Northern Abyss Immortal Clan

Chapter 1231: Old tree secret

Remember [New] for a second,! Wang Daoyuan has also traveled to many islands, such as Qizhen Island, if you open a shop, at least late Nascent Soul and peak monks should be guarded.

Small islands like Monster Hunting Island also need to be guarded by several cultivators at the peak of Jindan.

Most of the Yuanying Jindan cultivators that can be mobilized in their own hands are organized by Minglong.

The main goal of the Minglong Organization is to engage in intelligence.

Most of the monks' energy is also put on the newspaper.

It is very difficult to draw out a large number of monks to guard various stores.

Jinyang Zhenjun cupped his hands and said: "Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce is just established, and there may be insufficient manpower.

The younger generation has an idea that can solve the problem of the shortage of manpower in Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce. "

Wang Daoyuan was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "What's the trick, please also ask Daoist Jinyang to come quickly."

Jinyang Zhenjun continued, "Although my Kaiyang Sect has a very general heritage, I don't have many masters.

But when it comes to doing business, there is no other force in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation World that can compare with my Kaiyang Sect.

From the Lone Star Island in the north to the middle of the Ten Thousand Demons Islands in the south, there are my Yangzong shops everywhere.

The Nascent Soul monks in these shops add up to more than two hundred.

The Jindan cultivators add up to tens of thousands.

Today, I, Kaiyang Sect, is willing to join the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce. In the future, the store of Yangzong will be the shop of Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

The tens of thousands of disciples of the Kaiyang Sect were also members of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

In addition to these shops, the number of flying boats and warships of my Kaiyang Sect is also second to none in the Seven Star Sea Cultivation World.

Within two months, any goods can be shipped to any place in the Seven Star Sea Xiuxianjie.

In the future, if I want to do something to the Ten Thousand Demons Islands, the family background of my Kaiyang Sect can also play a huge role. "

Kaiyang Sect established its sect by doing business, and the number of stores, the number of monks, and the transportation capacity could never be weak.

Wang Daoyuan also thought about annexing Kaiyangzong, but Kaiyangzong has always been a tortoise, and no one dared to provoke it.

If they did not make mistakes, they rashly took action against them, and the banner of justice against the demon cultivators would not be able to stand.

Without a legitimate reason, only relying on force to subdue all forces will inevitably repeat the mistakes of the Yulingzong in the future.

Therefore, although Wang Daoyuan coveted Kaiyangzong's family, he never dared to do it easily.

He never dreamed that the Kaiyang Sect would turn to the sect to take refuge.

Wang Daoyuan can't be too embarrassed: "I established the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce to integrate the power of the Seven Star Seas and jointly resist the magic cultivator, and it has no intention of stealing people's industries.

If fellow Daoist Jinyang encounters any trouble, Wang will definitely try his best to help without giving up his ancestral inheritance. "

Jinyang Zhenjun cupped his hands and said, "Senior is joking, my Kaiyang Sect has always been kind to others.

Apart from joining the Seven Star Alliance to deal with the blood shark thieves together, he has never provoked other forces, and has never had any enemies.

I just learned that the senior has a close relationship with the Shenlianzong, and both the god-refining gourd and the forging fairy cauldron have become the senior's magic tools, and the suzerain and deputy suzerain also support you.

The Kaiyang Sect joined the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce at this time, and it was considered a return to the Divine Refinement Sect.

The junior has made up his mind, and the senior is also invited to accept it. "

What is the purpose of this Jinyang Zhenjun, Wang Daoyuan can't think clearly for a while.

However, the benefits of delivering to your door are nothing to eat.

He is not worried about any conspiracy behind it, any conspiracy needs strength as the support.

His current strength is basically unmatched below Mahayana.

Kaiyang Sect may have hidden a lot of strength, but it is impossible to threaten its own safety.

Even if he leaves in the future, he will leave enough behind.

What other people have ideas, also don't want to turn the big waves.

Kaiyangzong joined the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, which is of great benefit to the development of the Chamber of Commerce.

It's just that the position of Jinyang Zhenjun is not easy to arrange.

In terms of contribution alone, it is not an exaggeration to give a vice president.

However, Kaiyang Sect was a latecomer after all, and it was a little difficult to convince the public that he finally took refuge in a vice-chairman position.

If you only give it to one hall master, it will not be worthy of the contribution of Kaiyang Sect, which will make people feel cold.

After thinking for a long time, Wang Daoyuan smiled and said: "Since Daoist Jinyang is willing to join the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, I can't treat Daoist badly.

The Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce was going to set up a trade hall and a transportation hall. The Kaiyang Sect established its sect with trade and commerce, and there were a large number of transportation boats.

The positions of the hall masters of these two halls were all handed over to fellow Daoists. "

After that, he took out two purple jade tokens: "This is the hall master token of the Trade Hall and the Transport Hall, and Jia Qi will give you a seal later.

It is enough to discuss with Jia Qi about accepting Kaiyangzong's stores and industries. "

The joy on Jinyang Zhenjun's face could not be restrained, he hurriedly stepped forward and took the letter.

It can be seen that he is also overjoyed to be the two hall masters.

"Thank you for the seniors, the juniors will do their best to manage the affairs of the Commerce and Trade Hall and the Transportation Hall."

Seeing this situation, the Jade Pill God Monarch of Shendan Sect was also somewhat envious.

At the same time serving as the two hall masters, this position is second only to the president and vice president.

Even in terms of real power, he is stronger than the vice president.

In the current Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, it ranks third in position and second in real power.

But when he thought that the positions of these two palace masters were obtained by dedicating his own inheritance, he felt a little reluctant.

In his own sect, he speaks his mind.

But in the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, no matter how high the position is, it cannot be higher than the chairman.

Afterwards, Jinyang Zhenjun and Yudan Shenjun left the apse together and went to Jia Qi to ask for a letter.

After receiving the seal, the two left Tianquan Island, each returned to their own mountain gate, and handed over the affairs of the gate.

After all, he will be stationed on Tianquan Island in the future, and the affairs of the sect will also be handed over to other disciples.

The relationship between Kaiyang Sect and Shendan Sect has always been good, and it can be said that they are advancing and retreating together.

After the two took the same flying boat, away from Tianquan Island, Yudan Shenjun asked: "Jinyang Daoyou, Kaiyang Sect's tens of thousands of years of foundation, spiritual stones and various treasures may be more than Tianshu Sect. .

Is it really worth it to hand over the belongings for the positions of the two palace masters? "

Jinyang Zhenjun let out a long sigh: "I want to be like you, take a post in the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, and continue to be at the helm in my own sect.

But my Kaiyang Sect doesn't have this condition, the alchemy is far inferior to your Shendan Sect, the refining is far inferior to the Tianji Palace, and the formation method is incomparable with the Yuheng Sword Sect and other three sects.

Kaiyangzong has accumulated so much wealth by doing business.

But now the Wang family established the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, and also brought the Wen family and Sanzong in.

Those Nascent Soul forces are also rushing to join the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

I dare to assert that within a hundred years, the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce will be able to monopolize all commerce and trade in the entire Qixinghai Immortal Cultivation World.

At that time, how should my Kaiyang Sect deal with myself? "

Yudan Shenjun suddenly realized: "Yeah, after the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce becomes bigger, Kaiyang Sect is the biggest competitor.

Although Kaiyang Sect has many shops, it is far inferior to the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce in terms of cultivators.

In the event of a conflict, Kaiyang Sect would be in danger of being destroyed. "

True Monarch Jinyang smiled bitterly and said, "I just saw this and made plans earlier.

The strength of Kaiyang Sect is low, and apart from your Shendan Sect, there are no forces that have a good relationship.

Facing the behemoth of the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce, he was powerless to resist.

Instead of being cleaned up at that time, it is better to sell the foundation of Kaiyang Sect now.

The Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce has just been established. Joining now is a real help, and it can sell for a good price. "

The Jade Core Divine Sovereign awe-inspiringly said, "Fellow Daoist Jinyang has far-sighted vision, and it is beyond the reach of me!

If I were the sect master of Kaiyang Sect, I am afraid that the only way to go is to completely rely on the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce.

The sooner you get involved, the more benefits you get. "

"Yeah, we won't be at a disadvantage if we take refuge in Senior Wang.

He is a direct disciple of Sword Immortal, and he is called a brother-in-law with the Divine Lord Zhuxing and the Divine Lord Hanxing.

With a strong personal talent, I am afraid that the entire Seven-Star Sea Immortal Cultivation World will hardly be able to match him.

Coupled with the cultivation of Sword Immortals, his future achievements are not limited to the Mahayana realm.

Now relying on him, in the future, he may be able to take advantage of Senior Wang's potential to further his cultivation and become a Mahayana monk with unlimited lifespan. "

Yudan Shenjun sighed: "If I really have this opportunity in the future, I am afraid that Jinyang Fellow Daoist will be ahead of me.

I don't have the courage of a fellow Taoist, and I can't bear the tens of thousands of years of foundation of Shendan Sect, so I can't take this opportunity. "

"If I had another choice, I would be reluctant to give up the sect.

At this point, a choice has to be made. "

On the north bank of Jade Mirror Lake on Tianquan Island, after Wang Daoyuan sent away all the cultivators, he and Zhou Luan left the Wanchuan Chamber of Commerce headquarters and came to the secret realm of Jinghu Lake again.

As soon as the two came in, the old tree showed his figure: "I haven't done anything since you left for the past few days."

Wang Daoyuan smiled and said, "Senior, don't panic, I'm not here to trouble you this time.

Everything outside has been dealt with almost, and it is useless to continue to stay outside.

The last time I saw you perform, senior, saved me decades of hard work.

Therefore, this time, I want to continue to ask you about the Law of Wood Attributes and the Law of Life, and by the way, I want to ask about things on the Qianyuan Continent. "

The old tree breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, anyway, it doesn't take much effort to act, as long as you don't drive me away."

"Senior, I heard that there is already a realm above Earth Immortal on Qianyuan Continent. Do you know this?"

The old man shook his head: "I have stayed here for nearly 300,000 years, and I have long been unclear about what happened in Qianyuan Continent.

As for the realm above the Earth Immortal, I really heard some things.

As early as more than 300,000 years ago, when I was still in the southeastern border of Qianyuan Continent, I heard that someone was exploring the realm above the Earth Immortal.

In fact, the realm above the earth immortal exists in the fairyland, which is called the real fairyland.

The Mahayana enlightened the Tao, the earth immortals joined the Tao, and the true immortals were the masters of one path.

Qianyuan Realm has the ascension channel to ascend to Immortal Realm, and Immortal Realm can restrict Qianyuan Realm through the ascension passage.

After the cultivator breaks through the realm of Earth Immortal, he will be affected by the Immortal Realm.

The higher the cultivation base, the greater the impact.

Most cultivators will choose to ascend to the Immortal Realm and pursue the Earth Immortal Realm soon after breaking through the Earth Immortal Realm.

Later, the battle between the fairyland and the demons became more and more fierce.

The Earth Immortal who ascended from the subordinate world of the Immortal Realm became the scapegoat for the war between the two sides.

Therefore, more and more Earth Immortals are unwilling to soar.

You can continue to improve your cultivation in the Qianyuan Realm, and you will be more and more influenced by the Immortal Realm, and sooner or later, you will be forced to soar.

The Qianyuan Realm is too low-level, and the highest-ranked spiritual vein, Zulong Mountain, is barely at the eighth level.

If you want to breed a true immortal, I am afraid that you are not able to.

The idea of ​​cultivating true fairyland monks in the Qianyuan world is nothing to do with it.

Unexpectedly, now it has succeeded. "

Wang Daoyuan secretly rejoiced in his heart, this old antique that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years knows a lot of secrets.

I have never heard of the immortal world affecting the Qianyuan world through the ascension channel.

Even in the ancient books of the Valley of the Beasts and the Divine Refinement Sect, there is no such record.

"Now that the real fairyland monks can appear in the Qianyuan world, it is probably because the ascension channel was destroyed more than 70,000 years ago."

Hearing this, the old man was shocked.

After a long time, he came back to his senses: "The ascension channel is created by heaven and earth, and it is extremely solid, who can destroy it?

Back then, those Earth Immortals who didn't want to ascend tried to destroy the Ascension Channel.

But under the combined force of five or six, the ascension channel was not damaged in the slightest, but it caused the alertness of the fairy world.

There was turmoil in the ascension passage, and three Earth Immortals were forced to ascend on the spot. "

When I heard that Master's sword spread to the ascension channel, I still didn't take it seriously.

After all, Jue Tianyuan is about to divide the entire Qianyuan Realm in half, so do you still care about an ascension channel?

Now it seems that it is a little strange for the master to destroy the ascension channel.

"After the ascension channel is destroyed, what will happen?"

The old man thought for a long time before saying: "I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I just heard that the small world attached to Qianyuan Realm has been destroyed.

Qianyuanjie has completely lost control of that small world. As for the situation of that small world, it is hard to say.

If there is any adventure, it may continue to grow and become a world of higher quality.

Of course, it is more likely that the spiritual energy will be exhausted and become a world that cannot be cultivated at all.

As for the Qianyuan Realm, as a subordinate world of the Immortal Realm, the existence of the innate spiritual clan has been nurtured, and the spiritual energy should not be exhausted because of this.

But getting rid of the constraints of the immortal world is a sure thing.

The Qianyuan Realm has a profound background and should be able to continue to grow.

It's hard to say how far it can grow.

If there is a chance, maybe it will become an existence comparable to the immortal world.

The destruction of the ascension channel is still beneficial to our Qianyuan Realm.

At least, those Earth Immortals no longer have to worry about being forced to ascend and go to the Immortal Realm to be a dead ghost. "

Wang Daoyuan had some guesses in his heart. The sword cut out by the master was not aimed at the ascension channel.

No matter how strong that sword is, the aftermath will not destroy the ascension channel.

It seems that there are many secrets behind this matter.

"Will there be any trouble in the ascension passage?"

"Of course there will be trouble, the ascension channel can also deliver the immortal energy of the immortal world to the Qianyuan world.

Moreover, it is also a channel of communication with the fairy world.

Among the high-level inheritance, many of them were passed down from the fairy world.

Without the ascension channel, there is no way to obtain the immortal energy of the immortal world and the inheritance of the immortal world.

The most important point is that once the Qianyuan Realm is invaded by the Immortal Realm will not be able to help. "

Wang Daoyuan breathed a sigh of relief: "Then it's no big deal, now that the real immortals can appear on Qianyuan Continent, it means that the immortal energy and the inheritance of the immortal world have little impact.

As for the invasion of the demons, when the demons invaded more than 70,000 years ago, they did not see any help from the fairy world.

It's still up to our local monks in the Qianyuan Realm to take their lives and consume the demons to death. "

The old man glanced at him with some contempt: "What do you know, I also heard about the invasion of the demons more than 70,000 years ago.

It was just a wandering army of the Demon Race. The one with the highest cultivation base was the Demon God, and none of the true Demons appeared, let alone the strongest Heavenly Demon.

Qianyuan Realm is one of the strongest subordinate worlds in the Immortal Realm. If there is a real devil invading that year, the Immortal Realm will also send a real immortal to save the field.

The reason why no one was sent to help was because the local forces in the Qianyuan Realm were enough to deal with the demon gods.

Now that the ascension channel is gone, the demons invaded again, and the immortal world cannot get news in time.

If the real devil or even the demons take action, and the fairy world can't help, what will happen in the Qianyuan world? "

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