Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1211: Sword Domain Break

Remember [New] for a second,! This time, the Sea Divine Sovereign panicked. The last time in the battle on Tianquan Island, the Kaishan Divine Sovereign was still in his own body, and he was able to beat the Soul Broken Divine Sovereign to death.

Now that Kaishan Shenjun has the body of a Mahayana monk, his strength is much stronger than before.

Divine Sovereign faced him alone and had no resistance at all.

In desperation, he could only control the divine power to call the wind and call the rain, and smashed all the power to the Kaishan Divine Sovereign.

In an instant, countless thunders flashed and the wind howled.

The area within a radius of ten miles was surrounded by blue and white lightning, dazzling than the sun.

More than a dozen huge tornadoes surrounded it.

Above the Gangfeng layer, Wen Xuanhai breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, we didn't get ahead before, and it's really terrifying to use all our magical powers.

If I face this supernatural power, I will be turned into ashes in just a moment. "

Wang Daoyuan also nodded: "The Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul has no possibility of surviving, it depends on whether the domain supernatural power of the Kaishan Divine Monarch can't hold up first, or the spiritual power of the divine power to call for wind and rain is exhausted first.

I just don't know the situation in the Five Elements Sword Territory. If the Five Elements Sword Territory can solve the Hundred Treasures Battleship, and then join forces with the God of Wind and Rain, there may be a chance to defeat the Kaishan God.

As it is now, even if it can break the domain of the Kaishan God, the body of the Mahayana monk is not something that can be dealt with by ordinary means. "

Wen Xuanhai was stunned: "This Mahayana cultivator has been dead for an unknown number of years, even if he cultivated to the sky before his death, how much power would he have left over the years?

It is somewhat possible to be able to hold the magical power of calling the wind and calling the rain.

But in this Five Elements Sword Region, even a hundred treasure warships can be easily trapped to death, and it should not be a problem to destroy the corpse of Mahayana, right? "

Wang Daoyuan chuckled lightly: "This Mahayana corpse shows no signs of decay, indicating that it was full of qi and blood before death.

Needless to say, in terms of spiritual power, if it is exhausted, there is no current power.

I estimate that this Mahayana cultivator is the **** of decline in the calamity of the three declines.

He did not survive the calamity of spiritual decline, his spiritual consciousness was completely exhausted, and his primordial spirit dissipated and re-entered the cycle of reincarnation.

Thousands of years of cultivation will be lost in one day.

But the true essence and blood are still preserved in the flesh.

Now that the body is intact, it should still retain some power.

Even if Kaishan Divine Sovereign does not have enough control over the corpse, as long as he can call part of it, it is already very terrifying. "

The current situation of Kaishan Shenjun is like guarding a huge lake, but he has no ability to make full use of the lake water inside.

Only take a bucket and slowly lift the water.

Although there is not much water in one call, it is better than the foundation.

As long as you don't continue to forcibly use magical powers, you can always maintain a very strong strength.

At this moment, there was an obvious change in the Five Elements Sword Formation in the distance.

The five giant swords were shaking violently.

Wen Xuanyan took a breath: "Could it be that the Hundred Treasures Warship is so powerful that it can break through the Five Elements Sword Region?"

Wang Daoyuan is not sure: "It's hard to say, it is also possible that the Baibao warship has been completely abolished, and there is no need to maintain the Five Elements Sword Region."

A moment later, in the northeast direction of the Five Elements Sword Region, a large hole appeared out of thin air.

Then, a huge warship flew out of the hole.

The Lord of Hundred Treasures was still standing at the bow of the boat, but his face was pale now, and blood was still pouring out of his mouth.

Above the warship, there is a basalt phantom.

It's just that the Xuanwu phantom at this time no longer had the divine might before.

The entire phantom is already very dim, as if it will dissipate at any time.

The situation on the ship is also not good.

Those shipboards that have been refined into shield instruments are covered with large and small sword marks.

Many instruments have been completely damaged.

At the beginning, there were more than 300 sixth-rank high-grade instruments on this treasure warship.

Now there are less than 200 instruments of this virtue that can still function normally.

None of the instruments that make up the shell of the warship are intact.

It can be seen that the power of the Five Elements Sword Region is truly extraordinary.

Wang Daoyuan is even more envious of this sword domain.

He is not short of clever instruments, nor is he short of refining materials. It is easy to refine all kinds of sixth-grade high-grade instruments.

There are also a lot of brilliant inheritances, and any inheritance can be used as the core inheritance of a great power.

What he really lacks is the means to exert the real power of the supernatural power field.

Now to use the domain supernatural powers, it is only by virtue of the endless spiritual power to cast multiple spells at the same time.

Before, he wanted to use the Five Elements Divine Thunder to cooperate with the domain supernatural powers.

Unfortunately, only three of the Five Elements Divine Thunder have been collected, and there is still a lack of Yimu Divine Thunder and Gengjin Divine Thunder.

The five elements are incomplete, and the power that can be exerted is very limited.

But the Five Elements Sword Region was different, it was just tailor-made for him.

He is a sword cultivator and has domain supernatural powers.

Sword Domain can not only exert the power of Guiyuan Sword Intent, but also fully mobilize the power of the domain.

If you can get the inheritance of this sword array and improve it, your strength will be greatly improved.

On the other side, Baibao Shenjun looked at the scene in front of him and was a little overwhelmed.

He said to himself, "Could it be that the flow of time in the Sword Region is different from the outside world? How long has it been?"

Kaishan Divine Sovereign and Duanhun Divine Sovereign were wrapped in a dimly lit domain, and the situation inside could not be seen at all from the outside.

Broken Sea God Sovereign is attacking the realm with all his strength, and he has no intention of paying attention to him.

Baibao Shenjun shouted again: "Brother Jin Yan, nephew Tiangong, and friend Wen and Dao Wang, where have you all gone?"

There was still no response, and Baibao Shenjun didn't care about it anymore.

Control the warship and distance yourself from the Five Elements Sword Domain.

From the dragon-hunting crossbow on the bow, a sixth-rank top-grade crossbow arrow was once again released and shot towards Duanhai Shenjun.

Although Duan Hai Shenjun did not want to pay attention to Baibao Shenjun, he did not dare to ignore the power of the Baibao warship.

A thunderbolt fell from the clouds, splitting the crossbow in half.

Angrily scolded: "You old man regards magic tools as his life, and you are willing to explode the iron box of hundreds of treasures and many magic tools.

Baibao old ghost, Tianshu Sect got the body of a Mahayana monk.

Now the soul of the old ghost of Kaishan is controlling the corpse.

The ten thousand year corpse puppet of my Yuheng Sword Sect was also torn apart by him.

Now my junior brother is in his hands, and his life or death is uncertain.

I can only rely on this magical power to temporarily suppress him.

If you want the old ghost to sweep the Seven Stars Sea, continue to fight against me. "

After all, he took out a jade bottle and took out a fist-sized blue water polo from the bottle.

Then, the blue water polo merged into the dark clouds in the sky.

The Lord of Hundred Treasures was stunned for a moment: "Old Ghost Duanhai, you are really willing.

So many spiritual springs of Qingming True Water would need to be collected for thousands of years. "

The Sea God Monarch snorted coldly: "When life and death exist, do you still care so much?

If the King of Kaishan wins today, there will be no future for Yuheng Sword Sect. "

The Lord of Hundred Treasures began to take it seriously: "I can't deal with the body of Mahayana, but I can't deal with the Five Elements Sword Region of your Jade Heng Sword Sect.

It's better for me to keep an eye on the matter between you.

Where are my brothers, and how long have I been in the Sword Region? "

Duan Hai Shenjun said coldly: "If you have some brains, Jin Yan old ghost and Tian Gong child are already dead.

Tianshu Sect sacrificed this Mahayana corpse, and Daoyou Wang and Daoyou Wen did not dare to mix, so they left together. "

The Lord of Hundred Treasures was full of anger, Tianshu Sect was not sure to kill Yuheng Sword Sect, and it was impossible to deal with allies first.

Therefore, Jinyan Divine Sovereign must have died in the hands of Duanhai Divine Sovereign.

But in this situation, the first thing to consider is the life and death of Tianji Palace, not revenge.

After he breathed for a while, he said angrily: "No matter who wins or loses, Yuheng Jianzong or Tianshuzong, I will seek revenge for you."

Seeing that Baibao Shenjun chose to watch from the sidelines, Duanhai Shenjun also breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how difficult the situation will be in the future, at least you must first overcome the gods who opened the mountain in front of you.

Calling Wind and Calling Rain was supplemented by a large amount of Qingming True Water and Spiritual Spring, and the clouds expanded instantly.

More thunder continued to fall from the clouds, and the radius of a hundred miles was shrouded in thunder.

Soon, the Five Elements Sword Region in the distance changed.

The five giant swords gradually shrank, becoming the size of a normal long sword.

The figures of the five puppets also reappeared, and one of the puppets made a strange voice: "Senior brother, my body is already dead, and now I can still rely on the split soul in the puppet to reluctantly cast the five-element sword formation.

Don't have any more scruples, go all out to kill the old ghost. "

Broken Sea God Sovereign couldn't care about his grief and began to accumulate strength.

The dark clouds in the air churned violently, constantly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy.

But instead of expanding the scope of this dark cloud, it is rapidly shrinking.

Kaishan Shenjun did not sit still, the secret realm shrouded in khaki was now rushing towards Duanhai Shenjun.

Broken Sea God Sovereign kept dodging while controlling the dark clouds.

After more than ten breaths, the dark cloud only has a radius of more than ten miles, and the blue thunder light is constantly flashing in the cloud.

Afterwards, countless thunder lights converged to form a blue-white Thunder Dragon.

Thunder Dragon held his head high and flicked his tail, constantly swimming in the clouds.

It only took a few breaths to swallow the entire dark cloud into his stomach.

The dark clouds disappeared, and Thunder Dragon flew straight at the Mountain God.

Entering the realm, the original yellow realm shone with blue-white light.

The roar of the corpse, the howl of the ghost cultivator, the sound of thunderbolts, and the loud roar of the dragon resounded through the sky.

After tossing for more than a hundred breaths, there was a loud bang, and the field was violent.

At this point, the Thunder Dragon had completely disappeared.

Within the range shrouded in the domain, a deep pit with a radius of ten miles appeared.

The pit was full of charred blackness, and in the center lay a charred corpse.

Duan Hai Shenjun breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally, the old ghost of Kaishan is sent away."

Before he finished speaking, the charred corpse at the bottom of the pit flew up.

An old and weak voice came: "Xiao Duanhai, with your ability, you are still far from being able to deal with me.

Today, let you see the strength of the Mahayana monks. "

In order to mobilize the divine power to summon the wind and call the rain, the God of the Sea Broken Sea has exhausted his strength.

He took out a purple jade-like medicinal pill and took it, and his spiritual power quickly recovered.

Kaishan Shenjun was a little puzzled: "Ziyu Huitian Pill, the elixir refined by Ziyu Dragon Ginseng, you are really willing.

A high-year-old Purple Jade Dragon Ginseng can only refine two Purple Jade Huitian Pills at most.

Your brothers and sisters were able to recover from their injuries so quickly, you should have taken one before.

To be able to take out the third Purple Jade Huitian Pill, it should be made by refining two Purple Jade Dragon Ginseng into medicinal pills.

In order to deal with my Tianshu Sect, I gave up the opportunity to break through the peak of God Transformation. "

Purple jade dragon ginseng is refined into medicinal pills, and the medicinal properties can be better exerted.

But the Dao aggregate contained in it will be completely consumed.

It has been refined into a healing medicine, and it does not have the effect of assisting in breaking through the peak of God Transformation.

Duan Hai Shenjun smiled and said, "Who said that my Jade Heng Sword Sect only has two high-year-old Purple Jade Dragon Ginseng?

When we were exploring the secret realm of Qizhen Island, the Dragon Slayer of your Tianshu Sect went in together with my junior brother.

The reason why he didn't escape alive was not because he was besieged in the secret realm, but because he was killed by a sneak attack by my junior brother.

The two purple jade dragon ginseng plants in his hands naturally fell into my hands.

The Dragon Slayer God and the Iron Arm God are extremely talented, and they can break through the late stage of God Transformation in the future.

If we let them grow up, wouldn't Tianshu Sect ride on the head of my Yuheng Sword Sect?

Now that they are all dead, Tianshu Sect has the hope of breaking through the late stage of the god-turning monk, and there is only one wind.

He is only in the early stage of God Transformation now, and it will take at least a thousand years to break through to the later stage of God Transformation.

As long as you can be replaced today, Tianshu Sect will die. "

Kaishan Shenjun was furious: "My dragon slayer disciple was also damaged in the hands of Yuheng Jianzong?

Today I will wipe out the Jade Heng Sword Sect and avenge my disciple and grandson. "

Before he finished speaking, five streams of light appeared around him.

The five-handed long swords are arranged in five directions, surrounding the Kaishan God.

A puppet shouted: "Senior brother, I'll hold him back, you quickly restore your spiritual power."

The five-handed long sword is about to continue to use the Five Elements Sword Domain, and the God of the Mountain will hold the hand for a while.

A khaki light flew out, knocking a water blue long sword into the air.

The aura on the sword was weak, and it was obvious that the injury was not light.

At this moment, an ice-blue light appeared and caught the water-blue long sword.

Broken Sea God Lord shouted: "Hanjian, you retreat immediately.

This place is too dangerous, your Soul Breaker Master has already died in battle, and it is difficult for me to leave this place.

In the future, Yuheng Sword Sect will be handed over to you. "

Han Jian sighed: "Under the nest, how can there be any eggs?

If he can't take down the old ghost of Kaishan, when he completely controls the body of Mahayana, Yuheng Island's defense will not be able to keep him at all.

Master Broken Soul taught me how to control the sword formation, and my soul-splitting cooperation with Master Broken Soul should be able to trap the old ghost. "

Jian Puppet also said: "Brother Duanhai, Han Jian is right, we have no way out.

If you can't take down the old ghost who opened the mountain, the Yuheng Sword Sect will be destroyed.

Instead of letting Han Jian wait to die on Yuheng Island, it is better to fight to the death.

Now that the water sword has been damaged, it is difficult for UU reading to exert its full strength.

Han Jian, you are an ice-attribute cultivator, similar to the water attribute, so you can help make up for the water sword's insufficiency. "

Han Jian said yes, and brought the water sword to the vicinity of Kaishan Shenjun.

At this time, Kaishan Shenjun was still fighting with the other four long swords.

Duan Hai Shenjun no longer thought about recovering his spiritual power, but instead used his magical powers to fight water and entangled with the Kaishan Shenjun.

With the addition of Shuijian and Hanjian Divine Sovereign, the Five Elements Sword Region was formed very quickly.

Kaishan Shenjun was trapped in the Sword Territory, and Duanhai Shenjun breathed a sigh of relief: "Before, the old ghost of Baibao blew up the Baibao iron box and many magical instruments, and then broke a hole and escaped from the Sword Territory.

I want to see, what means do you rely on to escape from this sword domain. "

Before he finished speaking, a khaki light flashed away.

The five long swords collapsed and scattered everywhere, and the Five Elements Sword Domain was broken.

Kaishan Shenjun held a khaki-yellow Fangtian painting halberd in his hand, and said with a smile: "This sword formation is somewhat interesting, but unfortunately it was not created by the Mahayana monks, and its power is not enough after all."

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