Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1228: acting

Remember [New] for a second,! After complimenting, the old man waved his hand, and a green qi flew out.

After Wang Daoyuan improved the Five Elements Sword Domain, it was also the first time it was used in actual combat.

It is hard to say how much of the power of the original Five Elements Sword Region can be exerted.

He didn't dare to neglect, and tried his best to urge the five sword shadows.

In the red-golden sword shadow, sword energy is released one after another, blocking the green astral energy.

The clanging sound was incessant, and in just one breath, hundreds of sword qi shattered.

And the green qi that the old man played, did not see obvious wear and tear, but the momentum of the attack was curbed.

Wang Daoyuan was a little surprised, the energy level of this qi is much higher than his own means.

He continued to control the red-golden sword shadow and released the sword energy, trying to completely consume the green astral energy.

At the same time, the other four sword shadows also released sword lights, constantly replenishing the strength of the red gold sword shadow.

The old man smiled contemptuously: "You have some skills, the sword formation formed by these five sword shadows, below the Mahayana realm, should have no rivals.

When you reach the peak of God Transformation, you may be able to fight me with this method.

Now, it's almost meaningless. "

After all, the hands are connected with the seal.

He was besieged by countless sword qi before, and the green astral energy that was no longer sharp dissipated, turning into a green smoke.

The smoke re-condensed, turned into a cane, and flew back to the old man's hands.

"Today, I will teach you a lesson to make you feel a little bit in awe."

After holding the rattan in his hand for a while, five groups of green smoke appeared out of thin air.

The smoke turned into filaments and wrapped around the five sword shadows.

As soon as it touches the sword shadow, it grows rapidly.

After a while, the five sword shadows turned green.

The filaments are like tiny vines, and they also grow leaves and sprouts.

"Boy, as long as you leave this secret realm and swear not to come in again, I will let you go."

Wang Daoyuan looked at the cane and chuckled: "It's too early for senior to say this now."

Above the five sword shadows, flames ignited.

The flame is divided into five colors, which is Wang Daoyuan's Five Elements Spiritual Fire.

The old man's face changed slightly: "Good luck, to be able to find the Five Elements Spirit Fire.

I have seen many children of luck, but none of them can find the Five Elements Spiritual Fire.

It seems that your future achievements are much stronger than that of ordinary children of luck. "

The flames on the five sword shadows burned more and more vigorously, and the sword shadow burning with silver flames took the lead in achieving the victory.

Under the silver flame, the countless green filaments wrapped around the sword shadow quickly dissipated and turned into green smoke again.

Moreover, the amount of smoke is more than half less than before.

The reduced part should have been dissolved by the power of Taiyi Jinyan.

The sword shadow burning with red-golden flames also changed very quickly.

Those green filaments all dissipated, and not even the smoke was left, just disappeared out of thin air.

All the spiritual power in the green filaments was completely dissolved by the flames.

Next, the sword shadow, which was burning with a green flame, also dissolved all the filaments, leaving no trace.

The ability of the dust flame to corrode everything also played a role.

Although the earth attribute was restrained by the old man's wood attribute, all the filaments were dissolved, leaving only a small amount of spiritual power green smoke.

Guishui Mingyan was helpless with this green filament, and has been unable to break free.

Among the silver sword shadows, there were countless silver sword lights, and they slashed over.

The sword glow merged into the black sword shadow, and the green filaments wrapped on it were quickly broken.

All the five long swords escaped, Wang Daoyuan developed the supernatural powers in the domain, and the spiritual energy in the entire secret realm was under his control.

A huge amount of spiritual power rushed towards the five sword shadows.

After being refined by the flame above the sword shadow, they are all integrated into the sword shadow.

Even the old man's body, the ancient tea tree, also ignited a red-golden flame.

Among the five elements, wood is used to make fire, and the Chiyang True Fire can quickly refine the energy of the ancient tree itself.

At this time, the old man's face finally became serious.

With a wave of his robe sleeves, a light mask appeared on the ancient tea tree.

Chiyang True Fire was blocked outside, and it was difficult to break through for a while.

But this mask is also of wood attribute, it can block Chiyang True Fire for a while, but it cannot stop Chiyang True Fire for a lifetime.

"Domain supernatural power? The Child of Luck is really not easy.

With the Five Elements Spiritual Fire, there are also the Five Elements Domain.

The two are combined, plus this sword formation.

All the spiritual power in the whole world is under your control.

If you can't win quickly, no matter how strong you are, you will be consumed to death.

If I wasn't a tree, or if I still had the combat power at the peak of that year, how could I make you so rampant? "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Senior's strength is indeed extraordinary, and he also encountered a strong enemy before, and he can exert some of the abilities of Mahayana monks.

I played a few tricks with him and took him down.

The strength of the senior is much stronger than that person.

However, it's still within the range I can handle.

The strength that the predecessors are showing so far is simply impossible to win quickly.

Continue to consume it, no matter how much spiritual power you have, it will not be able to withstand my constant consumption.

I have no intention of killing senior, I just want some seventh-order spiritual power. "

The old man sighed: "I know very well that there is no seventh-order spiritual meridian in the Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World.

It's just that I don't have a lot of seventh-order spiritual power, and it's all accumulated over the years.

Even if it were all given to you, it would still be impossible for an ordinary cultivator to break through the Mahayana realm.

What's more, you are still the son of luck, and your talent is far superior to that of most cultivators.

When you break through the Mahayana realm, the consumption of resources is far more than that of ordinary monks.

Even if you burn me to ashes, the spiritual power you squeeze out will not be enough for you. "

Wang Daoyuan naturally does not believe that such an ancient tree with spiritual wisdom can completely maintain the seventh-order cultivation base on the premise of having sufficient sixth-order high-grade spiritual power.

He doesn't need to fight with people, he only needs to consume spiritual power to maintain his own rank.

If it is said that there is not much seventh-order spiritual power saved, Wang Daoyuan will never believe it.

Wang Daoyuan stared at the old man with a look of disbelief.

"There is no record in the ancient books of the Divine Refinement Sect that you possess spiritual wisdom.

You can hide tens of thousands of years from the cultivators of Shenlianzong, but he is not an honest person. Do you think I will believe you? "

The old man let out a long sigh: "Little friend is really smart, I do have a lot of spiritual power in my body, which may allow you to break through the Mahayana realm.

But your foundation is too solid, and if you want to break through the Mahayana realm, you may not know how much spiritual power you need.

Maybe even if the spiritual power in my body is exhausted, you may not be able to break through.

Our spiritual plants do not have true essence like human monks. After the spiritual power is exhausted, the cultivation base will also decline sharply.

Until then, I can only be slaughtered. "

The meaning of these words is to worry that Wang Daoyuan will remove the grind and kill the donkey.

Now I can still display the power of some Mahayana monks, but I can't win Wang Daoyuan.

If there is too much loss of spiritual power, that is to teach Wang Daoyuan his own life.

This son of luck, who shouts and kills as soon as they meet, is really unbelievable.

Wang Daoyuan continued to inject spiritual power into the five sword shadows, and the power of the sword shadows skyrocketed again.

All the sword beams turned into spirit fires.

The old man was struggling to cope.

"You agree or disagree, it doesn't make much difference to me.

Even if you have a seventh-order combat power, you are only a spiritual plant.

If we continue to consume like this, sooner or later, you will not be able to hold it.

By then, you will have no hope of surviving.

Now hand over some seventh-order spiritual power, and I can promise not to trouble you again. "

The old man looked thoughtful, and said after a long time: "Little friend is now in the late stage of spiritual transformation, and there is still a long way to go before the peak of divine transformation.

Even if the old man hands over his spiritual power now, you can't use it.

If we continue to fight like this, my spiritual power will be exhausted, and you will gain nothing.

It's better than this, I will act for you and help you with the laws of the domain and the way of heaven.

Although it cannot let you break through the Mahayana realm, it is impossible for the child of luck to be trapped in this little quagmire all the time.

Either the seventh-order spiritual veins will appear in the Seven Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm in the future, or there will be some adventures.

With the foundation I have laid for you, you will be able to quickly break through the Mahayana realm at that time.

Using this method, I can change my life, what do you think? "

Wang Daoyuan was also a little moved, and now he has just broken through the late stage of God Transformation.

From the late stage of God Transformation to the peak of God Transformation, it is a big threshold.

There are several major forces in the late stage of God Transformation.

But the peak cultivator of God Transformation will not be able to produce one in 10,000 years.

Because in the late stage of God Transformation, if you want to improve your cultivation base a little, you need to have a deeper understanding of the laws.

There is no progress in the law, and if you sit for a thousand years, your cultivation realm will not improve in the slightest.

If you want to cross this threshold, it may take decades, or even hundreds of years.

It is still unknown when the battle of luck will break out.

If you want to win, you must seize every opportunity to improve your strength as soon as possible.

Even if you get the seventh-order spiritual power stored by the big tree, you may not be able to break through the Mahayana realm.

By then, it will be in vain.

If this old tree can perform Dao and cultivate to the peak of God Transformation, it can improve a lot.

Before breaking through the Mahayana, there are still two major difficulties, the way of enlightenment and the way of entering the way.

To understand oneself is to truly understand oneself, to know what path one should take.

It seems very simple, in fact, most of the monks who are stuck at the peak of God Transformation cannot pass this level.

But some people do not have this difficulty at all. For example, the Wujian Daoist of Taiyi Jianzong, when he was in the realm of Zifu, has completely understood the way of his body.

When he cultivates to the peak of God Transformation, he can enter the Dao at any time.

After you understand the way of the body, you must use the power of the law to lead the way, and connect your own understanding of the law with the way of heaven.

If there is no expert guidance on this step, it will take at least a few hundred years.

After passing the stage of entering the Dao, you can use a trace of the power of heaven, and your strength will also increase by leaps and bounds.

At this time, it is necessary to deepen the understanding of Tao through the seventh-order spiritual objects.

The deeper the comprehension, the more the power of the Tao will be used.

After the power of Tao reaches a certain level, it will naturally break through the Mahayana realm.

In this process, there will be many obstacles, which can only be filled by the seventh-order spirits.

In the absence of spiritual objects, it is also possible to refine the seventh-order spiritual energy.

If you can complete the entry under the guidance of this old tree, your own strength may be able to confront the real early Mahayana cultivator head-on.

At that time, if you go to Canglong Ruins to look for a breakthrough opportunity, you will have a better grasp.

Thinking of this, Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "If that's the case, then I'll give you a chance.

If you can help us understand the power of the law, it's okay to let you go. "

The old man also breathed a sigh of relief: "I can still trust the words of a son of luck.

Since the little friend is willing to give me a way out, please put away the magical power.

I am the spirit of nature transformed by plants and trees, and I am most afraid of gold and fire.

With the ability acquired through hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, metallic things can still resist one or two.

But this fire attribute, I really can't help it. "

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand, and the red-golden flames wrapped around the ancient tree body all dissipated.

The flames in the Five Elements Sword Region are all integrated into the sword shadow.

Of course, he did not put away the sword shadow.

As long as the old tree wants to play any tricks, the five sword shadows will attack him with all their strength.

"Senior Tree, can you act now?"

Seeing that his vigilance was not over, Lao Shu smiled and said: "It seems that little friend still can't trust me, that's all, it won't delay my acting.

But I am the intellect born of grass and trees, and I only master the laws of grass and trees.

Little friend, you are a cultivator of the Five Spiritual Roots, so naturally you can also comprehend my laws.

But your Dao Companion is a fire attribute, so I am afraid you cannot directly understand my laws. "

Zhou Luan didn't care: "It doesn't matter, as long as Daoyuan can comprehend it."

The old man nodded: "In that case, little friend, please watch carefully."

After all, the old man's body disappeared, and a light curtain appeared in front of him.

In the light curtain, a seed appeared.

This seed fell in the crevice of the rock, and after being beaten by wind and rain, it even budded.

The old man's voice came again: "The law of the family of plants and trees is hidden in the process of germination, growth, flowering and fruiting, and withering of plants and trees.

Xiaoyou is the son of luck, and his talent is far better than that of ordinary monks.

If you think carefully, you will surely gain something. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded, comprehending the scene in the light curtain.

Strange to say, it was obviously just a normal seed sprouting.

Wang Daoyuan felt a strong vitality from it, which burst out.

As the saplings grew up, this strong vitality became stronger and stronger.

Soon, the saplings grew to the thickness of the mouth of a bowl.

The original rock was no longer able to hold the saplings and was split open.

The sapling grew into a tree more than 30 feet high, began to blossom and bear fruit, and gave birth to new life.

At this time, the vitality of the tree was also extremely strong.

This state has been maintained for a long time, and the tree has blossomed and fruited dozens of times.

After that, the vitality in the tree began to decline.

There are constant branches withering and the size of the canopy shrinking.

Eventually, the entire tree withered, and its vitality completely disappeared.

But near this big tree, countless small saplings have broken out of the ground and started a new cycle of life.

Wang Daoyuan closed his eyes and pondered, the breath of the whole body was completely restrained, like a corpse.

Then, a trace of vitality appeared in the body.

This vitality quickly became stronger, and after reaching the extreme, it began to go downhill again, and finally disappeared completely.

But Wang Daoyuan did not fully wake up, the vitality in the body reappeared, and then continued to increase, and then declined and disappeared again.

The figure of the old man reappeared, with his long beard in his hand, and with a smile on his face: "As expected of the son of luck, he actually realized the law of life.

If you enter the Dao in this way, I am afraid that you will be able to surpass the Aoki God Venerable back then. "

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