword Sect, it is not difficult to suppress the Wen family and the Wang family.

No matter how many benefits are given now, it is impossible for the Wen family and the Wang family to immediately cultivate a large number of masters of divine transformation.

After solving the Tianji Palace and Tianshu Sect, Yuheng Jianzong was sure to clean up the Wen family and the Wang family.

No matter how you promise, you can never keep it.

Yuheng Jianzong can do this, but he does not have this strength.

Although there is a golden furnace in the house, it is now damaged.

Even an intact golden furnace is not invincible.

Before Wang Daoyuan kicked the flying stove cover, Wen Xuanhai's freezing technique, combined with the means of the Heavenly Bow God, could suppress the golden stove.

Although the golden furnace is now in the hands of the God of Heavenly Bow, the God of Heavenly Bow has previously exchanged the refining method of the Bihai Glass Bow to Wang Daoyuan.

Five Spirit Root cultivators can learn any method.

Maybe, a few Bihai Glass Bows have been refined now.

Moreover, Wang Daoyuan's physical body is stronger than Tiangong Shenjun.

Together, the two of them can completely suppress the golden furnace.

If the Wen family and the Wang family demanded cash later, they really dare not refuse to give it.

After all, Tianji Palace doesn't have much friendship with Tianshu Sect.

If Yuheng Sword Sect can be destroyed, Tianshu Sect may be the dominant one.

Dimensity Palace's means of playing balance has always been very strong.

For example, after the blood shark thieves were killed and the spoils were divided, Tianji Palace strongly supported Tianshu Zong to take the golden furnace.

If it weren't for the golden furnace in hand this time, none of the four god-transforming powers of Tianshu Sect would come out alive.

When the time comes to divide the spoils, the Tianji Palace will definitely help the Wen family and the Wang family to suppress the Tianshu Sect.

It seems that Jin Yan Shenjun has been waiting for him to make a promise for a long time.

Tianji Palace has been united with Tianshu Sect, and it is mainly based on Tianshu Sect.

Pulling people in and making a promise is naturally the leader of the alliance.

Lord Lie Feng was silent for a long time, and even Wang Daoyuan's face had a disappointed look on his face.

Jin Yan Shenjun could only open his mouth and said: "Dividing the spoils with Yuheng Jianzong is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger.

Before the decisive battle on Aoki Island, the old ghost of broken soul wanted to calculate the Wen family and the Wang family.

No matter how many promises are made now, they can be denied afterwards.

At that time, will the Wen family and the Wang family still be able to force Yuheng Jianzong into submission? "

Wen Xuanhai sneered: "The Yuheng Sword Sect's methods are certainly not weak, but the foundation of my Wen family's 50,000 years is not for nothing.

Coupled with the endless ice sea, Yuling Sect didn't dare to touch my Wen family back then, what could Yuheng Sword Sect do with us?

Daoyou Wang, you don't have to be afraid, both of us are within the ice field.

Even if Yuheng Jianzong breaks the promise, we are enough to protect ourselves. "

Jinyan Divine Sovereign laughed loudly, until tears came out of his laughter.

Wen Xuanhai was a little puzzled: "Fellow Daoist Jin Yan, why are you laughing?"

Jin Yan Shenjun laughed for a long time before finally stopping: "I laugh at Daoist Wen's short-sightedness, and the ancestors of the Wen family have no eyes."

Wen Xuanyan slapped the table and stood up: "Old ghost Jin Yan, don't forget that this is the territory of my Wen family.

If the two of you are left behind and handed over to Yuheng Sword Sect, you should be able to exchange for a lot of benefits. "

Wang Daoyuan hurriedly persuaded: "Fellow Daoist Wen must not be like this, if you take action against fellow Daoist Jin Yan and fellow Daoist Li Feng, you will be completely on the pirate ship of Yuheng Sword Sect.

At that time, even if Yuheng Jianzong repents, we will no longer be able to join forces with Tianshuzong. "

Wen Xuanhai waved his hand: "Fellow Daoist Jin Yan, for the sake of fellow Daoist Wang, I will give you a chance to speak.

If you can't say a Ziwu Maoyou, you can't even think of leaving this place. "

Jin Yan Shenjun smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Wen is really naive, the climate of the extremely cold ice field is indeed a big test for Jin Dan cultivator.

If there is no means of protection, one's life will soon be in danger, but is there still no formation to isolate the cold air on the warship?

The extremely cold sky in the eyes of fellow Daoist Wen is just to let the opponent attack Xuan Iceland and consume more power.

Although the Yuling Sect was strong back then, there were also Tianshu Sect, Tianji Palace, and Yuheng Sword Sect involved.

They didn't deal with Wen Jia, it's not that they couldn't take it.

But it is not worth it to spend so much energy to win the poor place of Xuan Iceland.

When Yuheng Jianzong dominates the seven-star sea area, and there is no one behind it, what is it to consume more spiritual power?

Fellow Daoist Wen only knew that Yulingzong did not dare to move Xuan Iceland, but he did not see the strength of Yuheng Jianzong in the future, which may be far above Yulingzong.

A person at the helm can't even see this, isn't it shortsighted?

The last person at the helm of the Wen family passed on this position to you, wouldn't he have no eye for it? "

Wen Xuanyan's face was still full of anger, but he didn't shout anymore.

Lie Feng Shenjun sighed: "My status in the Tianshu Sect is not too high.

I can't make a decision on what is promised to benefit the Wen family and the Wang family.

According to my guess, Brother Tiangong should not object to handing over Yuheng Island to the Wen and Wang families afterwards. "

Wen Xuanyan looked disdainful: "This price is not a star and a half from Yuheng Sword Sect."

Lie Feng Shenjun sighed: "My Tianshu Sect has lost a lot of strength, even if the golden furnace is intact, I am afraid it will not pose any threat in front of fellow Daoists Wen and Dao Wang.

Under Wang Daoyou, there are also Golden Crow Alien Species, as well as two Demon Clan clones.

The remaining power of Tianshu Sect can be cleaned up by Wang Daoyou's subordinates.

Yuheng Jianzong has the capital to regret later, but Tianshuzong does not have it.

Taking the benefits of Yuheng Sword Sect, it may be repaid with life in the future.

Taking the benefits of my Tianshu Sect is a real benefit. "

Zhou Luan nodded: "Fellow Daoist Liefeng is right. We really can't believe Yuheng Jianzong's promise."

In the previous decisive battle with the blood shark thieves, Zhou Luan's strength was not strong, but now his cultivation base is close to the late stage of God Transformation.

What she said was more important to everyone.

Wen Xuanhai was a little moved: "There is some truth to what you said, I will not pursue your disrespect to my ancestors of the Wen family.

Just wanting my Wen family to help Tianshu Sect is not enough. "

Seeing that Wen Xuanhai was a little relieved, Jin Yan hurriedly asked: "Fellow Daoist Wen, don't beat around the bush any more. If you have any requests, feel free to ask them."

Wen Xuanhai sneered: "I have seen the faces of your forces before.

When dealing with blood shark thieves, all of them are hidden and tucked.

After being robbed by blood sharks once, he pretended not to be the opponents of blood shark thieves and came to beg both of us.

On the battlefield, Yuheng Jianzong still kept an eye out and wanted to kill our two families.

But now? The hidden strength of your Tianshu Sect is stronger than our two.

In the battle of Tianquan Island, the strengths of Tianshu Sect and Yuheng Sword Sect were revealed.

The original family background of Tianji Palace was no worse than Tianshu Sect and Yuheng Sword Sect.

I don't believe it, Tianji Palace has no trump card.

Don't be the one who hides the means and refuses to take it out, and let the two of us go all out.

Both of your two mountain gates have gone through tens of thousands of years of operation, and the Yuheng Sword Sect has made a full effort and can carry it for a few years.

How many years did our family take root in Yinyuan Island? There are not many formations arranged. Once it is announced to join Tianshu Sect, Yuheng Sword Sect will immediately call the door.

If you don't make a move, the two of us will have no chance of winning against Yuheng Sword Sect. "

These three sects, when dealing with the blood shark thieves, Tianshu sect only contributed half of their strength.

The Yuheng Sword Sect is even more exaggerated, hiding the Wannian Corpse Puppet, the Five Elements Sword Domain, and the magical powers of calling the wind and calling the rain.

The Dimensity Palace and the two sects have the same background, and the resources are almost the same.

If it is said that there is no hidden strength, no one will believe it.

Jin Yan Shenjun smiled and said: "My Tianji Palace has not been very strong, but it has more than 30,000 years of heritage, so it's not too much to hide something, right?

Just ask the entire world of immortals, which force does not hide some family background.

It may be that only the Wang Family, a recently established force, has not had time to arrange a follow-up. "

Wang Daoyuan chuckled lightly: "My Wang family has a shallow background, and my husband and wife are only today by chance.

It is naturally incomparable with the power that has lasted for tens of thousands of years. "

Lie Feng Shenjun went on to say: "My Tianshu Sect's backhand who can get on the stage has already been taken out on Tianquan Island.

Fellow Daoist Wen may wish to give you a heartfelt remark, what should the two of us do in order to be willing to fight against the Jade Heng Sword Sect together? "

Wen Xuanhai looked serious: "We need hope of winning."

The complexion of Jin Yan Shenjun changed slightly, and now Yuheng Jianzong has the advantage.

Ten Thousand Years Corpse Puppet, Five Elements Sword Territory, and Calling Wind and Rain Magical Powers, these three trump cards are all very powerful.

The Wannian Corpse Puppet needs a late-stage cultivator to hold it back, and the position of the Five Elements Sword Region and the God-calling Magic Power is still unknown.

If there is no chance of winning, the Wen family and the Wang family think that their lives are too long, so they will go against Yuheng Jianzong.

Jin Yan Shenjun asked: "My junior brother Baibao Shenjun can hold back the corpse puppet for ten thousand years.

Wenjia's ice attribute inheritance is extremely clever, and it must be able to influence the magical powers of calling the wind and calling the rain.

I don't know, Can Daoist Wen hold back the old ghost Duanhai? "

Wen Xuanhai nodded: "If you shoot in a hurry, it's really a little meaningless.

But my Wen family is also a bit wealthy. If I can prepare in advance, it should not be a problem to deal with the magical powers that call for wind and rain. "

A smile appeared on Jin Yan's face again: "In this case, my Tianji Palace can put my words here and hand over the Five Elements Sword Formation to us.

If our Tianji Palace can hold back the Five Elements Sword Formation, the Wen family and Wang family will take action against Yuheng Sword Sect. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Yes, if Tianji Palace has dragged the Five Elements Sword Formation, Yuheng Sword Sect will have nothing to fear."

Wen Xuanhai shook his head: "Just holding on is not enough, it is best to break the Five Elements Sword Formation.

I won't trust you anymore. If you suddenly stop holding on to the Five Elements Sword Formation when we fight, our two families will fall into it. "

God Jinyan was a little embarrassed at this time. God King Tiangong had the golden furnace in hand, and the four monks in the late stage of God Transformation were forced to flee in a panic by the Five Elements Sword Formation.

If you smashed all the property of your own into it, it might be able to hold back the Five Elements Sword Formation.

But wanting to break the formation is completely delusional.

Wen Xuanhai looked like he didn't want to eat hard or soft, and Jin Yan Shenjun put his hope on Wang Daoyuan.

"Friend Wang, Daoist Wen's conditions are really difficult for some strong people.

The Five Elements Sword Formation is very clever, 80% of which are left by the Shenlianzong.

The Heavenly Bow God Lord held the golden furnace, and it was also with the help of the two late-stage combat powers of the gods that UU Kanshu barely escaped.

My family in Tianji Palace is inferior to Tianshu Sect.

What the Tianshu Sect can't do, it's even more impossible for us to do it. "

Wang Daoyuan persuaded and said: "Daoist friend Wen, Daoist friend Jin Yan also makes sense, the root of the five-element sword formation is unknown.

It is really difficult for some strong men to break the Tianji Palace.

Otherwise, relax the conditions a bit.

As long as Tianji Palace can prove that we can hold back the Five Elements Sword Formation, we will agree to take action? "

Wen Xuanhai smiled and said: "Well, I will give Wang Daoyou a face, but I have one condition.

In the battle of Tianquan Island, the two old ghosts, Duanhai and Duanhun, should have been seriously injured.

Calling Wind and Calling Rain magical powers should be difficult to use for the time being.

On the side of Yuheng Sword Sect, only Wannian Corpse Puppet and Five Elements Sword Formation can make a move.

If Tianji Palace now takes action against Yuheng Jianzong and can barely remain unbeaten, we are willing to help Tianshuzong. "

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