Remember [New] for a second,! This request made by Wen Xuanhai is to force Tianji Palace to show off with Yuheng Jianzong now.

This condition is also reasonable. After all, if you want the Lavin family and the Wang family to go into the water, how can you not show your strength?

It's just that it's too difficult to prove one's own strength.

In the battle of Tianquan Island, Yuheng Jianzong consumed a lot.

But it's hard to say how much combat power can be exerted now.

In the event that Sea Lord Broken Sea can still use his magical powers to summon the wind and call the rain, plus the Five Elements Sword Formation and the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Puppet, it would be difficult to do.

There is no golden furnace in Tianji Palace. Once trapped by the Five Elements Sword Array and the Magical Power of Calling Wind and Calling Rain, there is no hope of escaping.

Jin Yan Shenjun was a little embarrassed and looked at Wang Daoyuan.

Of course, Wang Daoyuan also wanted to see with his own eyes how strong this five-element sword formation was.

After all, this sword formation comes from the inheritance of the Sword Prison Divine Sovereign, and that boss can completely abuse the existence of the same rank Star Chasing Divine Sovereign.

If a loose cultivator can achieve this step, his means must not be weak.

"Fellow Daoist Jin Yan, I think what Fellow Daoist Wen said is reasonable.

Tianshu Sect and Tianji Palace want us to deal with Yuheng Sword Sect together, so they must show some sincerity.

It can't be said that you have no means at all on your side, it's all up to us to do it.

If Tianji Palace can hold back the Five Elements Sword Formation, I will definitely persuade the Wen family to deal with Yuheng Sword Sect together with Tianshu Sect. "

Seeing Wang Daoyuan saying so, Jin Yan Shenjun didn't know what to do.

I do have some ideas for dealing with the Five Elements Sword Formation of Yuheng Sword Sect.

But it's hard to say how effective it will be.

If it is unreliable, if you trap your own cultivator in it, it will be all over.

Wang Daoyuan was reluctant to say a good word, and the Wen family was even more inclined to Yuheng Jianzong, and Jin Yan was in a dilemma.

Lie Feng Shenjun on the side came out to smooth the field: "It's hard to say how much combat power is left on Yuheng Jianzong's side.

When the monks of Tianji Palace took action, they were taken by Yuheng Jianzong, and we only had to wait for the dead. "

Wen Xuanhai smiled and said: "Of course I know there is danger, but since I made this request, I naturally have other preparations.

At that time, our family of four cultivators would be hiding in the Gangfeng layer above Tianquan Island.

As long as your Tianji Palace can entangle the Five Elements Sword Formation, we will help.

If the old ghost of Duanhai can still use the magical powers to call the wind and call the rain, the four of us will hold him back, and then return the whole body and return it is not a problem.

If you can't temporarily entangle the Five Elements Sword Formation, or dare not make a move, then why should the two of us help you? "

At this time, Lie Feng Shenjun was also a little moved.

Although Yuheng Sword Sect is strong, its own industry is on the same level as Tianshu Sect and Tianji Palace.

It is already a lot of luck to have the current strength.

It is almost impossible to play more hole cards.

The Wen family and the Wang family took action and held back the magic power.

It is not a problem to hold back the Wannian Corpse Puppet with his current strength.

If Tianji Palace can really block the Five Elements Sword Formation and directly destroy Yuheng Sword Sect, there is also great hope.

After all, the two late-stage cultivators from the Yuheng Sword Sect were both seriously injured before.

If they are exhausted, it is not impossible to consume them to death.

"Senior Jin Yan, if the four fellow Daoists from the Wen family and Wang family can assist you, you don't have to worry about the divine power of the God of the Sea.

Although my Tianshu Sect has suffered heavy losses, it can hold a ten thousand year corpse puppet.

This is a rare opportunity. If you can seize the opportunity, you will severely damage Yuheng Sword Sect.

No matter how bad it is, in the future, it will be equal to Yuheng Jianzong. "

Seeing that Jin Yan Shenjun had difficulty making a decision, Wen Xuanhai said coldly, "If Tianji Palace doesn't dare to take any risk, then let's not talk about joining forces.

In the endless ice sea, there are many unknown secret realms, some of which can be used by ordinary people.

Our Wen family and Wang family can arrange for the clan to move in at any time.

In the future, the Jade Heng Sword Sect will unify the Qixinghai Immortal Realm. "

Wen Xuanhai even thought about the way back, maybe he was really prepared.

If Yuheng Jianzong wants to make a move, it is absolutely impossible to take the Wen family and Wang family first.

Tianji Palace is the closest to the site of Yuheng Sword Sect. When they take Tianquan Island and continue to expand south, Tianji Palace will bear the brunt.

The real foundation of the Wen family and the Wang family lies in the endless sea of ​​ice.

After Yuheng Jianzong swept the seven-star sea area, it was necessary to integrate resources and recuperate.

When you have enough strength, you will have to clean up the Ten Thousand Demons Sect on the Ten Thousand Demon Islands before you dare to free up your hands to deal with the Wen family and the Wang family.

This process may take thousands of years.

The Wen family and the Wang family were the least anxious, but Tianji Palace had to be in a hurry.

Jin Yan Shenjun gritted his teeth and could only say: "My Tianji Palace is willing to give it a try."

Now everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Tianji Palace is willing to try, there is a chance to reach cooperation.

Wen Xuanhai said with a smile: "The Tianji Palace is willing to take action, my Wen family finally got the place to stay in Yinyuan Island, and I don't want to give up easily.

Just to deal with Yuheng Jianzong, it is still early.

The Old Ghost of Broken Sea had spent the last time with the Golden Furnace recklessly, so the loss of True Essence must not be small.

If he shoots as soon as possible, his magical powers may not be able to exert too much power.

If we wait for him to recover, even if we can win Yuheng Sword Sect, we will lose a lot. "

Jin Yan Shenjun nodded: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Wen, the old ghost of Duanhai has recovered, and my Tianji Palace is the first to be unlucky.

I'm even more anxious than you about this matter. When I go back, I will discuss it with Junior Brother Baibao to determine the time to take action.

Within half a year, we will definitely give you an answer. "

Half a year, you can still wait.

If the spiritual cultivator is injured, the recovery speed will be very fast.

Even if there is no healing medicine, it can recover in a short time.

But if there is too much loss of true essence, it will not be able to recover in a short time.

More than half a year and a half a year, the difference is not big.

Wen Xuanhai looked worried: "When the Seven Star Alliance was still in the decisive battle with the blood shark pirates, we used to explore the secret realm of Qizhen Island together.

At that time, they encountered a powerful enemy in the secret realm, and each family suffered heavy losses.

However, I still got some Purple Jade Dragon Ginseng, and Divine Soul Broken Soul got four high-year-old ones.

When Xuan Yan escaped from the secret realm, he broke an arm.

After taking a high-year-old purple jade dragon ginseng, not only did the broken arm recover, but even the dark wounds accumulated over the years also recovered.

If Yuheng Jianzong is willing to take out the purple jade dragon ginseng to heal the wound, I am afraid that Duanhai Shenjun has returned to his peak state now. "

Zhenjun Lifeng shook his head: "Don't worry about this, when I went to explore the secret realm, my brother Tulong from Tianshu Sect was also involved.

It is a pity that Senior Brother Tu Long was damaged in the secret realm.

At that time, the blood shark robbery trend was large, and the old ghost of the broken soul divided two high-year purple jade dragon ginseng for the internal unity of the Seven Star Alliance.

In the hands of Yuheng Jianzong, there should only be two high-year purple jade dragon ginseng.

Both the Soul Broken Old Ghost and the Broken Sea Old Ghost are not people who are willing to sit still.

This purple jade dragon ginseng is helpful for breaking through the Mahayana realm, and it naturally has an excellent effect from breaking through to the peak in the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

I guess they will keep the Purple Jade Dragon Ginseng and use it later when they are ready to break through to the peak of God Transformation.

Now that the Yuheng Sword Sect wins the ticket, how can it easily waste the opportunity to break through to heal?

As long as the Wen family and Wang family can show goodwill to Yuheng Jianzong, so that they don't worry about your two defections, the two old ghosts will never make this decision. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Well, my Wang family and Wen family will find a way to paralyze the Jade Heng Sword Sect."

Jin Yan Shenjun smiled and said: "That's good, let's go back now and prepare to attack the industry of Yuheng Sword Sect and force these two old ghosts to take action."

Everyone was polite, and Zhenjun Liefeng and Jinyan Shenjun left.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "It is said that you are resourceful and resourceful, but now it seems that his reputation is well-deserved.

Let Tianji Palace take the lead first, and explore the reality of the Five Elements Sword Formation for us.

I can also have a deeper understanding of this sword formation while watching it.

Even if this sword formation is too clever, I won't be able to break it for a while.

The two of us can also temporarily retreat behind the scenes, and when I break through the late stage of God Transformation, my strength will advance by leaps and bounds, and I am not afraid that I will not be able to break this sword formation. "

Wen Xuanhai waved his hand: "Young Daoyou Wang has won the prize, and the Tianji Palace also has a plan to let us be dead ghosts.

It's just that the two of us have been staying out of the way, and we can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

They have to pay a huge price for the two of us to end.

When you fooled Hanjian Divine Sovereign before, you always sang a black face.

Now continue to fool Yuheng Jianzong, leave it to me.

The old ghost of Duanhai is not easy to mess with. If he really takes the Purple Jade Dragon Ginseng and restores his own wear and tear, he may not be weak.

I'd better prepare as soon as possible, lest things come and go, but there's nothing I can do.

I want to go back to Xuan Iceland first, if there is anything, just contact Xuan Yan. "

After negotiating, Wen Xuanhai left this place and rushed back to Xuan Iceland. Wen Xuanyan was also busy with the matter of Yuheng Jianzong.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan did not leave Yinyuanfang City, but continued to live in their own shops.

Two months later, news came from the Tianji Palace that it was ready to attack Yuheng Jianzong at any time, and invited the Wen family and Wang family to take action.

After Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan received the message, they immediately went to the guard house in Yinyuanfang City.

The two brothers, Wen Xuanhai and Wen Xuanyan, have been waiting here for a long time.

Wang Daoyuan asked: "Friend Wen has returned from Xuan Iceland, how are you prepared to deal with the magical powers that call for wind and rain?"

Wen Xuanhai smiled and said, "It's just an ancestral magic weapon, you can just go back and get it, there's nothing to prepare.

Now we can set off and go to Tianquan Island to watch the fun. "

Qixinghai Xiuxianjie's spiritual energy is much stronger than Beiyuan Xiuxianjie, but the corresponding power of Jiutian Gangfeng is also much stronger.

The Lei Peng flying boat that Wang Daoyuan usually rides will not last long in the wind layer.

It is also the sixth-order windbreaker of the Wen family, which is relatively easy to eat in the wind layer.

The four of them hid their figures and flew into the Gangfeng layer.

Afterwards, Wen Xuanhai sacrificed a sixth-order high-grade windbreaker.

"Speaking of which, the earliest function of this windbreaker was to fly in the turbulent layer.

I, a cultivator of the literati, can escape to the Gangfeng layer with the help of a windbreaker if they are not invincible when fighting against others.

Of course, it is also very effective to chase and kill the enemies who have escaped into the Gangfeng layer.

It's just that the Wen family has been in the endless sea of ​​ice, and it can be said that he is a man with his tail between his tails, and he rarely uses this windbreaker.

Today, it is possible to exert the true power of this windbreaker. "

The most special part of the windbreaker is the windbreak ban.

This wind-breaking restriction is so strong that the inheritance of the Valley of Beasts is difficult to compare with.

Now it has the inheritance of Shenlianzong, which is known for refining tools.

The prohibition of all kinds of instruments is better than the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

However, the sixth-order wind-breaking restriction of Shenlianzong is similar to the inheritance level of the Wen family.

It can be seen that the Wen family has not been eating dry rice for tens of thousands of years.

Through his own efforts, he was able to transform a kind of restriction to the point where it was not inferior to the inheritance of the Divine Refinement Sect.

And in the gang wind layer, there are endless gang wind blowing.

Even the top cultivators of Nascent Soul couldn't stay in it for too long.

Moreover, the wind direction of this Gangfeng is very chaotic.

No matter how clever the escape technique, it will be suppressed.

Even some flying instruments will be greatly affected.

And the extremely clever ban on breaking the wind can just weaken the influence of the wind.

After everyone got on the windbreaker, Wen Xuanyan controlled the windbreaker to go southeast.

On the entire broken wind boat, all the restrictions released a faint streamer.

The surrounding violent Gangfeng, before it even touched the windbreaker, was pulled away by a gentle force.

The disturbance of the astral wind is reduced, and the speed of the wind-breaking boat is also extremely fast, which has reached 60,000 miles in an hour.

This speed, below the wind layer, is not a big deal.

Any flying instrument can reach this level.

But in this turbulent layer, even a late-stage cultivator of the wind-attributed God Transformation can fly 20,000 to 30,000 miles in an hour, which is an incredible thing.

The Wen family has such a back-up, no wonder they can stand for tens of thousands of years.

Yinyuan Island is only about 700,000 miles away from Tianquan Island.

A day later, Po Fengzhou came to the sky above Tianquan Island.

Wang Daoyuan sent a letter to Jin Yan Shenjun, and after half an hour, two monks in black robes came to the windbreaker.

These two are no strangers, one is Jin Yan Shenjun, the other is Tiangong Shenjun.

The Heavenly Bow God Sovereign handed over to the four of them: "Thank you to the four fellow Daoists, who are willing to choose to cooperate with us at this time, and jointly deal with the Jade Heng Sword Sect."

Wang Daoyuan had a bold look: "Tiangong Taoist friend, don't be Yuheng Jianzong is domineering and domineering.

If we let them dominate the Seven-Star Sea Cultivation World, our two families will not have a good time.

This shot is not only to help Tianshu Sect and Tianji Palace, but also to protect themselves. "

Wen Xuanhai still said coldly: "Don't be too happy, whether we help you or not depends on the strength of both parties.

I have prepared the means to deal with the magical powers that call for wind and rain.

If you can't hold back the Five Elements Sword Formation, the two of us will leave immediately. "

Jin Yan Shenjun hurriedly smiled and said, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist Wen, although Yuheng Sword Sect is strong, my Tianji Palace has not been a vegetarian for tens of thousands of years.

I have already arranged the manpower. Next, I will provoke a conflict in Bailongling to test the Yuheng Sword Sect.

The two old ghosts, Duanhai and Duanhun, are both insidious and cunning.

Let's go over and stare first, lest they be shameless and take action on the younger generation of our two sects. "

Wen Xuanhai didn't sing the opposite, he controlled the windbreaker, and flew towards Bailongling with Jinyan God and Tiangong God.

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