Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1230: The origin of Kaiyangzong

Remember [New] for a second,! Facing the strange eyes from everyone, Zhenjun Qingzhu seemed indifferent.

He was born as a blood shark thief, and later, in order to save his life, he betrayed the blood shark thief and took refuge in the Jade Heng Sword Sect.

I have been despised and ostracized by others, and I no longer care about other people's eyes.

Jia Qi waved his hand: "The master of the Green Bamboo Palace is welcome, please take a seat."

He then announced, "True Monarch Flame Flame of Tianji Palace, serves as the deputy hall master of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce's Refining Hall."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience began to talk in a low voice.

"The strength of Tianji Palace and Yuheng Jianzong have always been similar.

There are still some minor conflicts between Yuheng Jianzong and the Wang family.

On the other side of Tianji Palace, the Wang family and the Wen family have always been on good terms, and there is no unpleasantness.

Why is the status of Yuheng Jianzong higher than that of Tianji Palace? "

"Who knows? I guess there is an exchange of interests behind it, as well as weighing the pros and cons."

At this time, an old man whispered: "You don't know this, right? Yuheng Sword Sect still has three spiritual monks left.

Among them, Qingzhu Zhenjun has a good talent.

I heard that he is only over a thousand years old, and he has a chance to cultivate to the late stage of God Transformation.

As for the Tianji Palace, there were only two god-turning monks left, and they were all not very talented, and barely broke through the god-turning realm.

Just like this True Monarch Raging Flame, he is not too young, it is estimated that he is over 3,000 years old, and he is only in the early stage of divine transformation.

Whether the Tianji Palace in the future can maintain the status of the power of the gods is still unknown, and naturally it cannot be compared with the bright future of the Jade Heng Sword Sect. "

The surrounding monks nodded secretly, this speculation is reasonable.

Naturally, their discussions could not be concealed from the cultivators.

It's just that the cultivators of the gods all pretended to be deaf and dumb, as if they didn't hear.

It is True Monarch Raging Flames, and his heart is not a taste.

The talents of Tianji Palace are withering, and he is not easy to be the suzerain.

Get up and salute: "The flames of Tianji Palace, see the president."

After Jia Qi invited him to be seated, he said again: "Tianshu Zong Zhenjun Lifeng is the chairman of the Tianquan Island Branch of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce."

There was no discussion about this arrangement.

After the battle of Tianquan Island, Wang Daoyuan and the other four went to Tianshu Island to force Tianshu Sect to surrender.

Such a big thing, any force with a bit of intelligence means can clearly understand it.

The forces that are beaten at the door and forced to surrender are naturally treated differently from the forces that take the initiative to take refuge in.

Although True Monarch Lie Feng couldn't hold his face, he could only stand up and salute.

After he was seated, Jia Qi continued: "Xingming Pavilion Xuanchen, temporarily serving as the chief steward of Shennong Hall."

Xuan Chen is just a Yuan Ying cultivator now, so naturally he is not qualified to stay on stage.

At this moment, when I heard that Jia Qi named him a chief steward, he flew to the high platform and bowed and said: "Xingming Pavilion Xuanchen, see the president."

At this time, there was a lot of discussion in the audience again.

"What kind of power is this Xingming Pavilion? I know all about the Nascent Soul power that has a name in the Seven Star Seas.

This Xingming Pavilion can have a peak Nascent Soul cultivator. It must not be a newly established force. Why have I never heard of it? "

A middle-aged cultivator smiled and said, "Your Tianhuo Sect has been in the southern waters, and it's normal that you haven't heard of Xingming Pavilion.

This Xing Ming Pavilion is on Lone Star Island next to Sunset Abyss, and it usually does intelligence business.

In the Xing Ming Pavilion, only Xuan Chen, a Nascent Soul cultivator, showed up.

Some people speculate that there is a large force behind him, but there has been no evidence.

Now that he is a Nascent Soul cultivator, he can actually serve as the chief steward of Shennong Hall. It seems that the power behind him is not small. "

Everyone nodded secretly, Shennong Temple is the institution in charge of Lingzhi.

A force to develop industries, mainly mining and planting spiritual plants.

Shennong Temple is responsible for spiritual planting, and this power is definitely not small.

Moreover, at present, Shennong Hall has not appointed the hall master and deputy hall master.

Although the chief steward sounded low in status, he was able to exercise the power of the palace master at this time.

To be able to win an acting palace master, the position of the forces behind him is comparable to the three major sects such as the Tianji Palace.

So far, among the forces under the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, those who can see the light have already made arrangements.

On Zhenhaizong's side, it's better to hide it temporarily.

One is to avoid the dissatisfaction of the three sects including Yuheng Jianzong, and the other is to worry that the Ten Thousand Demons Sect will take action.

Once the news of Zhenhaizong joining the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce spreads, I am afraid that the Wanmo Church will strike first and destroy Zhenhaizong.

The Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce has just been established, and there is still a big gap to fully integrate the forces in the Seven Star Seas.

If you want to mobilize your own power and go on an expedition to the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, it is a fool's dream.

If Wan Mo Sect has any big moves now, it will be difficult to play any role here.

As for the information hall, it is better to keep the information secret.

Afterwards, Judge issued tokens and seals to the monks whose names were mentioned earlier.

After the completion, Jia Qi continued: "Today, my Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce was officially established, thanks to the support of my colleagues.

However, there are many vacancies within the chamber of commerce, and all kinds of talents are urgently needed.

Starting today, my Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is recruiting talents.

Whether it is a sect cultivator or a sectarian cultivator, as long as you are willing to join, my Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce will only apply. "

Hearing this, the cultivator off the field discussed again.

An elderly cultivator asked the middle-aged cultivator beside him, "Fellow Daoist Qi, your Yin Yuan Sect has long since taken refuge with the Wang and Wen families.

Now that Wenjia is recruiting talents, you should have heard the wind, right? "

The cultivator surnamed Qi smiled and said, "My Yin Yuan Sect is just a small Nascent Soul force, the Wang family and the Wen family are both the strongest god-turning forces at present.

Will they let us know what their plans are?

However, Yinyuan Island, where my Yinyuan Sect is located, has been in charge of the two families for many years. The two families have never oppressed us, and there are not many tributes every year.

Even if the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce does not openly recruit talents, our Yinyuan Sect will send the Yuanying monks in the door to join the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

With the strongest person in the Seven Star Seas as a backer, where can this benefit be found? "

Everyone was very moved when they heard it.

Joining the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce at this time is to have a relationship with Wang Daoyuan.

In the future, when the sect is in trouble, his own disciples serve in the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, and they can ask the Chamber of Commerce to rescue them.

Wang Daoyuan on the high platform was very pleasing to the eyes of this hidden Yuanzong cultivator.

Although there is no entrustment arranged here, this guy took the initiative to be the entruster, and he did it well.

In the future, the monks of Yinyuanzong will join the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce and must take good care of them.

The chatter of the crowd gradually ceased, and Jia Qicai said, "Daoists have come from afar, and I, Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, can't be too negligent.

A banquet has been set up in the auditorium, and all fellow Daoists are invited to the banquet. "

Afterwards, more than ten cultivators of Nascent Soul came off the stage, leading them to the north side of Baishi Square, in an extremely wide hall.

This is the hall where Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce entertains guests and holds ceremonies.

At this time, there were more than 200 low tables in the spacious auditorium.

Beautiful dishes are placed on every table.

While the raw materials for most dishes are not precious, there are a few hard dishes.

A group of Yuanying monks were entertained by Jia Qi and Xuan Chen, and they ate and drank in this auditorium.

Wang Daoyuan and Zhou Luan brought a group of cultivators to a smaller hall behind the auditorium.

There are more than ten low tables here, and the dishes are naturally much more precious.

Even the drinks are made from minced fruits.

After everyone was seated, Wang Daoyuan and Wen Chengtian entertained everyone together.

After eating and drinking, Wen Xuanhai stood up and said, "Young Daoist Wang, he is now the vice president all day long, and he wants to stay on Tianquan Island to assist Daoyou Jia in handling affairs.

I still need to handle the affairs of the Wen family.

Don't bother here anymore, farewell. "

Wang Daoyuan also got up and said, "Since Xuan Iceland has something important to deal with, I won't leave Daoist friends."

Subsequently, other monks also proposed to leave.

On the contrary, the Jade Pill God Monarch of the Shendan Sect and the Jinyang True Monarch of the Kaiyang Sect continued to sit in their original positions without expressing anything.

After Wang Daoyuan sent away the other monks, he returned to the apse of the auditorium.

At this time, Yudan Shenjun cupped his hands and said: "Senior Wang, Senior Wen also came to my Shendan Sect before and persuaded us to join the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

At that time, the senior officials of the Zong Nei had different opinions and did not make a decision.

Now we have made a decision, the younger generation is willing to join the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce and listen to the dispatch of the predecessors. "

The Jade Pill God Monarch was in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, and the seven-star sea area battled in succession.

He is the only middle-stage cultivator of the God Transformation, other than the Wang family and the Wen family in the Seven Star Seas.

Moreover, the alchemy level of Shendan Sect is indeed not low.

If you can pull Shendanzong into the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, the level of medicine pills of the Chamber of Commerce will be able to reach a big level in the future.

Wang Daoyuan stood up and cupped his hands and said, "With the participation of Daoist Jade Pill, there is no need to worry about the medicinal pills of the Chamber of Commerce in the future.

At present, there is no one to manage the medicine hall of the chamber of commerce, so how about a fellow Taoist serving as the deputy hall master of the medicine hall? "

A middle-stage cultivator of God Transformation, and an alchemy master who ranks first in the entire Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation Realm.

If you don't give the position of the hall master and the deputy hall master, it is really not suitable.

However, Qingzhu Zhenjun took out the Qingming Zhenshui and the inheritance of the Five Elements Sword Domain, and only exchanged for a palace master position.

True Monarch Yudan did not pay any price, and directly gave him the position of the Palace Master, and True Monarch Qingzhu would inevitably have opinions.

Considering various aspects, it is best to give a deputy hall master.

Yudan Shenjun also had a happy face: "Thank you for your generous gift, my subordinates are willing to serve as the deputy hall master of the Medicine Hall."

Wang Daoyuan took out a token: "This is the token of the Hall Master of the Medicine Hall, you should keep it first.

Stamps and the like, Judge will fill it up for you. "

Yudan Shenjun accepted the token and returned to his seat.

At this moment, True Monarch Jinyang of Kaiyang Sect stood up.

"Dare to ask Senior Wang, what is the current situation of the Divine Refinement Sect?"

Wang Daoyuan was stunned for a moment, the matter of Shenlianzong was a top secret, and even the Wen family did not dare to inquire about it casually.

Kaiyangzong came from a business background, so he should be proficient in the world, and should not inquire about secrets like this.

Seeing that Wang Daoyuan's face was wrong, Jinyang Zhenjun quickly explained: "Senior Wang, please listen to the explanation of the junior.

Kaiyang Sect's founder, Kaiyang Shenjun, was originally an outer disciple of Shenlian Sect.

His cultivation talent is average, and he is not valued by the sect. He just manages a shop on Kaiyang Island.

Later, a beast tide broke out in the entire Seven Star Seas.

The ancestor was lucky enough to survive the beast tide, but lost contact with the mountain gate of Shenlianzong.

The patriarch was loyal to the Shenlian Sect and wanted to restore the former glory of the Shenlian sect.

But his strength is not good, and he has not received the brilliant inheritance of Shenlianzong.

It can only hide his identity and run a shop in Kaiyangzong.

Patriarch has an excellent talent for doing business and has accumulated a lot of resources.

Later, he used the accumulated resources to start a sect and established Kaiyang Sect.

Because of the foundation left by the master, the younger disciples also take commerce as the foundation of their sect.

After several generations of management, the current Kaiyang Sect was born. "

After that, he also took out a copper token: "This is the token of the ancestor's Divine Refinement Sect disciple, please take a look at it."

Wang Daoyuan took the token and looked at it carefully.

In his hand, he has the Vice Sect Master token given by the Lord of the Stars. This token has many similarities in shape with the Vice Sect Master token.

Moreover, the refining methods of the two tokens are obviously the same.

It's just that the material and refining method of this bronze medal are much worse than the vice sect master token.

It is certain that this is the token of the disciples of the Divine Refinement Sect.

"It is indeed the token of the Divine Refinement Sect, and the current situation of the Divine Refinement Sect is not very good.

When he was attacked by monsters that year, his disciples were killed and injured.

Even the Sect Master, Star Chasing Divine Sovereign, was not spared.

The body has long since died, and the soul has been severely damaged, and it has not fully recovered until now.

However, I gave him some treasures to restore his soul before.

In a few decades, it should be able to recover.

Vice Sect Master Han Xing Shenjun, the situation is much better.

He was seriously injured by a monster that year, and he was caught up in the calamity of the three declines, but he was not able to survive.

However, his soul is still intact.

The flesh turns into a corpse puppet, and the primordial spirit turns into a ghost repair.

He is stronger than me. If he makes a move, the old ghost of Kaishan will not be able to pick up a few tricks from him. "

Jinyang Zhenjun nodded: "That's good, at last the Heaven's Endless Divine Refinement Sect.

The patriarch knows that under Quanxia, ​​and it is time to rest his eyes.

Senior Wang, regarding the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, this junior has some suggestions. "

Wang Daoyuan said with a smile: "The Kaiyang Sect is known for being good at business. If you have any suggestions from fellow Daoist Jinyang, feel free to say it."

Jinyang Zhenjun bowed his hands: "Senior established the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce and brought all the major forces under the Chamber of Commerce, of course, it can unite all the forces.

But in the current situation, the main force of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is the forces that joined the Chamber of Commerce.

Strong branches and weak branches are not a long-term solution.

Each faction has its own small abacus, and it is difficult for the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce to be tied together. UU reading

The seniors were fine in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm, and each family did not dare to make any changes.

But after all, you are the direct disciple of Sword Immortal, so it is impossible to stay in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation Realm all the time.

If you leave the Seven Star Seas in the future, I am afraid that no one can suppress these forces.

The younger generation thought that in addition to reusing these forces, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce would also cultivate its own forces.

There are many islands in the Seven Star Seas, even if there are islands with business opportunities, there are thousands.

Opening stores on these islands can not only bring huge profits to the Chamber of Commerce, but also cultivate power. "

This way, Wang Daoyuan naturally also thought of it, and he did everything possible to subdue the Minglong Organization, just to receive the intelligence network and many shops.

"I also know that I should cultivate my own power, but the foundation of the Wang family is too shallow and it will take a long time to develop.

If thousands of islands are suitable for business, if they all set up shops, the cost is a huge expense.

Each shop also needs to have monks in charge, and it is difficult to gather so many people in a short period of time. "

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