Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1229: keep me right

Remember [New] for a second,! At this moment, a green flame ignited on Wang Daoyuan's body.

At first there were only bean-sized flames, and as time passed, the flames became more and more vigorous.

In the end, Wang Daoyuan's whole body was wrapped in this flame.

Afterwards, the fire gradually weakened, turning into a bean-sized flame again, staying between his eyebrows.

The green flame at this time is similar to the life spirit fire in the spirit orb space, but there are also obvious differences.

It seems to be completely integrated with Wang Daoyuan, just like the spiritual fire that he derived from himself.

Wang Daoyuan opened his eyes and put the flame into his eyebrows.

Looking around, he fell into a state of enlightenment and did not use his spiritual power to maintain the sword shadow.

The sword shadows that were recruited before have all dissipated, and it seems that a long time has passed.

He sighed: "I sensed the law of life from the scene demonstrated by my predecessors.

But after that big tree withered and many new saplings emerged from the ground, I realized some recurring artistic conception.

I tried to deduce it further, but it was never successful. "

The old man stroked his beard and smiled: "Little friend is too greedy, life goes round and round, that is reincarnation.

There are many avenues in the Qianyuan world, and one avenue can derive many different laws.

I am afraid that no one can tell how many laws there are in the Qianyuan Realm.

But the law of reincarnation is one of the most difficult to understand.

You have not been able to comprehend even the simplest law of the Five Elements to the extreme right now, so forget about the law of reincarnation.

However, you have now entered the law of life.

He also has domain supernatural powers and has mastered the laws of space.

These two laws are extremely strong in a single law, and there is no need to covet the law of reincarnation. "

Wang Daoyuan asked, "What does the single law mean?"

"The so-called single law is a law derived from only one fundamental way.

Just like the law of life, it is derived from a single way of life.

The way of life is derived from the way of wood in the fundamental way.

The way of space that derives the laws of space is also the way of foundation.

The way of reincarnation is different. It is not the basic way, but is derived from a variety of basic ways.

You want to comprehend this complex Tao, and you have no spiritual powers related to it as an introduction.

Then you can only comprehend all the basic ways that derive this Dao, and then there is a glimmer of hope that you can successfully comprehend the Dao of Samsara.

Since ancient times, there have been many people who want to understand the way of reincarnation, but only the reincarnation master of the innate spiritual clan has succeeded.

The Lord of Reincarnation is a top spiritual clan as famous as Ying Long, but unfortunately he did not leave any heirs, so he has no name.

After his fall, his origin turned into the flame of the Nine Nether Samsara.

After that, no one could comprehend the way of reincarnation again. "

Wang Daoyuan was a little surprised, he had heard of Jiuyou Samsara Flame.

This spirit fire is one of the three major spirit fires in the Qianyuan world, and it has a wide spread.

Back then, when I was a little qi cultivator, I had seen the name Jiuyou Samsara Yan in some books with little level.

Unexpectedly, this Jiuyou Samsara flame came like this.

However, the foundation of his growth is the domain supernatural power.

Whether or not you can comprehend the law of reincarnation doesn't hurt.

As long as no one else can comprehend the Great Way of Reincarnation through this, then it can be assumed that it does not exist.

At this time, Wang Daoyuan once again sacrificed the fire of life and carefully sensed the changes.

He felt that the fire of life was very different from before, but he couldn't tell where the difference was.

Just when he was puzzled, the old man chuckled: "Don't think about it, this life fire has indeed changed.

Your life spirit fire is extremely extraordinary. It should be cultivated and used to save your life when some kind of high-level spirit plant is dying.

It's a pity that you only understood the law of the wood attribute before, and you can't really exert the power of the fire of life.

Now your understanding of the law of the wood attribute has reached a higher level, and you have also comprehended the law of life from it.

And the fire of life blends with the laws of life you have comprehended, and your ability to control it goes to a higher level.

Your five elements of spiritual fire are all from outside.

Refining foreign spirit fire can certainly enhance one's own strength.

But compared with the spiritual fire that he cultivated, it was a lot worse after all.

The spiritual fire of your Taoist companion is derived from your own blood. You should know how different the spiritual fire derived from yourself is from refining the foreign spiritual fire.

After you comprehend the law of life to the extreme, there is no difference between this spiritual fire of life and the spiritual fire derived from yourself.

The magic of it, you will naturally know when the time comes.

By the way, what happened to the high-level spiritual plant that derived this spiritual fire? "

After speaking, afraid of Wang Daoyuan's misunderstanding, he added: "As a high-level spiritual plant, it is difficult to see the same kind.

Now I got news of another high-level spiritual plant, and I am a little curious. "

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, that spiritual plant fell into a state of sleep after giving birth to the fire of life.

I made a mistake in the past, destroying its sleeping state.

The spiritual wood shattered directly, and the debris ignited flames.

Later, in this flame, another small sapling was born.

Up to now, the sapling is more than 20 feet tall and has produced three fruits. "

The old man breathed a sigh of relief: "Since more than 70,000 years ago, the spiritual energy of the Seven-Star Sea Cultivation World has been declining, and the high-level spiritual wood has become less and less.

The little friend was able to find a high-level spiritual plant and let it survive.

As the child of luck, it should be able to give birth to wisdom in the future.

In the future, I will have one more Taoist friend. "

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "That shouldn't be a problem, but I'm still a little worried about fellow Daoists staying here."

The old man chuckled lightly: "You've been thinking too much, the grass and trees will be bound near the main body.

Before becoming a true Eldar, there is no freedom at all.

If I can really move around, how can I stay in this place for more than 100,000 years?

Besides, I am the spirit of plants and trees, not the spirit of evil spirits, and I have no desire to kill.

Otherwise, the Minglong Organization doesn't even have a cultivator, how can I allow them to live until now?

If you stay here, I can still act in the future to help you break through to the peak of spiritual transformation as soon as possible.

I am still the core of this secret realm, and it takes a lot of effort to replace me.

There is no benefit in forcing me away, and there will be a huge price to pay.

There are only advantages and no disadvantages in leaving me here. "

An old tree that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, so low-key, Wang Daoyuan is really not easy to force too tight.

Also, there is some truth to what he said.

The law of life has already been introduced, but it will take at least several decades to reach the level of the peak of God Transformation.

With the help of this old tree, it can save a lot of time.

With his own strength and identity, the old tree did not dare to make trouble.

"Senior's words also make sense, then senior will stay here for the time being.

It's just the ugly words ahead, but don't hurt my subordinates.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "

The old man was relieved at this time: "You can rest assured, little friend, I have been concealed for many years.

The Divine Immortal Divine Venerable came to this place back then, but I couldn't see through the wisdom of my birth.

If the little friend sees through me, I will continue to hide it. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "That's good, you can continue to stay here.

By the way, I realized before, how long did it take? "

"It only took more than five months, the little friend has a deep foundation, and it didn't take much effort to understand this law."

Deity Transformation cultivator retreats, and it takes decades at every turn.

If you can have any insight, it is common to be in retreat for hundreds of years.

The understanding of the law has taken a higher level, and it has only taken more than five months, which is really nothing.

It took more than five months to realize the Tao in the secret realm.

Before, I gave orders to Ming Jiao through Jia Qi, and after half a year, I invited guests and friends to announce the establishment of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

All the god-transforming forces in the Seven Star Seas, as well as the Nascent Soul forces that are not weak, have all received invitations.

Now more than five months have passed, and the day is coming.

As the true ruler of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, it would be inappropriate if he did not come forward in person.

"I originally wanted to ask some questions about Qianyuan Continent, but there are still things to do now, so I can only talk about it later when I have time."

Afterwards, Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan left the secret realm together.

Xuanchen was waiting outside the secret realm, and when he saw Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan come out, he hurriedly saluted and said, "My subordinates, see the Lord.

Lord, you can figure it out.

The establishment of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is almost ready.

The forces on Yinyuan Island, as well as the small forces on Tianquan Island, have already sent people to visit.

Next, I am afraid that all major forces will send people.

If you don't show up, the president may not be able to control the scene. "

Wang Daoyuan nodded: "Understood, let's go to Yujing Lake."

The three left the underground space and returned to Yujing Lake in a flying boat.

At this time, the north bank of Yujing Lake was decorated with lanterns.

Adjacent to the lake shore is a huge plaza, all paved with some kind of white stone.

To the north of the square are the halls of the headquarters of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

The warship landed in front of the tallest hall, Wang Daoyuan and the other three got out of the warship and came to a small mountain behind the council hall.

There are many cave dwellings on this low mountain. Most of the monks with high status within the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce established cave dwellings here.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan were no exception. The clone, Jia Qi, arranged a very spacious cave for them.

Ten days later, it was the day when the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce was officially established.

The Baishi Square on the north bank of Jade Mirror Lake was already crowded with people at this moment.

On the high white stone platform in the middle, there are several seats.

Jia Qi sat high in the main seat, and there were already people seated in the next positions.

Among them, True Monarch Liefeng from Tianshu Sect, True Monarch Raging Flame from Tianji Palace, and True Monarch Qingzhu from Yuheng Sword Sect were all present.

As for the leaders of the Nascent Soul forces, they are not qualified to sit on the high platform.

Strong Nascent Soul forces like Tianhuo Sect and Seven Star Chamber of Commerce are qualified to have a table under the stage.

Others can only watch from the side like an audience.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan flew out of the cave and landed on the white stone high platform. The momentum of the two of them in the late stage of God Transformation did not restrain at all.

The monks on and off the stage all bowed and saluted: "I have seen Senior Wang and Senior Zhou."

In the Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation Realm, the late stage of the transformation of the gods is already the highest cultivation level.

Therefore, those who can cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation have a much higher status than the monks in the early and middle stages of God Transformation.

These people call Wang Daoyuan their predecessors, and it is only right.

Wang Daoyuan waved his hand: "You're welcome, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce was officially established today, thank you for coming to join us."

Before he finished speaking, a windbreaker fell from the Gangfeng layer and landed under the white stone high platform.

"Friend Wang Dao, we are late."

In the entire Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation World, only the literati monks who dare to call Wang Daoyuan a Taoist friend.

The two have been advancing and retreating together before, and the relationship is extraordinary.

In the two wars of Tianquan Island, the original monks in the late stage of God Transformation were completely damaged.

Wen Xuanhai was the only cultivator in the late stage of God Transformation besides Wang Daoyuan and his wife.

This time, it was Wen Xuanhai, the great elder of the Wen family, and Wen Chengtian, the current head of the Wen family.

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "The two fellow Daoists came at the right time, please take a seat."

On the high platform, the two seats next to you have been vacant.

Everyone knows who these two positions are reserved for.

Wen Xuanhai and Wen Xuanyan flew to the high platform together and sat down on these two seats.

Wang Daoyuan continued: "My Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce has just been established, and there are Wenjia, Yuheng Sword Sect, Tianji Palace and Tianshu Sect.

Here, Wang expresses his gratitude to the four forces. "

Wen Xuanhai immediately cheered: "What did Daoyou Wang say? On the Wanmo Islands, the magic cultivator has grown bigger.

The righteous forces in our Seven Star Seas have been fighting for years, and the monks have suffered heavy losses.

If there is no strong person to integrate the forces of the Seven Star Seas, they will fight the enemy together.

I'm afraid it won't take many years, the entire Seven-Star Sea Cultivation Realm will become the domain of magic cultivators. "

To get all forces to join willingly, there must always be a lofty goal that is justifiable.

Demon cultivators are the public enemy of all righteous monks, and I have heard about the Ten Thousand Demons Sect.

It is more appropriate to take this fool.

Qingzhu Zhenjun immediately said: "The so-called 'snake without a head can't do it', if you want to integrate forces, you must have a leader who can convince the public.

You are well aware of the strength of Senior Wang.

In terms of identity, Senior Wang is also a direct disciple of Sword Immortal.

It won't take many years to break through the Mahayana realm.

It is expected that you should be the leader. "

Others also agreed, and Wang Daoyuan was very satisfied.

Inviting everyone to come here this time is meant to establish the status of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

Wen Xuanhai and Zhenjun Qingzhu said everything they needed to say.

"Thanks to the praise of fellow Daoists, Wang will definitely lead the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce in the future to suppress the demon cultivators and defend the right path of our human race."

"Suppressing Demon Cultivators, UU Reading defends my righteous path!"

Everyone shouted in unison, and after a long time, the shouting stopped.

Wang Daoyuan then continued: "The chairman of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is temporarily managed by Jia Qi.

Judge, come and announce the appointment of the Chamber of Commerce. "

Jia Qi got up and said yes, then got up and walked to the center of the high platform, and said loudly: "Wen Jia Wencheng, Taoist friend, serves as the vice president of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce."

Wen Chengtian got up and saluted Jia Qi: "Wen family Wen Chengtian, I have met the president."

"Vice President Wen doesn't need to be polite, please take your seat."

After Wen Xuanhai took his seat, Jia Qi continued, "True Monarch Qingzhu of Yuheng Sword Sect, serves as the master of the Temple of Formation."

Qingzhu Zhenjun got up, bowed to Jia Qi and saluted: "Yuheng Jianzong Qingzhu, see the president."

This flattering look made everyone present frown.

The dignified cultivator is so humble, it is really unbearable.

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