Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1227: Mirror Lake Mystery

Remember [New] for a second,! Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan took the Lei Peng flying boat and went southeast.

In a little more than a day, I came to the south-central part of Tianquan Island.

At this time, there were already many palace-style buildings around Yujing Lake.

The clone, Jia Qi, sensed the arrival of Wang Daoyuan, and immediately brought the Ming family to greet him.

Lei Peng's flying boat landed on a high white stone platform on the north bank of Yujing Lake, and Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan stepped off the flying boat together.

Jia Qi immediately saluted: "See the Lord."

Others followed suit: "See the Lord."

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "Don't be too polite, how is the situation here?"

Jia Qi replied: "The conference hall, the executive hall, the alchemy array, the mining and planting halls have all been completed.

Except for the Intelligence Hall, all are already here.

It's just that there is still a shortage of manpower. Except for the information hall that completely took over the Minglong organization, the other halls are just empty shelves. "

This is also impossible. All the Wang family members in the Seven Star Sea Xiuxian Realm add up to less than 200,000 people, including less than 1,000 monks.

Most of them are low-level cultivators, not even Jindan cultivators.

But Jindan cultivator is not even qualified to be a small steward in the Seven-Star Sea Cultivation Realm.

It is really unreasonable to let these people manage the affairs of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

If you want people to do things everywhere, you need to recruit more scattered cultivators.

"The shortage of manpower is inevitable, wait for the Chamber of Commerce to build up the air, and then recruit loose cultivators.

After the series of battles, the resources of the entire Immortal Cultivation World were also in short supply.

As long as we can afford the resources, recruiting manpower will not be a problem. "

Jia Qi nodded: "The initial preparations have been completed, please let the Lord show you what to do next."

Wang Daoyuan said without hesitation, "Since the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce was officially established, there must be some movement.

Post a post to the various God Transformation forces, as well as the more powerful Nascent Soul forces, and invite them to come to the banquet.

Especially the forces that have been announced to belong to our Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce must come.

As it happens, they can also be appointed to their positions in public. "

Judge cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

Afterwards, he gave an order to Xuanchen and Ming Jiao: "Xuanchen, take your lord to look around.

Ming Jiao, it is up to you to send invitations to various forces.

Half a year later, our Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce was officially established, please come and join us. "

The two said yes, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan followed Xuanchen and toured around Yujing Lake.

In Yujing Lake, the water is crystal clear.

There are large and small mountain peaks all around, and there are many streams in the mountains that pour into Yujing Lake.

Driven by the stream, the green water plants swayed with the water.

Seen from a high altitude, the entire Jade Mirror Lake is like a piece of jade with a clear bottom, with green floating flowers.

Xuan Chen introduced with a smile: "This Jade Mirror Lake is known as the first lake in the Seven Star Seas. Although it is not too big, in terms of scenery, the entire Seven Star Sea Cultivation World is unparalleled."

Wang Daoyuan also nodded: "I have visited the hot spring lake on the hot spring island, and it is a rare beauty.

But compared with this Jade Mirror Lake, it is still a lot worse. "

"The hot spring lake and Guanhai Tower are indeed famous places with beautiful scenery.

It is a pity that in the depths of the endless ice sea in the depths of the hot spring island, the Wen family is the dominant family, and few monks can go there.

In terms of reputation, Hot Spring Island is much worse than this Jade Mirror Lake. "

"Take me to see the Secret Realm of Mirror Lake, I got some information about the Secret Realm of Mirror Lake.

It is said that there are a lot of tea trees in this secret realm.

There is also an ancient tea tree that is unknown for thousands of years.

The tea trees of Jinghu Spring Tea are all descendants of this ancient tea tree.

In the southeast corner of Yujing Lake, the reason why Jinghu spring tea can grow is because it is close to the secret realm of Jinghu Lake. "

Xuan Chen was stunned, the secret realm of Jinghu is extremely secret.

The ancestors of the Ming family discovered the secret realm of Jinghu only by accident.

Since then, based on this, the Minglong Organization was established.

At that time, although Yulingzong had not unified Tianquan Island, it had already become a trend.

The ancestors of the Ming family did not dare to be the enemy of Yulingzong, and the Minglong organization has been developing secretly.

A force that even the Mahayana monks do not have can persist for tens of thousands of years in the center of the seven-star sea area of ​​Tianquan Island, relying on the Jinghu secret realm.

He did not expect that Wang Daoyuan actually knew about the secret realm of Jinghu Lake.

"My lord is really well informed, and in the secret realm of Jinghu, it is indeed very suitable for planting Jinghu spring tea.

The Minglong organization controls a lot of black markets, and these Jinghu spring teas are also secretly sold in the black market.

When the Yuling Sect was at its strongest, it was also the most difficult time for the Minglong organization.

At that time, it was only by secretly selling Jing Huchun that he barely persevered.

Now the entire Minglong organization has become an intelligence hall under the jurisdiction of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

If the Lord wants to go and see, there is no problem. "

After that, he brought out a flying boat, carrying Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan, and headed southeast.

Soon, Feizhou came to the headquarters of the Minglong Organization, which is also the current residence of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce Information Hall.

The three got off the flying boat and entered the underground space.

The scale of this place is huge, not comparable to that of Xihaifang City on Yinyuan Island.

There are also many monks here, and most of them are specially responsible for collecting and processing intelligence.

Xuan Chen took Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan all the way to the deepest part of the underground space.

After passing the layers of levels, I came to a stone room.

This stone room is full of formations, and these formations are familiar to Wang Daoyuan.

"The formation here is very clever, it should not be arranged by the Minglong organization."

Xuan Chen quickly replied: "Go back to the Lord, part of the formation here was created when the ancestors of the Ming family discovered the secret realm.

There is also a part of the formation, which is arranged by the president himself.

It's just that this formation requires the token of the president to enter.

Please also wait for a while, the subordinates will go to the president to ask for a token. "

When Jia Qi was sent to build the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce headquarters, Wang Daoyuan handed him more than ten sets of formations.

Most of the formations in this stone room came from the hands of the clone demon.

Wang Daoyuan released his divine sense and checked it out: "No need."

After all, he went straight to the formation.

The sixth-order high-grade formation method was useless in front of him.

Zhou Luan also followed closely behind, and the two soon came to the entrance light curtain of Jinghu Secret Realm.

Xuan Chen didn't dare to take risks, this was a sixth-order high-grade formation, and it was triggered accidentally, and he didn't even have a chance to struggle.

"Master, there are no other formations in the secret realm, so the subordinates will not go over and cause trouble."

"I'll stay in this secret realm for a while, you can do other things."

After that, he walked into the light curtain with Zhou Luan.

After entering the secret realm, a pure wood aura came from the surface.

Wang Daoyuan took a deep breath: "What a pure wood aura!"

"What's the matter with this spiritual energy? Such a rich wood spiritual energy has not transformed into a trace of fire aura?"

Zhou Luan is a fire-type cultivator, so he can't directly refine wood aura, and naturally he doesn't like wood aura.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "This is the second time I have seen such a situation.

The last time I saw such an environment with only pure wood aura was when I practiced Qi cultivation.

At that time, I was chased by a group of black cloud wolves.

By mistake, he entered a secret realm.

In that secret realm, there is only pure wood spirit energy, and I found Xuantian Biling Peach and Life Spirit Fire there.

This secret realm can suppress the transformation of the five elements, either because there are spiritual things similar to life fire, or there is a very high-grade spirit wood.

In the ancient books of Shenlianzong, it is recorded that there is an ancient tea tree that is thousands of years old.

The problem of abnormal spiritual energy here should be caused by the ancient tea tree. "

Then, the two walked towards the middle of the secret realm.

This mirror lake secret realm is not big, that is, two or three hundred miles in radius.

If not, this secret realm will not fall into the hands of the Minglong Organization.

Along the way, big or small tea trees can be seen everywhere.

If the Jinghu Spring Tea produced in this secret realm is opened and sold, I am afraid that it will produce tens of thousands of catties a year.

Of course, if it was sold like this, Jing Huchun would be worthless.

Soon, the two came to the middle of the secret realm.

There is a very sturdy tea tree here. This tea tree is not tall, just over thirty feet.

But the trunk is extremely thick, and it is difficult for the four big men to hug each other.

Above the whole big tree, there is a strong wood aura constantly exuding, and there is a fragrance mixed in it.

Zhou Luan took a greedy breath: "The aroma of this ancient tea is much stronger than the few Jinghu spring teas you planted."

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "That's incomparable, I don't know how many generations of these ancient tea trees are the descendants of my tea trees.

According to the records of the Divine Refinement Sect, when the Divine Refinement Sect cultivators first discovered this secret realm, this tea tree was here.

Moreover, the tea tree recorded in the classics is not much different from the present.

This tea tree may have existed for much longer than the Divine Refinement Sect.

This ancient tea tree should be the core of this secret realm. "

Zhou Luan was stunned: "I have also read a lot of classics, if the core of the secret realm is a spiritual plant, most of it is a divine tree born in heaven and earth.

Although this ancient tea tree is brilliant, it should not be a sacred tree, right? "

"Of course this tea tree is not a sacred tree, at most it is a seventh-order spiritual plant.

If it is really a sacred tree, then the Jinghu Mystery Realm is more than that big.

Eighty percent is that this secret realm has been transformed by ancient monks, and this tea tree is used to replace the original core of the secret realm, just like the Five Elements Secret Realm.

Looking at the appearance of this tea tree, it is estimated that the replacement of the core of the secret realm was also a matter of hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Moreover, you seem to underestimate this tea tree. "

Zhou Luan was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Is this tea tree really a sacred tree?"

Wang Daoyuan shook his head and said, "That's not true, when Shenlianzong discovered this tea tree, it was only a seventh-order mid-grade spiritual plant.

Such a level is useful to ordinary Mahayana monks, but it is of no use to almighty.

Compared with Shenmu, it is still far behind.

Am I right? Senior tree. "

Zhou Luan hurriedly backed away, his body covered in crimson flames, ready to strike at any time.

"You mean, this tree has a spirit?"

"Of course there is a spirit, as long as you become a spirit, no matter how well you hide it, you can't hide it from my investigation.

Senior Tree, the two of us are nothing more than God Transformation late stage combat power.

With your strength, do you still need to be so afraid of me?

There is no malicious intent for the younger generation to speak through your identity.

It's just that the spiritual energy of the Qixinghai Immortal Realm is declining, and there is no seventh-order spiritual vein.

This junior has no means to break through the Mahayana realm, and wants to borrow some seventh-order spiritual power from you.

If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement. "

After saying that, he took out the Soul Sealing Sword and stabbed it on the trunk of the ancient tea tree.

A branch swept over, and unexpectedly caught Wang Daoyuan's sword.

However, in this fight, Wang Daoyuan also had a general understanding of Laoshu's strength.

Strong, but not to the point of invincibility.

"Senior Tree is really a good method, this Soul Sealing Sword was forged by a number of great experts.

I tried with all my strength, but I was blocked by you.

Now that it has been shot, it must be wise.

Stop pretending to be dead, come out and talk. "

Before he finished speaking, an old man walked out of the ancient tea tree.

The old man was wearing a brown robe, but his hair was emerald green.

"You junior, it's really nothing.

The old man has no competition with the world, he stays here honestly, and he doesn't provoke you, why bother to force it? "

Wang Daoyuan sneered: "How can you allow others to sleep under the couch?

Now this secret realm has become my territory.

An ancient tree that may have the combat power of Mahayana monks, guarding in this secret realm, do you think I can rest assured? "

The old man said with a smile: "Knowing that I may have great combat power, and dare to come to my trouble, the son of luck is really arrogant and domineering."

"Senior is really knowledgeable enough to stay in this secret realm honestly, but know that I am the son of luck.

I'm afraid what I said earlier is not true, right? "

"The old man has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, can he still lie to you, this little baby?

As for the children of luck, I have seen many.

As you said before, I am not a divine tree, nor am I born in this secret realm.

Back then I grew up on the southeastern border of Qianyuan Continent, lived there for many years, and experienced three great calamities.

During those three great calamities, I saw more than thirty children of luck.

Whether you are the child of luck, I can detect the moment you enter this secret realm. "

Wang Daoyuan had no doubts about his remarks.

The birth of every natural spirit requires extremely powerful luck.

Therefore, the spirit of nature is very sensitive to the sense of luck, far surpassing the human race and the demon race.

The strength of his own luck is extremely rare among the children of luck. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

This old tree can sense it, and it makes sense.

"Even if what senior said is reasonable, I wouldn't dare to leave senior here.

Otherwise, you can give me some seventh-order spiritual power.

When I break through the Mahayana realm and train a few more Mahayana monks, I won't be afraid of you. "

The old man snorted coldly: "I don't want to fight with you because you are the son of luck.

If you are stubborn again, don't blame the old man for being merciless. "

Wang Daoyuan waved the Soul Sealing Sword in his hand, and five sword shadows of five colors appeared.

The sword shadow grew rapidly, and countless auras flew out from the sword shadow, forming a huge cage that enveloped the area for hundreds of miles.

"This junior has practiced a spell, but unfortunately no one can accompany me.

Coincidentally, the senior is very strong, and it is more suitable to accompany me to fight. "

The old man looked at the Five Elements Sword Region: "This method is a bit interesting, it can actually mobilize a bit of space power."

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