Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1223: breakthrough

Hearing this, Zhenjun Lei Yan revealed a happy expression: "In my entire life, most of my time has been spent on refining weapons.

On the Qixinghai Immortal Realm, the inheritance of the refining tools is far inferior to that of Beiyuan.

Let me be the master of this Refining Palace, I have no problem.

However, although I know a little about your Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, I have never really dealt with these matters.

Let me preside over the preparatory work, and I'm really out of control. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Master, don't worry, just let you put your name on it.

I recruited a few monks in the early stage of the transformation of the gods to serve as the hall master in the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

If there is no god-turning cultivator in town, it is really out of the question.

The Twelfth Uncle is now in the late Nascent Soul, and he also has a spiritual beast to assist him in his cultivation.

It won't take long to try to break through the realm of God Transformation.

At that time, he will serve as the president.

The Twelfth Uncle has been the Prime Minister of the State of Yan for more than 200 years. He also participates in the management of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce in Beiyuan, so it is not a problem to deal with trivial matters.

Now, if you don't know how to handle the affairs of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, you can leave them to Uncle Twelve. "

True Monarch Lei Yan nodded: "That's fine, as long as the usual affairs are handled by someone and it doesn't delay my cultivation and refining.

However, I am still far from being complete in spirit and energy.

Breaking through the realm of God Transformation would take decades to say the least. "

Wang Daoyuan asked: "Dare to ask Master, can spiritual cultivation be complete?"

"Of course, I have the Purple Thunder God Flame, and the spiritual root talent is also Nine Inch Thunder Spirit Root.

As far as the speed of accumulating spiritual power is concerned, it is not much worse than that kid Delin. The spiritual power and true essence have already reached the limit of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

The problem of qi and blood is not too big. You know my special physique, which is far better than that of ordinary monks.

It's just that there is still a big gap in the cultivation of spiritual consciousness.

If you want your spiritual consciousness to be perfect, I am afraid it will take thirty or fifty years of penance. "

Wang Daoyuan took out a white jade bottle more than three inches high: "This is the Blood Soul Pill, which can improve the consciousness and blood, and the main ingredient is the blood soul grass."

"Blood Soul Grass? This is a seventh-order elixir!

In the future, when you break through the Mahayana realm, these things will be of great help to you, so don't waste them with me. "

Wang Daoyuan took out more than ten jade bottles: "I explored the secret realm of Hundred Herbs before and got a lot of blood soul grass, and I also planted a lot of them myself.

The amount I have in hand is enough for a dozen people to break through the Mahayana realm.

You don't have to worry about the rest, it will never be used up. "

Zhenjun Lei Yan sucked in a breath of cold air: "My dear, this Hundred Herbs Secret Realm is so rich, you should dig three feet into the ground with your character, then I won't be polite to you."

After all, I took a jade bottle and stored it properly.

Wang Daoyuan looked helpless: "Master, this disciple is this kind of person in your mind?"

Zhou Luan also ridiculed: "You grew up from a monk of a small family to this point, and you managed the Wang family to such a degree, didn't you just scrape the land?"

Wang Daoyuan thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

"It's not clear, so don't talk about it anymore.

With an ample supply of Blood Soul Pills, how long does it take you to break through to the God Transformation Realm? "

Zhenjun Lei Yan patted his chest and assured: "Within three years, the spirit, energy and spirit will be perfect.

As for refining the Nascent Soul with pure yin and pure yang energy, it will take a few years, so I can't say. "

For the top cultivators of Yuan Ying, three years is nothing at all.

The affairs of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce can also be handled by others first.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "In this case, I will not disturb the master's cultivation, if the medicinal herbs are not enough, you can find me at any time.

When your spirit is complete, you must send me a letter. "

"Don't worry, I don't have the ability to find pure yin and pure yang energy by myself, and I have to rely on your two kinds of spirit fires to help break through.

As for this elixir, if I read it right, it should be a sixth-order high-grade elixir.

I, a cultivator at the peak of Nascent Soul, take this medicine, and it takes a long time to refine the medicinal power.

I can't use up this bottle of ten blood soul pills. "

After saying goodbye to Master, Wang Daoyuan did not leave Huolong Mountain.

He intends to go to the Earth Flame Secret Realm under the lava, where he helps several clones break through the realm.

For example, the clone Jia Qi, as early as decades ago, was already a late Nascent Soul cultivation base.

This time, I followed Zhenjun Lei Yan to the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm, and after staying in the Lingzhu space for a long time, his spirit and energy were already complete.

Even Nascent Soul has been tempered to the perfect state.

If it wasn't for Wang Daoyuan's lack of time to let him transcend the calamity, he would have broken through the realm of God Transformation long ago.

Not to mention Mo Long, the concentration of dragon blood is extremely high, and there is no bottleneck in cultivation.

When Wang Daoyuan was doing things in the Wanmo Islands, he and Wang Minglong stayed in the Lingzhu space all the time.

After more than two hundred years, the cultivation base has already reached the limit of the fifth-order, and it is difficult to make any progress.

And Yunyi's fat cat. Over the years, the Bloodline Pill refined from the blood of the blood-eyed golden-winged tiger had already shown some signs of breakthrough.

Afterwards, he obtained the Soul Raising Wood, and the silver mist emanating from the Soul Raising Wood was also of great help to Yun Yi's bloodline improvement.

Now, Yunyi has also reached the edge of breakthrough.

If it wasn't for the Lingzhu space to block the calamity, he would probably have passed the robbery long ago.

I found a refining room near the ground fire, and left the clone of the Sea Reclamation God in the refining room, and also left many jade talismans here.

Now, the three giants of the Seven Star Alliance have all taken refuge in the Wang family in name. Next, some small forces in the Seven Star Seas will also vie for refuge.

All kinds of messaging are absolutely indispensable.

Leaving the Sea God Monarch outside can handle these matters in a timely manner.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan entered the depths of the lava together, and Yan Ling was cultivating decently at this time.

He broke through the sixth order decades ago, and has been practicing in lava all these years.

It's just that the growth rate of the spirit of nature is slower than that of the demon clan, and it will take a long time to break through.

Wang Daoyuan did not alarm him, and the two came to the secret realm of Diyan together.

Before, let Wang Xuanlie, a genius of refining, refine some mining puppets, put them in this secret realm, and mine ore.

Over the years, a lot of refining materials have also been accumulated.

The raw materials extracted from the ore will be taken away by Yan Ling and given to Wang Degong, the head of the Wang Family on Tianfu Island.

At this time, there are still some puppets, busy on several veins.

Wang Daoyuan took out the clone Jia Qi from the Lingzhu space, and he was the closest to the breakthrough.

Staying in the Lingzhu space all the time, with the help of the pure Yang Qi generated by the Chiyang True Fire in the space, and the pure Yin Qi generated by the Guishui Mingyan, the Nascent Soul is quenched.

Leaving the Lingzhu space at this time, a heavenly might enveloped him.

Wang Daoyuan immediately put him in a place where there was no puppet mining in the distance, and let him survive the calamity.

Human monks cross the gods, and other people can't help at all.

Wang Daoyuan didn't care about them anymore, Yuanshen entered the Lingzhu space and began to comprehend the Five Elements Sword Domain.

In the jade book sent by Qingzhu Zhenjun, the complete inheritance of the Five Elements Sword Region was recorded.

Qingzhu Zhenjun is also really good at doing things, and the jade book he sent is not a copy of Yuheng Jianzong's transcription.

But more than ten thousand years ago, a patriarch of Yuheng Sword Sect found the original when he traveled to the ancient battlefield.

In the book, there is a self-report of the God of Sword Prison, which records that he was chased and killed by the Shenlian Sect.

Back then, he attacked and killed the pinnacle disciples of Shenlianzong, and wanted to spy on the secrets of breaking through the Mahayana realm.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

In the end, he was chased and killed by five peak Mahayana monks, including Hanxing Divine Monarch and Star Chasing Divine Monarch.

As a last resort, he fled into the ancient battlefield.

He was already seriously injured, and after entering the ancient battlefield, he was attacked again.

Knowing that his life would be soon, he left behind what he had learned all his life.

On this jade book, in addition to the Five Elements Sword Region, there is also his cultivation technique, called Chaoyuan Sword Art.

The level of this technique is not bad, but it can only be cultivated to the peak of God Transformation.

Wang Daoyuan has a large number of inheritance of exercises in his hands, and there are more than a few inheritances of great power.

He was naturally not interested in a divine transformation technique.

For him, the real value is the Five Elements Sword Region.

To use the Five Elements Sword Domain, five long swords belonging to the five elements are required.

In the jade book, the refining method of the five-handed long sword is recorded.

With Wang Daoyuan's current level of refining, it is possible to refine a long sword that is not inferior to the sword of the Sword Prison God.

However, he did not intend to copy the Five Elements Sword Region.

I already have the Yinglong Slashing Demon Sword, the magic weapon of my life, and it is very compatible with the Guiyuan Sword Intent, so there is really no need to modify it.

The five sword puppets of Yuheng Jianzong were broken, and the five long swords they left behind became their trophies.

These five long swords were not lightly damaged and could not be used directly.

However, it has been cultivated in the Lingzhu space for decades, and now it has almost recovered.

Wang Daoyuan summoned five long swords and began to practice according to the inheritance of the Five Elements Sword Region recorded in the jade book.

Under his control, the five long swords shuttled around in the Lingzhu space.

Although this sword formation is powerful, it is also very difficult to cultivate.

But in front of Wang Daoyuan, that's what happened.

It took two days of hard work, and it was completely done.

These five long swords can go their own way and attack different opponents respectively.

You can also combine the five swords and attack with all your strength.

The most suitable for him is the sword domain, the five long swords are turned into cages, and there are constant sword energy attacks in them, consuming the people in the battle.

In the previous Five Elements Sword Region, there were still many ways to break the formation.

Now that the Five Elements Sword Domain and Wang Daoyuan's Divine Ability Domain are combined, it is impossible to break the formation with the means below Mahayana.

Two days have passed in the Lingzhu space, but less than a quarter of an hour has passed outside.

The robbery cloud of the clone Jia Qi has just formed, and the robbery of the heart has not yet fallen.

Wang Daoyuan closed his mind and stopped sensing Jia Qi, so as not to be disturbed by Jieyun.

Later, he continued to study the Five Elements Sword Region.

The cage composed of the Five Elements Sword Domain is composed of five long swords and the spiritual power between the long swords.

Even those spiritual powers are extremely strong.

With the help of the Golden Furnace and the late-stage combat power of the two God Transformations, the Heavenly Bow God King barely opened a gap and escaped.

And the Lord of Hundred Treasures blew up the iron box of the natal magic weapon Baibao, as well as a large number of sixth-order magic tools in the iron box, before opening a gap.

It can be seen that without a long sword entity, the Five Elements Sword Region can also be displayed.

Even if the power is a little weaker, it's not a big deal.

There are magical powers in the field, which can completely make up for the deficiencies.

Wang Daoyuan's idea is to combine the Five Elements Sword Domain and the Sword Shadow Divine Light Technique.

Use the sword shadow to replace the five long swords, and form a cage with the sword qi to display the Five Elements Sword Region.

It is theoretically feasible, and then it takes a lot of time and effort to try.

This process can take decades, if not hundreds of years.

Of course, if there is a Spirit Orb space, it will only take a year and a half.

This matter is not in a hurry for a day or two, let's wait for the clone outside to finish the calamity.

Yuanshen left the spiritual bead space and returned to the physical body.

At this time, just above the clone Jia Qi, a thunder ball fell from the sky and fell into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Then, the powerful might spread out.

There were hundreds of miles around where Judge was, and all the rocks were shattered.

Dust and stone powder fluttered in the sky, and the radius of hundreds of miles was all gray.

Wang Daoyuan stayed outside quietly, lest anything interfere with Jia Qi's tribulation.

Three days later, the gray dust dissipated, and Judge's figure appeared.

Wang Daoyuan immediately sensed the clone in a panoramic view, and found that his Nascent Soul had transformed into a Primordial Spirit.

It's just that the consciousness has been consumed too much, and now he has fallen asleep.

The robbery clouds in the sky quickly gathered, and they continued to gather directly above Jia Qi's head.

Soon, the robbery cloud shrunk to a size of only ten miles in a radius.

In the end, a drop of water condensed in the center of the robbery cloud.

The drop of water fell, just right between Jia Qi's eyebrows, and melted into it.

Wang Daoyuan turned into a silver light, rushed to Jia Qi's side quickly, and put him in the Lingzhu space.

There are so many gifts from the heaven and earth of God Transformation and Heavenly Tribulation.

Although Jia Qi has a good Linggen talent, he is also a relatively balanced Wu Linggen.

But his fleshly body has no merit, and it is not strong enough to carry the gifts of heaven and earth.

It won't take long for his gifts of heaven and earth to escape everywhere.

The energy bestowed by heaven and earth is extremely precious to any living being, including natural spirits like Yan Ling.

Wang Daoyuan's Yuanshen also entered the Lingzhu space and stayed beside Jia Qi.

Half a day passed in the space, and wisps of invisible energy escaped from Jia Qi's body.

Wang Daoyuan immediately ran the Five Spiritual Transformation Immortal Art, absorbed the energy, and integrated it into all parts of himself.

The last time I was in the Mysterious Realm of Herbs, I used the power of Purple Jade Dragon Ginseng to break through to the middle stage of God Transformation.

After encountering all kinds of things, I couldn't calm down and improve my cultivation.

His cultivation speed has been greatly affected, and the improvement of his cultivation is very slow.

However, it has gradually risen to the peak of the middle stage of God Transformation.

Now that he has absorbed a lot of gifts from heaven and earth, he feels the opportunity to make a breakthrough.

Yuanshen left the Lingzhu and returned to his own body.

In the flesh, the spiritual power of the whole body operates on its own.

The spiritual energy in the secret realm rushed towards him quickly.

These spiritual qi entered Wang Daoyuan's body, and were quickly refined by spiritual fire and transformed into spiritual power.

Afterwards, under the inspiration of the cultivation technique, it slowly turned into true essence.

After tossing for several hours, a loud dragon roar resounded in all directions.

Then, a powerful momentum swept away.

Wang Daoyuan's cultivation finally improved and he became a late-stage cultivator of God Transformation.

In the lava lake in the center of the secret realm, Zhou Luan's flaming giant tortoise clone is dozing.

The dragon roar sounded, making him tremble with fright.

Quickly shrink in size and sink into the lava lake.

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