Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1224: sky-high

Wang Daoyuan slashed out a sword light, and instantly cut a huge ore nearby in half.

"When you reach the realm of transformation, it really is one step at a time.

From the middle stage of God Transformation to the later stage, this strength has not improved by a single star.

If you use your current strength to deal with the God of Reclamation, you won't be hurt at all. "

After the breakthrough, his primordial spirit entered the Lingzhu space again.

Jia Qi's talent is very good, and the amount of gifts from heaven and earth is indeed enough. In the entire Lingzhu space, you can see the energy gifted by heaven and earth everywhere.

Zhou Luan and the other clones know how to run the exercises and absorb these energies into their bodies.

Those spiritual plants do not have this ability, and can only absorb a small amount of energy by instinct.

Even so, there are many spiritual plants showing signs of breaking through the rank.

Especially the Xuantian Biling Peach Tree, the three fruits on the tree are not far from ripening.

Now that he is nourished by the gifts of heaven and earth, he has grown a bit more.

This is the best healing elixir in Wang Daoyuan's hands. Even if the foundation is damaged, the soul will be severely damaged.

As long as you eat a Xuantian Biling Peach, you can recover as before in a short period of time.

In terms of healing alone, compared to Ziyulong's participation in Xuantian Bilingtao, it was more than a notch worse.

Moreover, the peach core of Xuantian Biling Peach can help grow the root of wood spirit after taking it.

It can also be processed to make artificial wood spirit roots.

If the Four Spiritual Roots cultivator lacks the Wood Spiritual Root, he can make up for it.

Among the monks, the most common spiritual root talents are the three spiritual roots and the four spiritual roots.

Among the cultivators of the Wang family, there are thousands of cultivators of the single four spiritual roots.

In the future, Xuantian Biling Peach will multiply and produce more peach pits, so you can find some other talented children and reward them with peach pits.

The gifts of heaven and earth in the Lingzhu space are gradually dissipating, and the breath of a few guys who were going to cross the robbery began to become unstable at this time.

Mo Long and Wang Minglong have been practicing in the Lingzhu space for many years, and have been at the peak of the fifth-order for a while.

This time, I planned to let them break through, but now I have absorbed the gift of Jia Qi, and I can't suppress it anymore.

Their cultivation base has now surpassed the fifth-order peak.

It can be said that it has now broken through the sixth order.

It's just that he has not experienced the baptism of thunder tribulation, and there is still some gap between it and the real sixth-order spirit beast.

In particular, their bloodline has not yet undergone transformation.

Yunyi has been brewing for many years, and now it is time to make a breakthrough, and his spiritual power fluctuates extremely violently.

However, he is still a little worse than Mo Long and Wang Minglong, and has not surpassed the fifth-order peak.

In addition, the cultivation of the clone Xu Chenhai has also reached the peak of Jindan.

He is the son of luck of Qixinghai, and he is extremely talented.

After staying in the Lingzhu space for some time, the cultivation base improved rapidly.

Now that he has absorbed the gifts of heaven and earth, the fluctuation of spiritual power in his body is unstable, and it has reached the moment of breaking the pill and forming the baby.

Wang Daoyuan simply stopped delaying and let the four of them overcome the calamity together.

Their talents are extremely extraordinary, and the tribulation clouds they tossed out are absolutely not small.

Wang Daoyuan took them to all directions of the lava lake, which were thousands of miles away from each other.

Mo Long and Wang Minglong have already broken through the cultivation base, and only need to be baptized by thunder tribulation.

Now that there is no shelter from the Lingzhu space, the robbery cloud instantly appears above the head, and the robbery cloud expands rapidly.

Molong's father is a real dragon, and his mother is a demigod Jiaolong, and the concentration of dragon blood in his body is extremely high.

The talent is high, and the catastrophe is even more terrifying.

The robbery cloud above his head has reached a radius of more than 4,500 miles at this time.

The scale of this robbery cloud, only Wang Daoyuan's five thousand li robbery cloud can surpass him.

Wang Minglong was a lot worse. He was born in a fish and dragon. Although his bloodline was extraordinary, he had not reached the level of a semi-divine beast.

If it weren't for the adequate nourishment of dragon energy, it would not have grown to where it is today.

The scale of his Tribulation Cloud is much smaller, only less than three thousand miles.

The calamity of the two dragons will soon come, both of which are dragon species, and the calamity is very similar.

The power of countless calamities turned into real dragons and fought with them.

It's just Molong's catastrophe, the real dragon's momentum and strength are much stronger.

Wang Minglong's Heavenly Tribulation True Dragon is the legendary Nine Netherworld Dragon.

There is no difference in the appearance of Xuanlong, but there is Yin Qi lingering all over his body.

The means of display are also much cleverer than Xuanlong.

The good things in the Lingzhu space, the two of them did not eat less.

They are also nourished by the massive spiritual springs produced by immeasurable real water, and their foundation is extremely solid.

It shouldn't be a problem to survive the catastrophe.

Wang Daoyuan's attention was not on them.

The clone, Xu Chenhai, also swallowed an Infant Transformation Fruit at this time, took out the broken medicinal herb and the essence of the five elements, and merged it into the golden elixir.

Jindan shattered in response, and then Zifu came out of the sea of ​​​​knowledge and disintegrated.

The vision of building a horse, which is between Yinglong and Qilin, is surrounding the soul.

The Zifu and Jindan fragments were mixed together and gathered towards the place where the soul was.

Not long after, the soul was completely integrated with the Zifu and Jindan fragments, forming a baby four inches and five minutes tall.

When Wang Daoyuan just shattered the baby pill, the original baby was only four inches and nine points.

After that, Nascent Soul stayed on top of his body.

The robbery cloud began to appear in the sky, and finally the robbery cloud expanded to a radius of more than 450 miles, which was similar to the 500-mile robbery cloud of Wang Daoyuan's Yuanying Heavenly Tribulation.

The subsequent catastrophe was nothing strange.

Wang Daoyuan's attention turned to Yun Yi. This guy had already cultivated to the peak of the fifth order decades ago.

Because Soul Eater's bloodline is not enough, he has not been able to break through the sixth-order.

Moreover, he has been living in the Lingzhu space.

This comes and goes, that is, thousands of years have passed.

After thousands of years of being stuck in the fifth-order peak, he has not been able to break through by his own strength.

Recently, the Bloodline Pill, refined from the blood of the blood-eyed garuda, helped.

Coupled with the silver mist produced by the Soul Raising Wood, it is also very beneficial to the blood of the White Tiger, which allowed him to make a breakthrough.

At this time, Yunyi's breath continued to increase.

Soon, the breath stabilized, and it has probably reached the level of a general cultivator.

Next, a robbery cloud appeared in the sky.

His bloodline talent is still too poor, and Jieyun is only two thousand miles in radius.

A white tiger mythical beast with a gloomy and ghostly aura all over its body fell from the robbery cloud, and Yunyi and the Heavenly Tribulation Soul Devouring Tiger were fighting together.

Although Yun Yi was greedy and lazy, after all, he had survived several bloodline tribulations and was well prepared for this situation.

Mobilize the strength of the whole body to form a protective shield outside the flesh.

Let the heavenly robbery attack the soul-devouring tiger, and stay alive and dead.

An hour later, one person and three spirit beasts had all completed the calamity.

Mo Long was very calm, and he didn't have many injuries on his body.

Wang Minglong and Yunyi were even more miserable. Wang Minglong was frozen by a black iceberg, and Yunyi was beaten all over by the white tiger.

The white fur is now completely invisible.

The fat body has now become a lump of meat.

Xu Chenhai was buried by countless loess.

The little supernatural power he awakened before was also a thick soil domain.

The human cultivator's Nascent Soul Tribulation is the same as his own magical power, and this guy also encountered the thick soil field.

Obviously, he lacked control over the thick soil domain and was completely suppressed by the robbery.

However, he did not die, but now his whole body strength is suppressed.

Now that the catastrophe has passed, the gift of heaven and earth is about to come, and it will soon be recovered.

The heaven and earth gifts from Molong and Wang Minglong have arrived, and Wang Daoyuan has brought them into the Lingzhu space.

After Molong broke through the sixth rank, the dragon energy on his body became more intense.

At present, the concentration of dragon blood on his body should have exceeded 80%.

It's just that his appearance was very close to a real dragon before, the only difference was that the dragon's claws only had four fingers.

Now, although the concentration of dragon blood has increased again, there is still a long way to go from the pure-blooded real dragon. The appearance has not changed significantly, and the dragon's claws still have four fingers.

Wang Minglong has changed a lot. The body that was originally half fish and half snake no longer looks like a fish.

The pectoral and pelvic fins have become small claws, but only three fingers on one claw.

It is a pity that the tail has not changed, and it is still a caudal fin as long as a streamer.

Moreover, there is no mane on the back of the dragon, which looks a bit bald.

However, it is not easy to transform to this stage.

The dragon head is the same as the real dragon. The blood concentration of this dragon is even lower than that of the demigod beast, but it is also much stronger than the ordinary Jiaolong and Tulong.

Soon, the gifts of heaven and earth on Xu Chenhai's side also came.

The loess that buried him quickly disappeared, and the robbery clouds in the sky continued to drop purple-gold lotus flowers.

On Yunyi's side, after the calamity is over, the energy in the robbery cloud condenses together, condensing a drop of rain.

The rain fell on Yunyi's forehead and disappeared immediately.

The injury on Yunyi's body quickly improved, and the fur recovered again.

After the calamity, Yunyi's momentum is very different from before.

His eyes were still as black as ink, exuding a trace of Yin Qi.

The black stripes on his body, which were only pitch black before, have now become pitch black.

Like his eyes, there is a soul-stirring power.

In addition, around his body, a faint layer of black air shrouded him.

This is similar to the previous Heavenly Tribulation Soul Eater, but the black air is much lighter.

This guy's bloodline has also made significant progress.

When Xu Chenhai's gifts of heaven and earth were completed, Wang Daoyuan put them all into the Lingzhu space, left the secret realm of Earth Flame, and returned to Tianfu Island.

He also didn't stay on Tianfu Island for a long time, and now Jia Qi has broken through the realm of God Transformation.

Wang Daoyuan's practice is exactly the same as that of Jia Qi.

It's just that Jia Qi has no talent in sword cultivation, so he mainly focuses on magic cultivation.

His magical powers are also relatively poor, which is to control the power of the five elements.

Wang Daoyuan provided him with several sixth-order high-grade instruments, and after the repair of the golden furnace was completed, they were also given to him for use.

With these things in place, it's not a problem to calm down.

People who have a temporary market can also temporarily put up the shelf of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

Wang Daoyuan took the Lei Peng flying boat and came to Yinyuan Island again.

Instead of going to Baiquangu, he went to Xihaifang City and entered the new headquarters of the Minglong Organization.

Hearing that Wang Dao came from afar, Ming Jiao and Xuan Chen went out to greet him.

Along with them came two old men.

The four of them saluted Wang Daoyuan together: "See Senior Wang."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "You're welcome, I'm here this time because I have something to discuss with you."

Ming Jiao nodded and took him to the council hall.

Then Ming Jiao introduced the two old men: "These two are my second uncle Ming Lin and fifth uncle Ming Yuan. Wutang uncle is now the chief elder of the Minglong organization, and the second uncle is the second elder."

The two greeted Wang Daoyuan again, and Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "No need to be too polite, I am here this time to discuss the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce with you.

The foundation of my royal family is too shallow. Although I have established some shops, they are all in the northern seas, Yinyuan Island and Qizhen Island.

If you want to open a store all over the Seven Stars Sea Cultivation World, it will be difficult to do it without decades or hundreds of years.

Therefore, I want to merge the Minglong Organization into the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce. "

As soon as these words came out, the four of them looked at each other.

Xuan Chen naturally has no opinion, anyway, the Minglong Organization is not his.

Due to his identity, he is now just an ordinary elder within the Minglong Organization, and he does not have a high status.

The other elders are from the Ming family. He is a foreigner and has no chance of promotion.

But joining the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is different. Without the control of the Ming family, the status will only be higher.

The three of the Ming family were a little reluctant to give up. Although the Minglong Organization was already an affiliate of the Wang family, it still had a lot of autonomy.

They have all heard about the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, and several cultivators have already announced their participation.

The Minglong Organization's family background, even if it joins, does not have much status.

Now only Wang Daoyuan is in charge of them.

But the undisputed first person in the Seven Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm spoke up, and they did not dare to refuse.

Ming Jiao stubbornly asked: "I dare to ask the seniors, after the Minglong organization is merged into the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, how should the disciples in the organization deal with it?"

This is to be treated, Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "I have planned this for a long time, the Minglong Organization is known for its intelligence, and it also controls the black market in various places.

In the future, the headquarters of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce will build an information hall.

Responsible for collecting information on the entire Seven Stars Sea Cultivation World, and in charge of black market affairs.

The Hall Master of the Information Hall is currently the cultivator of the Minglong Organization, and I only have one Deputy Hall Master.

The other hall masters are all cultivators, so you can't be too bad here.

I can call the shots and give you a chance to break through the realm of God Transformation. "

The three of the Ming family, who were still hesitating before, were now carried away by the surprise.

Only Yuheng Jianzong took the position of the head of the palace, and the sect master of Tianji Palace was only a deputy head of the palace.

The Minglong Organization actually won the position of a palace master with this little background, which is no worse than those of the gods.

This alone is enough to make people excited.

Unexpectedly, Wang Daoyuan was willing to help Ming Jiao break through the realm of God Transformation.

The master of the information hall, plus a cultivator, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com for the Minglong organization to join, this is a sky-high price.

To break through the realm of transformation into a god, everyone knows that it is necessary to use the energy of pure yin and pure yang to nourish the primordial spirit.

However, not much is known about the specific cultivation methods.

If you don't have experience to do things casually, you will only waste a huge amount of pure yin and pure yang energy.

Now with Wang Daoyuan's help, there is absolutely no problem with the breakthrough of Ming Jiao.

The only obstacle is the robbery of the heart.

As long as you can carry it over, the Ming family will have a spiritual monk.

This is what the ancestors of the Ming family have thought about for tens of thousands of years and have not done it.

The Ming family has dozens of Nascent Soul monks, and this strength has surpassed the Wen family.

It's just that there is no spiritual monk, which limits the strength of the Ming family.

With the Spirit Transformation cultivator, the Ming family is a powerful force in the Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation Realm.

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