Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1212: 5 Brother Lei Zong

Remember [New] for a second,! The Five Elements Sword Region, which can suppress the golden furnace and destroy the hundred treasure warships, is like a child's play in front of the Kaishan God, and it is easily broken.

Wen Xuanhai paled in shock: "Fellow Daoist Wang, this Mahayana corpse controlled by the old ghost Kaishan is too powerful.

Even if you don't use the domain, Yuheng Jianzong can't compete with it.

Now it seems that the defeat of Yuheng Jianzong is a certainty.

After Tianshu Sect destroys Yuheng Sword Sect, it will definitely sweep the Seven Star Seas.

At that time, the two of us may not be able to protect ourselves.

But if we do it, we don't seem to have the slightest chance of winning.

If you can't take this guy, let's go back as soon as possible, migrate the elites of the clan, and find an unknown secret place to hide. "

Wang Daoyuan stared at the Fang Tianhua halberd in the hands of the Kaishan God. Obviously, this halberd used to be a seventh-order magic weapon, and it may even be the life-changing magic weapon of this Mahayana monk during his lifetime.

After the monk is seated, the power of the natal magic weapon will also be greatly reduced.

Unless it is recast with extremely clever methods, it is also a waste.

But Kaishan Shenjun can control this instrument through the body of the Mahayana monk, and he can also exert some power.

The state of Fangtianhuaji is not comparable to that of a golden furnace.

The Golden Furnace, including the Immortal Forging Cauldron and the God-Refining Gourd, has not been cultivated in seventh-order spiritual power for many years, and its rank has dropped to sixth-order.

And this Fangtianhuaji may be the natal magic weapon of the Mahayana monks, which is hidden in the body.

As long as the spirit of the Mahayana monk is not completely dissipated, the natal instrument has the opportunity to retain the power of the seventh-order instrument.

As for the Five Elements Sword Region, the Sword Prison God Monarch was powerful, but he was only a peak cultivator in the end.

Compared with the real Mahayana means, there is still a gap.

Moreover, the Five Elements Sword Domain of Yuheng Sword Sect was only imitated.

The five puppets with a very average level, compared with the deity of the Sword Prison God, the gap cannot be calculated.

The body of the Mahayana cultivator, coupled with the natal magic weapon, is naturally not a problem to deal with the Five Elements Sword Region.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Although this Mahayana corpse is strong, it is not invincible.

I don't have full confidence in taking him down, but it's not a problem to protect myself in front of him.

Let's continue to watch the fun, and when the old ghost of Kaishan cleans up the Yuheng Sword Sect, I will play against him again. "

Seeing his confident look, Wen Xuanhai didn't say anything.

The three trump cards of the Yuheng Sword Sect, the Wannian Corpse Puppet was directly torn to pieces, the spiritual spring water needed for the divine powers to call for wind and rain has been exhausted, and now the Five Elements Sword Region has also been forced.

Divine Sovereign of Broken Soul died in battle, and God Sovereign of Cold Sword was attacked by the Five Elements Sword Region, and he was not lightly injured.

There was only one Sea-breaker God Monarch left in the field, and the spiritual power and true essence were still too much consumed.

Although taking the Ziyu Huitian Pill, it is difficult to recover in a short period of time.

The Sea Divine Sovereign sighed deeply: "Thousands of years of conspiracy, but unexpectedly ended in the end of the inheritance.

Han Jian, your talent is excellent, and you may not have the opportunity to break through the peak of God Transformation in the future.

I will hold the old ghost from the mountain first, you should escape from here as soon as possible, find a hidden place, and practice secretly.

If there is a chance, the Tianshu Sect will be destroyed in the future.

If there is no chance, then leave Qixinghai and leave a little incense for our Yuheng Sword Sect. "

A rare look of sadness appeared on the face of Divine Sovereign Cold Sword: "Uncle Shi, let me stay.

You are now only one step away from the peak of God Transformation.

If you can break through the peak of God Transformation, and then go to Canglong Ruins, you may not be able to break through the Mahayana realm. "

"Hahaha..." Kaishan Shenjun laughed, "You two juniors don't have to fight anymore, when did I say that I want to let you go?

With just your means, wanting to leave my hands is tantamount to a fool's dream. "

Duan Hai Shenjun offered a blue translucent bowl-shaped instrument, and between the waves, there was a bowl full of water.

His hands were sealed, and a large number of small light blue water columns poured out of the bowl.

As soon as these small water columns leave the mouth of the bowl, they expand instantly and become huge water columns with a diameter of thousands of feet.

Under the control of the God of Sea Broken Sea, these water columns are like real dragons, attacking the God of Kaishan.

Soon, there was a water column wrapped around the Kaishan God.

The water column instantly shrank and turned into a light blue rope.

Kaishan Shenjun struggled to break free, but failed.

There was a strange look on his face: "You really have enough spiritual spring water of Qingming True Water in your hand.

The water condensed by the water spirit power, adding a little Qingming real water spirit spring water, and combining with the magical power of the water, can derive something similar to a rope.

If the general late stage cultivator of God Transformation is bound, I am afraid there is no chance of escape.

But in front of me, the rope is vulnerable.

If you want to trap me, you should practice for another thousand years. "

After all, the khaki light flashed all over his body.

These rays of light condensed into a khaki giant phantom, the giant roared up to the sky, and the light blue rope on his body snapped instantly.

But Duan Hai Shenjun didn't stop, and he was still pushing the water in the bowl to form a rope, tying Kaishan Shenjun.

At the same time, he shouted like Divine Sovereign Hanjian: "Hanjian, what are you waiting for?

Now I can barely hold him back, there's no point in you staying.

The two of us die together, or you run away, choose for yourself. "

Divine Sovereign Hanjian gritted his teeth and sacrificed a kite-like magic weapon.

Step on the kite and flee to the due east.

The entire Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation World will become the site of the Kaishan God.

Continue to stay in Seven Star Sea, there is no way to survive.

If you want to survive, the only chance is to rush to the legendary Canglong Ruins as soon as possible.

Kaishan Shenjun needs time to integrate the resources of the Seven Stars Sea, improve the strength of the Tianshu Sect, and then unify the Seven Stars Sea Cultivation Realm.

He would not spend his time chasing and killing an unimportant Hanjian Divine Sovereign.

However, he missed one person.

Divine Sovereign Hanjian rode a kite-shaped flying instrument, and a crossbow arrow over thirty feet long went straight to his back.

Divine Sovereign Hanjian did not dare to neglect, and controlled the magic weapon to dodge continuously.

In the end, the crossbow was dodged by him.

Looking back, he found that it was the Baibao warship that attacked him.

He shouted angrily: "Old Ghost Hundred Treasures, the old ghost of Kaishan is powerful enough to dominate the Seven-Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

It's stupid of you to deal with me instead of him. "

Hundred Treasures Divine Monarch smiled and said: "You are planning to escape, whether it is dead or alive, it makes no difference to me.

The two of us have been fighting for thousands of years, and the blood feud between us is countless.

Since the Tianshu Sect dominates the Seven Star Seas and has become a settlement, my Tianji Palace cannot turn things around at all.

I have already explained the funeral, it is better to kill you first and destroy the last hope of Yuheng Sword Sect. "

After all, the long swords on the Baibao warship released a dazzling light.

These are all sixth-grade high-grade instruments, as well as the blessing of a hundred treasure warships.

Although Hanjian Divine Sovereign is extremely talented, he is only a middle stage cultivator after all.

In less than 100 breaths of time to fight against the Baibao warship, he was defeated and died.

At this moment, Duan Hai Shenjun scolded angrily: "Old ghost Baibao, I won't let you go even if I die."

Hundred Treasures Divine Monarch smiled and said: "This is the enemy of life and death, what's the use of talking about it?

Don't forget, we Tianji Palace and Tianshu Sect are working together to deal with Yuheng Sword Sect.

I am now taking action against the monks of Yuheng Sword Sect. Is there any problem? "

Duanhai Shenjun was speechless for a while, and Kaishan Shenjun laughed: "Little friend Baibao is right, now our two sects join hands to deal with Yuheng Jianzong and kill Hanjian Xiaoer, it is also reasonable.

You should be content with keeping you alive until now. "

After all, the Fangtianhua halberd in the hands of Kaishan Shenjun smashed at Duanhai Shenjun.

At the same time, the giant phantom formed by the khaki light behind him also raised the phantom of Fang Tianhua halberd and swept towards Duanhai Divine Sovereign.

The water in Duanhai Shenjun's bowl had also been consumed by most of it. He turned the bowl over directly, and countless light blue water spewed out.

In the end, a shield was condensed and blocked in front of him.


Fang Tianhua's phantom smashed down, and the shield shattered directly, turning into countless water droplets.

The phantom smashed down, and there was no more figure of the Sea Broken God on the spot, leaving only a pool of blood, and there were many blood red and pale white residues around.

The God of Hundred Treasures stood at the bow of the boat and bowed his hands to the God of Kaishan: "Senior is very powerful, and the younger generation admires it.

Congratulations to the seniors, sweeping the Jade Heng Sword Sect, and unifying the Seven Star Seas is just around the corner.

Tianji Palace is willing to be a bull and a horse for the seniors in the future, and assist the seniors to achieve great things. "

He kept his posture very low, and Kaishan Shenjun was also full of pride: "Tianshu Sect will become the overlord of the Seven Star Seas in the future, and even the overlord of the entire Xiuxian world.

But there is no long-lasting force in the world, stronger than Yulingzong, and it was eventually overthrown by our three major forces.

Even if Tianshu Sect dominates the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be calculated by other forces. "

Hearing this, Baibao Shenjun's face changed greatly: "Senior, my Tianji Palace has no two hearts."

Kaishan Shenjun sneered: "How can you allow others to sleep under the couch?"

After that, the khaki giant phantom behind him waved the Fang Tianhua halberd again and smashed it towards the Baibao warship.

Hundred Treasures Divine Sovereign smiled miserably: "I wanted to compromise, but I don't have enough strength, I can't even be a dog.

Fortunately, I have already explained the funeral, even if I die, it is no big deal.

The ancestors of the past dynasties worked hard to refine this treasure warship.

Unexpectedly, the first time against the enemy, it will be disadvantageous. "

Before he finished speaking, the illusory shadow of Xuanwu on the Baibao warship dissipated.

Then, a golden-winged Dapeng phantom shrouded the hull, and the speed of the entire warship skyrocketed in an instant.


The whole earth trembled.

Fang Tianhua halberd phantom smashed down, but it smashed empty.

Where the phantom fell, a huge pit with a radius of more than ten miles appeared.

Around the giant pit, countless cracks like spider webs spread in all directions.

A splendid gleam appeared in the eyes of Kaishan Shenjun: "Tianji Palace has not been eating dry food for tens of thousands of years, and this warship can actually use the power of divine beasts.

Not to mention the power of the attack, this alone, Tianji Palace is enough to open up a genre of weapon refining. "

Hundred Treasures Divine Monarch dodged the fatal blow, but did not take advantage of the speed to leave.

Instead, he continued cruising around the Kaishan Divine Monarch, using some means of sneak attack from time to time.

Kaishan Shenjun smiled and said: "It seems that your disciples and grandchildren have not completely evacuated.

I will kill you now, and then go to Tianji Palace, I should have the opportunity to keep all your disciples and grandchildren. "

After that, a khaki spiritual power ball condensed in his hand.

Afterwards, the spiritual power ball smashed towards the Baibao warship.

The speed of this spiritual power ball is extremely terrifying, and the Hundred Treasures Warship is blessed by the phantom of the Golden Winged Dapeng, and it has not been able to escape.

A sound similar to muffled thunder came, and the khaki spiritual power ball collapsed.

The khaki-colored smoke enveloped all directions, and within a hundred miles, it seemed like a sandstorm had been blowing up.

The golden-winged Dapeng phantom on the Baibao warship disappeared instantly, and the khaki smoke gathered towards the Baibao warship.

The entire warship disappeared from the sight of everyone.

After more than ten breaths, the smoke dissipated.

There was only a huge mound left on the spot, and there was no trace of the Hundred Treasures Warship.

"Your treasure warship is indeed a rare treasure, it's such a pity that it was destroyed like this.

It's better to keep it sealed, and it will not be too late to study this warship after my Tianshu Sect has swept the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm. "

In the Gangfeng layer, Wen Xuanhai was stunned by the means of Kaishan Shenjun, and was about to ask for countermeasures.

However, Wang Daoyuan jumped directly from the broken wind boat and came to the Kaishan God.

"Fellow Daoist Kaishan, what does your Mahayana corpse have to do with the Five Thunder Sect?"

Kaishan Shenjun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Wang Xiaoyou, you really come from an extraordinary background.

The Five Thunder Sect is a major force in the central part of Qianyuan Continent.

If I hadn't spied on the memory of this Mahayana corpse, I really didn't know the name of this faction.

As long as you are willing to surrender to me and dedicate the inheritance you have mastered, I can let go of the Wang family and the Wen family.

This Mahayana corpse can also be told to you in its entirety. "

Wang Daoyuan sneered: "It's really arrogant and ignorant, I have a lot of inheritance in my hands.

Some inheritances are taken out, and even the great masters do not dare to cultivate.

You are just a mere ghost repair, sooner or later you will die under the calamity.

Occupy the body of a Mahayana monk, and dare to speak out in front of me. "

The inheritance of Guiyuan Sword Immortal is absolutely first-class in lethality.

But in the entire Qianyuan world, there are not many people who practice.

Lengtouqing is very difficult to cultivate successfully. Those who have the ability to cultivate successfully, know how powerful it is, and do not dare to cultivate.

Kaishan Shenjun shouted angrily: "Boy is arrogant!"

The khaki giant phantom behind him waved his halberd and smashed towards Wang Daoyuan.

This halberd is so powerful that Wang Daoyuan will not take it hard.

The figure dodged, and then sacrificed the God Refining Gourd.

As soon as the God Refining Gourd came out, he shouted: "I haven't come out to breathe for so long, but I'm suffocated to death."

Lian Shen showed his stature, and when he saw Wang Daoyuan's face was not good, he immediately showed his loyalty: "Master, which **** is making you angry, let me take him in and ravage him for thousands of years."

Wang Daoyuan pointed at Kaishan Shenjun: "Just this old boy, see if you can take him in. I have a lot of things to ask him."

The figure of Refining God appeared, and he glanced at Kaishan God Monarch: "It's incredible, the power of the cultivator's body in the middle stage of UU reading seems to have not completely disappeared.

I seem to have seen this guy before, a monk of the Five Thunder Sect.

It is a pity that among the Mahayana monks, the talent is relatively poor, and the Five Thunder Sect does not pay attention.

Before the invasion of the Demon Race, this guy once came to visit our God Refinement Sect.

At that time, his calamity was about to break out, and he wanted to enter the ancient battlefield to find opportunities.

It's just that he doesn't know much about the ancient battlefield, so he wants to get some information from my God Refinement Sect.

Now it seems that he should have failed to cross the robbery and died in the calamity of the gods.

Although his Wutu Shenlei is not at the level of perfection, he is still very good.

With my ability, I can only barely fight against it.

If you want to take him in, I'm afraid I'm too weak.

Otherwise, go to Baicao Secret Realm and invite Hanxing kid out.

With his strength, it should not be difficult to kill this old thing. "

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