Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1205: call the wind and call the rain

Po Fengzhou came to the Gangfeng layer directly above Bailongling. Although Gangfeng can block the consciousness, it has no effect on vision.

Everyone used their own hiding methods, but they were not afraid of being discovered by others.

But the Nascent Soul cultivator below, who was controlling the flying warship, naturally couldn't hide from the eyes of the cultivators.

The cultivator of Tianji Palace came to provoke openly, and Yuheng Jianzong did not admit it.

The two sides each came out with more than ten fifth-order flying warships to fight near Bailongling.

At this time, directly below Wang Daoyuan and others, a flying warship of Tianji Palace and a warship of Yuheng Jianzong were fighting together.

The two warships were both top-ranked fifth-order ships, and they were only more than ten miles apart.

The warships of Yuheng Sword Sect are very common, that is, the kind of warships that Wang Daoyuan sold when he did business with other strengths.

But the battleship of Tianji Palace is quite extraordinary.

Whether it is the speed of releasing arrows and spells, as well as the flexibility when turning, it is better.

Although these things may not seem obvious, in actual combat, they can often decide life and death.

The two warships fought one-on-one, and after a quarter of an hour, the Tianji Palace warship had clearly gained the upper hand.

At this time, a monk with a long sword flew out from the Yuheng Jianzong warship.

This man is young, but his aura is extremely powerful.

With a wave of the long sword in his hand, more than ten rays of silver light flew out, pointing directly at the Tianji Palace warship.

The offensive and defensive ability of the flying warship is better than that of the monks of the same level, but after all, it is a big man and is relatively cumbersome.

When facing the enemy, you can only rely on the formation and the hull to carry the attack.

Most of the sword repair methods are known for their speed.

The battleship of the Tianji Palace must be unable to escape the silver light.

The only thing worth looking forward to is whether the warship will break the defense.

However, the next scene left everyone stunned.

While maintaining a high speed of more than 20,000 miles for an hour, the warship made a sharp turn and avoided the silver light.

That Jianxiu was also stunned, he didn't remember to control the spell for a while, and then turned back to attack.

More than a dozen silver lights fell on a boulder without causing any noise.

After a while, the boulder turned into a pile of rubble.

In the broken wind boat, Wen Xuanhai said with a smile: "Tianji Palace is really capable, a warship with a length of more than ten feet can be as flexible as a monk.

When dealing with blood shark thieves, if you can take out this kind of warship.

I am afraid that the warships of the blood shark pirates will not dare to leave Qizhen Island at all. Your Tianji Palace can really hide them. "

Divine Sovereign Jin Yan chuckled lightly: "Some small tricks made all Daoists laugh.

There are not many such warships in my Tianji Palace.

Although the blood shark thief is strong, it is impossible to threaten the families of the Seven Star Alliance forces.

Even the closest Tianshu sect has hidden half of its strength, and our Tianji Palace has hidden some strength, and it is harmless.

However, this junior of Yuheng Sword Sect is not weak.

The power of this sword is enough to kill the top cultivator of Yuan Ying. "

When dealing with blood shark thieves, everyone worked together.

If you don't earn it all, you won't be able to make up for it.

Now is the battle of life and death, if you are not careful, the foundation of the sect will be lost.

At this time, no one dared to stay behind.

This is also human nature, and everyone will no longer hold on to it.

Divine Lord Jin Yan changed the subject, and Wang Daoyuan also continued: "This person is not low in swordsmanship, and he takes the path of killing.

Yuheng Jianzong's sword repair inheritance, that's the same thing.

To be able to cultivate to such a degree, this person's talent is not weak.

Yuheng Jianzong actually sent out this kind of god-turning seed, isn't it afraid that it will be damaged here? "

God Sovereign Tiangong snorted coldly: "When fishing for big fish, you naturally have to put incense bait.

It seems that the two old ghosts, Duanhai and Duanhun, are very confident in their methods.

I want to fish out the god-turning monks of Tianji Palace and weaken the strength of Tianji Palace. "

A golden flame appeared in the hand of Jinyan God: "Since these two old guys like fishing, then I will take the bait.

I just don't know if their hooks can catch my big fish. "

After all, the golden flame quickly shrank and turned into a pinpoint-sized golden light spot.

The scorching aura was also completely hidden, and even with divine sense, it was difficult to find the golden light spot.

Jin Yan Shenjun flipped his palm, and the golden light fell down.

After a while, a golden light spot fell on the sword cultivator.

How could the Primordial Soul cultivator easily discover the methods of the late-stage cultivators of God Transformation?

As soon as he noticed the golden light spot, the light spot turned into a golden flame again, wrapping his whole being.

Without even making a scream, a cultivator with a promising future at the peak of Nascent Soul just disappeared.

After the golden flame burned Jian Xiu to death, he set his sights on the battleship of Yuheng Jianzong again.

More than a dozen flames flew over, and they were about to fall on the warship.

Suddenly, a sea-blue mask appeared on the defensive formation of the warship.

The golden flame hit the sea-blue mask, and it turned into a puff of blue smoke and disappeared.

"Cough cough" a weak voice sounded, "Fellow Daoist Jin Yan has done a bit too much, my Yuheng Sword Sect didn't take action against your Tianji Palace, you just took the initiative to attack us.

Now they are bullying the small and beheading my disciples. "

Divine Sovereign Jin Yan jumped down from the broken wind boat: "Old Ghost Broken Sea, stop talking about those useless things.

Our two sects have been fighting to death for thousands of years. The top cultivator of Yuheng Jianzong Yuanying who died in my hands, I can't count them with both hands, and I don't care if there is one more or one less.

In your hands, there are also many lives of my Tianji Palace Yuanying cultivator.

Your disciple is also a god-turning seedling, just let it out like this, isn't it just to entice my Tianji Palace God-turning cultivator to take action, will you take the opportunity to fight back?

Now that I'm out, come and play against me if you have the ability. "

"I didn't want to do it, but fellow Daoist deceives people too much."

Before he finished speaking, a water-blue long sword descended from the sky and went straight to the door of Jinyan God.

Jin Yan Shenjun did not panic, and the golden light flickered in his hand.

When the long sword came close, he slapped the long sword into the air.

"Duanhai old ghost, don't play with these flowers.

After thousands of years of dealings, how many pounds and how many taels do you have, can I still not know?

Your flying sword is just a pretense, don't take it out in front of me as a shame. "

An old cultivator in a blue robe descended from the sky: "Cough, you really can't play tricks with your old friends.

Fellow Taoist Tiangong, and the old ghost Baibao, you should all come out and show your face.

Jin Yan Shenjun really dare not act wild in front of me. "

Jin Yan Shenjun coldly snorted: "Old Ghost Broken Sea, the two of us have fought more than twenty times, and you only won three more games than me. This is because your water attribute restrains my fire attribute.

Looking at the virtues of your five labors and seven injuries, 80% of the reason is that the loss of true essence is too great, and it has not recovered until now.

If you really want to make a move, you are really not my opponent.

If you want others to come out, you have to show your skills first. "

Before he finished speaking, a large red-gold bell appeared out of thin air.

The right hand of Jinyan Divine Sovereign, wrapped in golden light again, slapped the big bell with a palm.

The red-gold bell trembled violently, but there was no sound.

It was just that the mouth of the bell stirred up a large amount of red-gold vortex, and then countless golden flames spewed out from the mouth of the bell.

The flame merged with the vortex and turned into a golden flame snake.

Wang Daoyuan looked at the means of Jin Yan Shenjun, and said softly: "This red-gold bell refining technique is extremely clever, and it is not like a cultivator who can refine it.

But this big bell is connected with the breath of Daoist Jin Yan, and it should be the natal magic weapon of Daoist Jin Yan.

Could it be that Daoist Jin Yan's tool refining method has reached such a level? "

Wen Xuanhai sneered: "Fellow Daoist Wang, you look down on the old ghost Jin Yan too much.

This red-gold bell is called the Golden Flame Bell.

Back then, the old ghost Jin Yan was looking for an opportunity on the edge of the ancient battlefield, and stumbled upon a place where a Mahayana monk was sitting.

This golden flame bell, and the golden flame he refined, were all found in the place where the Mahayana monks sat.

The original golden flame clock was just a remnant.

The old ghost Jin Yan repaired it and cultivated it for more than two thousand years before it has the power it has today.

If it weren't for his poor refining skills, the power of this golden flame bell would not be under the golden furnace. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded lightly, the ancient battlefield of the Seven Star Sea Xiu Xianjie is not an easy place.

After all, it is related to true immortals. If you can find something related to sincerity, even earth immortals and great masters will be moved.

According to the records of Shenlianzong, there were many Mahayana monks looking for opportunities in the ancient battlefield.

There are also people who have caused serious trouble outside and took refuge in the ancient battlefield.

Most of these people are sitting in ancient battlefields.

When they sit on the ground, they will definitely leave a lot of good things behind.

The broken seventh-order magic weapon of the Golden Flame Bell is not a rare item.

The golden fire snake released by Jin Yanzhong opened its mouth wide and bit towards the Sea God Monarch.

The vortex generated near the golden flame clock before is now in the mouth of the fire snake.

The fire snake opened its mouth wide, and countless auras were drawn into it.

On Tianquan Island, there is a huge sixth-order peak without attribute spiritual vein, and the concentration of spiritual energy is naturally not low.

Moreover, there are also a lot of fire attribute auras.

After swallowing a lot of spiritual energy, the golden fire snake's body soared.

In front of the fiery snake, Duanhai Divine Sovereign was like an ant.

It is definitely not a wise move to carry this kind of spell hard, but the Sea God Monarch has absolutely no intention of dodging.

The blue long sword that had been slapped by Jinyan Shenjun before returned to his hands.

Above the sword body, a layer of light blue mist shrouded it.

Afterwards, the blue mist slowly condensed into a drop of water.

But after seeing this drop of water, the pupils of the **** of the bow shrank: "Qingming real water! The old ghost of the Broken Sea can still display it."

Wang Daoyuan also looked at the water drop, Shenlianzong had records about Qingming True Water, but it was also hearsay.

Back then, the Divine Refinement Sect had also looked for this thing, but unfortunately could not find it.

Wang Daoyuan had only heard of its name, but had never seen it.

This drop of water is extremely ordinary, and to the naked eye, it is no different from the dewdrops in the morning.

Soon, the water droplets slowly flowed on the sword body, wetting the entire sword body.

The golden fire snake had already arrived in front of Duanhai Divine Monarch. He raised the long sword in his hand and slashed towards the fire snake with his sword.


The continuous sound sounded, like a ladle of cold water being poured on the red-hot iron.

Countless white mists rose, entangled with the fire snake.

The golden flame is blessed by the golden flame clock, and its power is quite extraordinary.

Sea Broken Sea God used water attribute means to deal with this golden fire snake, but he was unable to suppress it for a while.

However, as the water mist gradually increased, the golden fire snake gradually became exhausted.

Jin Yan Shenjun was a little unconvinced: "The power of Qingming True Water is really extraordinary, and with the restraint of attributes, it can actually suppress my spiritual fire.

However, I haven't used my real skills yet. "

After all, the golden fire snake escaped from the mist and flew back into the golden flame clock.

The entire golden flame clock was wrapped in flames.

After a while, a golden crow flew out from the mouth of the bell.

The appearance of this Golden Crow is not perfect, the third leg is a bit short, but the power is not weak.

Flame Golden Crow exudes a dazzling golden light all over, and the white mist on the head of the previously stabilized Fire Snake was vulnerable in front of Flame Golden Crow.

After more than ten breaths, the white mist completely dissipated, and the figure of Duanhai Divine Monarch appeared.

In his right hand, he still held the wet blue long sword.

"It's interesting, in the battle of Qingmu Island, the Golden Crow Alien Species of Fellow Daoist Wang shined brightly.

Unexpectedly, you have gained a lot of benefits from it, and you have come to realize the charm of the Golden Crow.

You half-baked pure yang spirit fire has been eroded by the soul fog on the ancient battlefield for an unknown number of years, and the pure yang attribute is almost exhausted.

Now, with the help of Jinwu Shen Yun, it can make up for some deficiencies.

Let your half-hearted spirit fire greatly increase its power.

It's a pity that Friends Wang's Golden Crow's bloodline is not very pure, and there is still a big gap from the real Golden Crow.

You flame golden crow, your power is still insufficient. "

After that, two light blue water droplets appeared on the long sword in his hand.

Afterwards, the two drops of water were evenly smeared on the sword like the previous one.

Broken Sea God Monarch held a long sword and fought with the Flame Golden Crow.

He is a sword cultivator after all, and his kung fu in close combat is still very solid.

On the contrary, it was not long after Jinyan Divine Monarch comprehended the charm of the Golden Crow that he could control the Flame Golden Crow like an arm and a finger.

After fighting for a while, it was Duanhai Shenjun who had the upper hand.

The Flame Golden Crow slowly shrank, and the long sword in Broken Sea God Sovereign's hand continued to emit white mist.

But under the power of the Flame Golden Crow, the white fog disappeared again.

The two struggled for half an hour, but still no winner.

Wen Xuanhai frowned: "It shouldn't be, the old ghost of Duanhai has never liked to be sloppy.

As early as half an hour ago, he had the upper hand.

It doesn't take much effort to win.

But he did not fight for a quick but was fighting with Jin Yan Shenjun.

He used to lose too much real energy, and what he was most afraid of was the war of attrition.

It is clear that he can quickly defeat the Jinyan God, but he chose the most unfavorable war of attrition, 80% of which have other plans.

Fellow Daoist Tiangong, you have played against the old ghost Duanhai before, can you see any problems? "

God Sovereign Tiangong shook his head, and just as he was about to speak, a large water mist appeared out of thin air.

The water mist continued to condense, forming a cloud.

The clouds got thicker and thicker and slowly turned black.

A heavenly power similar to a catastrophe emanated from the clouds.

God Sovereign Tiangong's face changed greatly: "This is the magical power to call the wind and call the rain. The old ghost of the sea used this method before and almost destroyed my golden furnace.

This kind of momentum, I absolutely cannot admit wrong. "

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